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Monast ic ism

Mr. Pablo Cuadra

Religion Class
What is th e meanin g of
the wo rd mo nk?
 The word monk
comes from the
Greek “monachos”
 A term that means:
solitary, one living
Who is t he founder o f
Ch rist ian
monast ic ism ?
 The tradition of
monastic life goes
back to St. Anthony
the Great (251-356)
in Egypt.
Who is a monk?
 A person who
practices religious
What is th e meanin g of
the wo rd a sc etic ism?
 A. Asceticism is the
conditioning of mind
and body in favor of
the spirit.
 B. Ex: A football
player devotion to
his or her game
through rigorous
Where does the concept
of monasti cis m come
 A. Monastic life has roots in
the Old Testament and New
 B. Prophets like Elias and
John the Baptist both lived
alone in the desert living a life
of prayer and sacrifice for
 C. Jesus also went away to
the desert to pray and find
spiritual strength.
Ho w d id m onast ic l if e
deve lop?
 A. St. Anthony began  E. More joined in
the tradition in the 3rd attracted by the
century. holiness of St. Anthony.
 B. He lived alone in the  F. Gradually they formed
Egyptian desert as an small communities,
anchorite. coming together only on
 C. He attracted a group Sundays and special
of followers that holidays.
imitated him in his
spiritual pursuit.
 D. St. Anthony taught
them how to pursuit God
in solitude.
Who devel oped the
practi ce of l ife in
communi ti es?
 Monks living together
under one roof and one
rule is attributed to St.
Pachomios (292-348).
 This tradition grew in the
Eastern Roman empire.
 Monasteries housed an
average of 30,000
Who was St . Ba sil the
Gr eat?
 St. Basil the Great
was the first to
establish clear rules
for monks on how to
live the monastic
Who were J ohn
Ca ssia n a nd St
Be nedict?
 They are the fathers
of monastic life in the
Western church.
What are some of the
characteri stics of
monasti c livi ng?
 A. Monks separate  D. A monk’s life is dived into
themselves from the world in three parts: worship, manual
order to pray for the world. labor, and private study,
 B. Monks are concerned with prayer and rest.
“Theosis” or union with God.  E. Meals are eaten in
 C. Monks are self- common while listening to
supporting. the scriptures.
 F. Most of the monk’s
activities are done in silence.
 G. Monks practice self-
discipline, poverty, and prayer
What a re the t hree t ypes of
monast ic living in t he
East ern and Ort hodox
 A. Anchorites or
hermits (living in
 B. Coenobitic (living
in community)
 C. Skete ( a mixture
of solitary living and
What are the d egrees
of mo nast ic l if e i n the
Ea st ?
 A. Novitiate (one under  Monks receive the Great
obedience) schema a scapular with the
 B. Rassaphore (robe-bearer) instruments of the Passion
Wears a black robe with wide and Trisagion.
sleeves and a belt signifying  This stage is given only after
death to the world. 25 years of service or at
 C. Stavrophore (cross- deathbed.
bearer) or little schema. The
monk makes his first formal
vows or promises. He is given
a cross and a candle that will
be use at his funeral.
 D. Great Schema (the
highest level of spiritual
Ho w a re monks
 Monks are addressed as
“Fathers” even if they are not
 Monks can be priests,
deacons, bishops or
 In the Eastern Church
bishops are selected from the
ranks of monks.
 Seminaries are usually
attached to a monastery to
teach students preparing for
priesthood the benefits of
the spiritual life.
What is a monastery?
 A. A monastery is the
place where monks
or nuns live in
 B. The head of the
monastery is the
“Abbott” or father.
Ab bot
 The spiritual Father of the
 The abbot is elected by the
 The abbot is blessed by the
 Abbots received Episcopal
insignias (Mitre, ring, crosier,
pectoral cross)
 Abbots can confer the
ministries of acolyte and
 Abbots have spiritual
jurisdiction over their
Ro man Ca tholic Monks
(We stern Ch urc h)
 A. Follow the Rule of St.  F. Conversion of Life or
Benedict of Nursia. fidelity to the monastic life
 B. Profess three vows or includes a commitment to
promises: obedience, poverty and chastity.
Stability and Conversion of  G. The life of the monk is
Life (Conversatio Morum). marked by prayer and manual
 C. To become a monk one labor (Ora et Labora).
must first be an oblate or  H. The monks’ prayer is
novice. rooted in the tradition of the
 D. Monks live in a monastery Liturgy of the hours. The call
with other monks. to pray without ceasing.
 E. Monks wear a plain brown
or black cape and a cross.
Th e En d

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