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Scrub up

1. Work with a partner. How many of these foods can you name? Can you find them in the lists below? : beans, beef, broccoli, snaps, cabbage, soy, potatoes, tofu, whole grains, donuts 2. Look at the,and answer the questions a. find two good sources of protein. b. find two good sources of carbohydrate. c. find two dairy products d. find two pulses e. find seven ways of cooking food f. which foods on the list are high in far? g. which foods contain high levels of vitamin C? h. which foods are low in vitamins? i. which items on the list are junk foods? j. which food do you think id high est in calories?

a. Two good sources of protein

b. Twogood sources of carbohydrate

c. Two dairy products

milk eggs potato

banana beef

d.Find two pulse

f.which foods on the list are high in fat

i.Which tems on the list are junk foods

g.Which foods contain high levels of vitamin c

e. find seven ways of cooking food

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Set the table properly Choose your plates wisely Read a clock Be odd Play with Height. Play with color and texture. Garnish appropriately

h.which foods are low in vitamins

j.which food do you think is highest in calories

3.With your partner, Use the lists to create

a. The most nutritious meal possible
b. The most unhealthy meal

e. A meal for somebody who needs to lose weigt

c. A meal for a athlete

d. A meal for a diabetic

Main course
A (choose one) Two grilled burgers tuna fish pie a cheese pizza lentil soup egg noodles two slices of roast beef two fried eggs tofu curry a lamb kebab B (choose two) Fried rice boiled potatoes salad baked beans in tomato sauce tinned tomatoes stir fried mush rooms fried onion rings steamed broccoli.

Chocolate pudding A banana A doughnut Yoghurt

A bottle of cola A glass of orange juice A glass of wine A glass of milk

tofu curry

boiled potatoes and salad

Body bits


Work in pairs. Look at the picture about why our body needs the things shown. What does each one contain?which part of the body is each one especially good for? - Sunflower seeds. Seeds are rich in vitamin E and tryptophan. Vitamin E may help the function of the circulatory system work better. Meanwhile, tiptofan can provide a relaxing effect for the mind. Sunflower seeds are very tasty made watermelon seeds. - Orange juice is a healthy option of fruit that can be found everyday. Besides lemon handy to keep skin fresh and eliminate acne blemishes.

Complete the descriptions of vitamins,minerals and cils with the words below.some words are used more than once. Teeth organs enzymes nervous system Brain eyes skin immune system Blood muscles bones cardiovascular system Cells Vitamin C is needed to help the immune system repair it self When it is cut or damagen it is found in fruit,espencially citrus fruit like oranges and grapefruit. The B-vitamin keep the brain healthy and help reduce stress.they are found in foods like who legrain brean and cereals


Vitamin A keeps the eyes healthy and is important for good vision. It is found in fatty foods like butter, cheese, whole milk and yoghurt. Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and teeth because it helps the body absorb calcium. Our body makes vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Calcium is needed for childrens bones and teeth to grow. It is found in foods like milk, cheese and yoghurt. Iron helps your blood carry oxygen. If you do not get enough iron, you will be pale and tired and you may get anaemia. Iron is found in red meats, especially liver. Zinc makes your immune system stronger so that you can fight colds and infections. it is found in shellfish, nuts, and seeds. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid which helps your brain function well. It is found in oily fist like mackerel, sardines, salmon, and tuna. Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body your muscle your cell and your immune system are made up mostly of protein. Carbohydrates are sugars which are broken down by enzymes then stored in the muscle as a source of energy. Grain products such as rice,bread and pasta are sources of carbohydrate. Fast fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They are also the building blocks of hormones and they insulate nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oils and nuts for example are believed to protect the skin

Research two of following subtances,and write about why our body needs them, and what they are found in. Try to use some of the language in Body bits.

Vitamin E Intake of vitamin E on the skin works to help improve the structure of the skin, prevent premature aging and nourish the skin. Vitamin E also serves to activate the oil glands in the skin so that the skin does not dry and dull.
Vitamin K 1. osteoporosis Vitamin K can make bones more healthy, in addition to calcium. Vitamin K can improve bone quality in our bodies. This vitamin also helps calcium and other minerals in bones for each binding. 2. cancer Vitamin K can also fight cancer cells in the body. Several studies have shown that people who consume the vitamin K in their diet are more resistant to cancer. Type of vitamin is even more effective in the fight against blood cancer and colon. 3. menstruation Vitamin K is essential for children who are experiencing menstrual cycle. When the body is deficient in vitamin K, you will lose a lot of blood during the menstrual period. It makes people feel physically weak. Potassium The body needs potassium to carry out protein synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, muscle development, and other critical functions of the electric and cellular. Selenium Selenium is needed by the body to protect cells from damage. Folicacid Folic acid is a vitamin B. Our bodies require folic acid for the formation of new cells.

