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1 New Features

ANSYS Release 8.1 New Feature Update

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ANSYS Release 8.1

8.1 New Features

New and Exiting Developments in:

Nonlinear Mechanics Physics Coupling Solver Performance Meshing CAD Integration Optimization

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ANSYS Release 8.1

8.1 New Features

This presentation is organized into four primary parts highlighting new v8.1 features:
ANSYS Mechanical family of products. ANSYS Multiphysics ANSYS Workbench ANSYS DesignXplorer Parallel Performance
Mechanical Multiphysics Workbench DesignXplorer Parallel

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8.1 New Features

ANSYS Release 8.1 Mechanical Products

New Features Update

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Release 8.1: New Features

8.1 New Features

Nonlinear analysis
Contact Setup and Convergence Element Technology and Transient Dynamics Materials Technology and Curve Fitting

Linear analysis
CMS, Constant Material Damping and Linear Dynamics Enhancements

Usability and Miscellaneous

Usability and Other Enhancements Undocumented Features

PCG, DPCG Sparse Other solver enhancement
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8.1 New Features

Nonlinear Analysis

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Contact Setup and Convergence

8.1 New Features

Contact setup: Enhanced contact-pair management allows more efficient setup and execution of a contact analysis. Benefits
You can run a partial solution of the model in its initial configuration and postprocess contact quantities (such as contact pressure, penetration, status, etc.) at time 0, before the actual solution. The new capability allows you to identify contact configurations that may be at risk for convergence difficulties. You can reduce initial penetration or gap by physically moving contact nodes towards the target surface.

New options on the CNCHECK command

Nonlinear diagnostics: To debug models that experience convergence difficulties due to contact. Benefits
New command options allow you to track specific contact quantities during the solution (for example, result items such as contact penetration and chattering level, and some contact setting parameters such as contact stiffness and pinball radius). The contact data are computed on a per-contact-pair basis; that is, they represent a maximum or minimum value for the specified quantity over the entire contact pair.

NLHIST command

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Contact Technology Diagnostics

8.1 New Features

View contact status before solving using CNCHECK,POST

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Contact Technology Diagnostics

8.1 New Features

Setup Nonlinear Diagnostics Monitoring: This step can be done either prior to running a solution or prior to executing a restart after a convergence failure. Commands: /SOL NLDIAG,NRRE,1 NLDIAG,EFLG,1

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Contact Technology Diagnostics

8.1 New Features

Results Variables: Track solution variables during SOLVE

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Contact Technology Diagnostics

8.1 New Features

Run the Solution and while the solution is running, activate results tracker plots of the variables created. These graphs should be updating as the solution progresses.

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Contact Technology Diagnostics

8.1 New Features

Plot NR Residuals during convergence problems.

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Other Contact Enhancements

8.1 New Features

An augmented Lagrange algorithm (when KEYOPT(2) = 0) improves convergence with very difficult models. Likewise, improved contact stiffness (which updates automatically per iteration when KEYOPT(10) = 2) allows improved convergence and more accurate solutions. This release adds CEINTF logic for solid-solid assemblies using MPC contact, providing more accurate solutions. Improved overconstraint detection for MPC contact allows more complex MPC models to solve successfully.

Node-to-surface contact now fully supports all the same multi-physics DOFs that surface-to-surface contact supports. Benefits
This offers users more contact options and, when applicable, the possibility of more efficient multi-physics runs.

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Multiphysics Contact Enhancements

8.1 New Features

Consider the FEA simulation of a resistance spot weld process using the plane67 thermal-electric elements and contact. Using conventional surface to surface contact, the model takes 65 iterations to converge. Using node-to-surface contact, this same model converges in only 37 iterations.
Copper Electrodes Steel Plates

Voltage Distribution
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Temperature Distribution

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Element Technology
8.1 New Features

In beam design, it is customary to employ components of stress that contribute to axial loads and bending in each direction separately. To that end, the BEAM188/BEAM189 elements now provide a linearized stress output as part of the SMISC output record.

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Element Technology
8.1 New Features

The MPC184 multipoint constraint element's Revolute Joint and Universal Joint options now allow nonlinear stiffness, damping, and hysteretic friction on the unrestricted components of relative motion of the joints. MPC184 element with the Rigid option (KEYOPT(1) = 1) is now supported in modal and prestressed modal analyses using the Block Lanczos and QRDAMP eigensolvers (MODOPT,LANB and MODOPT,QRDAMP), and in modal harmonic and modal transient analyses (HROPT,MSUP and TRNOPT,MSUP).

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Transient Dynamics
8.1 New Features

HHT Time-Integration: When performing a full transient structural analysis, you can now select the HHT time-integration method as an alternative to the default Newmark method.
The HHT method offers better numerical damping capability, providing controllable numerical damping in the higher frequency modes while maintaining accuracy in the important low frequency modes.

To activate the HHT time-integration method, set TINTOPT = HHT on the TRNOPT command and input related integration parameters via the TINTP command. From within the ANSYS GUI, you can access these settings via the Solution Controls dialog box.

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Transient Dynamics
8.1 New Features

You can now issue a PRNSOL or PLNSOL command to list or plot, respectively, the nodal velocity and nodal acceleration in the /POST1 postprocessor as you would with a nodal displacement solution. You can also issue a PRVAR or PLVAR command to list or plot, respectively, the time history of velocity and acceleration for a specified node in the /POST26 postprocessor.

