Nafta, Nato, S Eato, Cento, Warsa W Pact

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On January 1, 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada, and e!ico "NAFTA# entered into $orce The ob%ecti&es o$ this Agreement, are to' (rant the signatories most $a&oured nation status )*iminate barriers to trade in and $aci*itate the cross+ border mo&ement o$, goods and ser&ices between the territories o$ the ,arties -romote conditions o$ $air com,etition .ncrease in&estment o,,ortunities -ro&ide ,rotection and en$orcement o$ inte**ectua* ,ro,erty rights source' Create ,rocedures $or reso*ution o$ dis,utes

NAFTA created the wor*d8s *argest $ree trade area, which now *in5s 434 mi**ion ,eo,*e ,roducing 91: tri**ion worth o$ goods and ser&ices 1e$ore NAFTA, e!ican tari$$s on U0S0+made ,roducts were, on a&erage, 234 ,ercent higher than U0S0 duties on e!ican ,roducts0 A,,ro!imate*y 34 ,ercent o$ the tari$$s were abo*ished immediate*y when the agreement too5 e$$ect, and the remaining tari$$s were targeted $or gradua* e*imination0 One o$ the 5ey ,ro&isions o$ NAFTA ,ro&ided 6nationa* goods6 status to ,roducts im,orted $rom other NAFTA countries0 No state, ,ro&incia*, or *oca* go&ernments cou*d im,ose ta!es or tari$$s on those goods0 NAFTA o,ened u, ne&er be$ore07 e!ican mar5ets to U0S0 com,anies *i5e


U.S. Jobs Were Lost : Labor is chea,er in
e!ico, many manu$acturing industries mo&ed ,art o$ their ,roduction $rom high+cost U0S0 states

U.S. Wages Were Suppressed Mexi o!s Far"ers Were Put Out o# $usi%ess : Farm bi** subsidi;ed U0S0 agribusiness
by as much as 44< o$ net $arm income.

Ma&ui'adora Wor(ers Were Exp'oited Mexi o!s E%)iro%"e%t *eteriorated :


NAFTA was contro&ersia* at the time o$ im,*ementation, and is sti** considered contro&ersia*0 =hi*e some e$$ects, such as increased trade, im,ro&ed hea*th ser&ices are considered ,ositi&e, others such as the reduction in a&erage (>- growth are negati&e *epe%de% e o% t/e U.S. E o%o"0 ' One resu*t o$ NAFTA is that e!ico8s de,endence on the U0S0 economy has increased mar5ed*y0 more that ?4< o$ e!ican trade is sti** with the U0S 0

,%)est"e%t $et1ee% t/e U.S. a%d Mexi o ' =ith the remo&a* o$ e!ican *imits on $oreign in&estment, as we** as the remo&a* o$ tari$$s, it has become much more ,ro$itab*e $or Americans to in&est in e!ico0

E##e ts o% E"p'o0"e%t 2 There has been an increase in underem,*oyment, as we** as an increase in *ow+,ay %obs and *ow+,roducti&ity %obs0 There$ore, e&en though unem,*oyment has decreased, the incomes o$ the em,*oyed ha&e actua**y $a**en0

Mexi a% Produ ti)it0, Exports a%d Pri es ' =ith e!ico@s entry into NAFTA, the e!,ectation was that re*ati&e ,rices $or certain e!ican cro,s wou*d decrease 0This was based on the economic e!,ectation that, by remo&ing e!ico@s ,rice and trade inter&entions in basic cro,s such as grains and oi*seeds, ,rices $or the same goods in e!ico and the United States wou*d eAua*i;e0A$ter NAFTA, e!ican ,rices o$ basic cro,s such as mai;e dro,,ed and, subseAuent*y, e!ican im,orts o$ those cro,s increased0 e!ican agricu*tura* ,roduction, howe&er, did not decrease a$ter NAFTA0 The e!ican go&ernment@s uni*atera* *ibera*i;ation o$ corn and NAFTA were both $actors in dec*ining ,rices o$ corn in e!ico0

