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Order Management Enhancements

Shipping Enhancements Advanced Pricing Enhancements


Copyright 2010 Hitachi Consulting

Oracle Order Management

Copyright 2010 Hitachi Consulting

Changed Features in R12 OM

The following features would be covered as part of this presentation:
Multi-Organization Access Control (w.r.t Order Management) Cascading Header Attributes for Sales Transactions Hold Enhancements Copy Sales Order Mass Scheduling Exception Management Enhancements Item Orderability Customer Acceptance Order Information Enhancement Deferred COGS Inventory Convergence & Enhanced Reservations

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MOAC: Multi-Org Access Control

Can be setup at Site Level, Responsibility Level & User Level

New field with LOV allows you to pick an Operating Unit

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MOAC View Transactions

View transactions across multiple Operating Units

Query transactions across multiple Operating Units by leaving the field blank

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MOAC - Manage Transactions

Perform actions on transactions across multiple Operating Units

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MOAC - Benefits
Users can access data from multiple operating units from a single responsibility. Also access reports, concurrent programs, setups from one place without having to switch responsibilities. Data security is still maintained using security profiles that are defined for a list of operating units and determine the data access privileges for a user. Operating Unit field is added to setup forms for payment terms, system parameters, shipping tolerances, transaction types and approval. It is also added to all the forms that allows you to view and manage sales agreement, quotes, orders and returns across multiple operating units. Case Example: If MOAC is implemented for Oracle Order Management Operating Unit is a mandatory field to create an order. All the operating unit specific/relevant fields like Ship-to, Bill-to, Order type will appear. Whenever the user changes the OU, the OU sensitive fields will disappear

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Cascading Header Attributes

When a user amends a sales order header attribute, the changes can be cascaded to order lines. New Cascading Capability
List of attributes to be cascaded are determined by the lookup. Enable/disable attributes Profile determines cascading behavior Provide cascading functionality for attributes amended at the order level to corresponding line detail

Faster data entry and modification Avoid duplication of effort Controlled modification of line attributes

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CHA In 11i

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CHA - Modify SO
Modify field Customer PO of existing order Profile Cascade Header Changes to Line is set to Askme

Cascading message appears on modification of field Customer PO

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CHA - Modify SO

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Hold Enhancements Apply Hold

Choose from More Attributes to Define Holds
Project Task Order type Line type Price List Creation Date Created By Sales Channel Payment Type Shipping Method Deliver to location Source Type Top Model Option Item Payment Term Order Currency

Set Multiple Operating Units for Hold Source


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Release Holds with Progress Workflow

Check to release holds defined with progress workflow


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Copy Sales Orders

Copy across Operating Units

Display New Order after Copy Create Multiple Copies

Also can copy fulfillment sets from one sales order/line to another sales order/line
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Mass Scheduling
The Schedule Orders concurrent program now has enhanced functionality, not only to schedule lines that have failed workflow scheduling, but also the following: Lines that have failed manual scheduling Lines that are manually entered and in Entered status Lines that are imported into Order Management in Entered status Ability to sort scheduled orders Additional query parameters

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Mass Scheduling Concurrent Program

Various Scheduling modes available

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Mass Scheduling Reschedule

Order can be unscheduled or re-scheduled

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Scheduling Organizer

Schedule Ship Date is rescheduled.

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Exception Management Enhancements

Feature Description
Newly introduced concurrent program Retry Activities in Error To retry activities that have errored out in Workflow. Can be Retried in batch (item type as one of the parameters) This can be used to view and correct workflow errors in process message window

Transaction windows (SO, SA, etc.) provide direct navigation to Open errors and retry workflow activity that failed
New workflow error handling process generates an OM - specific notification that uses standard workflow functionality to enable the recipient to retry an activity in error. The workflow also generates diagnostic information for the problematic order or line automatically Also includes a record of errors and corresponding diagnostic information for Oracle Support to aid in fixing the problem

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Exception Management Enhancements

Report Name = Retry Activities in Error

List of activities that can be in error

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Exception Management Enhancements Sales Order Form

Right click on header / line to retry workflow in error

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Item Orderability
Businesses need the ability to control which customers are allowed to order which products. For example, Customer A may purchase all items except for repair parts and promotional items. Alternately, Customer B buys only repair parts from you. This new Order Management feature provides you with an easy way to define orderable products You define orderability rules in a new form, called Orderability Rules. It would be possible to apply Orderable Products business rules to items or Item Categories defined for an organization. Based on the rules defined in the Orderability UI, you will be able to restrict the Items that can be ordered from the Sales Order and Quick Sales Order form.