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Materials Technology
8.1 New Features

Gasket Transverse Shear: Transverse shear stiffness can now be included as a material property for gasket elements (INTER192 -INTER194). By default, gasket elements account for through-thickness behavior only, but now you can enable the transverse shear stress option by setting KEYOPT(2) = 1. Benefits
Use of this option helps to eliminate rigid body motion of the gasket. In previous releases this rigid body motion had to be restricted by restraining the DOF in the transverse direction.

You can define transverse shear stiffness via the gasket material command TB,GASKET with TBOPT = TSS. By default, stable stiffness is used if the transverse shear stiffness is not defined.

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Materials Technology
8.1 New Features

As with gasket pressure, transverse shear stress is also available for post processing via conventional procedures. By GUI method:

Or by commands method: PLNSOL, GKS,XY PLESOL, GKS,XY

Model Deflections

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Curve Fitting Enhancement

8.1 New Features

The Curve Fitting Tool (TBFT) now allows selected coefficients to be fixed. This is very useful, especially for viscoelasticity and creep. Benefits
Viscoelasticity: Solve for one temperature, fix all of the coefficients except for the shift coefficients and then solve for each new temperature. This simplifies the solution. Creep: If the creep data is temperature independent, set the temperature coefficient to zero and fix it. Hyperelasticity: First solve for a lower order model (e.g., 2nd order Ogden), then solve for a higher order model (e.g., 3rd order Ogden) after fixing the first few coefficients of the lower order model (e.g., the first 4 coefficients from the 2nd order Ogden model).

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Curve Fitting Enhancement

8.1 New Features

Fix constants

Vary constants

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8.1 New Features

Linear Dynamics

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CMS Analysis
8.1 New Features

General Idea Modal Representation: Describe the motion separately over each of the substructures (components). Synthesis: Constrain the components to work together as a single structure by satisfying inter-component compatibility and equilibrium constraints. Why use CMS ? Flexibility: If only a part of a large assembly needs redesigned, such as the landing gear of an aircraft assembly, CMS provides the flexibility to just modify that Component, landing gear in this case, and do a CMS use pass run to get the response of the full assembly. Better Preliminary Analyses: For example, car companies have CMS files for various car body parts such as roofs, doors panels, et al. Using CMS they are able to find out the response of a full model car configuration by selecting a door and a roof from different door and roof models that they already have CAE data for. Optimize Designs: Different groups are free to design different parts allowing for optimized designs

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CMS Enhancement
8.1 New Features

Free-interface method: ANSYS now supports the free-interface CMS analysis method. The new method allows unconstrained interface nodes and considers rigid body modes in the CMS superelement generation pass. Benefits
While the fixed-interface method (ANSYS 8.0) is preferable in most CMS analyses, ANSYS recommends the free-interface method when your analysis requires more accurate eigenvalues computed at the mid- to high-end of the spectrum. With the free-interface method, the matrix employed for CMS transformations is different than that for the fixed-interface method

Expand all eigen modes: You can now expand CMS superelement eigen modes modes 1 through N (that is, between a specified beginning and ending time or frequency range) in a single solve step, instead of expanding a single mode at each solve step.

Prestressed modal analysis with CMS superelements: The prestressed condition of a component structure can now be accounted for in the CMS superelement generation. Both fixed- and free-interface methods support the generation of prestressed CMS superelements.

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CMS Example
8.1 New Features



The 2D tuning fork is already broken up into three element components as shown. Three nodal components also exist that will be used to define the SuperElement interfaces.

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CMS Generation Pass

8.1 New Features

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CMS Generation Pass

8.1 New Features

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CMS Use Pass

8.1 New Features

Can Include Pre-stress Effects

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CMS Use Pass

8.1 New Features

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CMS Expansion Pass

8.1 New Features

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CMS Post-Processing
8.1 New Features

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CMS Fixed Versus Free Method

8.1 New Features

Table of modal frequency results Accuracy of CMS free interface method compared to CMS fixed interface method.
Frequencies (Hz) Modes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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Error (%) CMS Free 204.958 654.403 1,326.91 2,118.13 3,023.30 3,427.08 5,117.47 6,216.90 9,227.01 10,277.0 13,691.1 CMS Fixed 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.023 CMS Free 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
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Full Model 204.958 654.403 1,326.91 2,118.13 3,023.30 3,427.08 5,117.47 6,216.89 9,227.01 10,277.0 13,691.1

CMS Fixed 204.958 654.403 1,326.91 2,118.16 3,023.36 3,427.13 5,117.63 6,217.32 9,227.88 10,278.2 13,694.3



PSD Analysis and Constant Material Damping

8.1 New Features

Equivalent Stress for PSD Analysis: The calculation of equivalent stress (SEQV) has been improved for random vibration (PSD) analyses using the Segalman-Reese algorithm. Principal stresses and stress intensity (S1, S2, S3, and SINT) are no longer available. Support is now available for full (ANTYPE,HARM and HROPT,FULL) and modal harmonic (ANTYPE,HARM and HROPT,MSUP) analyses when several materials, each having their own damping ratio that remains constant with respect to the excitation frequency, are present. An enhanced MP command supports the new capability.
When constant damping ratios are specified (DMPRAT and MP,DMPR) in a frequencyresponse analysis, they are incorporated into the damping matrix automatically. Only the QR damped eigensolver (MODOPT,QRDA) supports the material-dependent constant damping ratio application in modal superposition harmonic analyses. Power Spectral Density (PSD) and Multi-Point Response Spectrum (MPRS) analyses do not support constant material damping for multiple materials

