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Collaboration Meaning

The dictionary meaning of collaboration is working with someone to produce or create something. It means taking decision/ implementing relating to various organization issues jointly by the manager and workers.

To prevent worker exploitation Growth of the company economy through democratic process To resolve the conflicts between workers and management Sharing information about collective bargaining process

Autonomous work group Industrial democracy socio-technical systems Suggestions schemes


Meaning of WPM
WPM is a system of communication and consultation, either formal or informal, by which employees of an organization are kept informed about the affairs of an undertaking and through which they express their opinion and contribute to mgt decisions.

Objectives of WPM

Increasing productivity for the general benefit of the enterprise, the employees and the community; Giving employees a better understanding of their role in the working of the industry & of the production process; and Satisfying the workers urge for selfexpression, thus leading to industrial peace, better relations and increased cooperation.

Forms of WPM
Informative & associative participation Consultative participation Administrative participation Decision participation

Participative forums in India

Works committees; Joint mgt. Councils; Joint councils; Unit councils; Plant councils; Shop councils; Workers representative on the board of mgt; and Workers participation in share capital.

Conditions necessary for effective working of the scheme

Congenial work environment Well defined roles Faith in the efficacy of the scheme Wide publicity Should be evolutionary Free flow of information throughout the enterprise Should be based on mutual trust Decisions taken by different participatory forums must be sincerely carried out in the stipulated time

Reasons for failure of WPM

Ideological differences between the employer and the employees regarding the degree of participation. Failure to imbibe the spirit of participation by the parties Multiplicity of participative forums Lack of strong trade unionism Unhappy IR Illiteracy of workers Non co-operative attitude of the working class Delays in the implementation of the decisions of the participative bodies

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