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Muscular system:


Functions of the muscle:

1. Movement:
Joints Body fluid Rib cage Gut

2. Posture: 3. Support: 4. Heat production:

Classification of muscle:
Depending on structure and functions: 1. Skeletal muscle:
Striated , voluntary

2. Cardiac muscle:

Striated, involuntary
Nonstriated, involuntary

3. Smooth muscle:

Skeletal muscle:
Location: Striation:
Transverse & longitudinal

No syncytium

Shape of fiber: Nuclei: Length of muscle fiber:

1-4 cm

Cardiac muscle:
Location: Striation:
Transverse striation

Syncytium Intercalated disc

Shape of fiber: Nucleus: Length of muscle fiber:

80 micron

Intercalated disc: Gap junctions:

Smooth muscle:
Location: Striation: Branching:
No syncytium

Shape of fiber: Nuclei: Length of muscle fiber:

15 to 500 micron

Myocyte: Sarcolemma: Sarcoplasm: Sarcoplasmic reticulum:

Component of muscle fiber:

Cell membrane

Glycogen, mitochondria & sarcoplasmic reticulum

Sarcoplasmic reticulum: T tubules:

Invagination of sarcolemma Function:
Transmission of impulse from sarcolema to myofibrils

Muscle triad:
Sarcoplasmic reticulum & T tubules Function:

Mitochondria: Myoglobin: Myofibrils: contain

Actin & myosin


Organization of skeletal muscle:

Muscle fascicle containing fibers Connective tissue covering
Epimycium Perimycium Endomycium

Organization of skeletal muscle:

Bundles of Muscle fibers

Connective tissue coverings:

Connective tissue sheath beneath the fascia

Connective tissue sheath covering bundles of muscle fiber ( fascicles)

Connective tissue sheath covering each fiber

Functions of connective tissue coverings:

1. Separation of muscles 2. Support the muscle 3. Carry blood vessels & nerves

Microscopic organization of skeletal muscle fiber:

Myofibrils Myofilaments Sarcomere

Distance between 2 z lines Structural & functional unit Myofibrils:
Actin & myosin Location of actin & myosin filaments: Number of filaments:

Microscopic structure:
2 bands:
Light I band: Dark A band:

Light band I band:

Isotropic to polarized light When polarized light is passed light rays are refracted at the same angle

Dark band A band:

Anisotropic to polarized light When polarized light is passed light rays are refracted in different angle

H zone:
Henson zone In middle of A band

Z disc:
I band is divided into 2 portions by Zwischenscheibe disc

Contractile elements / proteins of muscle:

Myosin molecule Actin molecule Tropomyosin Troponin

Myosin molecule:
Present in myosin filament about 200 molecules / filament Molecular weight: 4,80,000

Polypeptide chains:
2 heavy chains :
Heavy chains twist around each other to from a double helix forms tail portion of molecule 2,00, 000 molecular weight each

4 light chains :
Forms head 20,000 molecular weight each 2 binding sites: For actin molecule For ATP molecule

Actin molecule:
Called as F actin Polymer of small protein G actin molecule 300 to 400 Molecular weight: 42000 Active site for binding with myosin head

40 to 60 molecules Double helix Molecular weight: 70,000 In relaxed muscle:
Tropomyosin molecule covers active sites of F actin molecules

3 subunits:
Troponin T attached to tropomyosin Troponin I attached to F actin Troponin C attached to calcium ions

Sarcoplasmic reticulum:
ER of muscle fiber Runs parallel to muscle fiber

T tubules:
Extension of sarcolemma to interior Open to ECF Filled with ECF

Muscle triad:
2 T tubules per sarcomere Longitudinal tubules Terminal cisternae:
Calcium storage

Function of sarcotubular system:

Transmission of impulses from sarcolemma to the myofibrils Muscle stimulation action potential develops in sarcolemma pass through T tubules reach interior of muscle fibers

L tubules:
Storage & release of calcium ions for muscle contraction

Excitation contraction coupling:

Sequences of events Excitation followed by contraction of muscle Transmission of the nerve impulse Excitation of muscle Contraction of muscle

Muscle contraction (sliding filament theory):

Sliding of actin filaments on either side of sarcomere towards center Decreased size of sarcomere Decreased length of muscle fiber Increased muscle tension

Mechanism of muscle contraction:

Binding of cross bridges with actin Movement of cross bridges Binding of ATP to myosin Detachment of cross bridges Binding of the cross bridges to actin again

1.The cycle begins with ATP binding to the myosin head. This causes the myosin head to be released from actin.

2. The ATP molecule is then hydrolysed while the myosin head is unattached. The ADP & Pi formed remain bound to the myosin head.

3. The energy released by the hydrolysis of ATP is absorbed by the myosin This causes the myosin head to change shape (places it in energised state or cocked state also called the recovery stroke) It then binds to the actin filament.

4-5. The ADP and Pi are then released from the myosin head Result = Power stroke occurs (the myosin head changes shape) This draws the actin filament over the myosin filament.

1.The cycle begins with ATP binding to the myosin head. This causes the myosin head to be released from actin.