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8.1 New Features

Usability and Miscellaneous

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Post-Processing GUI Changes

8.1 New Features

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8.1 New Features

Tabular loading: Tabular loads can now support loading as a function of X, Y or Z in a local coordinate system. The local coordinate system can be in the Cartesian, Cylindrical or Spherical coordinate system. When defining the table parameter, the coordinate system ID should also be specified (*DIM). Macro and command file error handling: If a macro or /INPUT (File > Read Input From) of a command file is executed in the wrong module, repeated warnings occur. (For example, warnings appear if you try to issue a PLNSOL command in /PREP7 because PLNSOL is not a valid command, abbreviation or macro in the preprecessor.) Upon encountering five such warnings, a dialog now appears allowing you to stop and exit the macro or /INPUT mode cleanly. You can modify the new behavior via a new /NERR command option.

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Other Enhancements
8.1 New Features

Heat Transfer PLANE55 -- A thickness option has been added for this element. This option is useful for applications (such as turbomachinery) where 2-D models need to be coupled with 3-D regions. SOLID87 -- An option (KEYOPT(5) = 1) has been added to use a consistent surface convection load matrix. The new option provides a more accurate solution on surfaces with large thermal gradients.

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Undocumented Features
8.1 New Features

The following command is no longer documented and may be removed from ANSYS at a future date: GCGEN -- This command was valid only with the CONTAC48 and CONTAC49 elements, which are also no longer documented as of this release The following elements are no longer documented and may be removed from ANSYS at a future date: CONTACxx -- Old inputs using the following contact elements will continue to work, but you should update them to use the newer element:

Undocumented Element CONTAC48 CONTAC49 CONTAC26

Replace With


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8.1 New Features


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Solver Enhancements
8.1 New Features

DPCG and PCG solvers now support large deformation and strain (NLGEOM,ON command) when memory saving is activated (MSAVE,ON).

The Lanczos eigensolver now supports modal analysis for elements using u-P formulation options:
Constraint MPC184 element and the 180 series of new generation continuum elements which use u-P options.

The u-P formulation elements can now be used in analysis types which use eigensolutions as a basis. These include modal superposition harmonics, modal superposition transient, and PSD analyses. Enhancements to memory and data handling, with the memory-saving option (MSAVE,ON) and PCG or DPCG solvers; The line search option (LNSRCH,ON) has been enhanced to handle contact and plasticity problems more efficiently; Resulting in overall savings of 10 percent in cumulative iterations for a run. Line searching itself is also faster, particularly for models using elements with extra shapes or enhanced strain formulations.

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8.1 New Features

ANSYS Multiphysics (Including ANSYS Emag & FLOTRAN CFD)

V8.1 New Features

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Multiphysics Topics
8.1 New Features

Low Frequency Electromagnetics

High Frequency Electromagnetics Phased Array Antenna Analysis Multi-field Solver Speed & efficiency enhancements FLOTRAN
Turbulence models Conjugate Heat Transfer Electric Field Elements Current loading for SOLID117

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8.1 New Features

Low Frequency Electromagnetics

V8.1 New Features

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New Electric Field Analysis Capabilities

8.1 New Features

Analysis Requirement: Many real world electric field applications use lossy (mildly conductive) dielectric materials and require a quasistatic electric analysis to simultaneously consider capacitive and conduction effects. New Features to Meet Requirement: Three new high-order electric elements, PLANE230, SOLID231, and SOLID232, are now available for a low frequency electric field analysis. The elements are applicable to steady-state electric conduction, timeharmonic and transient quasistatic electric field analyses. The electrostatic PLANE121, SOLID122 and SOLID123 elements have been enhanced to support a time-harmonic quasistatic analysis.

Capability: You can now perform an electric field analysis that simultaneously takes into account the conduction and capacitive effects. The new and enhanced elements also allow you to transfer the calculated electric current and conduction or dielectric heating as sources for subsequent magnetic and thermal analyses respectively.
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New Electric Field Analysis Applications

8.1 New Features

General Applications:

Lossy capacitors Microwave passive components (when full-wave analysis can be avoided) Transient effects in semiconductor devices High voltage insulators Charge injection devices Dielectric heating Particle detection
Biotissue Medical Applications:

Detection of malignant tissue Electric Impedance Tomography (EIT) Electromyography (EMG) test muscle response to nervous (electric) Angiography help locate and characterize atherosclerotic lesions Ablation RF heating of cardiac tissue to cure rhythm disturbances

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New 23X Electric Field Elements

8.1 New Features

PLANE230, SOLID231, SOLID232 High-order shape functions Material properties:

resistivity - MP,RSVX (RSVY,RSVZ)

permittivity - MP,PERX (PERY,PERZ) valid for transient and harmonic analyses loss tangent - MP,LSST valid for harmonic analysis only electric current (AMPS) static (steady-state current conduction analysis) transient (quasistatic) harmonic (quasistatic) heat generation rate to a thermal analysis electric current to a magnetic analysis
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Reaction solution: Analyses:

Load transfer

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23X Elements Input Summary

8.1 New Features

PLANE230 Name 2-D 8-node

SOLID231 3-D 20-node electric solid

SOLID232 3-D 10-node

Geometry Product MP,EM,PP,ED

Reaction Material Properties KEYOPT(3)

electric scalar potential (VOLT)

total (conduction + displacement) electric current (AMPS) RSVX, RSVY, PERX, PERY, LSST RSVZ, PERZ 0 - Plane 1-Axisymmetric

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Enhanced 12X Electrostatic Elements

8.1 New Features


Enhancements in red italic text!

