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Transcription, Translation Review

Mutations and Genetic Modifications

Engage: One Wrong Letter

Explore: What about Mistakes??


Any genetic material changes to a cell

Modified Designer Babies

Types of Mutations

Point Mutations

Base Pair Substitutions

Silent Missense new protein (Amino Acid Substitutions) Nonsense stop codon Triplet Repeats Frameshift Mutations

Base Pair Insertions and deletions

Variation in Chromosome Number Chromosome Abnormalities

Deletions Translocations Duplications Inversions

Mutations: genetic material changes in a cell

Point mutations. Changes in 1 or a few base pairs in a single gene

Base-pair substitutions: silent mutations no effect on protein missense to a different amino acid (different protein) nonsense to a stop codon and a nonfunctional protein Base-pair insertions or deletions: additions or losses of nucleotide pairs in a gene; alters the reading frame of triplets~frameshift mutation

Mutagens: physical and chemical agents that change DNA

Point Mutations

Base-Pair Substitution Ex) Missense Mutation

One Amino Acid Substituted for Another Sickle Cell Anemia

Valine is replaced with Glutamic Acid

Sickle Cell Anemia

Base Pair Insertions Triplet Repeats

Occurs when DNA is not copied correctly and a segment is repeated Ex) Huntington DiseaseCAG Repeat

Deletion Shifts Reading Frame

A deletion of one or more bases on a section of the chromosome.

Variation in Chromosome Number

Having any number of chromosomes that does not equal 23 pairs. Ex) Down Syndrome 3 Chromosome 21s

Chromosome Abnormalities

When one piece of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome


Occurs during crossing over and one chromosome ends up with more genes than it received.


A reversal in the order of a segment of a chromosome

Heredity, Mutations, and Inheritable Diseases


The next several slides will show different types of mutations. Name each of the following mutations.

What Type of Mutation?

Elaboration 2

The next several slides will give you information concerning a particular mutation. On your paper describe the overall affect this mutation may cause..

Elaboration 2

You will watch the movie Lorenzos Oil and complete the film guide questions. This film will review several concepts we have already covered and will introduce several new concepts to be learned.

Genetic Modification Where can it lead?

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