Isotonic muscle contraction:

Mechanism: Example:

Isometric muscle contraction:

Mechanism: Example:

Single impulse:
Simple muscle twitch (contraction):

Multiple impulses:
Sustained state of contraction tetanus Tetanic contractions

Nerve supply to the muscle:

Axon of alpha motor neuron Anterior horn of spinal cord Nerve damage muscle paralysis Voluntary control

Motor unit:
Alpha motor neuron & number of muscle fibers supplied by it All or none law: Small motor unit:
Eye muscles

Large motor unit:

Back muscles

Neuromuscular junction:
Axon of alpha motor neuron Skeletal muscle Motor end plate Synaptic knob Synaptic cleft Synaptic vesicles Acetylcholine Acetylcholine

Transmission of nerve impulse:

Stimulation of alpha motor neuron impulses pass through axon to synaptic knob release of acetylcholine binding with cell membrane receptors opening of acetylcholine gated channels development of end plate potential opening of voltage gated sodium channels positive feedback mechanism initiation of impulse in the muscle membrane propagation of impulse muscle contraction

Myasthenia gravis:
Disease of neuromuscular junction Antibodies against protein of acetylcholine channel Decreased effect of acetylcholine Blockage of impulse transmission Progressive & extensive muscle weakness

Face muscles Eyelid muscles
Ptosis Diplopia

Muscles of mastication

Properties of skeletal muscle:

1. 2. 3. 4. Excitability: Contractility: Refractory period: Muscle tone:

1. Excitability:
Response of tissue to stimulation Stimulus: Types of stimulus:
Mechanical stimululs Electrical stimulus Chemical stimulus Thermal stimulus

Advantages of electrical stimulus:

Easily handled Easily adjusted Intensity adjustment Least damaging

Qualities of stimulus:
Five types according to intensity/ strength:
Subminimal stimulus Minimal (threshold) stimulus Submaximal stimulus Maximal stimulus Supramaximal stimulus

Duration of stimulus:
Applied for minimal duration Weak stimulus long duration Strong stimulus short duration

Strength duration curve :

Method to obtain curve:
Strength of stimulus is plotted (in volts) vertically & duration (in milliseconds) horizontally Higher strength or voltage less time is required Less strength or voltage more time is required

Excitability curve / strength duration curve:

Minimum strength of current required to stimulate the tissue

Utilization time:
Minimum time required for a rheobasic strength to excite the tissue

Minimum time , at which a stimulus with double the rheobasic strength can excite the tissue Importance of chronaxie:
Compare excitability of tissue Less chronaxie more excitability

2. Contractility:
Response to stimulus as contraction Types of contraction:
Isotonic contraction:
Tension remains same Length changes

Isometric contraction:
Length remains same Tension changes

Simple muscle contraction:

Study on gastrocnemius muscle sciatic nerve Threshold stimulus is applied contraction of muscle Points of SMC:
Point of stimulus:
Time when stimulus is applied

Point of contraction:
Muscle begins to contract

Point of maximum contraction:

The point up to which the muscle contracts

Point of maximum relaxation:

The point of complete relaxation

Periods of SMC:
Latent period:
Between PS & PC 0.01 sec

Contraction period:
Between PC & PMC 0.04 sec

Relaxation period:
Between PMC & PR 0.05 sec

Causes of latent period:

Time taken for travel along the nerve Time taken for conduction of impulse at neuromuscular junction Time taken for chemical change in muscle Resistance offered by muscle Inertia of the working system

Contraction time:
Varies from speices to species Less in warm blooded animal Based on contraction time skeletal muscles are classified into 2 types:
Red muscles White muscles

Red(slow) muscles
Myoglobin more red colour Sarcoplasmic reticulum less extensive

White (fast) muscles

Myoglobin less white colour Sarcoplasmic reticulum more extensive

Blood vessels more extensive Mitochondria more in number Long latent period

Blood vessels less extensive Mitochondria less in number Short latent period

Red(slow) muscles
Contraction less powerful Used for prolonged & continuous activity Fatigue occurs slowly Depends on cellular respiration for ATP production

White (fast) muscles

Contraction more powerful Used for short term activity Fatigue occurs rapidly Depends on glycolysis for ATP production

Factors affecting force of contraction:

1. 2. 3. 4. Strength of stimulus Number of stimulus Temperature Load

3. Refractory period:
The period during which muscle does not show any response to a stimulus

Types of refractory period:

It is the period during which the muscle does not show any response at all, whatever may be the strength of stimulus

It is the period during which the muscle shows some response if the strength of stimulus is increased to maximum

Refractory period in skeletal muscle:

ARP: first half of latent period (0.005 sec) RRP: second half of latent period (0.005 sec)

Refractory period in cardiac muscle:

ARP: contraction period 0.27 sec RRP: first half of relaxation period 0.26 sec

Importance of long refractory period in cardiac muscle:

Refractory Periods

Skeletal Muscle

Cardiac Muscle

4. Muscle tone:
State of partial tension or contraction Protect joints Muscle shape, firmness Maintenance of muscle tone:
Skeletal muscle:
Gamma motor neurons

Cardiac muscle:
Through muscle itself

Smooth muscle:
Depends on number of calcium ions & cross bridges

Muscle fatigue: Muscle recovery:

Period of recovery Oxygen debt

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