High-order shape functions

Material properties:

relative permittivity MP,PERX (PERY,PERZ) loss tangent - MP,LSST valid for harmonic analysis only

resistivity - MP,RSVX (RSVY,RSVZ) valid for harmonic analysis only

electric charge (CHRG) static harmonic (quasistatic) electrostatic forces to a structural analysis heat generation rate to a thermal analysis

Reaction solution: Analyses:

Load transfer

total current to a magnetic analysis

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12X Elements Input Summary

8.1 New Features

PLANE121 Name 2-D 8-node

SOLID122 3-D 20-node electrostatic solid

SOLID123 3-D 10-node

Geometry Product DOF Reaction Material Properties KEYOPT(3) MP,EM,PP,ED electric scalar potential (VOLT) electric charge current (CHRG) RSVX, RSVY, PERX, PERY, LSST RSVZ, PERZ 0 - Plane 1-Axisymmetric


0 - CS parallel to global, 1 - CS based on the I-J side

0 basic printout, 1 basic solution at int. pts, 2 nodal field printout
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23X Elements GUI

8.1 New Features

PLANE230, SOLID231, SOLID232 added to Library of Element Types as Electric Conduction elements

Menu path:

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete

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23X,12X Elements ANTYPE GUI

8.1 New Features

PLANE230, SOLID231, SOLID232 support steady-state, harmonic, and transient analyses

PLANE121, SOLID122, SOLID123 support static and harmonic analyses

Menu Paths:

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>New Analysis Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>New Analysis

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Electromagnetics Analysis Elements

8.1 New Features


Material Properties

Emag Analysis Class


Emag Y


Electric conduction Dielectric losses


Static or Steady-state

Plane121 Solid122 Solid123 (VOLT-CHRG)

Plane230,Solid231,Solid232 (VOLT-AMPS) Thermo-electric elements (VOLT-TEMP)

Solid5,Solid98,Solid96 (MAG-FLUX) Plane13,Plane53,Solid97 Solid117 (AX,AY,AZ CSGX,CSGY,CSGZ)

LF Emag
Harmonic Transient

Harmonic analysis Plane121,Solid122,Solid123 (VOLT-CHRG)

Transient & Harmonic analysis: Plane230,Solid231,Solid232 (VOLT-AMPS)

Plane13,Plane53,Solid97,Solid117 (AX,AY,AZ CSGX,CSGY,CSGZ VOLT AMPS)

HF Emag
Modal Harmonic

HF118, HF119, HF120 (AX CSGX)

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Example steady state electric field analysis

8.1 New Features

A current I is applied at two point electrodes (e) on a thin conducting disk as shown in the figure: e

Problem parameters:
disk radius 20 cm

point electrode separation 20 cm current I=1 mA disk resistivity =100 *m

Analysis requirement: Find the potential and dc-current distributions in the disk
FEA Model:
Triangular PLANE230 electric elements 23,789 nodes, 11766 elements
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Steady-State Electric Analysis - Results

8.1 New Features

Electric potential (VOLT) distribution

Electric current density (JC) distribution

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Example Transient Electric Field Analysis

8.1 New Features

Problem Description:
A capacitor has 2 separate layers of lossy dielectric materials between its plates. Dielectric material 1: 1cm thick, r = 2, = 2E8 Dielectric material 2: 2 cm thick, r =4, = 8E8 A 1V potential is applied across the electrodes over a 1ms period of time

FEA Model:
2D triangular mesh of PLANE230 electric field elements. Electrodes are left and right hand boundaries of mesh

Analysis Objective:
Determine time-varying results for:
Voltage (VOLT) Conduction current density (JC) Electric field strength (EF)

5 cm

1 cm
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2 cm

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Transient Electric Field Analysis Results

8.1 New Features

Time varying contours of voltage

Time varying vectors of electric field strength EF

Note: As the charge accumulates on material interface, the voltage gradient across more conductive material on left diminishes.
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Transient Electric Field Analysis Results

8.1 New Features

Comparison of analytical and ANSYS computed results:

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New SOURC36 Capability

8.1 New Features

Analysis Requirement:

Prior to release 8.1, SOURC36 meshless current source primitives could only be used in combination with magnetic scalar potential (MSP) elements (SOLID5, SOLID96, SOLID98).


SOURC36 may now serve as a current source for the 3D edge flux potential elements (SOLID117) This capability applies to 3-D static analyses only.