B) Measurement 1 Section 1 presentation

1. Look at these examples :

Body weight is measured in kilograms (kg).

Body temperature is measured is degrees centigrade (C)

Nowpressure make five sentences from this table: Blood The quantity of blood in the body is Blood haemoglobin content measured in
Blood red cell content (g/100 ml) Blood flow

litres (l) litres per minute(l/min) milimetres of mercury (mm/Hg) grams per hundredmillilitres millions per cubicmillimetre (....., cu.


1. Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm/Hg) 2. The quantity of blood in the body is measured in litres (l) 3. Blood haemoglobin content is measured in grams per hundred millilitres

4. Blood red cell content is mesured in millions per cubic millilitres 5. Blood flow is measured in litres per minute (l/min)

Look at this example : Q: What is blood pressure measured in? A: Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm/Hg) Ask and answer questions about the following, using the information below: Cell diameter
Body surface area

Pulse rate

Drug dosages

Cardiac output

(m) metre (cm) centimetre (m) micron (micrometre) (l/min) litres per minute (m) metre squared (sq.m) square metre (g) gram (mg) milligram (l) liter (ml) millilitre (cc) cbic centimetre (b.p.m) beats per minute

ANSWER 1. Q: What is height measured in? A: Height is measured in centimetre (cm) 2. Q: What is cell diameter measured in? A: Cell diameter measured in micron (micrometre) m 3. Q: What is drug dosages measured in? A: Drug dosages measured in gram (g), milligram (mg), litre (l), millilitre (ml) 4. Q: What is pulse rate measured in?

A: Pulse rate measured in beats per minute (b.p.m)

5. Q: What is cardiac output measured in? A: Cardiac is measured in litres per minute (l/min) 6. Q: What is body surface area measured in?

A: Body surface area is measured in cubic centimetre

2. Read this :

(adult pulse c. 70 b.p.m) The normal pulse rate for resting dult is about 70 b.p.m (oral temperature 36-372C)(97-99F) Normal temperature in the mouth ranges from/between 36 to/and 372C
Make similar sentences using this information :
a) Childs pulse c.90 b) Infants pulse c.120 c) Blood pressure (in a young man) 120/80 mm/Hg d) Systolic blood pressure 100-140 mm/Hg e) Diastolic blood pressure 65-85 mm/Hg f) Rectal temperature 363-376C g) Axillary temperature 355-367C ANSWER:
a) The normal pulse rate for a resting childs is about 90 b.p.m b) The normal pulse rate for a resting infants pulse c.120 c) The normal blood pressure in a young man rate for a resting is about 120/80 mm/Hg d) The sistolic blood pressure is about 100-140 mm/Hg e) The normal diastolic blood pressure is about 65-85 mm/Hg f) Normal temprature in the rectal from between 36,3 -37,6C g) Normal temperature in the axillary 35,5-36,7C

3. Look at this table and the example below :

Normal values
Leucocytes maximum average minimum

Total number per 7,000 5,000 10.,00 Neutrophils 4,300 3,150 6.200 Lymphocytes 2,100 1,500 3,000 Monocytes 375 2855,000/ 500 The normal leucocoyte count for a male ranges from To 10,000/ with an average of 7,000/ Now answer the questions : A. What is the normal range of values for lymphocytes? B. What is the average lymphocyte count? C. What is the normal range of values for monocytes? D. What is the average monocyte count? E. Write is sentence about the normal neutrophil count. Answer: A. From 1,500/cu.Mm to 3,000/cu.Mm B. Of 2,100/cu.Mm C. From 285/cu.Mm to 500/cu.Mm D.Of 375/cu.Mm E. The normal neutrophil count for male ranges from 3,150/cu.Mm to 200/cu.Mm. With an average of 4.300/cu.Mm.

4. Look and read 40 39

37 36 35
If a patients temperature is 38c, it is above normal. If a patients temperature is 40c, he has a high temperature. If a patient has a blood pressure of 160/100 mm/Hg. He has a high b.p.m If a resting adults pulse is 100 b.p.m., it is fast.