Wor(er Wor(er Rig/ts Rig/ts ''wor5er wor5errights rightsha&e ha&e not notbeen been,ositi&e*y ,ositi&e*yin$*uenced in$*uencedby by NAFTA NAFTA00 NAFTA NAFTA6e!,*icit*y 6e!,*icit*ye!c*uded e!c*uded any any,rotections ,rotections$or $orwor5ing wor5ing,eo,*e ,eo,*ein in the the$orm $ormo$ o$*abor *aborstandards standards

+o1 Mexi o ate USA

The U0S0 Congress a,,ro&ed the North American Free Trade Agreement "NAFTA# a$ter an intense ,o*itica* debate0 O,,onents &oiced a number o$ concerns, ranging $rom im,act o$ the agreement on U0S0 *abor mar5ets to uns5i**ed *abor emigration to the United States

NAFTA a%d U.S. Labor Mar(ets NAFTA@s im,act on U0S, has been obscured by the Bboom+and+ bustC cyc*e that dro&e domestic consum,tion, in&estment, and s,ecu*ation 0 Unem,*oyment began to rise ear*y in 2441, and 204 mi**ion %obs were *ost in the domestic economy0 These %ob *osses were ,rimari*y in the manu$acturing sector 0 A*though U0S0 domestic e!,orts to its NAFTA ,artners ha&e increased dramatica**yDgrowth in im,orts o$ 193< $rom e!ico and E1< $rom Canada o&erwhe*ming*y sur,ass e!,ort growth0 The resu*ting 9F4 bi**ion U0S0 net e!,ort de$icit with these countries increased by to 9?3 bi**ion 0 As a resu*t, NAFTA has *ed to %ob *osses in a** 34 states and the >istrict o$ Co*umbia 0

Lo%g3ter" stag%atio% a%d gro1i%g i%e&ua'it0 NAFTA has a*so contributed to growing income ineAua*ity and to the dec*ining re*ati&e wages o$ U0S0 wor5ers without co**ege degree0 Ga,id growth in U0S0 trade and $oreign in&estment as a share o$ U0S0 gross domestic ,roduct "(>-# has ,*ayed a *arge ro*e in the growth o$ ineAua*ity in income distribution in the *ast 24 years0 First, the steady growth in trade de$icits has e*iminated mi**ions o$ manu$acturing %obs and %ob o,,ortunities0 Second, the e$$ects o$ growing U0S0 trade and trade de$icits on wages goes beyond %ust those wor5ers e!,osed direct*y to $oreign com,etition0 Fina**y, Bthreat e$$ectsC arise when $irms threaten to c*ose ,*ants and mo&e them abroad whi*e bargaining with wor5ers o&er wages

Another bro5en ,romise o$ NAFTA was the idea that the trade dea* wou*d be a boon $or American $armers0 Since NAFTA , F44,444 $ami*y $arms in U0S0 ha&e been ,ut out o$ business0

The in$*u! o$ i**ega* immigrants that ha&e entered the U0S0 .**ega* immigrants in the U0S0 ha&e increased to 12 mi**ion today $rom F09 mi**ion in 199F 0


Nort/ At'a%ti Treat0 Orga%i5atio%67NATO8,7mi*itary a**iance estab*ished by the North At*antic Treaty "a*so ca**ed the =ashington Treaty# o$ A,ri* 4, 1949, which sought to create a counterweight to7So&iet7armies stationed in centra* and eastern )uro,e a$ter7=or*d =ar ..0 .ts origina* members were be*gium, canada, >enmar5,7France,7.ce*and,7.ta*y,7Hu!embourg,the7Nether*an ds,7Norway,-ortuga*, the7United Iingdom, and the7United States0 Joining the origina* signatories were7(reece7and7Tur5ey7"1932#J =est (ermany "1933J $rom 1994 as(ermany#J7S,ain7"19?2#J the7C;ech Ge,ub*ic,7Kungary, and7-o*and7"1999#J1u*garia,7)stonia,7Hat&ia,7Hithuania,7Gom ania,7S*o&a5ia, and7S*o&enia7"2444#J and7A*bania7andCroatia7"2449#0 France withdrew $rom the integrated mi*itary command o$ NATO in 19EE but remained a member o$ the organi;ationJ it resumed its ,osition in