Benefit: Easy to use, more efficient coil analysis when using SOLID117 elements. The underlying region can be meshed separately from the coils, and the coils described conveniently with SOURC36 primitives. Solenoidal conditions are automatically satisfied. The current can be input to SOLID117 elements via the CUR real constant on SOURC36, much easier than the alternative method involving manually defining body loads on each element.
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SOURC36 Analysis Example

8.1 New Features

Quarter symmetry model of solenoid using source36 for coil:

yoke SOURC36 coil primitive Space in which coil resides


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SOURC36 Analysis Example

8.1 New Features

Quarter symmetry model of solenoid magnetic flux density (vectors) results using source36 for coil:

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8.1 New Features

High Frequency Electromagnetics

V8.1 New Features

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New Phased Array Capability

8.1 New Features

Analysis Requirement: Many real world HF antennas consist of geometric arrays of smaller identical antennas with different transmit phases. This approach improves antenna sensitivity, and also allows dynamic control over the antenna directional properties. New Features to Meet Requirement: High-frequency electromagnetic elements (HF119, HF120) support periodic boundary conditions Uses Floquets periodic principle to allow phased array antenna analyses. Uses far field extension to compute radiation pattern and directive gain of array. Benefit: Drastic reduction in problem size and resulting increase in solution speed. Ability to solve class of antenna radiation problems previously beyond our scope!

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Phased Array Analysis Example

8.1 New Features

Antenna consisting of 25 X 25 array and single cell modeled

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Phased Array Results

8.1 New Features

Antenna directive gain for single cell & full 25 X 25 array

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Phased Array Results

8.1 New Features

Animation of Y component of electric field for single array cell

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8.1 New Features

Multi-field Solver

V8.1 New Features

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Multi-field Solver Enhancements

8.1 New Features

Enhanced Feature: The following enhancements have been made to the dissimilar mesh mapping aspects of the Multi-field solver: Mapping information can be saved to a file for a later restart so that costly mapping calculations do not have to be repeated, especially for volumetric load transfer. The mapping calculation can occur before issuing the SOLVE command (i.e. in /PREP7 or /SOLU). Mapping diagnostics are improved for curved geometry. The bucket search algorithm is more robust than the global search algorithm, and is now the default algorithm for mapping. Benefits: Overall increase in solution speed and efficiency of the Multi-field solver. Solution speed gains of up to 17% have been measured on three field problems. Largest gains can be expected for applications coupling more fields with greater differences between each fields meshes, such as Fluid-solid interaction and RF-thermal heating.

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8.1 New Features

FLOTRAN Turbulence Models & Conjugate Heat Transfer

V8.1 New Features

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8.1 New Features

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FLOTRAN Heat Transfer Example

8.1 New Features

Conjugate Heat Transfer problem involving turbulent flow through a 90 degree bend. Fluid tetrahedral mesh shown below:

Inlet Velocity 0.5 m/sec Inlet Temperature 333K Outlet Condition P=0

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FLOTRAN Heat Transfer Example

8.1 New Features

Fluid temperature results or SST turbulence model.

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FLOTRAN SST Model versus K-Epsilon

8.1 New Features

Detail of recirculation zone, Fluid velocity vectors. SST model accurately predicts secondary recirculation zone. K-Epsilon does not.

SST Turbulence Model

K-Epsilon Turbulence Model

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FLOTRAN SST Model versus K-Epsilon

8.1 New Features

Detail of recirculation zone, Fluid temperature. SST model MATCHES experimental results in secondary recirculation zone. K-Epsilon does not.

SST Turbulence Model

K-Epsilon Turbulence Model

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8.1 New Features

ANSYS Workbench

V8.1 New Features

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8.1 New Features

Workbench Start-up

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Workbench Start Page

8.1 New Features

Improved Ease of Use Direct Access to Workbench Windows Project Page Available for Managing Files

Geometry Accessed from Simulation Window Active CAD Systems Files

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Workbench Options Menu

8.1 New Features

Global Workbench Options Control Common Settings for All Applications Unique Preferences That are Application Specific

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Workbench Options Menu

8.1 New Features

Mouse View Control Settings Set Same as CAD Systems Unique Preferences View Operations Supported Rotate Pan Zoom Box Zoom

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8.1 New Features

New communication method that does not involve SPAM. Can Provide Support Updates for:
Service Packs Training Tips & Tricks FAQs

RSS News Headlines

ANSYS Corporate Local Support News
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8.1 New Features

Non-Linear Materials

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Nonlinear Materials
8.1 New Features

Bilinear Stress-Strain Bilinear Isotropic Hardening Model Specify:

Yield Stress Tangent Modulus

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Inventory #002089 1-84


Nonlinear Materials
8.1 New Features

Multilinear Stress-Strain Multilinear Isotropic Hardening Model Specify:

Tabular entry of stress-strain data.

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Inventory #002089 1-85


8.1 New Features

Solution Feedback and Results

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Inventory #002089 1-86


Convergence History
8.1 New Features

Solution Output Object Force Max DOF Increment Line Search Value Time Increment

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Inventory #002089 1-87


Result Tracker
8.1 New Features

Provides displacement or contact result plots. Return Newton-Raphson residual forces Helps in determining the cause of convergence failures in nonlinear analyses.

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Inventory #002089 1-88


Result Tracker Types

8.1 New Features

Directional Deformations (x, y, z) Contact

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Number Contacting Number Sticking Pressure Penetration Gap Frictional Stress Sliding Distance Chattering Elastic Slip Normal Stiffness Max Tangential Stiffness Min Tangential Stiffness Resulting Pinball
4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-89


Contact Result Tool

8.1 New Features

A Contact Tool object can be added to a Solution folder Allows users to conveniently scope contact results to a common selection of geometry or contact regions.
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Contact Tool - Reactions

8.1 New Features

Reactions for all contact pairs are summarized in the

worksheet view.

