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Dr. Dr.

Victor Victor Stanculescu Stanculescu Fondator Fondator

Motto: Motto:
1. 1. Fotbalul: Fotbalul: Stiinta, Stiinta, Arta Arta && Business Business 1. 1. Dragoste Dragoste P-tru P-tru Fotbalului Fotbalului 2. 2. Credinta Credinta in in Tine Tine && God God 3. 3. Speranta Speranta de de Maine Maine

Victor@SoccerAcademy Victor@SoccerAcademy 3. 3. Personalitatea Personalitatea

Antrenori, Antrenori, ASOCIATIA ASOCIATIA Jucatori Jucatori && Staff Staff 1.Genetica 1.Genetica ANTRENORILOR ANTRENORILOR 2.Profesionala 2.Profesionala 3.Sociala 3.Sociala DE DEFOTBAL FOTBAL FARA FARA FRONTIERE FRONTIERE

2. 2. Performanta Performanta in in Football: Football: Conceptul Conceptul de de Joc Joc Conceptul Conceptul de de pregatire pregatire Conceptul Conceptul de de recuperare recuperare

Football for 21st Century is:


2. ART-made by the PLAYERS + STAFF

3. BUSINESS, for PROFESSIONALS + Performances

1631 Whitcomb, Des Plaines, 60081. IL. USA ; Tel: 1-312-823-2166 & Fax: 1-208-575-5453 ; ;


World Football Center of Interdisciplinary Concept

USA - USSF SOCCER 2013 - M.L.S. FINAL CUP Sporting Kansas City and Real Salt Lake: 1-1 (7-6) (SKC) (RSL)

PAGE 1: Front Page; Page 2: Content Page 3 + 4: Professional Football Dialogue with coaches without frontiers

Page 5 + 6: = Penalties for the final cup MLS- 2013

Page:7-8-9: The most significant aspects of the final game; KANSAS VS. SALT LAKE= 1-1: (7-6)l Page: 10: Letter for professionalism and thanks to the authors, coaches, players, teams, referees, helping the professionalization of the coaches without frontiers. Page 11: References

Professional football dialogue with coaches without frontiers:

1. Goal of the material:
1.1. This is a Professional International Football Educational Forum 1.2. A scientific, Technical and strategic professional dialogue, with the coaches without frontiers; 1.3. Learning from the champions, positive and negative aspects to transfer to our own activity;

2. Thesis:
2.1. We are continuing the series of presentation the AMERICAN FOOTBALL, presented on
1. Brazil . USA = 2007 = study the CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE USING PHOTOS (interesting study for the professional coaches); 2. Galaxy La vs. La Real Salt Lake = 27-11 2009 the FINAL MLS CUP for 2009 Year! 3. Ghana vs. USA = WORLD CUP 2010 (2-1) 4. God Cup 2013 = Mexico vs. Panama = 1-2 and USA VS. Honduras = 3-1 5. USA vs. PANAMA = 1-0 Gold Cup 2013 6. QUAIFICATION for the 2014 WORLD CUP: COSTA RICA = 1-3 AND MEXIC Vs USA = 1-2 7. MLS CUP 2013, BETWEEN KANSAS VS. LAKE SALT = 1-1 and after extra-time and penalties: 7-6 ;

3. Anti-Thesis 3. From the global to the particular, from the FIFA WORLD 208 National Football Associations To USA-football:
3.1. According to our studies The last over 20 years of football and last 5 world cups, the USA Football (USSF) has been in progress ! 3.2. But Confucius stated, in a magnificent words: SUCCESS depends upon PREPARATION and without such PREPARATION there is sure to be FAILURE!

