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How Ambidextrous Leadership works

Role of leadership in GE Money Bank Case Not about a single leader at the Top Shared across hierarchical levels

GE Money Bank Leadership

John and his top-management team provided a context At middle level, Pierre led Sub-team leaders used their complementary expertise HR executives and staff played an active role

Ambidextrous Leadership
Top Management Granting Autonomy While staying involved
Seeding the initiative Ensuring internal sponsorship Maintaining Managing external relationship Inducing Change Managing conflict

Middle Management Providing a Vision While Ensuring Execution Line Management Embracing Diversity While Acting Together HR Management Promoting and Enabling Ambidextrous Leadership

Managers Leaders Task complementarily Expertise complementarily Social complementarily Planning and Selection Training and development Performance appraisal and reward systems

Top Management: Granting Autonomy while staying involved

Grant sufficient autonomy Stay involved and continue to mobilize CEO john O`Leary and his top management support the M-Budget

1- Seeding the initiative

John was the driving force Actively involved in internal and external activities Assigned fund for development of a system platform Talking with business partners Close collaboration with HR executive, who select Pierre

2- Ensuring internal sponsorship

John position new business initiative within GE organization Some top managers initially reluctant John manages all resources for M-Budgets initiative Continued to inform global leaders

3- Maintaining oversight
John made use of several control mechanisms Track the project team progress Daily informal exchange with project leader in CEO office

4- Managing external relationship

John played important role to make relation with MIGROS & MasterCard Frequently interacted with senior managers Informed about the progress

5- Inducing change
John act as change agent Stepped in several times and align the project plan E.g. COOP`s rival offering Hiring and training more than 70 new employees

5- Inducing change
John replaced various leaders to increase operational expertise Constantly talk to people for smooth transition John stressed that top management actively manages the change

6- Managing conflict
John and his team always try to balance the project team Talk to people who want to be the part of project whom pierre had not selected GE experts give their support to MBudget

Middle Management: Providing a Vision while Ensuring Execution

Middle managers craft emotionally engaging visions and focus on execution Managers who ensure execution Leaders who provide a shared vision

1- Managers
Managers are pragmatic and efficiency oriented leaders who seek stability and control Deep functional expertise and establish formal processes Clear target for their subordinates

1- Managers
E.g. Pierre daily 8 am meeting to maintain control over the project activities Pierre constantly reminded the team leaders about deadlines Fast to react and highly data driven

1- Managers
E.g. strong reliance on customer survey data to resolve the post launch operational challenges Stabilize the operations and install more reliable business processes


Line management: Embracing diversity while acting together

No single middle manager has all capabilities to manage complex undertaking. Embracing complementary capability is a corner stone to tackle even most complex problem arising during new business initiatives M- Budget project perceived three types of complementaries Task Expertise Social

Task complementarity
Here leaders divide management responsibility into coherent blocks of task. Five sub team leaders have following functional role: Denial IT Anna Operations Etore Marketing and sales Paul Finance Basil Risk & legal

Expertise complementarity
Here Executives gain training and experience through various position and roles.
At GE Money Bank, different sub team members have distinct functional background , like: Denial had extensive project management expertise Anna Spent her whole career in customer relations operations

Social complementarity
Complementarities can also arise from different leaders personalities. Individual Vary in the way they process information and assumes social context. Moreover, the personalities varied strongly. For example: Denial - dynamic, extroverted & result - driven personality Anna -more supportive, laid back & consensus oriented other possess visionary and realistic goal.

Complementary leadership thus required both complementarities and communalities To facilitate operations To support efficient decision making process To focus everyone on common objectives.


HR Management: Promoting and Enabling Ambidextrous Leadership

Ambidextrous Leadership is challenging for business leaders. HR leaders play an active role in promoting Ambidextrous Leadership To enable Ambidextrous Leadership, HR leaders need to focus on three critical people related domains 1. Planning & selection 2. Training and development 3. Performance appraisals and reward systems

1- Planning & selection

Firstly, HR has to identify right criteria for Ambidextrous Leader Five leadership traits that are essential for growth leaders are: 1. External focus 2. Ability to think clearly 3. Imagination and courage to take risk 4. Ability to energize team through inclusiveness and connections 5. In-depth expertise

Secondly, HR provides highly valuable input in leadership team. Here output is diagnostic as it provides granular analysis of how a potential team scores Thirdly, HRs key role is to acquire new talent. In many organizations recruiting is primarily undertaken through job interview. HR department of GE Money Bank rely on action based assessment process

2- Training and development

Firstly, HR needs to train individual employees Classroom based training is insufficient so, executive coaches has to support leaders also. Secondly, HR need to enable the leaders to promote new growth activity Like, GE launch LIG training program They access the top management teams success and encourage leaders to delegate responsibilities to layer below. Finally, Each team jointly develop action plan, present it to the CEO and then make commitments to implement the plan

3- Performance appraisals and reward systems

HR dept. produce matrix, based on five growth traits. Its an ongoing process and leaders have multiple opportunities about their careers, performances and particular issues HR needs to design such a reward system that motivate and encourage leaders to search new opportunities In recent years,compensation and benefits has become far more important


Rapidly changing world Ambidextrous: the ability to manage effectively
today while planning & rehearsing the future

Use both right & left hand equally (e.g soccer player) Think beyond the goal

Mgt & leadership closely intertwined Develop a pipeline of exceptional leadership talent Built strong leadership teams

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