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Inventory #002089 1-91


Command Objects
8.1 New Features

Users familiar with ANSYS commands and APDL programming can now enter commands directly Commands objects. After inserting a Commands object at the Environment or Solution level, the Worksheet tab transforms to a text editing window for entering the commands.

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Inventory #002089 1-92


Command Objects
8.1 New Features

Multiple instances are allowed

Command objects can be exported or inserted

Parametric output back to WB

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8.1 New Features


ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Mesh Refinement Control

8.1 New Features

Sphere of Influence Applied to a face Anchored to a user defined coordinate system

Sphere of Influence Applied to a vertex

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Tri / Surface Meshing Algorithms

8.1 New Features

Better Transitions in 3D Advancing Front Improved Point Placement for Delaunay

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Automatic Contact Sizing

8.1 New Features

With Contact Sizing

No Contact Sizing
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Automatic Contact Sizing

8.1 New Features

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Contact Size Mesh

8.1 New Features

DragnDrop contact regions from Contact Folder to Mesh Folder

Absolute (default) or Relative Sizing Options

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Proximity Control
8.1 New Features

Performs Edge proximity pre-refinement for nonswept models May increase model size

With Proximity

Without Proximity
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Inventory #002089 1-100


8.1 New Features

CAD Integration

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

2004 ANSYS, Inc.


Inventory #002089 1-101


CAD System Updates

8.1 New Features

Catia V5 R12 UG NX2 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Autodesk Inventor 8 Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 2004 DX SolidWorks 2004 Solid Edge 15 Parasolid 15.1 ACIS R12
4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-102

2004 ANSYS, Inc.


CAD Integration
8.1 New Features

Smart Updates
Speed up the assembly update by updating only components that have been modified Implemented for Unigraphics and Autodesk Inventor A user preference to turn on Smart Update is available in Start Page under Advanced Geometry Preferences and the Geometry node details view

Attach and Update a model that is open in ProEngineer from Intralink

2004 ANSYS, Inc.


Inventory #002089 1-103


8.1 New Features

Remote Solutions

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Inventory #002089 1-104


Overview - Remote Solving

8.1 New Features

Can be used on the client machine

Allows work in other branches while solving locally

Can use LSF to solve remotely Servers

LSF Localhost CE (Beta) will allow remote solving without LSF

WB shutdown or switch allowed Retrieval of queued jobs later in time

Numerous GUI changes for Preview 3

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Remote Solving
8.1 New Features

Can solve on local machine, LSF cluster or UNIX server

Each Solution can be sent to a different server Analysis license can be selected
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Inventory #002089 1-106


Remote Solving
8.1 New Features

Each remote option has defaults in the Options dialog

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Remote Solving
8.1 New Features

The status page shows all submitted jobs

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8.1 New Features

Miscellaneous Simulation Features

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Pretension Bolt Loads

8.1 New Features

Pretension Application Types:

Load (force) Introduced at v8.0 as a Mechanical feature. Adjustment (length, Now Enabled by DesignSpace number of threads)
Load Adjustment

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Inventory #002089 1-110


Miscellaneous Enhancements
8.1 New Features

Right Mouse Button rename contact, results, etc.

Users can change the default name of a contact region to match corresponding descriptive names for items in the Geometry branch of the tree that make up the contact region. Clicking the right mouse button on a contact region and choosing Rename Based on Geometry in the context menu changes the name of that contact region. Clicking the right mouse button on the Contact branch and choosing the same option changes the names of all contact regions under the branch.

Configurable contact worksheet

When viewing a worksheet of a Contact folder or a Contact Reactions item, users now have the ability to select which columns to display in the worksheet table. The choice is made in a context menu through a right mouse button click inside the worksheet table.
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Miscellaneous Enhancements
8.1 New Features

Right Mouse Button flip contact target and contact

For asymmetric contact, a useful enhancement at this release is the ability to flip contact and target faces or edges in a contact region. This feature is available through a right mouse click on the contact region and choice of the Flip Contact/Target context menu item. All contact and target items displayed under Scope in the Details View are reversed.

Point mass
Users can apply a Point Mass to the model from the Geometry object. The location of a point mass can be anywhere in space and it can be defined in a local coordinate system.

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Inventory #002089 1-112


Miscellaneous Enhancements
8.1 New Features

Loads in local coordinate system

Forces, remote forces, bearing loads, moments and given displacements can now be defined in a local coordinate system. With this capability, users no longer need to transform the loads and given displacements into the global coordinate system manually. When any of these loads or given displacements are defined by components in the Details View, a new drop down menu is available from which users select a specific coordinate system to be applied.

