Lecture-19 & 20 (Non Circular Torsion Member (I-Section, Rectangular Section)

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CE 251 (Solid Mechanics)

Lecture-19 & 20

Non circular torsion member (I-section, rectangular section)

Anil Mandariya


General approach for non circular torsion member

Anil Mandariya

Torsion of non-circular shaft:

1. Displacement formulation or Geometry of Deformation: Assumptions: (i) The cross-section plane does not remain after deformation, but gets displaced along longitudinal direction. The displacement along the longitudinal axis direction is called warping. (ii) the cross-sectional dimensions of the torsion member are not changed significantly by the deformations, particularly for small displacements. (iii) Material is linear elastic
Anil Mandariya 3

Derivation: Consider a point P with coordinates (x, y, z) in the undeformed torsion member. Under deformation, P goes into P*. The point P, in general, is displaced by an amount w parallel to the z axis because of the warping of the cross section and by amounts u and v parallel to the x and y axes, respectively.

Anil Mandariya

The cross section in which P lies rotates through an angle with respect to the cross at the origin. This rotation is the principal cause of the (u, v) displacements of point P. These observations led Saint-Venant to assume that = z, where is the angle of twist per unit length and therefore that the displacement components take the form: where is the warping function.

The function (x, y) may be determined such that the equations of elasticity are satisfied.
Anil Mandariya 5

Since we have assumed continuous displacement components (u, v, w), the small-displacement compatibility conditions are automatically satisfied. 1.1 The state of strain at a point in the torsion member is given by:

Anil Mandariya

If the equation for zx is differentiated with respect to y, the equation for zy is differentiated with respect to x, and the second of these resulting equations is subtracted from the first, the warping function may be eliminated to give the relation

If the torsion problem is formulated in terms of (zx, zy), above equation is a geometrical condition (compatibility condition) to be satisfied for the torsion problem.

Anil Mandariya

1.2 Stresses at a Point:

zx = 2*G*xz = G* zy = 2*G*yz = G*
1.3 Equilibrium equations:

The stress components (zx, zy) are nonzero. If body forces and acceleration terms are neglected, equations of equilibrium for the torsion member are:
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2 2

2 2
Anil Mandariya 9

1.4 Boundary Conditions: Normal of the cross-sectional plane is n = ez. The traction on the plane can be calculated by Cauchys formula (tj = ij ni) as: tz = zz = 0 tx = xz = G* ty = yz = G* Let M = T*ex Moment of traction (M) = .
Anil Mandariya

(r x t) dA

(r x t) dA
(xex + yey) x (txex + tyey) dA (-ytx + xty) ez dA (-y*G* G* - x* G* ) ez dA ) dA



Where J = (-y -x
Anil Mandariya

) dA

Lateral suface: From below figure

The lateral surface is free of traction

Anil Mandariya




Anil Mandariya


Summary: The torsion of the non-circular prismatic bar reduces to solution of the following equations: Step-1: Find the warping function such that it satisfies the governing equation 2 = 0 In the domain of the cross-sectional plane subjected to the boundary condition

On the boundary. Obtained the torsion constant

J = (-y -x
Anil Mandariya

) dA

Step-2: Given a torque, obtain the angle of twist per unit length from the equation T = G J

1. J is the property of the section. J is obtained by solving Lalace equations with free traction boundary condition. 2. The warping function can be obtained either analytically (not always possible), or numerically solving the above equation and hence J can be obtained.
Anil Mandariya 15

2. Force formulation:
2.1 Equilibrium equations:

From 1st two equations, we can conclude that zx and zy are functions of y and x only. We can choose a function called stress function (x, y) such that

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2.2 Boundary conditions: The lateral surface of a torsion member is free of applied stress, the resultant shear stress in the cross section of the torsion member, on the surface S of the cross section, must be directed tangent to the surface The two shear stress components zx and zy that act on the cross-sectional element with sides dx, dy, and ds may be written in terms of :

Lateral traction on boundary:

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Anil Mandariya


Since the stresses are given by partial derivatives of , it is permissible to take this constant to be zero; thus, we select

Anil Mandariya


At any point in the cross section, is directed tangent to the contour = constant through the point. The distributions of zx and zy on a given cross section must satisfy the following equations:

Anil Mandariya


In satisfying the second equilibrium equation, consider the strip across the cross section of thickness dy as indicated in Fig. Since the stress function does not vary in the y direction for this strip, the partial derivative can be replaced by the total derivative. For the strip:

For 3rd equilibrium equation

Anil Mandariya


Summing for the other strips and repeating the process using strips of thickness dx for the other term in 3rd Eq., we obtain the relation:

The stress function can be considered to represent a surface over the cross section of the torsion member.