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Item Orderability

Lets you easily control who can order what goods and services.
Allows you to ensure and enforce that you only sell goods and services whose fulfillment conditions you can meet Allows you to gradually introduce new goods and services to select customers, regions and locations Allows you to restrict goods and services to select customers Allows control by 11 attributes customer, customer class, customer category, end customer, order type, sales channel, sales person, ship to location, bill to location, deliver to location and regions Allows you to define inclusive or exclusive rules


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Item Orderability Rules

New Item orderability form Run Refresh Order Management Materialized Views concurrent program

Generally Available Checkbox: Check this if you want the item to be available for all orders except the ones mentioned in the rules.


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Item Orderability - QSO Form

Item P210-982/E5 is not shown in the list

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Item Orderability : Generally Unavailable

Generally Available Checkbox: Keep this unchecked if you want the item to be only available for below mentioned rules.


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Customer Acceptance
A way for customer to let you know theyve accepted the goods and services you have sold them. A way to defer invoicing and/or revenue recognition until the customer accepts Customer Acceptance of Goods and Services Pre-Billing or Post-Billing Acceptance Explicit or Implicit Acceptance Full Acceptance or Full Rejection of a given item Support for multiple item types Standard, Service, ATO / PTO Model, Kit For Service, ATO / PTO Model, Kit Acceptance contingency is defined at the parent level, child lines inherit acceptance information from the parent Does not apply to returns, internal orders or retro bill orders

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Customer Acceptance
Pre-Billing Acceptance

Sales Order Line in Pending Pre-billing Acceptance Record Acceptance explicit or implicit Line status moves to closed and line gets interfaced to AR Invoice generation and Revenue Recognition happen subsequently Sales Order Line in Pending Post-billing Acceptance Invoice generation Record Acceptance explicit or implicit Line status moves to closed Revenue Recognition happens once acceptance is completed

Post-Billing Acceptance

Explicit Acceptance
Customer or CSR logs into the Order Information Portal or uses order import to record acceptance explicitly

Implicit Acceptance

Deferral reason has to be defined in AR with event attribute as Ship Confirm date and expiration days Request Set has two concurrent requests
Generate Pre-billing Acceptance Program for Pre-billing, Implicit Acceptance Revenue Contingency Analyzer for Post-billing, Implicit Acceptance

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Pre-Billing Explicit Acceptance

Steps Executed SO Entry (Acceptance Name = Pre-billing), SO Booking, SO Release, SO Ship Confirm Line Status = Pending pre-billing acceptance

Select Fulfillment Acceptance from Actions button

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Pre-Billing Explicit Acceptance (cont.)

Record Explicit acceptance details in Order Information Portal page Initial status is Pending

This has values as: Accept / Reject. The user selects a line or multiple lines and submits for acceptance or rejection.

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Pre-Billing Explicit Acceptance (cont.)

Post Acceptance status is changes to Accepted

Post Acceptance Order Line status changes to Closed Invoice cannot be raised until line status is closed in Pre-billing acceptance. Revenue Recognition happens subsequently

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Post-Billing Explicit Acceptance

Steps Executed: SO Entry (Acceptance Name = Post Billing), SO Booking, SO Release, SO Ship Confirm, Interfaced Order line status = Pending post billing acceptance

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Post-Billing Explicit Acceptance (cont.)

