Chapter 6 - Literacy and Readability-1

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Additional Factors Affecting Client and Student Education in Nursing

Dean Marc Benjamin A. Martin, Ed.D.c. College of Arts and Sciences

Literacy Using printed and written information to function in society, to achieve ones goals, and to develop ones knowledge and potential (NAAL, 1992) Prose Literacy understanding information coming from texts such as books and newspapers.

Document Literacy the skills needed to understand and use information in maps, schedules, etc. Quantitative Literacy the ability to understand numbers in printed materials or having the skills to do arithmetic.


How do you say that your client MAY have a problem in terms of literacy?
The patient does not read the PEM you gave them a few days ago. I want to discuss it first with my hubby, preferably at home, and not with you. I forgot my glasses so I wont be able to read it.

How do you say that your client MAY have a problem in terms of literacy?
I am too tired to read that stuff. Q: Do you understand? A:No comment. S-E-X-U-A-L-T-R-A-N-S-M-I-S-S-I-O-N

Be sure to assess your clients ability to comprehend written materials, and avoid making assumptions about your clients literacy level. Check for comprehension of the written material, OR Asses literacy by using standardized tests available (WRAT and REALM)

Sensory Impairments


Not all clients have low literacy grades. Some of our clients may have so-called sensory impairments that may hinder their learning capacity.

Sensory Impairments
May be a result of illness, injury, or the aging process. Effective nurses modify their teaching approaches in order to accommodate such impairments.

Guidelines for Teaching Clients with Sensory Impairments

For Memory Impaired Clients: Use repetition Use a variety of cues (verbal, written, pictures, and symbols). For Visually Impaired Clients: Provide large-print materials. Provide prescription eyeglasses and magnifying glasses. Provide adequate lighting while reducing glare.

Guidelines for Teaching Clients with Sensory Impairments

For Hearing Impaired Clients: Face the client directly when speaking. Use short sentences and words that are easily understood. Use signals to reinforce verbal information point, gesture, demonstrate. Eliminate distracting noises or activities from the environment as much as possible.

Nursing Diagnosis

Important: When lack of knowledge is the primary barrier to learning, the NDx of DEFICIENT KNOWLEDGE or KNOWLEDGE DEFICIT is applicable. A client who does not understand how to use crutches for assisted ambulation may have the NDx of Deficient Knoledge: Crutchwalking, related to inexperience as evidenced by multiple questions and hesitancy to walk.

A client who has had a colonostomy and will be discharged soon may have a diagnosis of Knowledge Deficit: Follow-up care related to colonostomy care and maintenance as evidenced by request of information. Also note: Knowledge deficit may also be a component of many other NDx in which risk or impaired behavior exists.

Risk for infection may relate to a clients compromised health status; this risk can be modified or reduced through certain physical and environmental changes and also through proper client education. Self-care deficit : Bathing/Hygiene may need assistance in acquiring the physical supplies to remedy the deficit, as well as instruction to techniques.

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