4. Synthesis:
4.1. As the USSF, realized that THE COACH IS THE MASTER MIND OF PEPRFORMANCE! So, the NATIONAL CONCEPT OF USSF was no working and employed a GERMAN Coach and we ALREADY identified the new policy of the National Football USA CONCEPT OF PERFORMACE FOR THE LAST 3 years, In preparation for the 2014 world cup! 4.2. One of the most difficult mutation is for the head coach to accept the reality: HE IS AN ANGLO-SAXON FOOTBALL AND HE SPENT HIS FOOTBALL LIFE IN THIS CONCEPT! WHAT HIS CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE FOR THE 2014, FOR THE NATIONAL A! As well as for the USA ALL national Football Teams

4.3. The fundamental difference, between LATIN FOOTBALL CONCEPT and ANGLO-SAXON FOOTBALL CONCEPT were demonstrated for all specialists around the world: Brazil-1994 (In America), France-1998; Brazil again, 2002; Italy 2006 and Spain = 2010, all of them are speaking the same FOOTBALL LANGUAGE, fundamental different than the ANGLO-SASON! 4.4. The best Football Coaches and PLAYERS are EMPLOYED, PARTICULARLY BY THE Anglo-Saxon AND THIS IS THE ELEMENT OF MAKET BUSINESS TO THINK ABOUT, what USSFF has to do, what to play and how to realize this WORLDD FOOTBALL LIFE REQUIREMENT? 4.5. Yesterday, we posted into our FREE OF CHARGE ELECTRONI FOTBALL LIBRARY. The 75th www.Scribd,com/VictorStanculescu, STUDY-PAPER, A THEORY OF PRACTICE CALLED INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE OF SCIENCES FOR FOOTBALL TOO! 4.6. Life is really simple, But not every one sees it, the same CONFUCIUS, is teaching the world, to be successfully! From 1987, science I am in the USA, I was surprised why the FOOTABALL IS NOT DEVELOPED ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN NORTH CONTINENT people, talent, money, supporters? Something is absent in their concept of life and football, called the emotional intelligence of super-stars and the culture of freedom to play football free, by the talent, by the LATIN EDUCATION IN FOTBAL, despite that the name of America is similar with the freedom of the people to express free all around the world, except in AMERICAN FOOTBALL!

4.8. The response we presented almost in every paper we posted into the SCRIBD *see them, please the following address: www.scribd,com/VictorSanculescu 4.9. We presented with details, analysis: evaluating, diagnosing and obtained the conclusions about the STATE OF THE FOOTBALL IN USA
4.10. We are convinced that, THERE IS TIME ENOUGH TO PREPARE THE TEAM FOR THE WORLD CUP! Establishing the CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE; How to play, Train and Recovery; How to mixt the ANGLOS-SAXON AMERICAN QUALITIES OF PLAYING FOOTBALL + MAIN ELEMENTS OF LATIN FOOTBALL CONCEPT, which are the ingredients of the world football, to be able to win in 2014!

USA - USSF SOCCER 2013 - M.L.S. FINAL CUP Sporting Kansas City and Real Salt Lake: 1-1 (7-6) (SKC) (RSL)

Sporting Kansas City (SKC) VS. Real Salt Lake:(RSL) 1-1 (7-6)

Real Salt Lake:(RSL) vs. Sporting Kansas City (SKC) 1-1 (6-7)
1-0 2-0 2-0 3-1 3-2 4-3 5-4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Claudio Bieler


Goal Goal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Alvaro Saborio

No Goal No Goal

0-1 0-2

Paulo Nagamura

Ned Grabavoy


Matt Besler


Kyle Brtvkerman

Goal Goal

Benny Feilhaber


Joao Plata

2-3 3-3 4-4 5-5

Graham Zusi

Javier Morales


Seth Sinovic

Goal Goal

Chris Schuler


C.J. Sapong

Tony Beltran

Lawrence Olum


Sebastian Velazquez


6-6 6-7

Chance Myers

Goal Goal

Nat Borchers
Shoot i post gk



Aurelien Collin

Lovel Palmer


Every training is starting and finishing with Penalty: 1-3-5-10 each player in rotation at 2 goals/4 goalkeepers; There is GLOBAL SITUATION for both players! TIMING in 1-2-3 sec. or just 1 second when the opponent move!