After recording acceptance, only the order line status changes to Closed

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Implicit Acceptance Concurrent Program

Define Implicit acceptance rules in receivables (revenue management) Run requests: Generate pre-billing acceptance Revenue contingency analyzer

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Post-Billing Implicit Acceptance

Order line status changes to closed after running the concurrent programs For order lines Implicitly Accepted, the check box Implicit Acceptance is enabled in line This check box is updated by system

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Customer Acceptance Report

Report Name = Customer Acceptance report

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Deferred Revenue & COGS - Process

Accounting standards dictate that COGS and Revenue be recorded in the same accounting periods

At Shipping, Deferred COGS is debited As Revenue is recognized, corresponding % of Deferred COGS moves to real COGS

No change to the OM user experience COGS recognized as Revenue recognized done by Costing and AR Support for multiple item types Standard, Service, ATO / PTO Models, Kits Solves ATO/PTO matching problems

COGS recorded on shippable lines Revenue recorded on invoicable lines

If a sales order line has a contingency attached, revenue recognition happens only after contingency is removed For non-invoicable line, COGS is recognized 100% at close of line

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Deferred Revenue and COGS Setup

Setup of deferred COGS account is in the Inventory module No setup in OM

New Deferred COGS Account in Organization Parameter setup

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Other Enhancements
Post Booking Item Substitution:
Item Substitution functionality support has been extended to post-Booking in

Sales Order, Quick Sales Order, and Scheduling Order Organizer forms.

Credit Hold across OUs:

Order Management honors credit holds placed on customers from AR across

operating Units. When Receivables places a customer on credit hold a hold source will be created in all operating units .

Copyright 2010 Hitachi Consulting


Oracle Shipping Execution

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Changed Features in R12 Shipping

The following features would be covered as part of this presentation:
Release Sales Order Interface Trip Stop Shipping Document Sets Shipping Purge Parallel Pick Release Automated Ship Date WF Enabled Shipping Transactions

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Release Sales Order

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Shipping Document Sets

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Shipping Purge: Description

Automated program to purge shipping data Trips, Stops, Deliveries, Delivery Lines and LPNs Flexible parameters to select the data to be purged Includes Organization, Order Number range, Ship Date range Schedule purge to run at designated intervals Preview and print the data to be purged Data integrity maintained Purges a complete set of records Respects restrictions of other integrating application Other related entities are also purged:
Exceptions Manifesting transaction history Trip move tables Freight costs Shipping serial numbers ITM screening data Workflows

Purge empty records e. g. deliveries w/o any lines

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Shipping Purge Process

Execution Mode:
View Purge Selection - A report prints indicating all records meeting purge criteria. But, Records are not purged. Purge - All selected records are purged A report prints indicating all records that have been purged

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Parallel Pick Release

Description: Run Pick Release in parallel Multiple workers/threads release lines concurrently Complete pick release faster Specify number of parallel processes to be spawned A new Profile Option and Pick Release SRS Parameter

Benefits: Reduce Pick Release processing time by evenly distributing load between multiple processes Improve throughput by spawning multiple child process to do the work Enhanced flexibility with the profile to optimize hardware capabilities

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Parallel Pick Release

Pick Release SRS Parameters New parameter - Number of Child Processes Defaults from Profile Option Override default value

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Automated Ship Date

Ability to enter the Actual Departure Date on the Release Sales Order

SRS parameter form

Ship Confirm Rule associated with Release Rule

Ability to enter the Actual Departure Date on Release Sales Order Form.

Release criteria includes Ship Confirm Rule

Ability to enter the Actual Departure Date on the Auto Ship Confirm SRS

parameters form
Reduce ambiguity of actual ship date compared to system transaction

Increase revenue recognition accuracy by realizing revenue based on the

actual shipment date

Improve flexibility by allowing users to interface to OM and INV at a later

date and still reflect actual shipment date

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Automated Ship Date

Actual Departure Date Field

Implies Auto Ship Confirmation

Field is disabled without a Ship Confirm Rule

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Workflow enabled Shipping Transactions

Automate the Shipping processes according to business requirements.

Delivery Workflows Trip Workflows

Ship To Deliver Workflow

Notifications and Activity Business Events

Manage Shipping processes with different controls, Notifications and

Can be controlled from Shipping and Global Parameters. History of key activities performed. View workflows via Shipping Transactions form.