Now comment on these recordings :

a) b) c) d) e) f) 363C 85/50 mm/Hg 50 b.p.m (adult) 140/90 mm/Hg 104F 125 b.p.m. (infant) g) h) i) j) 200/120 mm/Hg 345C 115/75 mm/Hg 355C


a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

If a patients temperature is 36,3c, it is normal. If a patient has a blood pressure of 85/50 mm/Hg. He has a low b.p. If a resting adults pulse is 50 b.p.m., it is slow. If a patient has a blood pressure of 140/100 mm/Hg. He has a high b.p If a patients temperature is 104 F, he has a high temperature. If a resting infants pulse is 125 b.p.m., it is normal. If a patient has a blood pressure of 200/120 mm/Hg. He has a high b.p If a patients temperature is 34,5c, it is subnormal. If a patient has a blood pressure of 115/75 mm/Hg. He has a high b.p. If a patients temperature is 35,5c, it is subnormal.

5. Look at these diagrams :

Cross section of an average sized artery and its accompanying vein (x80)

Portion of a cross section of the oesophagus (x20)

Read this : The section of the oesophagus has been magnified by 20. 20 times. In the diagram, the maximum thickness of epithelium is 15 mm. Therefore the actual maximum thickness of the epithelium is 0,75mm. (15/20) Complete this : In the diagram, the minimum thickness of epithelium is 15 mm. Therefore the actual minimum thickness of epithelium ia 0,75mm The range of thickness of the epithelium is .. to .. mm The average thickness of the epithelium is 7,5 mm

Ask and answer questions from this table :

layer of epithelium? submucosal layer? layer of striated muscle? longitudinal muscle layer artery? vein? Arterial tunica adventitia? venous tunica media? etc


What is the

thickness diameter witdh height etc.

of the

range of

Note : these diagrams may help you :

Or width diameter


1. What is the average thickness of the layer of epithalium?

The average thickness of the layer of epithelium is 1-2 mm 2. What is the range of width of the longitudinal muscle layer? The range of the longitudinal muscle layer is 15 mm

3. What is the maximum range of height of the submucosal layer?

The maximum range of height of the submucosal layer is 50 mm 4. What is the average of thickness of the layer of striated muscle? The average of thickness of the layer of striated muscle is 30-35 mm

Section 2. Development 6. Look and read : Incidence of cancer in England Distribution of systems as % of all sites by sex
Buccal cavity and pharynx alimentary tract respiratoy system bone. Etc. Skin

Genital system Urinary system

This histogram, or bar diagram, shows the number of cancers which occurred in different sites in men and women in england as a percentage of the total number of cases.


25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

The horizontal axis representens the percantage of all cases in each sex. The bars Endocrine glands. Etc. along the vertical axis repsent the different Lymphoid Unknown primary sites of cancer. From the diagram we can see that :
Nervous system, etc.

Cancers of the alimentary tract amounted to(accounted for) 26,6 % of all cancers in females. 26,5 % of all cancers in females accurred (were) in the alimentary tract

Now answer these questions : a) Which type of cancer accounted for 8,5 % of all male cases? b) Which site was affected in 4,6 % of all female cases? c) Which type of cancer occcurred in 28,8 % of ail male cases? d) Which two types of casncer accounted for over half the total for each sex? What can you say about : e) Cancers of the breast in females? f) Cancers of he urinary system in males? g) Cancers of the genital system in males? h) Cancer of the respiratory system in males? i) Skin cancers in both sexes? Ask and answer similar questions. a) Buccal cavity and pharynx Digestive b)breast cancer and servic c)Endocrine glands and respiratoy sytem d)breast cancer and sytem genikal e) Breast cancer is cancer that starts in the breast, Usually in the inner lining of the channel something lobules. There are different types of breast cancer, with different stages (spread), aggressiveness, and genetic makeup

f. Cancer is the growth of bladder cancer cells in the bladder and surrounding tissues. Lots going on at the age of 50 years. Often times found in men who happened 3x in a lot of women g. Genital cancer in women can occur in the vagina, cervix and ovaries. h. Cancer is found two times more in men than women. In Indonesia Chinese ethnic difference in the number of patients 3 times more often than ethnic Malay. i. Skin cancer is generally caused by the sun can make the skin damaged. a study says that women with skin cancer, especially melanoma, can survive longer than men. Antioxidant levels lower skin makes him more susceptible to skin cancer than women.

Look at this example : higher in females than in males The incidence of genital cancer was lower in males than in females

Now compare the incidence, in males and females, of :

j) j) j)

Cancers of the buccal cavity and pharynx The incidence of the buccal and pharynx cancers was higher in males than in fem Cancers of the urinary system The incidence of urinary system cancer was higher in males than in females Lymphoid cancers The incidence of lymphoid cancer was higher in females than in males

Now look at this example :

The highest incidence of cancer males was in the respiratory system.