They were NECESSARY 10 PENALTIES to declare the winning of the MLS 2013 CUP! To many: showing exceptional equal value or REVERSE!? Whats your variant?

Our Caching Points 2

There were only 2 situation that the GOALKEEPERS get in the same direction with the shooter
This shows that the Goalkeepers and Coaches no special preparation done for TIMING for Goalkeepers decision and time to dive!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

No enough strategic training! Timing mental faculty intelligence All together must be trained daily No super-skills for Set Plays/11m You have to play to win any time! TIMING = Yes! DELAY intelligently Of course, daily Training strategy Yes! For professionals every day



There are 2 methodologies: 1.To training the SET PLAYS, incorporated in the daily/weekly PlanProgram or 2. To make Friday 30-60 min, a special training- for Sunday game?


1. Player must play any position, by rotation to understand the game better total football); 2. Teach the stars and super-stars their field skills, and goalkeepers exceptional saves! And for the shooters, how to perfect their individual talent, science and art of scoring goals! 3. The goalkeepers must train 2 time more than other players, to be able to save the team 4. For this art/science the Goalkeeper has to perfect their personality: mental, physical & skills daily! 5. HISTORY OF DUKADAM-Goalkeeper from Steaua Bucharest in 1986, won the EUROPEAN CLUB CHAMPION, BY STOPING 4 PENALTIES, AND WON THE CUP! How? 5.1. Everyday one hour before the training and one hour after the training ! He was doing almost what is doing all the other super-stars goalkeepers, + TIMING = a mental faculty to have a global vision of the players and waiting to have the last touch, when DUCKADAM, STARTS HIS MOVE, which was very close to the same time with shooter kick the ball.There in about 1-2 second and some time, insight one second! Unbelievable, but interdisciplinary science of sciences, are helping us to get (through thousand repetitions to this level of ART! There are many aspects of mental training, connected with practice 5.2. In the same time, he make is judgment about the players: Personality, commitment, how they arrange the ball, distance to the ball, speed, power, direction, to the ball, How kick the ball, making the Goalkeeper (as well as for the shooter) the GLOBAL INTUTITION, which was given him the information to act in such way to stop the ball! This is the thousand of ball, studying the super-models from the world of football, a professional life, a model of modesty and personality! There is not a famous football team without 3-dimensional factors: COACH, SCORERS+GOALKEEPERS

* SKC = Missed 3 times to score! * RSL = Missed 4 times to score What do you think Its this To much 1.Stress, 2.No training TIMING; 3. No Players value? 4. Or all of them together?

What do you think that is better? 1.To get one side and to dive in the same time with shoot(Goalkeeper) 2. Or, training strategic skill of Timing to delay, when you get more information to dive on the same side, and you have more chances, to stop Ball?

* Extra-time; the teams slow down the confidence of scoring, being happy to go for the Penalties, and that is a better chance to win? Its this better strategy or, you have to force to score & win the game?

In the first 5-Penalties, each team was missing 2 penalties, with maybe, the best players for both teams? Why? 1. Fitness-Tired, 2. Emotional-Uncontrolled stress, or, 3. Very bad Skills?

THEORY OF PRACTICE to understand better the final game; KANSAS VS. SALT LAKE= 1-1: (7-6)l
To understand the new Concept of Performance, please, open the material 75 on and find a KEY coaching Point: INTERDISCIPLINARY: The Science of Sciences in football too (How to use the frontiers of sciences to football to perfect your concept of performance: PLAYING, TRAINING AND REOVERY! Yo u will convince yourself that the solution you have to find in the other science, to use in any football subject: (Like our SUBJECT: Psychology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Biomechanics, Skills & Football Strategies, etc_

The mathematics of the football Game has 3-dimenstional in time:

Plating in attack: 30 min. Playing in defense 30 min

Mathematics of the game:

Plying at Set Plays: 30 min.

