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Linear graph theory used for pipe network analysis is to make the method systematic

A numerical method that uses linear graph theory is presented for the steady-state analysis of flow and pressure in a pipe network including its hydraulic components (pumps, valves, junctions, etc.)

The linear theory method is another looped network analysis method presented by Wood and Charles (1972)

The entire network is analyses altogether like the Newton-Raphson (NR) method

The NR method requires a good initial vector for fast convergence, whereas the LTM oscillates near the true solution (Nielsen 1989)

Pipe network analysis methods consist mainly of

a constitutive relation;

the formulation of system equations; and

a solution algorithm

Formulation of the model uses either the loop or node

equations, or a combination of the two

This method is applied in practice to

Pipe discharge equations i.e. Q equation The nodal head equations i.e. H equation

Pipe Discharge Equations

They are taken as the basic unknown in formulating the Q equations

The application of the LTM for the solution of these

equations is described for different situation as

Networks with known pipe resistances Networks with unknown pipe resistances Networks with pumps Networks with valves

Networks With Known Pipes Resistances

The nonlinear loop-head loss equation are as n-1)Q = 0, c = 1,., C ( | Q | (A) t x x Where, = known resistance constant of pipe x th tQx = assumed discharge in pipe x for the t iteration Qx = the unknown parameter
Equation (1) in linear form becomes t Qx = 0, c = 1,., C


th iteration & is = modified resistance constant of pipe x for t t

given by
n-1 = | Q | t t x


For first iteration tQx taken as Unity, we have


= , x = 1, , X


Eq. (1) modified to

Qx = 0, c = 1,., C


The simultaneous solution of the linear node-flow continuity

equation and the linearized loop-head loss Eq. (5) would give
the pipe discharges at the end of the first iteration i.e. Qx(1), x = 1,, X

From the second iteration onwards the value of Qx

should be taken as the square root of the product of the

assumed and obtained values of Qx in the previous

iteration. Thus
0.5, t = 2,3,. Q | Q x Q | t x = (t-1) x x (t-1)


The Qx values obtained from the first iteration are taken as the assumed values for the second iteration for evaluating 2


= Qx(1), x = 1,, X


If this procedure of taking the obtained values of the previous iteration as the assumed values for the next

iteration is continued further, it is observed that the Qx

values start oscillating

To prevent oscillations ,the avg. of the obtained Qx values in the previous two iterations should be taken as the assumed

value for the next iteration. Thus, from the third iteration
onwards, (H)

Instead of taking the average of the obtained values in the previous two iterations, taking the average of the assumed and obtained values in the previous iteration. Therefore,


Example 1
Solve example by linear theory method based on Q equations Solution: in the given network of fig.1, the node-flow continuity linear relationships for nodes 3,,6 give respectively

Fig.1 Two-source, four-demand-node looped network

From the two basic loop I and II and the pseudo loop III, we have, respectively,

For the first iteration, 1Q1 = .. = 1Q7 = 1 and therefore Eqs. (5),.(7) becomes respectively,

Solving Eqs. (1),, (4) and (8),, (10) simultaneously, we get

Q1(1) = 0.16 m3/s Q2(1) = 0.37 m3/s

Q3(1) = - 0.14 m3/s

Q4(1) = 0.08 m3/s Q5(1) = 0.25 m3/s

Q6(1) = 0.25 m3/s

Q7(1) = 0.15 m3/s These values are used as 2Qx values to calculate 2Rx values for the second iteration. Thus, 2R1 = 40(0.16)0.85 = 8.42 and 2R2 = 20(0.37)0.85 = 8.59 Similarly, 2R3 = 10|-0.14|0.85 = 1.88 and so on.

Thus, linearized form Eqs. (5),, (7) for the second iteration becomes

Solving Eqs. (1),, (4) and (11),, (13) simultaneously, we get

Q1(2) = 0.5402 m3/s Q2(2) = 0.5464 m3/s

Q3(2) = 0.2402 m3/s

Q4(2) = - 0.0872 m3/s Q5(2) = 0.2593 m3/s Q6(2) = 0.2407 m3/s Q7(2) = 0.1407 m3/s

For the third iteration the average of the obtained values in the previous two iterations, i.e. iteration 1 and 2, are taken Thus,
3Q 1

= [Q1(1) + Q1(2)]/2 = (0.16 + 0.5402)/2 = 0.3501 m3/s and so on.

