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By Ali Abbas Masters in Leadership and Management(UK)

Task One
Take a few minutes and discuss with the person next to what you think project/thesis is.

Project or Thesis?

Project or Thesis

Group of 1-3 students
10,000-15,000 words Diagnosing a problem

15,000-20,000 words Solving the problem

in a real world context and making recommendations.

by using literature and doing research.

What is a proposal?

The Research proposal..

is your opportunity to persuade the client (us and ethics committee) that you know what you are talking about. That you have thought through the issues involved and are going to deliver. That it is worthwhile to take the risk and give you license to get on with it. (Robson, 2002)


A written thesis/project proposal comprising 1000-1500 words , outlining the key elements of your planned work

Area of research / Industry

Objectives Literature Review

Research Questions

Methodology Findings

Analysis / Interpretation
Further Research


Considerations for topic selection

1. Complexity 2. Access

3. Facilities & Resources

4. Expertise 5. No Replication

Early ideas..
Think about what you have covered so far in the degree, or something you may have undertaken in a previous job or course that has interested you. Write down these thoughts. Discuss these ideas with a colleague to generate some early ideas for project/thesis.

It neednt be a nightmare

Working in the dark

Confusion is the beginning of wisdom

Difficulty in finding a research topic

Where do you start? Where do you look? Lots of information but no order How can I find something that is interesting? What would be best for me?

Switching the light on

Empirical research methods dependent upon:

Subject area chosen Accessibility


Switching the light on (cont.)

Literature searching

Read journals rather than just text books More focused Appropriate academic style Use internet judiciously
Logical Systematic Reflect and revise Manage your time

Develop a system


Stages in the research process

The 8 stages
Learning to do Research (1984) Phillips E.M.

1. Early enthusiasm

2. Increasing interest

3. Dependence transfer from tutor to information

4. Generating your own ideas from that information

5. Frustration

6. Boredom

7. Determination to finish

8. Euphoria & Relief

Characteristics of successful dissertations

Clearly defined topic Clearly defined objectives Evidence of originality Sound methodology & good quality evidence/data Balance in the reporting of evidence/data Ability to generalise findings Well structured and expressed reports

Your supervisors role in the study

To supervise and guide you but not to do the study To read some of your work and give you feedback. Supervisors will not proof read work. To discuss your ideas To give you an insight into progress made and in very broad terms the quality (but not a specific grade)

Aim: To help develop ideas for your dissertation by considering key issues

Building a viable dissertation

The subject area?

Have you got a broad area to study?
Can you break it down into approximately

three/four objectives
Objective one - the theory area
Objective two /three what you seek to find

out Objective four what the study seeks to achieve

The title

Can you define your area into approximately an 8 word title?

Link from theory to practice

What is the academic/business case / reason for doing this study?

Is the study viable?

Complexity? Access to a sample or information? What facilities or resources do you need? How will you gain expertise in the subject area? Is the study ethical?

What type of data do you think you will need? Why? How will you get them?


Task for next class


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