Make sentences about the following in the same way: m) The lowest incidence of cancer males was in the breast . n) The highest incidence of cancer females was in the lymphoid. o) The lowest incidence of cancer females was in the skin.

7. read ths description and then copy the diagram below and add labels:
This hologram show an analysis of body composition in five cadavers. The vertical axis represents percentage of body weight. The bars along the horizontal axis represent (from highest to lowest) water, fat, protein and ash. The heights of individual bars are the mean for the five patiens. The vertical line represents the range.

air lemak protein abu Complete the following sentences : a) The amount of water in the human body averages about 5,9 and ranges .7,5 b) Protein repsents approximately 2 But may vary 2,5 c) The maximum value for fat is 1,9 d) The minimum recorded amount of water 5,9 e) The average value ash 0,5

8.look at this graph and complete the description beside it :

1.systolic-----females 2.diastolic-----males

Arterial pressure in mm/hg

The graph shows the effect of age on 12,5 82,5 years The vertical axis represents arterial pressure in mm/Hg The horizontal axis represents age in years The continuois line represents females The dotted line represents males

Blood pressure and age a) what is the average systolic b.p.for males in the age group 20-24? : the average systolic b.p.for males in the age group 20-24 is 117 mm/Hg b) what is the average diastolic b.p.for females in the 30-34 age group? : the average diastolic b.p.for females in the 30-34 age group is 75 mm/Hg

Age in years

Ask and answers similar question. Between the ages 25-29 and 35-39,the average systolic b.p. in males increases from about 120 to approximately 126 mm/hg. Between the 10-14 and the 20-24 age groups,the average systolic b.p. in females decreases from about 119 to about 117 mm/hg c) What happens to systolic females between the 40-44 age group and the 60-64 age group? : Between the 40-44 and the 60-64 age groups, the average systolic b.p. In females increases from 122-150 mm/Hg d) What happens to their diastolic b.p.? : Between the 40-44 and the 60-64 age groups, the average diastolic b.p. In females increases from 80-90 mm/Hg Ask and answers similar question. Read these conclusions which we can draw from the graph: The graph shows that blood pressure increases with age in both sexes. Systolic b.p. increases more rapidly/ at a faster rate than diastolic b.p. The increase in systolic b.p. is more rapid faster than the increase in diastolic b.p. Now compare(in the same way): e) diastolic b.p. in males and females Syscolic b.p. increases in males more slowly than females f) systolic b.p. in males and females Syscolic b.p. increases in males more slowly than females g) diastolic b.p. in males and females in the age range 10-29 The increase in systolic b.p. in males the ages 10-29 more slowly than females h) systolic and diastolic b.p. in females from 10-34 Syscolic b.p. increases in females the ages 10-34 more slowly than diastolic i) systolic b.p. in males and females in the age range 65-84 Systolic b.p. increases in males the ages range 65-84 is 145-170 mm/Hg, more slowly than females from 150-180 mm/Hg

9.draw the axes below and plot the following data on them.then label the completed graph and give it title:
Left ventricular volumes with respect to time within the cardiac cycle

0.0 sec 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3

170 ml 175 172 130 86

0.4 sec 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

68 ml 90 117 136 159

175 165 145 125 105 85 65

0,0 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

Ask and answers questions using these words/phrases: a.vertical axis : The vertical axis represents volumes b.horizontal axis : The horizontal axis represents time c.maximum : The maximum value for volume is 175 ml d.minimum : The minimum value for volume is 68 ml e.between 0.05 and 0.4.sec : What happens in graph between 0,05 and 0,4 sec? Between the time 0,05 and 0,4 in graph decline from 175-68 ml f.berween 0.4 and 0.8.sec : What happens to time in graph between 0,05 and 0,4 sec? Between the time 0,4 and 0,8 in graph increases from 68 -159 ml g.rate of increase/rafe of decrease(comparison) : now complete this description of the above graph: The graph shows the .......between heart beats.the.....represents the volume of ..........,and the.......from the graph we can see that the.........volume occurs at 0.05.........when the value is ......from that point the volume .......until it reaches its........of...........after........then it increases

Section 3 Reading
10. Read this passage quickly and choose the best tittle for it :

Average heart rate Heart rates in man Age and heart rate The average heart rate in man at rest is about 70 beats per minute, although there is a wide variation among individuals, who may have normal rate considerably lower or higher than this. Trained athletes may have a normal rate as low as 50 beats per minute at rest. Their stroke volume, however, is a large. Age has an effect on heart rate in that the rate in humans decreases progressively from 140 beats per minute in the foetus to 120 in the infant, 90 in the child and 70 in the adult. The heart rate is faster after meals, exercise and emotional excitement.