The iterative procedure is continued and the first five iteration are shown in Table 1 Ex.1 The final solution with an accuracy of 0.0001 m3/s in pipe discharge, is obtained in 14 iteration as Q1 = 0.3246 m3/s

Q2 = 0.4715 m3/s
Q3 = 0.0246 m3/s Q4 = - 0.0219 m3/s

Q5 = 0.2496 m3/s
Q6 = 0.2504 m3/s Q7 = 0.1504m3/s

The first five iteration in the alternative procedure of taking the average of the assumed and obtained values in the previous iteration [Eq. (I)], from third iteration onwards are

shown in Table 2 Ex.1. This procedure requires six iterations

to obtain the final solution.

From the two tables it can be observed that for any iteration, the average of the assumed and obtained values in the previous two iteration is closer to the final value than the average of the obtained values in the previous two iterations. Thus, the convergence is faster in Table 2 than in Table 1

Table 1 Example 1 First five iteration using Eq. (H)

Table 2 Example 1 First five iteration using Eq. (I)

Networks With Unknown Pipes Resistances

When Q-R equation are formulated and solved, the number of the unknowns is X + XUR and the approach is implicit

When Q equation are formulated and solved, the number of the unknowns is X and the approach is explicit

In the loop-head loss equation for the implicit approach, the terms indicating

the head loss through pipes of known resistance are linearized for pipe
discharge and those indicating head loss through pipes of unknown resistance are linearized for pipe resistances

t t

= (

n-1) Q t x


(linearized for basic unknown Qx) (linearized for basic unknown )

(J) (K)

= (tQxn)

In the implicitly approach, the unknown pipe resistances are evaluated along with the unknown pipe discharge for each iteration

When a pipe with unknown resistances is internal, it appears in

more than one loop-head loss equation in the formulated Q-R equations and therefore the unknown resistances evaluated implicitly

If a pipe with unknown resistance is external, the unknown resistance appears in only one equation. Therefore this equation can be set aside, and the unknown resistance can be evaluated in the end

In the explicitly approach, the pipes with unknown resistances are

externalized and only Q equations are formulated and solved. The unknown resistances are evaluated in the end

Example 2
Solve by the linear theory method based on pipe discharge equations using the implicit and explicit approach

Implicit Approach

The network of fig. 2, has six pipes of which pipe 4 has

an unknown resistance. Thus, the number of unknowns for Q-R equations is seven

Fig.2 Network with unknown pipe resistance

The seven Q-R equations are

For the first iteration, 1Q1 = .= 1Q6 = 1. The term R4Q42 is linearized for R4. Therefore, taking 1Q4 = 1, R4Q42 becomes R4 for the first iteration. Thus, Eqs. (5),, (7) in the linearized form are









simultaneously. Equations (8),, (10) are updated and the

first three iteration are shown in Table Ex 2. The final solution is obtained in five iterations

Explicit Approach

For the explicit approach, Eqs. (1),, (5) and (7) provide six equations for the six unknowns Q1,., Q6.

These six equation are continuously updated and solved until satisfactory Q values are obtained. The value of R4 is

obtained in the end.

Table 3 Example 2 First three iterations for network with unknown pipe resistance

For the explicit approach, to obtain only one equation involving

R3, pipe 3 is externalised, by considering the overlapping loop. Therefore, one equation from Eqs. (5) and (6) is retained and the

other is replaced by an equation for the overlapping loop.

Therefore, retaining Eq. (5) and (6) is replaced by

For the pseudo loop comprising pipes1, 4 and 5. Thus, Eqs.

