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In-house Training No.

01 December 2012

Personal Effectiveness : Manage Self

6 core Competency Categories in the Leadership & People Management

(LPM) WSQ Framework (Professional Diploma Level 4)

Competency Catergory : Personal Effectiveness

Competency Unit : Manage Self

3 competency elements:

Communicate Effectively
Influence Decision Making Demonstrate Commitment to Self-Development

What is Self-Awareness ???

Knowing yourself better Pivotal step to personal effectiveness Capitalise on strengths & address weaknesses How ??? Transactional Analysis : scientific model of social psychology, TA is used to help us understand human personality, communications & working relationships (both personal & professional). Dr. Eric Berne (1958)

underpinned by the philosophy that PEOPLE:

a. are OK. b. can think. c. can change.

Ego-State Model
Lay rules, pass judgements Things ought to be or should be

Analytical & logical Pros & Cons (decision-making) Here & Now Thinking mode

Egogram Concept

Replay childhood experiences, thoughts & feelings Feeling mode

Life Scripts
is a personal unconscious life plan made in childhood in reaction to our interpretation of external events, reinforced by parents &

justified by events to become a chosen alternative.

a) Winner

life scripts :

b) Non-winner

c) Loser

Factors influencing Life Scripts ?

Life Scripts accumulation of script messages?

Life Positions
LP 2 Im NOT OK, Youre OK (Non-winner) LP 1 Im OK, Youre OK (Winner)

LP 4 LP 3


(Loser) -ve

Im OK, Youre NOT OK

(Non-winner) +ve

Life Positions Activity : OK Questionnaire

20 questions in 2 parts (I+ and Y+) Fill in blanks with score of word that best describes YOU 0 Never 1 Barely 2 Seldom 3 Sometimes 4 Often 5 Usually 6 Always

Total scores for both parts (I+ and Y+) Plot point on graph


The 3 V's of Communication

7% 55%


Verbal - What you say (words, phrases, sentences)

Vocal - How you say it (tone, pitch, speed, delivery) Visual - How you look (body language, attire, accessories, posture)


When is the first report due?


Its due this Friday afternoon.

NOT OK OK Complementary Complementary Transaction Transaction Channel Channel the the OK NOT Blue OK Red

Sender Receiver

Where is the report for the meeting this afternoon? Lets look at it step-bystep to solve the problem, shall we start from here?.

OKOK Crossed Transaction Channel the OKNOT Red-Blue NOT Crossed Transaction Channel the OK Red

Sender Receiver

Come into my office now.

Ill be there in a minute.

The Ulterior Transaction Channel the Gamey Talk

Communication Champion
Sender Receiver

Communication Champion (Leader)

I understand it can be worrying for you. I can see the implication of the restructuring. We have reviewed all alternatives in detail & this is the best option available.

How do you feel about the change?

The IDEAL Talk Communication Champion

Open Communication
1. Share companys vision, goals & core values 2. Understand & accept new ideas & initiatives & new products & processes, company goals, requirements, etc. of team members 3. Enhanced sense of belonging of team members, which will motivate them to achieve company goals. 4. Building of trust among team members to inspire collaboration & commitment to common goals 5. Enhanced team cohesion as open communication not only provides information but also help members understand how their actions interact with & affect others in the team & provide a platform for feedback 6. Effective feedback channel for leaders to listen to what their team members have to say about leadership & also provide an effective platform for change management & generation of new ideas & suggestions.

Communication Techniques/Approaches
1. Explaining Roles & Responsibilities
2. Individual / Group Briefings 3. Facilitating Discussion 4. Instructions 5. Providing Documentation

Effective Listening
1. Show respect to message sender
2. Give due attention to message sender 3. Facilitate feedback loop for leaders & members

1. Occurs when receiver responds to senders message with a return message.

2. Help to determine if message was interpreted correctly by receiver

3. Vital in open communication culture

Feedback enables effective leaders to: 1) Ensure team members understands companys goals & requirements. 2) Develop self & nurture team members in an organisation 3) Address potential conflicts among team members 4) Enhance team spirit & cohesion Roles & Responsibilities of team members: a) b) c) d) Receive feedback constructively Check understanding of company goals & plans periodically Support leader & fellow members with constructive feedbacks Show respect by giving genuine feedbacks

Influence Decision-Making
Development of Implementation Plan:

Who we are, where we are going

Broad Plans

How to achieve Broad Plans?

Influence Decision-Making
Benefits of Implementation Plan:
Sets targets & goals for individuals & teams

Provides collaborative opportunities for people

to work together for common goals Determines the amount of effort necessary to achieve deliverables Maps the constraints & challenges in the course

of achieving goals & targets

Influence Decision-Making
Roles & Responsibilities of LEADERS in development of Implementation Plan:
Work with a business unit or multiple teams to

integrate & coordinate

Negotiate & influence team members to come out with realistic I.P. perceived as fair & achievable Lead & motivate line managers in I.P. development Ensure linkages & communication of all parties

involved in the I.P.

Influence Decision-Making
Decision-Making Model
Implement Select Alternative Evaluate Alternatives Analyze Solutions Generate Solutions Define Problem, System
(Constraints, Values, Input/Output, etc.)

Define Goals & Objectives

Influence Decision-Making
Motivate Teams

Using Strokes
In Transactional Analysis (TA) a stroke is defined as a unit of attention & a unit of recognition.
Verbal or Non-verbal : greeting or complimentary conversation. Wave, nod, handshake, pat on back or even a hug Positive or Negative : Stroke that gives receiver a pleasant experience. Conditional or Unconditional : Conditional strokes for DOING Unconditional for BEING Plastic Strokes : Strokes not genuine and/or authentic (phoney) Sarcastic or cynical, ulterior transaction

Influence Decision-Making
Negotiation Styles
High Accomodator Lose-Win Build friendly Relationship Life Position 2 Collaborator Win-Win Creative Problem-Solving Life Position 1

Concern for Relationship

Compromiser Win-Lose Lose-Win Split the Difference Avoider Lose-Lose Take whatever you can get Life Position 4 Controller Win-Lose Be a winner at all cost Life Position 3


Moderate Concern for Outcome


Self Development
4 main benefits : 1. Heightened self-awareness

2. Increased situational & opportunity awareness

3. Enlightened personal decision-making process 4. Commitment to transitional learning & self


Self Development
Barriers to S.D.?
No time?
Being unaware of own weaknesses due to lack of feedback? No access to behavioural, personality & psychometric profiling tools No opportunities ($) Organisational constraints?

Self Assessment
Generic 2 useful generic avenues for self-assessment for leaders: Participating in debriefing session upon project completion. Regular feedback opportunities with colleagues, coaches & mentors. Technical Technical tools (DiSC) developed to aid self-assessment. Behavioural, personality & psychometric tools (DiSC) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Self Assessment
DiSC dimension of behaviour self-assessment of leadership style Personality assessment tool originated in 1928 Based on DiSC personality theory of psychologist William M.

Theory centres around 4 different personality traits:
Dominance, Influence, Steadiness & Conscientiousness.

8 rows X 3 columns = 24 qns (group) Each group, choose words which you think is Most and Least like you. Only 1 M & 1 L for each group.

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