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete these sentences :

a) ........ states the main idea of passage

a. The first part of the first sentence X b. The whole of the first sentence c. The fourth sentence b) The second sentences contains.. a. new idea in the passage b. an example of a normal rate higher than average c. an example of a normal rate lower than average X c) d) e) The third sentence explains why 50 b.p.m. for a trained athlete is.. a. low b. normal X c. high d. restful d. 30 100 The range of normal for resting pulse is approximately.. a. 65 67 b. X60 80 c. 50 - 90 Stroke volume" means.. a. a low pulse rate b. the amount of blood pumped out of the heart per beat X c. the amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute


The heart rate is faster after meals because........blood than usual needed by the stomach and intestines. a. more b. less c. no more X


Mr X has a pulse of 70 b.p.m and a stroke volume of 75 ml Mr Y has a pulse of 50 b.p.m and a stroke volume of 105 ml therefore Y's heart pumps..... a. more blood per beat and more per minute b. X more blood per beat but less per minute c. more blood per beat but the per minute d. less blood per beat and less per minute
Four 25 year old men go to see their doctor. He is quite happy with A who has a pulse of 65 and B whose pulse is 85, but is worried about C with 53 and D with 72. Discuss possible explanations for each case He is quite happy with A who has a pulse of 65 and B whose pulse 85 because it is pulse normal, but is worried about C with 53 and D with 72 because it is pulse slow.



Read this passage to find the answers to these questions : a) what is cardiac index ? A cardiac index is a system used to measure cardiac output, or the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle each minute. This system is useful in helping to diagnose and treat a wide range of heart problems when used in combination with other tools. To figure out the cardiac index of a patient, a doctor takes the amount of blood pumped per minute in liters and divides it by the patient's body surface area (BSA). b) what is the range of cardiac index. The normal range for stroke volume is 60-90 mL. Stroke index is stroke volume (SV) divided by body surface area (BSA) in meters squared. SI=(SV)/(BSA). The normal range for stroke volume index is 40-60 ml/beat/m2

The term cardiac index is used to refer to the cardiac output per square metre of body surface area. It is frequently convenient to express the output of the heart per beat as stroke volume, or the cardiac index per beat as stroke index. The resting cardiac index in normal man is approximately 3 - 3 litres per min per m2 with a low value of about 2 - 8 litres per min per m2. The upper limit of normal is difficult to define because anxiety increases the cardiac output. Cardiac index decreases with age at the rate of approximately 25 ml per min per m2 per year after early adulthood. Assuming a resting heart rate of 70 beats per min, the normal stroke index is 47 ml per beat for an adult of a average size.

Read The Passage again and answer these question : c) Here is a summary of the six sentences of the passage Put them in the correct order. (Note: one of them refers to two sentences) a. Normal values for cardiac index (4) b. Normal value for stroke index (5) c. Definition of cardiac index (1) d. Effects of age on the output of the heart (2) e. Ways of measuring the output of the heart per beat (3) Rewrite each part of the second sentence to make a sentence similiar to the first sentence (i) The term cardiac index is used to refer to the cardiac output per square metre of body surface area i.e . C . I = C . O m (ii) The term stroke volume the cardiac index per beat as stroke index. The resting cardiac index in normal man is approximately 3 - 3 litres per min per m2 with a low value of about 2 - 8 litres per min per m2 (iii) The term cardiac index decreases with age at the rate of approximately 25 ml per min per m2 per year after early adulthood. Assuming a resting heart rate of 70 beats per min



Make three sentences from this table :

the cardiac output is calculated by dividing the cardiex index by body surface area in m pulse rate

Cardiax index Stroke volume Stroke index

1) 2) 3)

The cardiac index is calculated by dividing the cardiac output by body surface area . The stroke volume is calculated by dividing the cardiac index by pulse rate The stroke index is calculated by dividing the cardiac index by body surface area in m.


Taking 1.7 m2 as the normal body surface area. calculate the normal value for cardiac output in a resting man. CO = SV x HR = Using the information from and taking 70 b.p.m as normal, calculate the stroke volume for a normal adult. SV = CO HR = 4,2 70 = 0,06 ml/beat Assuming a resting heart rate of 66 b.p.m calculate the normal stroke index for an average size adult. SI = CI HR = 4,2 66 = 0,063 ml/beat



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