Contact results in solution combinations

A Contact Tool object can now be added to a Solution or Solution Combination folder that allows users to conveniently scope contact results to a common selection of geometry or contact regions. Using a Contact Tool, all possible contact results can be investigated at one time for a given scoping.
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8.1 New Features

Geometry - DesignModeler

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Inventory #002089 1-114


DM - Multiple Treeview Selection

8.1 New Features

You can now select multiple items in the feature tree. This allows you to perform operations on several items at once. For example:
Suppress, unsuppress, and delete multiple features at once Hide and suppress multiple bodies at once

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Inventory #002089 1-115


Cross Section Improvements

8.1 New Features

Several new options make aligning and assigning cross sections easier and more flexible.
Automatic alignment in global +Y direction
For unaligned edges, DM aligns the edge in the global +Y direction if the default global +Z direction is invalid

Additional angle option

Rotate property rotates the alignment vector around the edge by the specified angle

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Inventory #002089 1-116


Cross Section Improvements (cont)

8.1 New Features

Edge reversal
The Reverse Orientation property allows you to define the edge alignment with respect to the opposite endpoint

Direction Arrow
New direction arrow shows alignment direction when specifying the cross section alignment
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Cross Section Improvements (cont)

8.1 New Features

Improved Display Options

The cross section alignment arrows and solid representation can now be shown together

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Cross Section Improvements (cont)

8.1 New Features

Easier Cross Section Assignment

The cross sections are now assigned to line bodies through a combo box property

Vector Alignment for Cross Sections

Cross section alignment may also be specified by entering vector coordinates

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Inventory #002089 1-119


Automatic Dimension Moving

8.1 New Features

Now, dimensions will move with the edges they measure.

In the following picture, if dimension V2 is increased, then dimension H1 will automatically move up with the top edge of the rectangle.

Automatic movement can be turned on or off from the dimensions Details Box.
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Surface Extension
8.1 New Features

The Surface Extension feature extends surfaces to fill gaps in between bodies. Surfaces can be extended by a fixed distance or up to a bounding set of faces.

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Fill Feature
8.1 New Features

The Fill feature will create a new frozen body to fill the space occupied by a hole or cavity. Useful for CFD and Emag applications.

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Surfaces From Sketches Feature

8.1 New Features

Surfaces From Sketches allows you to quickly and easily create surfaces directly from sketch profiles.

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Import Options
8.1 New Features

New Import options allow greater control over imported geometry.

The Process property allows body filtering, while geometry healing options help clean up poor geometry.
Inventory #002089 1-124

2004 ANSYS, Inc.



Planar Bodies
8.1 New Features

Planar bodies are flat surface bodies that lie in the XYPlane. They can be sent to the Simulation tab for 2D analysis. Planar bodies have a slightly different icon than other surface bodies in the Tree Views body list.
2004 ANSYS, Inc. 4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-125


More Modeling Improvements

8.1 New Features

Body Operation: Keep Option

You can choose to keep the selected bodies that are used in a Boolean operation

Multiple Surface Support for Joint

Any number of surfaces can be selected to join in a single Joint feature

Point Profiles for Skin/Loft

The Skin/Loft feature now accepts point profiles as the start and/or end profile.

Point Feature by Coordinates

Points can be created from scratch by reading in coordinates from a data file.
2004 ANSYS, Inc. 4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-126


More Modeling Improvements

8.1 New Features

Arc Center Alignment for Plane Feature Now you can choose to position the plane origin at the center of an arc on the boundary of the base face

Plane origin is placed at the center of this arc

No Save Required for Parameter Manager You no longer need to save the model in order to begin using the parameter manager
2004 ANSYS, Inc. 4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-127


8.1 New Features

Beta Features

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Inventory #002089 1-128


Mesh Matching (Beta)

8.1 New Features

Works for tet meshes only not needed for sweeping. No support for Hex Dominant First surface picked is master or HiSector Need a coordinate system to define sector Topology must match exactly

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Mesh Matching (Beta)

8.1 New Features

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Plane Stress (Beta)

8.1 New Features

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Axisymmetric (Beta)
8.1 New Features

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Beam Stress (Beta)

8.1 New Features

Direct Min Bending Max Bending Min Combined Max Combined

4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-133

2004 ANSYS, Inc.


8.1 New Features

Low Frequency Electromagnetics Simulation Beta Features

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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Objectives - WB LF Emag
8.1 New Features

Provide full featured low frequency electromagnetics analysis capability in WorkBench. Accessed with ANSYS Emag (core or enabled task) or ANSYS Multiphysics license key. DM Enclosure for creation of field volume released at 8.0 Magnetostatics beta release ANSYS 8.1 Magnetostatics commercial release target ANSYS 9.0 Electrostatics and other LF electromagnetics capabilities will follow.

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WB LF Emag 8.1 Beta Features

8.1 New Features

Model setup with SOLID117

Air, iron (Keyopt(1)=0) Solid conductor (Solenoidal formulation: Keyopt(1)=5)

Enclosure body automatically assigned AIR material Emag unit conversions Conductor Object with Voltage and Current Loading Flux-parallel boundary condition Materials:
Relative permittivity, resistivity

Results request:
B, H, F

Solution: Will solve a linear magnetostatics problem Raster/Vector display option in Details View.
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WB LF Emag: Material Properties

8.1 New Features

Click mouse for zoom

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LF Emag Environment: Conductor

8.1 New Features

Click mouse for detail

Conductor object: Identifies conductors for load application, inductance, and postprocessing. Supports solid conductors now for loads. Will support stranded conductors as well at 9.0.

