Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy

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Iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Iron requirement go up significantly during pregnancy. Iron is essential for making hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to other cells. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the body increases until almost 50 percent more than usual and it needs more iron to make more hemoglobin for all that additional blood. Pregnant mother also need extra iron for the growing baby and placenta.

Unfortunately, most women start pregnancy without sufficient stores of iron to meet their body's increased demands, particularly in the second and third trimesters. If they get to the point where they no longer have enough iron to make the hemoglobin they need, pregnant mother become anemic

Etiology of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy

Hipervolemia,cause the blood dilution Blood additional is not proportional to increasing plasma Less iron consumption in food Increase of iron need Disturbance in absorption and GI tract

Risk factor of Iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy

Pregnant in <20 years or >35 years Morning sickness severe enough to cause frequent vomiting two or more pregnancies close together, pregnancy with more than one baby iron-poor diet pre-pregnancy menstrual flow was heavy.

the amount of iron need shoots up during pregnancy from 18 to 27 milligrams (mg) per day Because it's hard to get enough iron through diet alone,that pregnant women take a daily supplement of 30 mg of elemental iron as a preventive dose

In first trimester therell be hematocrit test: to measures the percentage of red blood cells in plasma and hemoglobin test to measures the number of grams of hemoglobin in blood For pregnant woman, its normal for hemoglobin and hematocrit levels to go down somewhat in the second half of pregnancy, when the amount of blood in your body is expanding dramatically and the amount of plasma (the fluid component of blood) increases faster than the number and size of red blood cells but it may not decrease too low

Iron deficiency anemic standard

In non pregnancy, anemic if hb percentage in the blood 2gr% (Winkjosastro, 2002). Anemic during pregnancy if hb percentage <11gr% in I and II trimester or <10,5gr% in II trimester (Saifuddin, 2002).

fero sulfat, fero glukonat or Na-fero bisirat : 60 mg/day able to increase Hb as much as 1 gr%/ month. National program recommend combination of 60 mg iron and 50 nanogram folat acid (Saifuddin, 2002)

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