The heart o$ NATO is e!,ressed in Artic*e 3 o$ the North At*antic Treaty, in which the signatory members agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all; and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article ! of the "harter of the #nited Nations, $ill assist the %arty or %arties so attacked by taking forth$ith, individually and in concert $ith the other %arties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area& Sig%i%g o# t/e NATO treat0

The creation o$ NATO brought about some7standardi;ation7o$ a**ied7mi*itary termino*ogy, ,rocedures, and techno*ogy, which in many cases meant )uro,ean countries ado,ting U0S0 ,ractices0 The rough*y 1F447Standardi;ation Agreements7codi$ied many o$ the common ,ractices that NATO has achie&ed0 Kence, the7:0E2L31 NATO7ri$*e cartridge was introduced in the 1934s as a standard $irearm cartridge among many NATO countries07 A*so,aircra$t marsha**ing signa*s7were standardi;ed, so that any NATO aircra$t cou*d *and at any NATO base0

9:;92 NATO!S <EAR ,N P,CTURES NATO NATOmar5s mar5sthe theE4th E4thanni&ersary anni&ersaryo$ o$
the theaccession accessiono$ o$(reece (reeceand andTur5ey Tur5ey to tothe theA**iance, A**iance,on on1? 1?February0 February0

9 9Ju*y Ju*ymar5ed mar5edthe the13th 13thanni&ersary anni&ersaryo$ o$the the signing signingo$ o$the theCharter Charteron ona a>istincti&e >istincti&e -artnershi, -artnershi,between betweenNATO NATOand andU5raine U5rainein in 199:0 199:0Since Sincethen, then,dia*ogue dia*ogueand and,ractica* ,ractica* coo,eration coo,erationha&e ha&ebecome becomewe**+estab*ished we**+estab*ishedin ina a wide widerange rangeo$ o$areas, areas,and andU5raine U5raineis isa amuch+ much+ &a*ued &a*uedcontributor contributorto toNATO+*ed NATO+*edo,erations0 o,erations0

A A5ite 5ite$esti&a* $esti&a*is ishe*d he*din inChicago Chicagoon on19 19 ay ayin inthe therun runu, u,to tothe theNATO NATO Summit0 Summit0

On On19 19 arch, arch,NATO NATOA**ies A**iesagree agreeto toe!tend e!tend the theA**iance@s A**iance@scounter counter,iracy ,iracyna&a* na&a* o,eration o,erationo$$ o$$the theKorn Korno$ o$A$rica, A$rica,Ocean Ocean Shie*d, Shie*d,unti* unti*the theend endo$ o$24140 24140O,eration O,eration Ocean OceanShie*d Shie*dcontributes contributesto to,ro&iding ,ro&iding maritime maritimesecurity securityin inthe theregion regionand andis is he*,ing he*,ingto toreduce reducethe theo&era** o&era**,irate ,irateattac5 attac5 success successrate rateMMthis thisyear, year,on*y on*y: :success$u* success$u* ,irate ,irateattac5s attac5shad hadbeen beenrecorded recordedin inthe the region regionby byend endNo&ember, No&ember,down down$rom $roma atota* tota* o$ o$42 42in in24140 24140 A Atribute tributeis is,aid ,aidto tothe thetroo,s troo,so$ o$NATO NATO member memberand and,artner ,artnercountries countriesat ata a baseba** baseba**game gamebetween betweenthe theChicago Chicago Cubs Cubsand andthe theChicago Chicago=hite =hiteSo!, So!,at at =rig*ey =rig*eyFie*d Fie*din inChicago, Chicago,on on19 19 ay, ay, on onthe thee&e e&eo$ o$the theNATO NATOSummit0 Summit0 (enera* (enera*John JohnG0 G0A**en, A**en,Commander Commandero$ o$ the theNATO+*ed NATO+*ed.nternationa* .nternationa*Security Security Assistant AssistantForce Forcein inA$ghanistan, A$ghanistan, sa*utes sa*utesduring duringthe theUS USnationa* nationa*

NATO3 ;@ Ja%uar0, 9:;> urre%t'0..