(1),, (4), (7) and (12) provide six Q equations for the six
unknowns Q1, , Q6. These equations are then solved by the LTM to obtain the final Q values and subsequently the value of R3

Networks With Pumps

The formulation of Q equations for networks with pumps is quite simple

The head supplied by the pump hp is expressed in

terms of the discharge through it and therefore, in

terms of discharge in the pipe in which the pump is


Example 3
Solve by the linear theory method based on pipe discharge equations Solution: The network of fig. 3, has seven pipes and therefore the basic Q unknowns are Q1,., Q7. From the node-flow continuity relationship at nodes 3, 4, 5 and 6 we get, respectively

Fig.3 A Network with Pumped source node

Taking f = 0.02 for all pipes, the first-iteration R values of the

pipes are obtained as shown in Table 4 Ex 3. Using R values,

the head loss equations for loops I, II and III are respectively,

The head delivered by pump, hp in Eq. (7) can be expressed

in terms of Q1

Incorporating the value of from Eq. (8). Eq. (7) becomes

On simplification Eq. (9) becomes





=1 for the first iteration,

linearized of Eq. (5), (6) and (10) gives

Note that 1Q1 = 1 is used only for the linearization of

nonlinear terms and therefore 2.697Q1 in Eq.(10) remains as 2.697Q1 .


(1),, (4)

and (11),.,




simultaneously and the Q1(1),., Q7(1) values are obtained.

Using the assumed Q values, the f and R values are updated, the Eqs. (5), (6) and (10) are linearized and solved

simultaneously along with Eqs. (1),, (4).

The iterative procedure is continued and the first three

iterations are shown in Table 4 Ex 3

Table 4 Example 3 First three iterations for network with pumped source node

Network With Valves

A check valve, the flow through it is initially assumed to be in the permissible direction and Q equations are formulated

When the direction of flow reverses, the discharge in the pipe containing the valve is made zero in the nodeflow continuity relationship for the end node of this pipe and the loop-head loss equation for the loop containing this pipe is dropped

A flow control valve, FCV is initially assumed inoperative

and Q equations are formulated and solved

When the pipe discharged stabilise, the discharge in the

pipe with FCV, say Qij is compared with Qset value in the

Qij Qset solution is acceptable Qij > Qset the discharge is fixed at Qset, the pipe with FCV is removed and the outflow at upstream node is increased by Qset while that at downstream node is decreased by Qset

Example 4
Solve by the linear theory method based on pipe discharge equations

Solution: The network of fig. 4, assuming the PVR is in the operative mode the PRV is replaced by source and sink nodes and a pseudo loop is formed. Thus, Q equations for nodes 2,, 6 and loops I and II

are respectively,

Fig.4 A Network with PRV

When the PRV becomes inoperative for another pressure setting, loop II is replaced by loop III shown, Eq. (7) is replaced by

Note that the resistance constant of pipe 7 now includes the resistance constant of the PRV also

Equations (1),, (6) and (8) are solved by linear theory Here, pipe 7 containing the PRV is dropped

Therefor, the term Q7 is dropped in Eq. (1),, (6)

As loop II containing pipe 7 is now absent, Eq. (7) or (8) for loop II is also absent

The required Q equation for basic unknowns Q1, .., Q6 are provided by Eq. (1),, (6) in which Q7 is absent

Nodal Head Equations

The nodal heads are taken as the basic unknowns in the

formulation of H equations

The application of linear theory method for the solution of these equations for different situations as

Networks with known pipe resistances Networks with unknown pipe resistances Networks with pumps Networks with valves

Networks With Known Pipe Resistances

Pseudo loops are not necessary in the formulation of H equation

These equations, formulated for single and multiple looped networks are non-linear

From the node-flow continuity relationship at nodes of known flow,


Where, Hi = Hoj for source nodes. Therefore, for the tth iteration, Eq. (L) can be written as (M)

Rox = known resistance constant for pipe x, th iteration, at H , H = known or assumed nodal heads, for t t i t j nodes i, j, respectively Hi , Hj = unknown nodal heads

Expressing Eq. (M) in the linearized form, we get (N)

Where th C = modified conductance of pipe x for the t t x iteration and is given by

(N) (N)


( P)

th Q , h = discharge and head loss in pipe x for the t t x t x iteration, respectively

To begin the iterative procedure, it is necessary to initialise the discharge and head loss in a pipe i.e. to select the values of 1Qx, 1hx, x = 1,, X.

Collins and Johnson (1975) suggest that


should be

chosen to correspond to the Reynolds number of 200,000

As Re = 4Q/Dv, we get,


(R) The discharge & dia. Are in m3/sec and meters, resp.

