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Coal Gasification Technology and Syngas Production

Ruben Reyes ChE379

Gasification technology
! "ifferent types of gasifiers ! Products fro# gasification

Syngas production$ Gasifiers used for %GCC po&er plants Conclusion

Coal Gasification Technologies

! 'asic O(er(ie& of gasification
Coal or other fuels O)idation carefully controlled *+$ CO+$ C*,$ other products *+ can be purified -sh/slag lefto(ers

! 3 types of gasifiers
.o(ing bed /luid 'ed Entrained /lo&

! 0nderground Coal Gasification

1ertical &ells and path&ay creation Controlled retraction in2ection point

-bo(e ground gasification

.o(ing bed reactor 34urgi ! dry ash and 'G4 5 slagging6
! Counter5current flo& of coal and o)idi7ing blast ! 'last co#posed of air and hot syngas$ so lo& o)ygen consu#ption ! Operates on reacti(e carbon sources ! Good heat transfer heats the carbon source creating #ethane and tar ! Post production cleaning and scrubbing re8uires greater energy use
/igure 9: 'G4 Gasifier

'G4 gasifier 3fi)ed bed$ slagging6

-bo(e Ground Gasification

/luid5bed reactor 3;in<ler$ *T;$ C/' ! dry ash= >R;$ 05 Gas ! -gglo#erating6
! -ir fluidi7es a bed and carbon containing particles added ! Proper #i)ing of fuel and o)idant pro(ide good #ass transfer and heat transfer ! /ine particle &ill escape &ith syngas and needs to be cleaned ! 1ery good heat/#ass transfer so partially reacted carbon #ay settle &ith ash ! Slagging &ill reduce fluidi7ation$ so te#p re#ains belo& softening point for ash
/igure +: ;in<ler Gasifier

;in<ler Gasifier 3/luid bed$ dry ash6

-bo(e Ground Gasification

Entrained flo& reactors 3Shell$ Te)aco$ E5gas$ ?oell$ >T 5 Slagging6
! Carbon source is #ade of (ery fine particles in a li8uid or slurry for (ery good #ass transfer ! 1ery little residence ti#e ! Co5current flo& &ith o)ygen &here high te#peratures can be reached ! 4o& heat transfer #eans hot e)iting gas &ith no #ethane or tar$ but #ore o)ygen re8uired@ ! *igh te#perature and (ery s#all carbon sources #a<e it an ideal process for coal gasification@
*igh te#peratures &ithout charring ?o agglo#eration because of fine particle si7e preparation

Te)aco Gasifier 3entrained flo&$ slagging6

/igure 9: Te)aco Gasifier

0nderground Coal Gasification

1ertical &ells$ so(iet technology
! *+ and O+ are in2ected and ignited to create syngas$ CO+ and #ethane ! Coal deposits do not allo& for transport of the gases fro# the in2ection &ell to reco(ery &ell (ery easily ! Closely spaced &ells and re(erse co#bustion #ethods are e#ployed to create a ca(ity bet&een &ells ! This process &or<s$ but re8uires #any &ells to be constructed

/igure A: Current 0GC

0nderground Coal Gasification

Controlled retraction in2ection point fro# oil technology 3CR%P6
! The oil industryBs hori7ontal drilling for production and in2ection &ells to deli(er and absorb syngas continuously ! Only one in2ection &ell$ the ignition continues through the insea# as the in2ection &ells are retreated@ ! The product is collected in a product &ell ! Concerns about ground &ater inhibit the use of 0CG@

/igure C: CR%P 0GC

Syngas production and energy industry

CO+ re#o(al
! 0sed for oil recla#ation ! Can be in2ected bac< in ground

Co#bined cycle
! Co#bustion turbine ! *eat used for generating stea#

/uel cell uses

There are #any &ays that carbon containing co#pounds #ay be gasified Coal gasification occurs best in entrained flo& reactors such as the Te)aco gasifier
! The coal &ill not heat up as #uch and &ill not create #ethane and tar@ ! The re8uire#ent for fine particles into the gasifier pre(ents agglo#eration

0nderground coal gasification technology is present and used today but &ith certain challenges
! ;ater conta#ination ! %#pact on en(iron#ent and land

Potential benefits are #any

! Syngas used in co#bined cycle energy production ! *ydrogen fuel cell use for energy production and transportation purposes ! .ethane and hydrogen ha(e applications in the che#ical industry &here they can be used@ ! ?ot #entioned$ gasification is first step in coal li8uefaction process@ ! Coal gasification could reduce dependence on foreign oil ! CO+ se8uestration

Gasification reference shelf 5 i#ages and photos@ 3n@d@6@ National Energy Technology Laboratory@ Retrie(ed ?o(e#ber +D$ +DD7$ fro# http://&&&@netl@doe@go(/technologies/coalpo&er/gasification/pubs/photo@ht# l Gasification Technology and RE"@ 3n@d@6@ U.S. Department of energy@ Retrie(ed ?o(e#ber +D$ +DD7$ fro# http://&&&@fossil@energy@go(/progra#s/po&ersyste#s/gasification/inde)@ht# l *ig#an$ C@$ E 1an "er 'urgt$ .@ 3n@d@6@ Gasification@ Else(ier@ Retrie(ed ?o(e#ber +D$ +DD7$ fro# Google 'oo< Search database: http://boo<s@google@co#@e7pro)y@lib@ute)as@edu/ boo<sF idGH0lRa0rIJ%0CEprintsecGfrontco(erEd8GgasificationEsigGS)b9sA8#>> D3)e9%?bsiuoK&&IJLPPP9$.9 0nderground Coal Gasification@ 3n@d@6@ World Coal Instit te@ Retrie(ed ?o(e#ber +D$ +DD7$ fro# ;orld Coal %nstitute ;eb site: http://&&&@&orldcoal@org/pages/content/inde)

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