Kungarian -resident ma5es $irst &isit to NATO headAuarters NATO Se retar0 -e%era' A%ders Fog/ Ras"usse% t/a%(ed +u%gar0As Preside%t JB%os Cder #or /is ou%tr0As stro%g support to t/e A''ia% eAs operatio%s i% A#g/a%ista% a%d Doso)o, duri%g t/e preside%tAs #irst )isit to NATO +ead&uarters o% T/ursda0 ;@ Ja%uar0. Kungary hosts NATO@s Strategic Air*i$t Ca,abi*ity, three C+1: hea&y trans,ort ,*anes which are shared by 14 A**ies and two ,artners0 t/ 9= Ja%uar0,9:;> Kungary a*so ,artici,ates in other mu*tinationa* ,ro%ects, such as ,oo*ing and sharing medica* treatment $aci*ities0

First NATO -atriot battery in Tur5ey o,erationa* MONS, $e'giu" ? T/e #irst o# six Patriot "issi'e batteries dep'o0i%g to Tur(e0 1as de 'ared operatio%a' a%d p'a ed u%der t/e o""a%d a%d o%tro' o# NATO o% Saturda0, 9= Ja%uar0. The battery, ,ro&ided by the Nether*ands, wi** he*, to ,rotect the city and ,eo,*e o$ Adana against missi*e

Sout/ East Asia Treat0 Orga%i5atio%7


An7internationa* organi;ation7$or7co**ecti&e de$ence0 Created by the Sout/east Asia Co''e ti)e *e#e% e Treat0, or7Ma%i'a Pa t To o,,ose $urther Communist gains in Southeast Asia on ?th Se,tember 1934 in7 ani*a,7-hi*i,,ines Created a$ter the French withdrew $rom .ndo+ China, causing North Nietnam to become a communist regime07 ? embers ' 7The United States, the United Iingdom, France, Austra*ia, New Oea*and, Thai*and, the -hi*i,,ines, and -a5istan0 7A*though ca**ed the 6Southeast Asia Treaty

;EFG' S)ATO was $ormed ;EF= 'Used by US as a reason to re$use to reuni$y Nietnam, considering it s,*it at the 1:th ,ara**e* as N0 Nietnam P S0 Nietnam ;E@> '-a5istan withdrew $rom S)ATO ;E@G 'France withdrew $rom S)ATO ;E@F 'Nietnam =ar ended


The -hi*i,,ines +c*ose ties with the United States, out o$ concern o&er the nascent communist insurgency0 Thai*and+ %oined a$ter *earning o$ a new*y estab*ished 6Thai Autonomous Gegion6 in South China0 The (ene&a Agreements o$ 1934 signed ,re&ented Nietnam, Cambodia and Haos".ndochina# $rom %oining any internationa* mi*itary a**iance, though these


Austra*ia and New Oea*and +interested in Asian a$$airs (reat 1ritain and France + had *ong maintained co*onies in the region -a5istan + ,otentia* $or recei&ing su,,ort in its strugg*es against .ndia0 United States+ U0S0 o$$icia*s be*ie&ed Southeast Asia to be a crucia* $rontier in the $ight against communist e!,ansion, so it &iewed S)ATO as essentia* to its g*oba* Co*d =ar ,o*icy o$ containment0


