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FCP Toolkit Course

4-week Professional Development Boot Camp ISTE NETS-T Alignment Focus on 4Cs of Technology & 7 Steps of Flat Classroom Online Web 2.0 Toolkit

Image courtesy of Hannah McMacken

Course Aims
0 Understand the Flat Classroom Seven Steps to Flatten

Your Classroom and how 21st Century Learning ties into these steps. 0 Understand the role Web 2.0 technologies play in global collaboration. 0 Effectively manage and facilitate student use of these tools. 0 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership activities

Weekly Agenda
Week 1: Communication

Week 2: Collaboration
Week 3: Creativity Week 4: Critical Thinking

{Week 1} Communication
Course participants explore and discuss various options for teacher-teacher, teacherstudent and student-student communication.
FCP Steps 1-2: Connection & Communication. ISTE NETS-T: Model Digital Age Work and Learning

{Week 2} Collaboration
Participants will discuss digital citizenship and explore tools for effective contribution and collaboration.

Collaborative Boards/Wikis

Live Chat/ Backchannel

Digital Citizenship

FCP Steps 3-4: Citizenship, Contribution & Collaboration ISTE NETS-T: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Virtual Hangouts

Multi-Author Documents

{Week 3} Creativity
Participants will explore tools that will enhance creative expression of ideas through various media.



FCP Steps 5: Choice ISTE NETS-T: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity



{Week 4} Critical Thinking

Participants will explore the various presentation formats and available technologies that foster the creation of project deliverables & reflective celebrations that employ critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills.
FCP Steps 6 7: Creation & Celebration ISTE NETS-T: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments





Top 5 Reasons to Join Now!

1. Gain an understanding of how Web tools can 2. 3.


enhance authentic learning experiences Establish a network of like-minded peers Become a Technology Champion Build a personalized Web 2.0 toolkit Engage 21st Century Learners

Discussion Questions
0 Do you currently have technology champions at your

school? 0 Are 21st century learning skills embedded into lessons? 0 How do you currently embed technology into your lessons? 0 Once you build your online toolkit how would you utilize it with stakeholders (students, co-workers, community members)?

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