Isaacs and mills (1980a) suggest that an initial pipe discharge may be set to the same value for all pipes

An initial pipe discharge ranging from 0.001 m3/s to 1

m3/s, when used in a test network of sixty pipes, had

no significant effect on the solution

The value of the initial head loss 1hx corresponding to

the assumed discharge 1Qx is then evaluated from


Eq. (P) now gives 1Cx, x = 1,, X and thus the nonlinear node-flow continuity equations are

linearized in the form of Eq. (N) for the first iteration

The linearized Eq. are solved to obtain Hj values at

the end of iteration 1 i.e. Hj(1) values

These Hj(1) values are then used to determine Cx(1)

values from Eq. (O) or Eq. (P)

For the tth iteration, (T)

A similarity exists between a structural network and a hydraulic network such as a water distribution network, these are as:

The algebraic sum of the forces at a joint of a structural network must be zero to maintain equilibrium. Similarly, the algebraic sum of the flows at a node of hydraulic network must be zero to maintain flow continuity

The displacement of the ends of the members meeting at a joint of a structural network must be the same. Similarly, the head at the ends of the pipes meeting at a node of a hydraulic network must be the same

The force-displacement relationship specified by the geometric and

elastic properties of the members must be satisfied in a structural


Thus, (U)

Where, F = force in member with stiffness K, u = displacement of the member

In hydraulic network, from Eq. (P) we have, (V)

which is linearized form of the discharge head loss relationship for a pipe

Eqs. (U) & (V), the discharge head loss relationship for a pipe

in a hydraulic network is similar to the force-displacement

relationship of a member in a structural network

Thus, similarity exists between structural and a hydraulic network

For structural network, a finite-element method is well

developed to formulate and simultaneously solve Eq.(U).

Therefore, it can be also used for hydraulic network to formulate and simultaneously solve Eq.(V).

The linear theory method based on linearized nodal-head equation as the finite element method

Example 5
Solve example by linear theory method based on (1) H equations and (2) H-q equations Solution: H equations In the network of fig. 5, the linearized H equations written for the ode-flow continuity relationship at nodes 3,, 6 are respectively,

Fig.5 Two-source, four-demand-node looped network

As the pipe dia. Are not given, we assume the discharge in the pipes to be 0.1 m3/s

The corresponding 1hx and 1Qx values are obtained

from Eqs. (S) & (P) respectively, and are shown in

Table 5 Ex. 5.

Therefore, for first iteration Eq. (9) becomes

Table 5 Example 5 First two iterations for two-source network

Solving Eq. (10) we get,

H3(1) = 95.66 m H4(1) = 96.98 m H5(1) = 94.71 m and H6(1) = 94.72 m

The corresponding values of 1hx and 1Qx [using Eq. (S)] and Cx(1) [using Eq.(P)] are obtained

The avg. of 1Cx and Cx(1) is taken as 2Cx for the

second iteration

Therefore Eq. (9) now becomes

Solving Eq.(11) we get,

H3(2) = 95.48 m H4(2) = 96.63 m H5(2) = 94.32 m and H6(2) = 94.47 m The first two iteration shown in Table 5 Ex 5

H-q equations

In the approach using H-q equations, the node-flow continuity relationship is applied to the nodes of

unknown flow i.e. to nodes 1 and 2

Therefore, H-q equations for nodes 1 and 2 are,


Equations (12), (13), and (1),., (4) give the required linearized H-q equations. These equations are expresses in the matrix form as

Using the 1Cx values from Table 5 Ex 5, Eq. (14) becomes

Solving Eq.(15) we get,

q1= 1.84 m3/s

q2= - 0.84 m3/s

H3 = 95.66 m H4 = 96.98 m

H5 = 94.71 m and
H6 = 94.72 m

At the different nodes, either the flow is unknown or the head is unknown, this is the usual case in practice where the heads are known and the flows unknown at source nodes and flows are known and heads unknown at demands nodes

For such networks, the formulation of linearized H-q equation in the matrix form of Eq. (14)

The second matrix in Eq. (14) is column matrix for nodal heads

known at source nodes and unknown at demand nodes

The column matrix on the right hand side represents the known flows at demand nodes and unknown flows at source nodes, the preceding sign for the nodal flows being negative for outflows and positive for inflows

Networks With Unknown Pipe Resistances







formulation is implicit and R values are updated at every iteration

In the explicit approach, the R values are obtained

after satisfactory convergence is reached for the H


Implicit Approach The head loss in pipe is linearized for Rx and therefore can be expressed as

(W) (X)

(Y) (Z)

Solve example by the linear theory method based on (1) Implicit and (2) Explicit Approach

Solution: 1. Implicit Approach In the network of fig. (6), basic unknowns are q1, H3, H4, R4 and H5.