.t maintained no mi*itary $orces o$ its own, but the organi;ation hosted %oint mi*itary e!ercises $or member states each year0 The treaty bound the signatories to mutua* aid to resist armed attac5 J an armed attac5 on one signatory was inter,reted as a danger to a**0 S)ATO wor5ed to strengthen the economic $oundations and *i&ing

.t s,onsored a &ariety o$ meetings and e!hibitions on cu*tura*, re*igious and historica* to,ics0

=hat *ed to Nietnam =ar

France began its conAuest o$ .ndo+China in the *ate 1?34@s >uring ==.., French were de$eated by (ermany in 19440 France co**aborated with Ja,anese Army to ru*e Nietnam0 Ja,anese Army too5 contro**ed o$ the entire Nietnam0 >uring this time the Niet inh was $ounded by Ko Chi inh "communist#0 =ith the su,,ort o$ So&iet Union and U0S0, Niet inh made the Ja,anese army surrender0 Ko Chi inh dec*ared the .nde,endent >emocratic Ge,ub*ic o$ Nietnam and became the ru*er0 France with the su,,ort o$ 1ritish and U0S0S0G armies again too5 Nietnam under its contro*0

Co*d =ar began between the So&iet Union and the =estern wor*d0 .n 1949, Chinese Communist won the Chinese ci&i* war and ,ro&ided reAuired $unds and arms to the Niet inh0 1934, the communist countries recogni;ed the Niet inh@s >emocratic Ge,ub*ic o$ Nietnam, based in Kanoi, as the main go&ernment0 =hi*e the non+communist nations recogni;ed the French+bac5ed State o$ Nietnam in Saigon, *ed by $ormer em,eror 1ao >ie, as the main go&ernment0 Niet inh in 1934, with the su,,ort o$ U0S0S0G0 and -GC de$eated the French army "1att*e o$ >ien 1ien -hu#0 Nietnam was tem,orari*y ,artitioned at the 1:th ,ara**e* at the (ene&a

The >omino Theory

American ,o*icyma5ers de&e*o,ed the B>omino TheoryC as a %usti$ication $or the in&o*&ement0 This theory stated, B.$ South Nietnam $a**s to the Communist, Haos, Cambodia, Thai*and, 1urma, .ndia and -a5istan wou*d a*so $a** *i5e dominos0 The -aci$ic .s*ands and e&en

O,,osition to (ene&a Accords

The United States ,re&ented the e*ections that were ,romised under the (ene&a con$erence because it 5new that the Communists wou*d win0
Secretary o$ State John Foster >u**es thought the (ene&a Accords granted too much ,ower to the Communist -arty o$ Nietnam0 Ke and -resident >wight >0 )isenhower su,,orted the creation o$ a counter+re&o*utionary a*ternati&e south o$ the 1:th ,ara**e*0

This was accom,*ished through $ormation o$ the SOUTK )AST AS.A TG)ATQ OG(AN.OAT.ON "S)ATO#0

Fa** o$ Saigon and S)ATO

U0S0 *ost this war in 19:F and $orces were ca**ed bac50 From arch 19:F unti* the $a** o$ Saigon on A,ri* F4, 19:3, the South Nietnamese army tried des,erate*y to sa&e the South $rom ,o*itica* and mi*itary co**a,se0 The end $ina**y came when North Nietnamese tan5s ro**ed south a*ong Nationa* Kighway One0 On the morning o$ A,ri* F4, Communist $orces ca,tured the ,residentia* ,a*ace in Saigon, ending the Nietnam =ar0 Kence with the ,rime moti&e behind S)ATO being *ost, the

