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Business Communication

MGT 5200
Communicating through Interviews

The Interview

A formal meeting during which the candidate and prospective employer ask questions and exchange information The company seeks the perfect match for their business and the job itself The candidate seeks a job matched to their capabilities, interests and career goals

Interview processes

Southwest Airlines go through a 6 week interview process Telstra conduct activity-based group interviews Many companies use psychometric (ability and intelligence) testing for managerial positions that can last a full day Some ask you to prepare a task before the interview and then deliver the task Some companies use panels of 6 or 7 people to conduct interviews

Interview sequence

First Stage: Screening generic questions, quick, often over the telephone or online Second stage formal interview at the company. Verify first stage information, to see you (dress, body language, attitude, confidence, manners) and to investigate your suitability for the role Third stage meet with more senior managerdiscuss job more specifically, what you would dotalk money and availability

Types of Interview

We will now look at different types of interviewthink about which ones you have experienced and then we will see which are most common in Kazakhstan

Types of Interview

Structured the goal is to gather facts, identify best candidates for next stage, rank candidates, weed out unsuitable people. Often they use checklists and will ask each candidate the same question. It is more a Q&A then a discussion. This is more about your basic capabilities than your personal qualities

Structured Interview
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5





3 5 4 21

4 3 5 17

4 4 3 19

2 3 4 15

1 3 3 12


Types of Interview

Open Ended the goal is to find out about your strengths and weaknesses, attitudes and plans. You are encouraged to talk freely. Questions will be less structured, open ended and involve follow-up questions. They are looking to see if you will fit inif you really want the jobif you will stay. Be careful not to ramble, talk about irrelevant things or reveal negative things

Open Ended Interview

Sample questions Tell us about yourself? What are your career ambitions? How will you add value to our company? How would you like to develop yourself? Describe your ideal job

Types of Interview

Group Interview the goal is to find out how well you interact with othersare you a leader or follower.assertive, easily dominated, cooperative, argumentative, considerate, proactive, sociable, conciliatory, provocative You will have to do things in groups so they are looking at your teamwork ability

Group Interview sample activity

Form groups of 4, choose a team leader and construct a bridge from the supplied Lego under which each team member can pass. You have 25 minutes

Types of Interview

Panel Interview the goal is partly to study your reactions to questions (facial expressions; body language; pauses etc). A panel of 5 or 6 people will see a lot more than just 1 or 2 interviewers. A wider range of opinions and more data from an interview helps to better identify the best candidate for the job

Types of Interview

Stress Interview Not used much (thank God) but here the goal is to unsettle you, make you uncomfortablethe purpose is to see how well you handle anger, frustration, stress and the unexpected. It is sometimes used for jobs where such situations occur often. You may be interrupted a lot, criticized, asked rude questions, spoken to in unfriendly manner. Try not to cry or punch someone.

Types of Interview

Situational Interview Here the goal is to see how you would handle tough situations. They describe a work situation and you must explain what you would do in that situation. They are testing your logic, thinking processes, organizational skills, innovation, leadership skills approach to others, prioritizing etc

Situational interview - scenario

Imagine you lead a team where one person is not a team player and is unsettling others with poor behaviours. How would you address the situation? Imagine you have made a mess of a financial statement your boss is about to present to the executive team. What would you do?

Types of Interview

Behavioural Interview This type of interview is very popular. Here the goal is to identify your past behaviours as they tend to indicate how you will behave in future. Here you are asked about events in your past and how you responded. It is important not to reveal any negative behaviours such as: blame; dishonesty; malevolence etc

Behavioural Interview reflective account

Tell us about a time when you had conflict with a co-worker and how you managed that situation Describe a time when you were stressed and over-worked and everybody was making demands on you. What did you do? Think of when you felt unrecognized / under- appreciated at work despite working hard. How did you manage those feelings?

Types of Interview

Working Interview This is now illegal in Australiahow about Kazakhstan? The goal is to see how you actually work. You are given usually 1-5 unpaid days work in the organization to check out your skills and personality. This is common in retail/customer service roles, office work or even manual work (construction).

Interview Technologies

As technology and globalization advance, the face-to-face interview becomes less of an option for many interviews. Popular technologies for interview: Telephone IM or email conversations Computer based questionnaires / simulations Video (Skype, for example)

Interview Technologies

With the people sitting near you, think of two advantages and two disadvantages (from the candidates perspective) of each technology as an interview tool.

Background checks

US survey of 2 million job applicants found: 44% lied about their employment history 41% lied about their education 23% claimed to have credentials/licenses they didnt have In China recently a pilot with a commercial airline was fired because he had never held a pilots licensehe had been flying with the airline for 5 years

Background checks

Criminal history (usually relevant) Drug and alcohol abuse Work history (reference checks) Educational history (verification of documents)

Preparing for Interview

John Smith has been out of work for 9 months. He applied for a job with a bank six weeks ago but did not hear from them so he forgot all about it. Yesterday the bank called him for an interview. He has one day to prepare. The interview is the other side of town and he has no car. He is totally unprepared for the interview. Name 10 things he should do to make the interview a success.