Support for purging of workflows.

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Workflow enabled Shipping Transactions

Enable/Disable workflows from global parameter or shipping parameters.

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Oracle Advance Pricing

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Changed Features in R12 Adv Pricing

The following features would be covered as part of this presentation:
Price Book Continuous Price Breaks Model Complex Pricing for Blanket Line Mass Re-Pricing of Purchasing Documents

Copyright 2010 Hitachi Consulting


Price Book - Description

New Pricing report that displays an items price for a specific

customer based on a pricing date

List Price, Net Price, Discounts, Surcharges, Price Breaks, and Freight & Special Charges Price Break and Pricing Attribute Details Customer Item(s)

Accepts various input price calculation criteria

Pricing Effective Date: past, current or future date Pricing Attributes and Qualifier Attributes

Supports Full or Delta Price Book Multiple publishing options UIs Based on Internal or External User Available for Basic and Advanced Pricing Users

Delta Price Book and XML Messaging supported with Advanced Pricing license

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Price Book - Advantages

Increase pricing insight

Provides a snapshot of list and net prices for product(s) for a given customer Validate prices for a customer

Improve monitoring of pricing changes

Track price changes for a customer at different points in time Reduce maintenance costs

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Price Book - Create Price Book

Price Book Name, Price Book Type and Customer combination are

unique Prices are based on the pricing perspective (request type) Specific to a currency Generate prices for a single item, item category, all items, or items within a specified price list. Pricing Effective Date: past, current, or future date Inputs for Price Calculation Criteria

Quantity, qualifiers, pricing attributes Based on Price List, Agreement, or Sales Agreement as a starting point

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Price Book Publishing Options

Specify publishing options

Printer Email To XML Message to specific Customer Site View Document

Publish immediately or schedule for later XML Publisher Templates

3 seeded RTF templates which allows output formats of PDF, RTF, and Excel
Price Book Details Price Book Errors Price Book Summary

Template and Output type must be specified for View Document

New templates may be created using XML Publisher

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Price Book Create Price Book

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Price Book Reports

Key Details about each Price Book

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Price Book Online View

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Price Book - Online View of Price Breaks

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Price Book View Document (PDF)

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Price Book Create Delta

Shows only items with changes relative to the new pricing effective


Displays price changes or new/deleted items

A full price book can only have 1 delta

Input criteria

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Continuous Price Breaks

Enhanced Pricing setups and logic to evaluate price breaks

Breaks are evaluated as greater than the Value From and up to and equal to the Value To

Support for all newly created Price Break Lines Improved usability through defaulting

Value To of last break can be left blank

Old (Pre R12)

Value From - Value To

New in R12 Price Value From Value To Price

11-20 21-999999

$100 0-10
$90 10-20 $80 20-

$90 $80

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Continuous Price Breaks

Defaulting and blank Value To

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Model Complex Pricing for Blanket Line

Pricing Transactions

Blanket Agreement

Line Price
Pricing Engine Requisitions Price Break Custom API Price List

Leverage Oracle Advanced Pricing to model Complex Pricing Scenarios


Formula Modifiers Oracle Advanced Pricing

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Model Complex Pricing for Blanket Line

Bring Agreements with Complex Pricing Requirements Online Extends Agreement Pricing Capabilities beyond Static Product Price

Accurate Pricing of Transactions without the need for Manual

Decrease supplier over billing

Save cost by ensuring all available discounts are applied

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Mass Re-pricing of Purchasing Documents


Blanket Purchase Agreement Advanced Pricing

Revise Pricing Data

Price Lists, Modifiers Custom Pricing API

New in Release 12.0

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Mass Re-pricing of PO Documents Benefits

Eliminate/Reduce Manual Intervention to retroactively price Purchasing

Decrease Supplier Over Billing
Utilize available discounts and/or promotions for your existing open


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Mass Re-pricing of PO Documents Process

Optional Parameter in Release 12

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Thank You!!

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