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This project aims at designing and executing the advanced development for energy saving of street lights with light depending resistor. Nowadays, human has become too busy and he is unable to find time even to switch the lights wherever not necessary. This can be seen more effectively in the case of street lights.

This project gives the best solution for electrical power wastage.
Also the manual operation of the lighting system is completely eliminated.

The main objective of this project is to design a system where light will remain on only from dusk to dawn. Varying light intensity falling on an LDR is used as input to a comparator. It is compared with a fixed value to turn ON the appliances at the falling light intensity in the evening to switch OFF in the morning light.

As perunit electricity cost is very high these days, so it is advisable to judiciously use electricity. Places like colleges, housing complexes, highways, industries and parks spread across large area where more light is required during night. This system provides a solution for these places, as dusk to dawn system the lights will be automatically on at dusk and switch off at dawn. Thus, saving energy and money also human intervention is also eliminated.


LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) Potentiometer or Variable Resistor Fixed Resistors Wheatstone Bridge

PLC Trainer Kit

This system is based on an LDR, it senses the change in intensity of light and its output changes accordingly. LDRs or Light Dependent Resistors are very useful especially in light/dark sensor circuits. Normally the resistance of an LDR is very high, but when they are illuminated with light resistance drops dramatically.

Here, It shows that when the torch is turned on, the resistance of the LDR falls, allowing current to pass through~~

A photoresistor or light dependent resistor(LDR) is resistor whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity; in other words, it exhibits photoconductivity. A photoresistor is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the device is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering resistance.

A potentiometer is a three terminal resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider. If only two terminals are used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor.

The variable resistance lets us adjust the resistance between two points in a circuit.
A variable resistance is useful when we don't know in advance what resistor value will be required in a circuit


For measuring accurately any resistance Wheatstone Bridge is widely used. There are two known resistors, one variable resistor and one unknown resistor connected in bridge form as shown. By adjusting the variable resistor the current through the Galvanometer is made zero. When the current through the galvanometer becomes zero, the ratio of two known resistors is exactly equal to the ratio of adjusted value of variable resistance and the value of unknown resistance. In this way the value of unknown resistance can easily be measured by using a Wheatstone Bridge.



A Programmable Logic Controller, PLC or Programmable Controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or light fixtures. The input and output variables of PLC system are binary in nature. It is easy to make changes in program sequence of events. PLC Trainer Specifications :

Digital I/p- 18 Digital O/p-12

Analog I/p-02 Analog O/p-01 Analog- 0-3.5V Input & Output Ratings : Digital- 24V DC, 0.5A/1A


Construction of Wheatstone bridge.

Components used are LDR, Variable Resistor & two fixed resistors.
The nature of LDR is to decrease the resistance as soon as intensity of light increases and vice versa. This property of LDR is used to operate the circuit inversely. Now, As intensity of light decreases, resistance decreases and an output voltage of 15V obtained. This output voltage is driven through the PLC and uses the AC Supply Externally to glow the bulbs which are assumed as street lights.

The project AUTOMATIC STREET LIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM WITH LDR has been successfully designed and tested. Here we are saving lot of power without any wastage, by these advanced technologies we can design many more systems which can be done by solar lights and through these solar lights we have a vast usage.

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