Preparing for Interview

Research the organization (company website; competitor website; industry websites; relevant government websites; stock market; blogs; past/current employees or others whove had an interview; industry magazines; newspapers; company marketing materials; physical view of premises; contact person for the position)

Preparing for Interview

What to learn about the organization (Correct full name; location including branches; any affiliated companies; name of CEO; age and brief history; products and services; industry position; customer base; public or private company; future plans; any awards or citations)

Preparing for Interview

What to learn about the position (Title; key responsibilities; reporting structure; key challenges; career opportunities; pay and pay structure; travel expectations; relocation expectations; flexible work arrangements; entitlements; new position or being filled)

What do interviewers hate?

Have you ever interviewed someone for a job? What are the things you most hate that job seekers sometimes do in an interview?

25 Things Interviewers Hate

Poor personal appearance Superiority complex a know-it-all Poor voice (quiet; unclear; poor grammar) Lack of knowledge about job and company Late for the interview Lack of real interest in the job No clear purpose, goals or career path No enthusiasmindifferent attitude

25 Things Interviewers Hate

Lack of confidencebeing too nervous Lack of evidence for what you claim to know Failure to participate in extracurricular activities Over-interest in money and benefits Poor academic record Unwillingness to start at the bottom; too expectant Tendency to make excuses Evasive answers

25 Things Interviewers Hate

Not giving enough factual examples Lack of maturity Poor manners; lack of courtesy Condemnation of past employers Lack of social skills Dislike of study Lack of vitality Failure to look interviewer in the eye Limp, weak handshake

Business Communication
MGT 5200
Interview Preparation, Participation and Follow-up

Illegal Interview Questions

Do you know for sureare there any questions which are illegal to ask a candidate in a job interview in Kazakhstan? In western countries there are many questions that an interviewer cannot legally ask you. They cant ask personal questions that are not directly related to the actual job tasks. You should know this as part of your preparation

What if they ask an illegal question?

The experts say that the best thing to do is to politely decline to answerof course, if you do decline then probably you wont get offered the job But if they dont offer you the job based on this then that, also, is illegal. You would have recourse to legal actions Perhaps, if you think the answer will not hurt your chances of getting the job, you may choose just to answer the question

Illegal Questions

We will look at nine questions that interviewers commonly do ask people. For each question you have to judge whether you think it would be illegal in western countries. You should check out the laws for Kazakhstan so you know your rights

Is this question illegal?


Have you ever been arrested?

Is this question illegal?


Have you ever been arrested?


employer cant ask you about your arrest record, but they CAN ask if youve ever been convicted of a crime A criminal conviction does not automatically mean you wont get the job unless the crime specifically relates to the kind of job you are applying for

Is this question illegal?


Are you married?

Is this question illegal?


Are you married?


is illegal because it reveals your marital status and could also reveal sexual orientation Depending on WHY the employer wants to know this, they could ask a different question. E.g. Do you have any reasons why frequent interstate travel would be a problem for you?

Is this question illegal?


Do you have children?

Is this question illegal?


Do you have children?


is illegal because it is completely irrelevant to a persons ability to do a job However, they can ask directly whether you have any responsibilities or commitments that might conflict with working hours.

Is this question illegal?


What country are you from?

Is this question illegal?


What country are you from?


is illegal because it reveals your national origin which is irrelevant It may seem an innocent, friendly, curious question but your answer could be used to stereotype you. They CAN ask if you have the necessary visa/permit to work in the country

Is this question illegal?


Is English your first language?

Is this question illegal?


Is English your first language?


is illegal for the same reasons They could ask What languages do you read/speak fluently? They could give you a test which would reveal your English language ability

Is this question illegal?


Do you have any outstanding debt?

Is this question illegal?


Do you have any outstanding debt?


is illegal to directly ask They can seek your permission to do a credit history check Bad debt should not prevent you from getting the job unless it directly affects your ability to perform the job tasks

Is this question illegal?


Do you drink alcohol socially?

Is this question illegal?


Do you drink alcohol socially?


is illegal and in USA is protected under the American Disability Act. They also cant ask what legal drugs you might be taking Maybe you are a recovering alcoholic; this is considered a disease and so it is protected information

Is this question illegal?


How long have you been working?

Is this question illegal?


How long have you been working?


question allows employers to guess your age which is unlawful. Also, they cant ask what year you left school or graduated university However, they can ask how long you have been working in a certain industry, or how many years experience you have at a particular skill

Is this question illegal?


What religious holidays do you practice?

Is this question illegal?


What religious holidays do you practice?


question allows employers to know your religion which is unlawful. However, they can ask if you are able to work on Saturdays, for example.

Interview Questions

Interviews can cause stress and anxiety because we do not know what the questions will be. Some companies give you the questions 5 minutes before the interview starts so that you can gather your thoughts Some questions they ask are fairly predictable It is a good idea to practice tough questions. We will review some of these now. For each question, write down an answer and we will review them.

Tough Question 1

What is the hardest decision you have ever had to make?

