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Communication and Interpersonal Skill

Fundamentals of Management: 12-1

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Where We Are
Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Planning Part 3 Organizing Part 4 Leading
Chapter 8 Foundations of Individual and Group Behavior Chapter Chapter 9 9 Understanding Understanding Team Team work work Chapter 10 Motivating and rewarding Employees Chapter Chapter 11 11 Leadership Leadership and and Trust Trust Chapter Chapter 12 12 Communication Communication and and Interpersonal Interpersonal Skills Skills

Part 5 Controlling

Fundamentals of Management: 12-2

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Chapter Guide
Understanding communication
Communication process Communication channels Overcoming communication barriers

Interpersonal skills
Effective feedback Active listening Effective delegating Conflict management Stress management Negotiating and bargaining

Fundamentals of Management: 12-3

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Understanding communication: the process

Communication is the transferring and understanding meanings The best idea, or suggestions, or plans cannot take form without communications Communication can take many forms:
Oral vs. written Verbal vs.non-verbal Interpersonal vs. organizational

Fundamentals of Management: 12-4

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Understanding communication: the process

The Communication Process






Fundamentals of Management: 12-5 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Understanding communication: various methods

Communication Channels
Written Communication
Verbal Communication

The Grapevine
Nonverbal Cues Electronic Media
Fundamentals of Management: 12-6 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Understanding communication : the barriers

Communication Barriers
Filtering Selective Perception


Language Emotions

Information Overload

Fundamentals of Management: 12-7

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Understanding communication: the barriers

Overcoming Communication Barriers

Constrain emotions
Watch nonverbal cues

Use feedback
Simplify language

Listen actively

Fundamentals of Management: 12-8

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Understanding communication: other issues

Contemporary Communication Issues

Communication between Men and Women
Fundamentals of Management: 12-9

Communication in the Global Village

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Active listening



Active Listening Skills

Fundamentals of Management: 12-10

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Management skills: Effective listening

Listening Effectively
Make eye contact. Exhibit affirmative nods and appropriate facial expressions. Avoid distracting actions or gestures that suggest boredom. Ask questions. Paraphrase using your own words. Avoid interrupting the speaker. Dont over-talk. Make smooth transitions between the roles of speaker and listener
Fundamentals of Management: 12-11 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Effective feedback

Focus on Specific Behaviors

Keep Feedback Impersonal

Stay GoalOriented

Effective Feedback

Provide Timely Feedback

Ensure Understanding

Focus on What the Receiver Can Control

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Fundamentals of Management: 12-12

Interpersonal skills: Effective delegating

Concept of Delegation
Authority Top Managers Middle Managers First-Line Managers Operatives

Effective delegation pushes authority down vertically through the ranks of an organization.
Fundamentals of Management: 12-14

Interpersonal skills: Effective delegating

Delegation Contingency Factors

Size of the organization Importance of the duty or decision

Complexity of the task

Culture of the organization

Qualities of employees

Fundamentals of Management: 12-15

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Effective delegating

Delegating Effectively
Clarify the assignment
Specify the range of discretion

Encourage participation
Inform others

Establish feedback channels

Fundamentals of Management: 12-16 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Conflict management

Three Views of Conflict

Human Relations Interactionist Traditional

Fundamentals of Management: 12-17

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Conflict management

Communication Differences

Sources of Conflict

Structural Differences

Personal Differences
Fundamentals of Management: 12-18 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Conflict management

Conflict-handling Styles





Fundamentals of Management: 12-19 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Conflict management

Conflict and Unit Performance

High Unit Performance


Level of Conflict


Situation Conflict Level Conflict Type Internal Characteristics Outcomes A B C Low or none Optimal High Dysfunctional Apathetic, stagnant Functional Viable, innovative Low High Low

Dysfunctional Disruptive, chaotic

Fundamentals of Management: 12-20

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Conflict management

When to Stimulate Conflict

Are you surrounded by yes people? Are employees afraid to admit ignorance? Do decision makers sacrifice values for compromise? Do managers maintain an impression of cooperation? Are managers overly concerned about the feelings of others?

Is popularity more important than performance?

Do managers crave decision-making consensus? Are managers resistant to change? Is there a lack of new ideas? Is turnover unusually low?

Fundamentals of Management: 12-21

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Conflict management

How to Stimulate Conflict

Legitimize conflict Use communication

Bring in outsiders
Use structural variables

Appoint a devils advocate

Fundamentals of Management: 12-22 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Stress management (see Chap 7 p240)



What Is Stress?
Fundamentals of Management: 12-23

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Stress management (see Chap 7 p241)

Task Demands
Role Demands Interpersonal Demands Structural Dimensions Leadership Techniques
Fundamentals of Management: 12-24 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Organizational Stress Factors

Interpersonal skills: Stress management (see Chap 7 p241)

Personal Stress Factors

Family Personality Economic

Fundamentals of Management: 12-25

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Stress management (see Chap 7 p243)




Three General Symptoms
Fundamentals of Management: 12-26 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Stress management (see Chap 7 p243)

Stress Management
Selection and placement Job redesign

Wellness programs

Employee assistance
Fundamentals of Management: 12-27 Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Negotiation

The Two Types of Negotiating Strategies

Bargaining Characteristics
Available Resources Primary Motivations Primary Interests Focus of Relationships

Distributive Bargaining
Fixed Amount I Win, You Lose Opposed Short-Term

Integrative Bargaining
Variable Amount I Win, You Win Congruent Long-Term

Fundamentals of Management: 12-28

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Negotiation

The Bargaining Zone

Party As Aspiration Range Settlement Party Bs Aspiration Range


Party As Target Point

Party Bs Resistance Point

Party As Resistance Point

Party Bs Target Point

Fundamentals of Management: 12-29

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Management skills: Negotiation

Developing Negotiation Skills

Research your opponent
Begin in a positive way Address problems, not people

Ignore initial offers

Seek win-win solutions

Consider third-party assistance

Fundamentals of Management: 12-30

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Interpersonal skills: Presentation

Making Effective Presentations

Prepare for the presentation
Make opening comments

Make your points

End the presentation Answer questions

Fundamentals of Management: 12-31

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Chapter Summary
Importance of communication to managers
Communication process Overcome communication barriers Active listening techniques How to give effective feedback

Fundamentals of Management: 12-32

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

Chapter Summary
Contingency factors that affect delegation
How to delegate effectively Steps in analyzing and resolving conflict Reasons managers to stimulate conflict Distributive vs. integrative bargaining

Fundamentals of Management: 12-33

Gao Junshan, UST Beijing

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