S)ATO de$ence treaty ca**ed on*y $or consu*tation, *ea&ing each indi&idua* nation to react indi&idua**y to interna* threats0 Un*i5e the7North At*antic Treaty Organi;ation "NATO#, S)ATO had no inde,endent mechanism $or obtaining inte**igence or de,*oying mi*itary $orces, so the ,otentia* $or co**ecti&e action was *imited0 As it incor,orated on*y three Asian members, S)ATO $aced charges o$ being a new $orm o$ =estern co*onia*ism0 Hinguistic and cu*tura* di$$icu*ties between the member states a*so com,ounded its ,rob*ems, ma5ing it di$$icu*t $or S)ATO to accom,*ish many o$ its goa*s0 -a5istan $orma**y *e$t S)ATO in 19:F, because the organi;ation had $ai*ed to ,ro&ide it with assistance in its ongoing con$*ict against .ndia0 =hen the Nietnam =ar ended in 19:3, the most ,rominent reason $or S)ATO8s e!istence disa,,eared0 As a resu*t, S)ATO $orma**y disbanded in 19::0

Other reasons $or the $ai*ure o$ S)ATO


The Centra* Treaty Organi;ation" a*so re$erred to as C)NTOJ origina* name was midd*e east treaty organi;ation or )TOJ a*so 5nown as the 1aghdad -act# was $ormed in 1933 by .ran, .raA, -a5istan, Tur5ey and the United Iingdom0 .ran Auit the ,act in 193? and the same year USA %oined it and renamed it C)NTO0

.n the ear*y 1934s, the United States (o&ernment e!,ressed an interest in the $ormation o$ a idd*e )ast Command to ,rotect the region against communist encroachment0 The nature o$ some o$ the ongoing tensions in the region, *i5e Arab+.srae*i con$*ict and )gy,tian+*ed anti+co*onia*ism, made it di$$icu*t to $orge an a**iance that wou*d inc*ude both .srae* and =estern co*onia* ,owers0 .nstead, the U0S shi$ted its $ocus to the 6Northern Tier,6 re$erring to the *ine o$ countries that $ormed a border between the U0S0S0G0 and the idd*e )ast0 The idea was to conc*ude an a**iance that wou*d *in5 the southernmost member o$ the7North At*antic Treaty Organi;ation "NATO#, Tur5ey, with the westernmost member o$ the7Southeast Asia Treaty Organi;ation "S)ATO#, -a5istan0

The ob%ecti&e o$ the a**iance was to ,re&ent the s,read o$ communism and o$ So&iet .n$*uence in the idd*e )ast0 The aim was to strengthen the regimes $a&ouring the west0 C)NTO was created as a con&ention mi*itary a**iance in the Co*d =ar c*imate o$ the 1934s and ser&ed as the centra* *in5 in the chain o$ strategic de$ence ,acts against the So&iet Union and its a**ies

Un*i5e NATO, C)NTO didn@t ha&e a uni$ied mi*itary command structure, nor were many U0S0 Or UI mi*itary bases estab*ished in member countries, a*though the U0S0 had communications and e*ectronic inte**igence $*ights o&er the USSG $rom bases in -a5istan0 The UI had access to $aci*ities in -a5istan and .raA at &arious times whi*e the treaty was in e$$ect0 .n addition, Tur5ey and the U0S0

C)NTO didn@t inter$ere in the Arab .srae* con$*ict, nor in the .ndo+-a5 wars" in which -a5 wanted C)NTO to he*, it# C)NTO did *itt*e to ,re&ent the e!,ansion o$ So&iet in$*uence to non member states in the area0 =hate&er containment &a*ue the ,act might ha&e had was *ost when the So&iets R*ea, $rogged@ the member states, estab*ishing c*ose mi*itary and ,o*itica* re*ationshi,s with go&ts0 .n )gy,t, Syria, .raA, Soma*ia, Hibya, the -eo,*e@s >emocratic Ge,ub*ic o$ Qemen0 .ndeed by 19:4, the U0S0S0G0 had de,*oyed o&er 24,444 troo,s to )gy,t

C)NTO was dys$unctiona* much be$ore its o$$icia* termination when, in 19:4, Tur5ey in&aded Cy,rus, a mo&e that was se&ere*y critici;ed by the =estern -owers0 O$$icia**y it ended when the .s*amic Ge&o*ution too5 ,*ace in .ran and it withdrew $rom the A**iance "Feb 13, 19:9#

