ECE+2014 Diversity

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ECE 2014

What is your first (and honest) reaction to the word diversity? What is your first (and honest) reaction to the word globalization? With your partner (and without resources), define both words. What is the importance of both for you as future engineers?

Affirmative Action must be considered in its historical context Projects financed with federal funds must take affirmative action to ensure that hiring and employment practices are free of racism. (1961 under President JFK)


Dear Colleagues, I would like to bring to your attention that the University of Maryland is conducting a national and international search to obtain a Dean for our A. James Clark School of Engineering. Having performed a search for a Dean of our School in 1999, I know there are many outstanding women in engineering who are qualified for the position. Through your organization, I hope you can bring these potential candidates to our attention. Our committee will be proactive and will consider outstanding individuals possibly out of the norm who can be appointed Professor with tenure in an engineering discipline. Thus, not only are chairs of outstanding engineering schools potential individuals for the position, but individuals who may have been Directors of major national laboratories or distinguished individuals in industry who have run major engineering research activities. Attached with this message is a Position Announcement. Please feel free to publicize the Position Announcement. Please inform me of any individuals you believe are outstanding prospects for the position that our committee should pursue.

Jack Minker, Professor Emeritus

Computer Science and UMIACS Chair, Search Committee for the Dean of the A. James Clarke School of Engineering

Equal Pay Equity Act (1963)

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964)
Equal pay for equal work Bans discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (1972) Pregnancy (Anti-)Discrimination Act (1978) Sexual Harassment (1980) Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009)
Administers legislation and handles complaints

Survey of Fortune 100 Companies ~ Top 5 Reasons for Diversity

Better utilization of talent (93%) Increased marketplace understanding (80%) Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions (60%) Enhanced creativity (53%) Increased quality of team problem-solving (40%)

Diversity gives strength to teams

Being an Entrepreneur in Industry vs. Education: Team vs. Individual

Ongoing communication Willing participation Brainstorming Teamwork Common purpose Trust Plan for achieving the goal Diverse group
Diversity is the power behind collaboration. Without diversity

groupthink sets in. It is diversity that gives a team the unique perspectives needed to create truly innovative solutions.

Written agreement Leadership

Source: Dan Sanker, Collaborate: The Art of We Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog


Age, race, religion, gender, ethnicity Learning style, problemsolving ability, creative ability, personality, learning and psychological disabilities Occupational, crossfunctional, multidisciplinary Country of origin, national citizenship, language Sexual identity/orientation, physical disabilities



Source: U.S. Coast Guard Office of Diversity

Fostering a work environment where all employees feel respected, included and able to contribute their best is a core Boeing value and an integral part of our Leadership Attributes.
Diversity and inclusion are part of Boeing's values at the highest level. Having diverse employees, business partners and community relationships is vital to creating advanced aerospace products and services for our diverse customers around the world.

Joyce Tucker, Vice President Global Diversity and Employee Rights

Inclusion and Diversity are at the very heart of innovation. It requires different perspectives to take an idea, perfect it, and turn it into world-changing technology. And it requires an energetic, diverse workforce to come up with those different perspectives. Here at Qualcomm, we find diversity, and the creativity it brings, vital to our success. To this end, we are committed to providing all employees the opportunity to achieve their professional goals.

By deliberating seeing ways to more effectively reach a broader range of customers, IBM has seen significant bottomline results.
David Thomas, Harvard Business Review

Is there is a relationship between diversity and Air Force mission capability? It is not diversity itself that affects our mission capability, but phenomena associated with diversity.
Major Joseph Sanders, USAF

We have a great opportunity in the technology industry to meet the growing demand for a skilled workforce while also continuing to advance our efforts to create a more diverse workforce to ensure our products and services genuinely reflect the needs and priorities of all our customers.

Deborah Willingham, Senior V.P., Human Resources

If you want to make a fast career in industry, you must learn to understand culture and the impact of internationalization and globalization on the way we do business. Engineers must know how to manage teams and projects in different cultures.
Peter Olfs, Senior Director, Corporate Communications International

19 The 2007 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity As competition intensifies, these 50 companies demonstrate remarkable and consistent strength in the four critical areas of diversity management: CEO Commitment, Human Capital, Corporate Communications and Supplier Diversity. #5 Ford Motor Co., #34 General Motors, #38 Cummins, #49 Hewlett-Packard, #50 Accenture 22 Domestic-Partner Benefits: The Top 50 Litmus Test For the first time, companies that do not have domestic-partner benefits for same-sex partners were disqualified from the Top 50. 24 Why You Need Diversity to Be Competitive Real-life examples from the national leaders proving why diversity is crucial to their business success. 46 10 Top 50 CEOs Tell the Truth About Diversity Frank answers from 10 men who believe diversity is essential to their success, both personally and professionally.


Hidden Bias Tests

Global Diversity Quiz:

Diversity Training sites

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

IEEE Job Site We are proud of our diverse environment, EOE, M/F/D/V.

Georgia Tech Lorraines Campus

Study Abroad in Metz, France

Zach La Celle (CPE Senior)

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity Wanted to see more than just the USA Companies seemed interested in students with international backgrounds.

Interlaken, Switzerland Swiss Alps

Very small classes (2-20 people) Great contact with professors Challenging, but not overbearing Good selection of classes (in English)

Santorini Island, Greece

Food, people, and dress are all very different Business practices are different (vacation, taxes) While people are different, they are very easy to get along with

Cinque Terra, Italy

Travel!!! Eat French bread and food Hang out with people from other cultures You will never be bored!

Chambord Chateau, France

Language Culture: food, dress, interactions Money

Cathedral, Chartres, France

Best experience of my life New friends from many different places Respect and understanding of a globally connected world Great education
Paris, France

Jerel Culliss EE M.S. Student

Short Answer: Why NOT?!

Long Answer: Once in a lifetime opportunity, advisors and professors all recommended it, Im a democrat, I wanted to see Europe, I wanted work experience, Oktoberfest Ultimately, there was no downside as he saw it.

Switzerland is not in the EU.

Roughly three phrases in (high) German. European Power is 220 V, 50 Hz.

Location of ABB (They gave him a map!)

The jet lag would be terrible

The jet lag was worse than terrible.

There are four national languages: SwissGerman, French, Italian, and Romansh. Most of the engineers working at ABB were not Swiss. He received 7 weeks of vacation; He could take 5 of them any time he wanted. The work atmosphere was VERY relaxed, no scheduled hours and lots of coffee breaks.

AURA-NMS Project lots and lots of coding, required a unique skillset.

Interdisciplinary work ABB contained a lot of physicists, engineers, and computer scientists. Very multicultural work environment people from all over the world

Traveling Europe was a blast, but he wouldnt trade the friends for anything.

His year abroad was the best year of my life. The work experience was nice, but the travel and friends made it amazing.
Should you get the chance, DO IT.

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