Immuno-Parasitolgy: Immune Response and Immuno-Diagnosis in Parasitic Diseases

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Immune Response and Immuno-diagnosis In Parasitic Diseases

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Innate immune system

IMMUNE SYSTEM Adaptive immune system
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Parasite :
Multicellular : Helminths Unicellular : Protozoa

Intracellular : Plasmodium

Extracellular : Entamoeba
Large size : antigens >> Multi stage : variation of antigens
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Parasite infection:
Have complex multistage life cycles that involve several hosts. Route of infection can differ from oral to penetrate through the skin directly (hookworm) or by infectious bites of vector ( malaria) Many parasites are long-lived and cause chronic infections.
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Parasite infection(contd)
chronic parasite-infections are common owing to weak innate immunity and parasite capacity to evade the immune response The immune response that develops often proceeds to cause pathologic changes.

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Parasite survival Strategies


Paragonimus live in a cyst in the lung , Toxoplasma and larva T.spiralis live in the muscle cyst, Plasmodium live inside the red blood cell
Migration : Hookworn (A. duodenale ) move to escape the reaction of inflammation
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Parasite survival (contd)

Antigenic variation: VSG (variant surface glycoprotein ) is a surface molecules which cover the entire surface of Trypanosoma gambiense / T. rhodesiense (African Sleeping sickness)

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Parasite survival (contd)

Mimicry ( mimicking host antigens) , ex: Schistosoma Produced soluble antigen : depressed the immune response (ex: lymphocytotoxic fc ) Produced immunomodulator toxins: Leishmania produce anti-oxidase inhibit IL-12 by the infected macrophages
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Target organ of helminths infection

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Response to Helminths
Multicellular: couldnt be phagocyte exist in different stages : eggs, larvae, adult Variation of surface antigens Independently triggered host immune response Difficult to eliminate
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Response to helminths(contd) Induced both humoral and cellular response immunity against helminthic infections is mediated by Th2 cells, mast cells / basophils Effector mechanism are eosinophil and produced Ig E
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Secreted immunomodulators : e.g. cysteine protease inhibitors (cystatins)

Inhibit antigen processing and presentation reduce T cell responses
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Response to the intestinal nematodes

Inflammation and increase intestinal motility is CD4 T-cell subset Th2 dependent

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Exception :
In schistosomiasis and filariasis , induced Th1 and Th2 Schstosomiasis : in early infection, dominant induced Th1. After the worm laying eggs : induced Th2 cell (antigen release is omega 1 , a glycoprotein + ribonucleic acid activity)
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Formation of granuloma:
Eggs that trapped in the tissue

release omega 1
CD4 Th2 cell ,IL-13, Macrophage, eosinophil


fibrosis of the liver

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Filariasis :
The presence of Wolbachia (endo symbiotic bacteria) induce Th1 and Th2 cell Wolbachia induced pro-inflamary cytokine IL-6 , TNF, macrophage and chemotactic activity bay neutrophils

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Out comes associated with specific immune response to Filaria

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Immunity to Protozoa
immunity against intracellular protozoa is principally mediated by Th1-triggered macrophages

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Innate immunity in Malaria

Genetic :
Play role in early infection:

RBC membrane disorder: Antigen Duffy : a receptor for P. vivax. People with Ag Duffy (-) more resistant P. vivax infection
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Innate immunity


falciparum more resistant to P. falciparum infection Ovalocytocis

Disorder of band 3 protein, more resistant to P. vivax, P. malariae and P.

Glycophorine A: receptor for P.


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Erythrocyte disorder
G-6-PD deficiency : patients more resistant to P. falciparum Haemoglobinopathy: condition of RBC influence the life of Plasmodium:
Sickle cell anemia Thalasemia Hb -F; Hb- C; Hb-D; Hb-E

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non genetic
Hormone: pregnant woman easier to have complicated malaria

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Immunity to Plasmodium
The Plasmodium exists in humans in :
extracellular forms: sporozoites and merozoites, intracellular stages in hepatocytes and erythrocytes. Its stimulates CD4 and CD8 T cells, gamma-delta T cells, macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells, and B cells make antibodies against epitopes on the surface of the sporozoite,
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Ab helping macrophage to phagocyte Trypanosome

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In toxoplasmosis

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Response to Intestinal protozoa

Gut Associated Lymphoid tissue (GALT) Mucosal lymphoid follicles Immunological active cell in the lamina propria The protozoa stimulate inflammation:
Proliferation, crypt >>, atrophy of the villous Malabsorption syndrome Powerpoint Templates Hypermotility Page 31

Response to intestinal protozoa infection

Activation of Intraepithelial lymphocyte, especially CD8+ T cell Function:
To produce cytokine ( IFN and IL10) Cytotoxicity process Apoptosis and cell regeneration
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Immune response :
Not always protected
Reinfection in Plasmodium, Ascaris infection

Not always beneficiary: Immunopathology Response Allergic reaction: anaphylactic shock in hydatidosis
Syndroma Loeffler
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Ag-Ab immune complex in malaria : glomerulonephritis P. falciparum infection: parasitized red blood cells adhere to the cerebral capillary (Cerebral malaria)
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Immune response (contd)

Chronic Amebiasis : formation of
granuloma surrounding the amebic ulcer (ameboma / amebic granuloma)

Cardiomyopathy in Chagas disease ( Trypanosoma cruzi infection) : autoimmune reaction to the nerve ganglion
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Onchocercosis : Auto immune response to microfilaria of Onchocerva volvulus produce blindness

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The Advantage of Immune response :

I. Immuno-diagnosis (sero-diagnosis) Based on antigen-antibody reaction Antibody / antigen detection When do we need ?? Parasite difficult to find Pre-patent and chronic phase Light infection (number of parasite <<) Powerpoint Templates Page 37

II. Make vaccines

An ideal malaria vaccine : safe, cheap, easy to manufacture, easy to administer and confer life-long immunity against the disease Three main types of vaccines, are being developed:
1. A pre-erythrocytic / antisporozoite :

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1. A pre-erythrocytic / antisporozoite :
would prevent invasion of hepatocytes by sporozoites and/or prevent liver-stage parasites from developing to maturity, e.g.: o CSP ( circum sporozoite protein)

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2. Againts asexual blood stage

to induce Ab that neutralize/ destroy the merozoites and infected RBC, and block cytoadherence, Proteins identified : MSP 1 (merozoit surface protein), MSP 3
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Vaccines against asexual blood (contd)

o apical merozoite surface antigen 1 (AMA-1), o the 175 kDa erythrocyte binding antigen (EBA175) o and rhoptry- associated protein 1 (RAP-1), RAP-2 o RESA (ring infected erythrocyte surface antigen)
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3. Blocking transmission
inducing Ab that inactivate gametocytes and interfere with fertilization would prevent transmission of the disease.

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Immunocompromised host
some diseases can be dangerous and fatal Helminths :
Strongyloides stercoralis Cysticercosis

Toxoplasma gondii Cryptosporidiosis Cyclospora
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