10 .raA ,u**ing itse*$ out o$ the ,act0 20 Non containment o$ the So&iet in$*uence0 F0 Tur5ey@s in&asion o$ Cy,rus0 40 F*eeing away o$ the Shah o$ .ran0

years that $o**owed wea5ened the -act and there$ore III ,t is said to be t/e 1orst o# a'' t/e a''ia% es #or"ed duri%g t/e o'd 1ar periodIII

Ges,onse to the integration o$7=est (ermany into7NATO7in 19330 =arsaw ,act was a mutua* de$ence treaty between eight communist states o$ eastern )uro,e in e!istence during the co*d war0 7)stab*ished under the initiati&e o$ the7So&iet Union7and signed on 14 ay 1933, in7=arsaw i*itary com,*iment to the7Counci* $or utua* )conomic Assistance7"Co )con#, the regiona* economic organisation $or the communist states o$ )astern

7Natio%s2 i0 So&iet Union7 ii0A*bania iii0-o*and 7 i&0)ast (erman &0C;echos*o&a5ia &i0Gomania &ii0Kungary 7 &iii01u*garia

The =arsaw ,act was $ormu*ated to ,re&ent, at a** costs ,the recurrence o$ an in&asion o$ Gussian soi* as has occurred under na,o*eon in 1?12, (erman $orces in 191? and Kit*er in 1941,*eading to e!treme de&astation and human *osses0 Two+$o*d' the -o*itica* Consu*tati&e Committee hand*ed ,o*itica* matters, and the Combined Command o$ -act Armed Forces with headAuarters in =arsaw, -o*and0 The *atter was in charge o$ a** mi*itary acti&ities o$ the a**iance, whi*e the $irst contro**ed e&erything e*se07


Communists too5 o&er in 1949, *iberation became domination and the Kungarian go&ernment was tota**y subordinate to So&iet contro*07 6There was $reedom in the air on October 2F, 193E when Kungarian students began demonstrating against the Communist go&ernment07 7.mre Nagy, the new communist ,arty *eader, withdrew Kungary $rom the =arsaw -act and ended Kungary8s a**iance with the So&iet Union0 A$ter 193E the So&iet Union ,ractica**y disbanded the Kungarian -eo,*e8s Army and reinstituted a ,rogram o$ ,o*itica* indoctrination in the units that remained07 unab*e to re*y on7Kungarian $orces to maintain order, the So&iet Union increased its troo, *e&e* in Kungary


.n ay 19EE when there were com,*aints that the So&iet Union was e!,*oiting the ,eo,*e o$ C;echos*o&a5ia0 A wea5 economy e!acerbated the situation and none o$ the re$orms that were introduced wor5ed0 The wor5ers remained in ,oor housing and *ed the most basic o$ *i$esty*es07 )ar*y in 19E? by A*e!ander >ubce5 became the *eader0 The go&ernment o$ C;echos*o&a5ia7seeming*y wanted to democrati;e the nation0 The -rague S,ring ended with a So&iet in&asion, the remo&a* o$ A*e!ander >ubce5 as ,arty *eader and an end to re$orm within C;echos*o&a5ia0

.n 19E2, A*bania sto,,ed ,artici,ating in the actions o$ the treaty and $orma**y dro,,ed out o$ the a**iance in 19E?0 1y the 19?4s, the =arsaw Treaty Organi;ation was beset by ,rob*ems re*ated to the economic s*owdown in a** )astern )uro,ean countries07 7.n Se,tember 1994, )ast (ermany *e$t the -act in ,re,aration $or reuni$ication with =est (ermany07 1y October, C;echos*o&a5ia, Kungary, and -o*and had withdrawn $rom a** =arsaw -act mi*itary e!ercises0 A ,rotoco* ,dibanding the warsaw ,act, was signed in ,rague on %u*y 1,1991, in connection with re$orms *aunched in the so&iet union and other centra* and east euro,ean countries0

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