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Chapter-13 State Enterprise

Definition of State Enterprise Page No-411

Professor Hanson: "State Enterprise is the operation of commercial or industrial organization undertaken by the state. Bissownath Ghosh: "State enterprise is the business which is owned and controlled by the state." Mr. N.C. Roy Chowdhury: "State Enterprise is the business which is owned by the Government"

Features of State Enterprise

Features of State Enterprise

Page No-412

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Formation Ownership Capital Purpose Legal entity Distribution of profit 7. Limited liability

8. Autonomy 9. Administration and management 10. Risk taking 11. Size 12. Accountability 13. Bureaucratic management 14. Winding up

Objectives of State Enterprise

Objectives of State Enterprise

Page No-413

1. To do public welfare 2. To control monopoly market 3. To develop monetary and banking systems 4. To control export-import business 5. To help in national economic development 6. To create employment opportunity

7. To help rapid industrialization 8. To control essential and life saving goods 9. To maintain price stability of products 10. To increase capital 11. To establish heavy and basic industries 12. To establish risky business

Advantages or Arguments in Favor of State Enterprise

Advantages of State Enterprise 1. Public welfare 6. Maintaining price stability of 2. Dissolve monopoly products 3. Preservation of wealth 7. Prevention of heartfelt 4. Employment competition opportunity 8. Controlling money market 5. Industrialization 9. Public accountability 10. Research and Development

Page No-415

Disadvantages or Arguments against State Enterprise Page No-416

Disadvantages of State Enterprise

1. Inefficiency of management 2. Delay in making decision 3. Lack of flexibility 4. Limited fields of operation 5. Nepotism

6. Strict government control 7. Political intervention 8. Increases wastage and expense 9. Create tax burden on people 10. Problem in keeping secrecy

Importance or Necessity of State Enterprise Page No-418

Importance of State Enterprise

1. Abolition of monopoly 2. Operating public welfare 3. Balanced distribution of wealth 4. Maintaining price stability 5. Operating defense industry

6. Balanced industrialization 7. Establishing basic and heavy industries 8. Proper utilization of natural resources 9. Operating secret industry 10. Research and development

Suitable Fields for State Enterprises

Page No-419
Suitable Field for State Enterprise

1. Establishing heavy and basic industries 2. Establishing public welfare industries 3. Establishing defense industry 4. Industry for confidential work

5. Establishing essential drug industry 6. Control of harmful products 7. Natural resources based industries 8. Currency control and banking systems

Classifications or Different Forms of State Enterprise Page No-420

A. B. C. D.

Government Departmental Organization Statutory Corporation Government Joint Stock Company Government Board Managed Organization

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