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Rameez Riaz

United We Grow, Divided We Fall


Together Empowering each other Achieve More

The Magic of SYNERGY

Normally, 1+1=2. But, sometimes when we work as a TEAM, 1+1 may become 11, 111, or even 1111! In fact, there is no limit. That is called SYNERGY;

A Team is where
People depend on each other May or may not work in the same physical location Combine to achieve something together Work together successfully Solve problems and reach decisions by getting input from everybody Can adapt to change Sustain the enthusiasm and lend support needed to complete the task

Partners are specialized in certain disciplines but they try to be part of other areas and they point possible failures in other areas. They complement each other, they search for a good way that all can reach the goal of the hole team. They all answer for the teams work. This is a transdisciplinary way of working all are involved in all areas.

Partners are specialized in certain areas and each one of them has the responsibility for that area, so he has to answer for that department. They have a goal to fulfill and then they need to reach to it and any mistake is fault of their own. They do not care about other departments duties and procedures. It is an interdisciplinary way of working, the members know each other but they do not know about other areas.

Types of Teams
Problem Solving Team Cross-Functional Team Self- Managing Team Virtual Teams

Problem-Solving Teams
Share ideas or offer suggestions on how work processes and methods can be improved. Rarely given authority to unilaterally implement any of their suggested actions Typically composed of 5-12 hourly employees from the same department Example: Quality Circles

Self-Managed Work Teams

Collectively control pace of work Determine work assignments Organize breaks Collectively choose inspection procedures Select their own members and evaluate each others performance Generally composed of 10-15 people

Cross-Functional Teams
Members from diverse areas within and between organizations Exchange information Develop new ideas and solve Coordinate complex projects Development is time-consuming due to complexity and diversity Examples: Task Force and Committees

Virtual Teams
Computer technology ties physically dispersed members together to achieve a common goal Differentiating factors from other teams Absence of para-verbal and non-verbal cues Limited social context Ability to overcome time and space constraints

Why Have Teams Become So Popular

Teams typically outperform individuals.
Teams use employee talents better. Teams are more flexible and responsive to changes in the environment. Teams facilitate employee involvement. Teams are an effective way to democratize and organization and increase motivation.

Turning Individuals Into Team Players

The Challenges
Overcoming individual resistance to team membership.

Countering the influence of individualistic cultures.

Introducing teams in an organization that has historically valued individual achievement.

Turning Individuals Into Team Players

Shaping Team Players
Selecting employees who can fulfill their team roles. Training employees to become team players.

Reworking the reward system to encourage cooperative efforts while continuing to recognize individual contributions.

Teams and Quality Management

Team Effectiveness and Quality Management Requires That Teams:
1. Are small enough to be efficient and effective. 2. Are properly trained in required skills. 3. Allocated enough time to work on problems. 4. Are given authority to resolve problems and take corrective action. 5. Have a designated champion to call on when needed.

Beware: Teams Arent Always the Answer

Three tests to see if a team fits the situation:
Is the work complex and is there a need for different perspectives? Does the work create a common purpose or set of goals for the group that is larger than the aggregate of the goals for individuals? Are members of the group involved in interdependent tasks?

Coming together is beginning

Keeping together is progress and Working together is success

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