Fig.6 Network with unknown pipe resistance

The linearized H-q-R equation written for the node-flow-continuity relationship at nodes 1,, 5 are, respectively

Eqs. (1),, (5) can be expressed in the matrix form as

Initially, let the 1Qx values be 0.1m3/s. The corresponding 1hx and 1Cx values are evaluated and shown in Table 6 Ex 6. Therefore, for the first iteration Eq. (6) becomes

Solving Eq. (7) we get,

q1(1) = 1.2025 m3/s

H3(1) = 98.81 m H4(1) = 99.99 m

R4(1) = - 183.17 and

H5(1) = 91.54 m

Using these values, the second iteration is carried out from which we get,

q1(2) = 1.200 m3/s H3(2) = 98.685 m H4(2) = 99.853 m R4(2) = - 150.33 and H5(2) = 90.551 m

Table 6 Example 6 First two iterations for network with unknown pipe resistance

2. Explicit Approach

Networks With Pumps

It is preferable to use head discharge relationship that is consistent with the head loss relationship for the pipes

Solve by the linear theory method based on head equation Solution: The linearized node-flow-continuity equations for nodes3,, 6 are

Fig.7 A Network with Pumped source node

Eqs. (1),, (4) can be expressed in the matrix form as

The pump developed by the pump is given by

Since Qp = 1Q1 = 0.04712 m3/s, hp = 12.04 m. Substituting the values for thp and 1Cx Eq. (5) becomes

Table 7 Example 7 First three iterations for network with pumped source node

Solving Eqs. H3(1) = 91.347 m H4(1) = 92.419 m H5(1) = 89.458 and H6(1) = 96.935 m For the second iteration the 2Cx values are taken as the avg. of the 1Cx and Cx(1) values as given by the Eq.(T) and the iterative procedure is continued

Network With Valves

H equations are linearized so that the discharge in pipe ij, connecting nodes i and j and containing a check valve with permissible direction of flow from node i to node j is given by Cij (Hi Hj)

During the iterative procedure if (Hi Hj) becomes negative,

Cij is made zero so that the discharge in pipe is zero

A flow control valve FCV is initially assumed to be inoperative The H equations are formulated, linearized and solved and HGL values of end nodes are obtained

If the HGL difference is not more than h*ij for the set discharge Qset,

the assumption is correct and the iteration continue

If the HGL difference is more than h*ij, the FCV becomes operative, this pipe is removed and outflow at upstream node is increased by

Qset, while the outflow at downstream node is decreased by Qset

For a network with a pressure reducing valve, it is initially assumed that the PRV is in the operative mode and therefore it is replaced by source and sink nodes and H equation are linearized and iteratively solved

A check is made at the end of each iteration to see that the PRV has remained in the operative mode

If the PRV becomes inoperative or the direction of flow reverse, the

PRV behaves like a check valve

Solved by the linear theory method based on H equations Solution:

The network of fig. (8), initially it is assumed that that PRV is

in the operative mode

Using the known head of 100 m at node 1 and the set pressure head of 80 m at d, the downstream end of the PRV, the linearized H equations for nodes 2,., 6 of the network for the tth iteration are respectively,

Fig.8 A Network with PRV

As the PRV is situated just downstream of node 3, Cd-6 = C7 For the first iteration, taking 1Q1 = = 1Q7 = 0.1 m3/s, the 1Cx values determined and solving Eq. (6) we get the values of H2(1),., H6(1) The discharge in pipe 7 is evaluated and the pressure head at the downstream end of the PRV is determined to check the PRV

At the pressure head setting of 89 m, the PRV becomes inoperative during the iterative procedure

At this stage, Cd-6 is replaced by C7 , corresponding to the increased resistance from R7 to R7 + RPRV and the known

pressure head setting of 89 m is replaced by unknown

pressure head H3

Therefore Eq. (6) becomes

For the changed nodal demands, H3 becomes less

than H6 during iterative procedure.

