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By Sharad Raj Sharma MBA (1st Year)

What are Values

The basic virtues or principles that makes us

acceptable in the society or an organization.

It can be defined as Important and enduring

beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good and desirable and what is not.
Leadership, attitude, moral values, responsibility,

team work etc are examples of values.

Important Values

What are skills

Skills are the combination of talents that a

person possess which helps him(her) do or perform a work efficiently and with high productivity in an organization. It can be defined as An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic and sustained effort to smoothly carry out complex activities or job functions.

Values Vs Skills
Skills and techniques can be taught through

various training programs, but values cannot be taught. Values come within a person by his/her own effort.
Values inculcated remain within the person

forever whereas skills may be forgotten due to lack of practice.

Skills are different for different organizations but

the core values are same for all organizations.

Core Values

Values over Skills

In an organization a persons skills must be well

supported by his/her values, because without some moral or organizational values his skills will be of no use. E.g. If a person makes use of his special skills and does some harm to the organization then his skills will be of no use, to the organization.
So such utilization of skills which has no essence

of values in it is not welcomed in any organization.

Values over skills (contd.)

Skills give efficiency to a person whereas good

values gives a person the correct attitude and personality that is required in an organization.
A persons skills may have to be changed

according to the requirement of the organization but the values remain the same irrespective of the organization.
Business ethics needs more of values than


Business Ethics
Ethics are moral guidelines which govern good

behaviour. So behaving ethically is doing what is morally right. Ethical business is regarded as good business practice.

Hire for values train for skills

It means that employees must be hired for the

values that they have and then must be trained for skills.
In North America a poll of 900 Human Resource

professionals was taken. 31% of the respondents said that they are looking for workers with good motivational fit with team and organizations culture. (source : Employers value fit over

Values and skills are both very important, but

when there is a choice among both values usually outweigh skills.



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