The torque is equal to twice the volume between the stress function and the plane of the cross section.
Anil Mandariya 22

Stress-strain relations for linear elastic behavior of an isotropic material are given by Hooke's law), we obtain

As compatibility equation is


= -2G

Poissons Equation
Anil Mandariya 23


Rectangular and I-section torsion member

Anil Mandariya


Torsion of rectangular section shaft:

Force formulation: Let the sides of the rectangular cross-section be 2a and 2b with the origin at the centre as shown if figure: y D C According displacement formulations Laplace equation: x 2b
2 2

A 2a

Anil Mandariya 25

According to Laplace equation of displacement formulation:

2 2 2 2

over the whole region R of the rectangle, and

ex ey

on the boundary.
On the boundary lines x = a or AB and CD, we have ex = cos() = 1 as = 0 and 180 ey = sin() = 0 as = 0 and 180 on the boundary lines y = b BC and AD we have ex = cos() = 0 as = 90 and 270 ey = sin() = 1 as = 90 and 270
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Hence , the boundary conditions become: as ex ey


on x = a
on y = b

These boundary conditions can be transformed into more convenient forms, such that = xy 1 In terms of 1 , the governing equation is
Anil Mandariya

2 1 2

2 1 2

Over region R, and the boundary conditions become so, and

1 1

0 on x = a -2 on y = b

It is assumed that the solution is expressed in the form of infinite series

X n ( x )Y n ( y )
n 0

where Xn and Yn are respectively functions of x alone and y alone. Substitution into the Laplace equation for 1 yields two linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients.
Anil Mandariya 28

The final results which are important are as follows:

J Ka b

for various b/a ratios, the corresponding values of K are given in the following table:
b/a 1 1.2 K 2.25 2.656 K1 1.350 1.518 K2 0.600 0.571

2.0 2.5 3.0

3.664 3.984 4.208

1.860 1.936 1.970

0.508 0.484 0.468

5.0 10.0

4.656 4.992 5.328

1.998 2.000
Anil Mandariya

0.430 0.401 0.375


Assuming b>a, The maximum shearing stress is at the mid-points of the long sides at distance from the centrex = a of the rectangle. on these sides K1 a zx = 0 and J

Torsional rigidity of the section = KGba3

Torsional constant for the cross-section = J Ka 3b

Anil Mandariya


Torsion formula for rectangular section shaft is:

m ax

T G K1 Kba 3


Anil Mandariya 31

Displacement contour: solid lines correspond to positive displacements, while dotted lines indicate negative values. The square section case with a/b = 1 produces a displacement pattern with eight zones of symmetry.
As the aspect ratio a/b is reduced, four of the displacement patterns disappear and the resulting displacement contours for

a/b= 0.5

Anil Mandariya


Torsion of thin rectangular section shaft:

Stress formulation: Let the thickness of the rectangular cross-section be t and 2b be small compared to the width y The section consists of only one boundary and the value of the stress function A B around this boundary is t x constant. D C Let = 0 b

Anil Mandariya


Excepting at the ends AD and BC, the stress function is fairly uniform and is independent of x. Hence, we can take (x, y) = (y) So,

By integration: = -Gy2 + a1y + a2

As at y = t/2; = 0

So, a1= 0 and a2 = G t2/4

zy = 0 and zx = -2Gy
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The maximum shearing stress are at the surfaces y = t/2 and zx = Gt

1 3 T bt G 3 1 and J bt 3 3
The results are:

T m ax G J t 2y

Anil Mandariya


Torsion of I-section shaft:

Stress formulation: I-section, T-section and L-section can be consider composite section of made by thin walled rectangular section. Angle of twist is the same for each individual thin section, and the torque is additive. T = T1 + T2 + T3 +..............

T = G1J11 + G2T22 + G3T33 +..........

The above expression can be extended to the curved open thin walled section. In this case b = total arc length
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Anil Mandariya


Sources and Refrences 1) ADVANCED MECHANICS OF MATERIALS by ARTHUR P. BORESI et. Al. 2) Engineering Mechanics of solids by E.P. Popove 3) Mechanics of Material by James M. Gere 4) Vector Mechanics for Engineers by FerdiNand P. Beer 5) Moments and torque by Paul Mitiguy

Anil Mandariya


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