The PRV behaves as a check valve and prevents

flow from node 6 to node 3

Therefore, Cd-6 and C7 become zero in Eqs. (6) &

(7) respectively

Relationship Between Newton-Raphson and Linear Theory Methods






nonlinear equations through partial differentiation while the linear theory methods linearizes the non

linear equations by merging a part of the non linear

term in the resistance or conductance of the pipes

Pipe Discharge Equation Nodal Head Equation

Pipe - Discharge Equations

Considering a pipe with resistance constant R0 carrying discharge Q so that the head loss in the pipe is R0Qn

Considering the 1st iteration, let the assumed

discharge in the pipe be 1Q and the correction be

R0 (1Q + Q) n = R0Qn (1)

According to the Newton-Raphson method, we get R0 (1Q n + n 1Q n -1 QNR) = R0Qn


or Q n 1Q n QNR = (3) n 1Q n 1 Where, QNR = correction obtained according to NewtonRaphson method

According to the linear theory method, we get R0 (1Q n -1 ) Q(1) = R0Qn (4) Where, Q(1) is the obtained discharge in the pipe at the end of iteration1 If QLT represents the correction to 1Q according to the linear theory, then Q(1) = 1Q + QLT and thus Eq. (4) becomes R0 (1Q n -1 ) (1Q + QLT ) = R0Qn (5)

n 1Q n Q QLT = n 1 1Q


Thus, from Eq. (3) & (6), we get QLT = n QNR


As n = 1.852 or 2, it is evident that the absolute value of the

correction obtained by the linear theory method is lager than that obtained by the Newton-Raphson method and therefore oscillation occur

Discharge for the 2nd iteration in the liner theory method can

be taken as
2Q = 1Q + QLT



= 1Q +

[Q(1) 1Q]
Manning head





formulae, n = 2, so that Eq. (9) gives


1Q +Q(1)


Thus, for the tth iteration, the assumed discharge in pipe x is given by



When the Hazen-Williams head loss formulae is

used, n = 1.852 so that Eq. (9) lead to


= 0.46(t-1)Qx + 0.54 Qx (t-1)


However, because the difference between Eqs. (11) & (12) is not much, Eq. (11) can be uniformly used throughout the liner theory method irrespective of the

head loss formula

Nodal Head Equations

Consider a pipe with resistance constant R0 connecting nodes i and j with head Hi and Hj (Hi > Hj) so that the discharge Q in the pipe is given by Hi Hj Q= R0


Let the head Hi be known and fixed and the assumed head at
node j for the 1st iteration be 1Hj with correction Hj so that Hi (1Hj + Hj) R0

Hi Hj = R0



(Hi 1Hj ) Hj R0


Hi Hj = R0



According to the Newton-Raphson method, we get

1 1/n (Hi 1Hj ) R01/n 1

(Hi 1Hj )

Hi Hj Hj = R0



Therefore, we have


In which the subscript NR is introduced for Hjto indicate that it is a correction according to the Newton-Raphson method

According to linear theory method, we get


Since Hj(1) = 1Hj + Hj-LT from Eq. (6), we get (7)

From which we get


Thus, from Eqs.(5) and (8), we get

1 Hj-LT =



thus, the modified Hj(1) value i.e. Hj(1)m value is given by Hj(1)m = 1Hj+ n Hj Hj(1)m = 1Hj + n [Hj(1) - 1Hj] (10) (11)

These Hj(1)m values are used to calculate the modified values,

i.e. hx(1)m, Qx(1)m, and Cx(1)m values, so that


Instead of taking n = 1.852 or 2 depending upon the head loss formula, if n is uniformly taken as 2, we get (13)

Similarly from Eq.(10), we get



Substituting the values of Eqs.(13) & (14) respectively,


and Cx(1)m from


Expanding the term within brackets in Taylors series and considering the first two terms, we get (17)


Now the term on the right-hand side Eq.(18) represent the first

two terms of expansion in Taylors series of

i.e Cx(1). Therefore, we get


= Cx(1)


For the tth iteration,


= Cx(t-1)


This principle can also be used for unknown pipe resistances

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