The Skills of the Football Game, to compose the musicality of the Individual Players and Teams The Playing in Attack Skills: Pass Dribbling Shooting

Playing in Defense Skills

Plying at Set Ply

Free Kick



The Penalties represents skills, strategies, science and art = INTERDISCIPINARY Penalty
Penalty in Attack-Shooter Penalty In Defense-Goalkeeper STRATEGIES FOR PENALTY

Attack: Shooter
Mental: Relax, 3 time Oxygen, select variant Mental: Relax, 3-time Oxygen, study the shooter Shooter: establish variant and judge the Goalkeeper

Defense - Goalkeeper
Physical: Leg, Distance, Speed Side, Contact eyes Typology: Skill or Power Left or right, study details Goalkeeper: Judge the shooter and timing to stop

Skill: Timing, where shoot Direction + Power+ Leg, etc
Position, TIMING, let him come, 3 steps, 1 and decide, with all speed
The element to make the difference is the TIMING! Who is starting first, the other can decide the counter skill IS STARTING FIRST, IS LOSING

THIS IS THE GAME IN THE PENALTY AREA NOT ONLY IN America, BUT ALL OVER THE WORLD FIGHT WITHOUT RULES NEED FIFA HELP! (In this game one goal scored from this situation! 1-1 and after penalties: won the cup, 7-6 FIFA needs to get insight and establish the Common sense of the LAWS OF THE GAME! THANKS FIFA! =============================================
* We are posting this paper, for that we are thanking to the author, just to show, that the Football in the penalty area needs to be finished. * Given the chance for the players to play according to the LAWS OF THE GAME! * After the World Cup 2010 and all the official competitions: 2011, 2012, 2013 and will be the same in 2014, at the world cup Brazil! (AND MAYB TO BE CHAGED AFTER THE WORLD CUP: 2014 * This is not the game of football! FIFA has to do the best! To save the players for injuries, Goalkeeper to have the right to get out and to protect the game and the result winning the best!

The game, in the 3/4

THE GAME BETWEEN THE PENALY AREA IS ALSO, LIKE IN ANY OTHER INTERNATIONAL football professional leagues, except to play in the Penalty area and of course the STRATEGIES FOR PENALTIES =============================================
*The game has been superb, in the field, just between the 2 penalty area, where every team get some opportunities, but, the game was between two of USA-MLS PRO-LEAGUE TEAMS. *What we are considering IS THAT THE FOOTBALL CAN BE at the international VERY CLOSE STANDAR, BUT ONLY IN THE SITUATION OF PLAYING IN THE FIELD ! *The motivation, emotions, stress, knowing each other very well, make the game a very good level of football. *Unfortunately, every game has GOOD AND VERY GOOD: GOOD: NON SYOP PLAY IN THE FIELD AVERAGE: IN THE PENALTY ARE SET PLAYS: PENALTIES has to be reviews and of course, perfected to be at the world level

REFERENCES: 1. (75 professional football studies and their personality)

2. Please, ask the GOOGLE, the best 20 goalkeepers from the world a study we are already preparing to publish.

4. 5.

Interdisciplinary, the science of sciences in football too, just published in Scribd-nr.74!

The world cup 2010; The qualifications and FIFA OFFICIAL COMPETITIONS from 2011. 2012 and 2013!etc.


1. We are a Non for the Profit ORGANISATION: International Education Forum, for the COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS 2. All our materials are posted on: 2.1., No. 76 materials posted already; all materials are posted FREE OF CHARGE: 2.2. SOCCER ACADEMY OF AMERICA-COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS: developing a professional coaches dialogue FOOTBALL TECHNICAL, SCIENTIFIC & STRATEGIC BULLETIN: No: 482! 3. We would like to thank very much to the publications, authors, for articles, information, pictures we are promoting FREE OF CHARGE to the coaches around the world, without changing the authors and content!

Dr. Victor Stanculescu FIFA Instructor Founder SAA & AAFF

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