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Four Generations One Workplace

Introduction Generational Quiz Exercise 4 Types of Generations Teamwork Using GAP ACORN Exercise Final Recommendations

1922-1943 Jimmy Carter, Jane Fonda Great Depression, WWII

Baby Boomers
1943-1960 Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates Civil Rights, Cold War

Generation X
1960-1980 Tiger Woods, Mariah Carey Watergate, Challenger Disaster

Generation Y/Nexters
1980-2000 Serena Williams, Britney Spears School Shootings, OKC Bombing

Values and Traits

Veterans: Hard work, honor, sacrifice, discipline, dedication, conformity, and privacy Boomers: Optimism, team orientation, loyalty, challenge and choice, workaholic, competition, and change

Values and Traits

Generation X: Diversity, fun and informality, fiercely independent, entrepreneurial, multitask masters, and work/life balance Generation Y: Realism, confident, achievement oriented, respect for diversity, extreme fun, and positive reinforcement

Communication: Veterans
More on words, not body language Face-to-Face or written communication Use we and us Formal language

Communication: Boomers
Use body language Show flexibility Present options Face-to-Face

Communication: Generation X
Present the facts Informal communication Ask them for their feedback Use E-mail

Communication: Generation Y
Use language to paint a visual picture Use e-mail and voicemail Seek their feedback constantly Use humor

Veterans: No news is good news Boomers: Feedback once a year and lots of documentation Generation X: Sorry to interrupt, but how am I doing? Generation Y: Feedback whenever I want it, at the push of a button

Motivating Veterans
Use the personal touch Traditional perks are a symbol of status Face-to-Face contact Utilize their experience

Motivating Boomers
Personal Approach Provide them with public recognition Give them a chance to prove themselves Provide perks Assist them in gaining name recognition Reward their work ethic and long hours

Motivating Generation X
Provide them with work they can juggle Constructive feedback Freedom keeps them satisfied Leading-edge technology

Motivating Generation Y
Budget plenty of time for orientation training Throw away traditional gender roles Grow your training department

Messages that Motivate

Veterans: Your experience is respected Boomers: You are valued. You are needed Generation X: Do it your way. Forget the rules Generation Y: You will work with other bright, creative people

Generational Approach to Productivity

Each generation has distinct attitudes, behaviors, expectations, habits, and motivational buttons Culture


In the Event of an Emergency

Know your own biases Generational points of view Building teams Dealing with change Communication Style Brain Drain

Edward De Bono Tool

Creating results from generational conflicts Increase productivity Maximize team competencies Resist making it personal Take your creativity to the next level

Bridging the GAP

1. Identify desired outcomes 2. Consider your values 3. Consider your team members values and lifestyle 4. Identify communication blockers 5. Choose communication approach 6. Results Achieved

To Grow Oak Strong

Accommodate employee differences Create workplace choices Operate from a sophisticated management style Respect competence and initiative Nourish retention

Source: Generations at Work by Ron Zemke

Accommodate Employee Differences

Treat your employees as you do your customers
Learn everything about your employees Work to meet specific needs Use language to reflect the four generations

West Groups and Thompson University

Create Workplace Choices

Allow the workplace to shape itself around:
Work being done Customers being served People who work there

Adaptable dress policy Ben & Jerrys Joy Gang

Operate from a Sophisticated Management Style

Be more direct and to the point Use a style of flexibility
Leadership style varies on the situation Use more personal than positional power Be thoughtful when matching an individual with team or vice versa Work hard to gain trust from employees

TGIFs Passport Program

Respect Competence and Initiative

Must assume the best of your people
New Hires Older Employees

Carefully hire to make sure a proper fit with the company Lucent Technologies IdeaVerse

Nourish Retention
Keeping employees is just as important as finding and retaining customers Offer training in a variety of ways Encourage movement within organization Chevys Fresh Mex Doubling number of managers and staff

5 Great Ideas
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On-site seminar over current technology XBox lunch Mentoring system mixing the generations Monthly generation specific movies Guest speakers discussing historic events

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