Loading: Tagged to Conductor. Supports voltage and current loading for solid conductor. Will support current loading for stranded conductors
2004 ANSYS, Inc. 4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-138


LF Emag Solution: Displayed Results

8.1 New Features

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LF Emag: Vector & Contour Plots

8.1 New Features

Vector / Contour is selected in the Solution objects Definition

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WB LF Emag 9.0 Features

8.1 New Features

Release 8.0 Beta features, plus: Support stranded coils (SOURC36) Support permanent magnets Winding editor for machines (via SOURC36) BH curve library Automated electromagnetic Force & Torque extraction tools. Automated Inductance tool Parameter sweep
displacement vs. force, torque or inductance
Inventory #002089 1-141

2004 ANSYS, Inc.



8.1 New Features

Optimization - DesignXplorer

ANSYS Workbench V8.1 New Features

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DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Topology Errors Independent Soluton Type Bonded MPC Contact Analysis in DesignXplorer VT Revised User Interface Design For Six Sigma Questions and Answers

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Inventory #002089 1-144


DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Topology Errors -- Topology Errors shows the topology changes that have caused DX VT to cut parameter ranges or fail to generate a solution

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Inventory #002089 1-145


DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Independent Soluton Type -- Workbench now supports the Independent Solution Type which evaluates the derivatives assuming that the input variables are independent. This option is recommended when you have more than 7 geometric parameters.

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Inventory #002089 1-146


DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Bonded MPC Contact Analysis in DX VT -- DesignXplorer VT now supports bonded MPC contact analysis for Surface-to-Surface Contact*

* - ANSYS 8.1 Service Pack #1

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Inventory #002089 1-147


DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Revised User Interface -- DesignXplorer features a re-design of the user interface, intended to simplify and streamline the process of creating and accessing data.

View Selector
View Sub Options

View Details

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Inventory #002089 1-148


DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Design for Six Sigma Analysis -- Design for Six Sigma is a technique that determines the extent to which uncertainties with respect to input parameters affect the finite element analysis results

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DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Design for Six Sigma Analysis Input Distributions

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DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Design for Six Sigma Analysis Output; Histograms, Probability Tables

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DesignXplorer VT 8.1 Update

8.1 New Features

Design for Six Sigma Analysis Output; CDF, Probability Tables

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Inventory #002089 1-152

Parallel Performance for ANSYS

ANSYS Incorporated

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary


Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

Where is PPFA of the most benefit?

Any existing ANSYS customer with:
Processing large linear models faster Processing models that would not fit into the available hardware. (On four 32-bit machines, you can solve over 6 MDOF!) Processing long running nonlinear analyses that can be solved by the PCG solver* Processing jobs as fast as possible. Here the need is just shear throughput.
* Sparse is under development for 9.0
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Inventory #002089 1-154


Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

Where is PPFA of the most benefit?

Any existing customer interested in:
Quicker turnaround time
(Factors up to 6.5x for 8 machines)
Return on Investment of an Additional Seat vs. PPFA (Based upon Total Solution Time, 100% Utilization)
PPFA Total Time Ratio Relative Cost of PPFA (MP) Relative Cost of PPFA (ME) Relative Cost of PPFA (ST)

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Relative Total Wall Clock Time Ratio

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

3 4 5 6 Number of CPUs

Inventory #002089 1-155


Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

The Distributed Solution for ANSYS:

Parallel Performance for ANSYS
Add-on Module containing 4 solvers
Distributed Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (DPCG) New at 8.0!!!! Distributed Jacobi Conjugate Gradient (DJCG) New at 8.0!!!! Distributed Domain Solver (DDS) Algebraic Multi-Grid Solver (AMG)

Works with a variety operating systems*

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Intel IA-32 Linux Intel IA-64 Linux Intel IA-32 Windows Intel IA-64 Windows Wide variety of Unix: HP, IBM, SGI, Sun
Inventory #002089 1-156

* - Only homogenous clusters allowed 4/22/2004


Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

Memory Management at 8.1

More efficient memory management in general Distributed PCG (DPCG) solver now supports the memory saving feature (MSAVE command) which uses an element-by-element approach for the stiffness matrix
For elements Solid92, Solid95, Solid186 or Solid187
2004 ANSYS, Inc. Inventory #002089 1-157



Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

Memory Management at 8.1

How much memory is required?
Machine #1 must contain its workload and the entire preconditioner Machines #2 through N only need their individual workload

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Inventory #002089 1-158


Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

How much memory is required?

For the Machine #1:

Machine(1) Memory(Gb) MDOF(Maximum) = -----------------------------------------(0.1 + C / Number of Machines)

For Machines #2 through N:

Machines(2 N) Memory(Gb) * N MDOF(Maximum) = ----------------------------------------C

Where: C = 1.0 for MSAVE,Off = 0.7 for Solid95 or Solid186 with MSAVE, ON = 0.5 for Solid92 or Solid187 with MSAVE, ON
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Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

How much memory is required?

Example 1 for the Machine #1:
32 bit PCs with 1 Gb RAM Each 8 Machines in Total Solid92 or Solid187 models

1 (Gb) MDOF Machine #1 (Maximum) = -----------------(0.1 + 0.5 / 8) = 6.15 MDOF!!!!

Inventory #002089 1-160

2004 ANSYS, Inc.



Parallel Performance for ANSYS

8.1 New Features

How much memory is required?

Example 2 for the Machine #1:
32 bit PCs with 2.2 Gb RAM Available (with the /3 Gb switch) Total of 4 Machines in the Cluster MSAVE not possible 2.2 (Gb) MDOF Machine #1 (Maximum) = -----------------(0.1 + 1 / 4) = 6.3 MDOF!!!!
2004 ANSYS, Inc. 4/22/2004 Inventory #002089 1-161

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