Tough Question 2

What is your greatest weakness?

Tough Question 3

What didnt you like about previous jobs youve held?

Tough Question 4

Where do you want to be 5 years from now?

Tough Question 5

Tell me something about yourself

Tough Question 6

What is your personal philosophy of life?

Common Interview Questions

In pairs (or in threes with one person as observer) practice asking and answering some interview questions from the sheet. Each person should answer 3 questions. Choose tough ones. Watch how quickly, confidently and clearly your partner answers the question. How was their body language? Give some useful feedback This sheet is saved on the L Drive folder class activities

Asking Questions at Interview

As we said last time, it is important to ask two or three intelligent questions when you go to interview. An intelligent question is one which results in you learning relevant and useful information about the job / company so that you can make a good decision if offered a position

What would you ask?

Imagine you have just had an interview you know quite a lot about the company and the job. At the end of the interview the interviewer says to you: do you have any questions for me? Think of two intelligent questions you could ask that would be helpful in your decision if offered the job.

10 Questions to ask

What are the jobs major KPIs? What qualities are you seeking in your perfect hire? How do you measure performance in this organization? What are the major challenges of the role? What career path opportunities are open to the successful candidate?

10 Questions to ask

Why has this position become vacant? What makes your organization different to its competitors? What are the core values at this organization? What is the orientation program like for new hires? Can you tell me about training / coaching / mentoring available in the organization?

First Impressions

By email it will be how well you write By phone it will be the quality of your voice In person it will be how you look In the end, they will meet you. How you present yourself is very important

What do you think?

Formal or smart casual clothes? Women: a dress or business suit? Perfume / aftershave? Make-up? Earrings.facial piercing? What colours to wear? Should women initiate a handshake?

What the Experts Say

Dress to mirror the company culture. Find out first what people wear at the organization. Never dress too casually. If in doubt, it is better to dress a bit too formally than casually. Women would only wear a business suit if the position is senior management or the company has a strong male dominated culture. Usually a formal dress is best.

What the Experts Say

Perfume / aftershave should be used sparingly. A light fragrance not a strong one. Some people have allergies to perfumes or find strong scents distracting. A little make-up is a good idea it will add some vitality to your appearance. Lots of make-up or very bold colours are likely to be distracting

What the Experts Say

Earrings (and other jewelry) should be discreet. Lots of jewelry or large pieces of jewelry will focus attention too much away from what you have to say. Facial piercings should be removed Clothing colours should be businesslikeespecially for menthey should match. In Western culture it is completely normal for a woman to initiate a handshake


When you greet a person Initiate or enthusiastically receive a handshake Always maintain eye contact Smile Use the persons name Tell them it is nice to meet them and thank them for calling you to the interview When in the room compliment the office design, atmosphere or even location of the company

During the interview

Be aware of body language (hands, poise) and facial expressions (especially on tough questions) Listen very carefullylook for key words in a question. Use active listening techniques Remain calm, open and friendly. Avoid any extremes of emotion Use the person's name a few times Dont speak too quickly (a sign of nerves). Speak clearly, use tone and actively listening to appear interested.

At the end of the interview

Make sure you ask a couple of searching questions Reaffirm your interest in the company and job Be sure to find out what happens next in the process Find out when they would want the successful applicant to begin work Give details of referees Thank them for their time, tell them it was a pleasure to meet with them and wish them a good day / evening / weekend

The Next Day

After the interview stage the interviewers will meet quickly to decide on who they want to hire. You want to make sure they are thinking about you If you were interviewed first and they then interviewed another 6 people, you will not be fresh in their minds So, the day after the interview you can send a short email which is designed to keep a positive image of you in their minds

The Next Day Email

Dear Mr. Bates Thank you once again for interviewing me yesterday for the position of senior accounts clerk with Bates Accounting Pty Ltd. It was a pleasure meeting you and Miss Westly. I feel very positive about the job and the organization. I would very much welcome the chance to join Bates Accounting and put my skills to work for your company. If you wish to re-interview me I would be happy to meet again. Otherwise, I can email any further information you may require. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely Linda Croom

Being Forgotten

Sometimes a company never gets back to us to tell us the outcome of an interview. Maybe the process is taking longer to make a decision Maybe they did hire another person and just do not care to inform you Maybe they plan to re-interview everyone again Maybe they have decided not to hire anyone now but will try again in six months

Being Forgotten

You need to know what is happening because you might have another offer but dont want it if the first job could still work out. You can send a polite email to the company to find out what is happening. Using your writing skills learned from this course, write a whats happening? email. Make up the details. Then I will show you an example.

The Whats Happening? Email

Dear Mr. Bates I trust that my email finds you well. On February 19th I attended an interview at Bates Accountants Pty Ltd for the position of senior accounts clerk. I was interviewed by you and Miss. Westly.

I understood from the interview that a hiring decision would be made by February 24th and that all candidates would be notified of the outcome.
As yet I have not heard about the outcome of my interview. Could you kindly send me an email or call me on 21 34 777 to advise me further? Sincerely Linda Croom

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