Non Verbal Communi Cation

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Non-verbal Communication


Body language can speak more strongly than words. Make sure you say the right things with it.

Color Influences Communication

Yellow cheers and elevates moods

Blue comforts and soothes

In some cultures black suggests mourning

In some cultures white suggests purity


Nonverbal Communication
Is it possible to communicate without words? Studies show that over half of your message is carried through nonverbal elements: Your appearance Your body language The tone and the pace of your voice.


Non-verbal forms of communication is a term that refers to any way in which we communicate our ideas, opinions and feelings with each other that does not involve the use of written or spoken words. For example, what would an interview panel think of 1. a smiling, smartly dressed candidate? 2. a candidate who has an untidy appearance and does not make eye contact?


What message do you wish to send with your choice of clothing and personal grooming?

Microsoft Photo


Power of Non Verbal Communication

He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.

Contents of Non Verbal Communication

Pitch Speed Tone Voice Volume Gestures Facial Expression Body Posture

Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication

Intentional or unintentional Ambiguous Primary Continuous Multichanneled


All the Behaviours are communiative

Improving Nonverbal Communication Skills

Dont automatically assume Consider gender, culture and individual differences Pay attention to all aspects of nonverbal communication Use perception checking


Nonverbal Signals
Vary from culture to culture

Microsoft Photo 16

Examples of visual images in the workplace

A finance director giving a presentation to City analysts uses bar graphs and pie charts to display the raw data from a complex profit forecast.

A brochure-designer searches photographic libraries to find a suitable image to support the central messages that appear in the text of an organisations annual report.

Potential benefits of non-verbal communication

1. Rapid communication of messages
2. Simplification of complex messages

3. Securing audience attention

4. Making messages memorable (visual hook) 5. Persuading and motivating

1. Rapid communication of messages

Signs used on roads and motorways

Winding road ahead, begins with a curve to the right

The road ahead, curves sharply left, then right

Danger! Vicinity of school, kindergarten, or playground. Children are likely to run into traffic lanes.

2. Simplification of complex messages

Showing conceptual or spatial relationships

3. Securing audience attention

Dramatic or unexpected images in advertisements

4. Making messages memorable (visual hook)

The Nike "Swoosh" is a design created in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student at Portland State University.

Nike Ultimate Slide Men's Sandal

Slippers provided by a hotel in Xiamen, China

Potential problems with visual media

Inconsistency a particular picture may not be consistent with other aspects of the message that is being sent (e.g. contradictory text and images). Inherent unsuitability it may not be suitable for the receiver that the sender is trying to reach (e.g. offensive images). Context-related meaning its meaning may be altered according to the context in which it is being received (cultural variation).

Presenting data visually


pie charts
bar charts

line graphs
maps flowcharts

Applications of Non-Verbal Communication

powerful a tool as masterful negotiating techniques Project yourself as a confident, welcoming person, and your clients, colleagues and bosses will be attracted to you, keen on doing business with you and on promoting you within your organization.

The advantages of non-verbal communication are:

1 You can communicate with someone who is hard of hearing of deaf. 2) You can communicate at place where you are supposed to maintain silence. 3) You can communicate something which you don't want others to hear or listen to. 4) You can communicate if you are far away from a person. The person can see but not hear you. 5) Non-verbal communication makes conversation short and brief. 6) You can save on time and use it as a tool to communicate with people who don't understand your language.

The disadvantages of non-verbal communication are:

1) You can not have long conversation. 2) Can not discuss the particulars of your message 3) Difficult to understand and requires a lot of repetitions. 4) Can not be used as a public tool for communication. 6) Less influential and can not be used everywhere. 7) Not everybody prefers to communicate through non-verbal communication. 8) Can not create an impression upon people/listeners.

First Impression is Last Impression

First impression includes: Dress & grooming Voice Handshake Eye contact Body posture

First Impression II
Positive first impression make communications much easier and more comfortable. Negative first impressions can cut off a relationship before it gets started. Many people give up rather than trying to reverse the other peoples negative impression.

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