Customer Service For Fire Depts

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Customer Service for Fire Departments

The how and why of being nice

Massachusetts Fire Service Project Customer Service: East meets West Revision: Summer 2008 Captain Jim Vuona Shrewsbury Fire Contributors: Lt. Jeremy Souza Swansea Fire Lt. Stephen Walsh Quincy Fire Capt. Phil Field (EFO) C-O-M-M Fire


the highest level of customer service to the community Enhance the image of your department and the fire service
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Understand the concept of customer service

Define who our customers are

Avoid the common pitfalls Examine the potential benefits

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Explain the ways customer service can affect us Improve communication skills Provide a higher level of customer service

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Customer Service - Defined

What is customer service?

An organizations abilities to supply their customers wants and needs

Does this go far enough? or should we exceed customers expectations?... And provide excellent customer service
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Customer Wants and Needs

What do our customers want?
Make a list
Someone to Help Them Timely Response Sympathy Courtesy Understanding A Solution to their Problem!
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The Customer Service Model Phoenix Fire Department

Provide best possible service to Customers Always be Nice Execute standard problem solving outcome Regard everyone as a Customer Consider how/what you are doings looks Dont disqualify Customer w/ your Qualifications Customer centered Organizational Behavior Continually improve Customer Service
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Its all about perception!

Remember, to the Individual Perception is Reality

Public Perception

attitudes that we have everyone with respect



on the front lines represent everyone

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The Golden Rule

The Customer is Always Right
(even when theyre wrong!)
Its more important to be Polite, than Right!
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It starts at the top!

Fire Chiefs and Company Officers must:

1. Provide leadership 2. Set a good example 3. Communicate the mission 4. Support the troops 5. Recognize outstanding effort

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Means Putting Citizens First!

Knowledge Attitude Respect Excellence

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CPRkeeping customer service alive!

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Who are our customers?

Anyone that interacts with the fire service, on any level, is a customer

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Who are our customers?

Customers are like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna to get

and you never know who they know.

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Turn Lemons into Lemonade

Unhappy customers are always a concern. Theyre also your greatest opportunity
Bill Gates CEO Microsoft
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Angry Customers
The Assassin tells others about your flaws

provide apologies ask for specifics seek win/win options avoid absolutes never underestimate their connections Follow up
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Angry Customers
The Butcher demands go to the extreme or the impossible

indicate you want to help explore alternatives develop a matching offer know your limit

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Angry Customers
The Pincher nitpicks

the small stuff, ignores the big stuff


dont sweat the minor details redirect focus on the big picture be sure to document

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Angry Customers
The Grenade

angry about one thing, rants about everything


allow them to vent find mutual agreement clarify problem/solution act promptly
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Angry Customers
The Vampire wants to make you angry more than fix the problem

tell them what you can do be empathetic dont take it personal dont respond in kind thats just what they want to Suck the Life out of You!

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The Bottom Line

Listen to your customers Dont argue with them Accommodate them promptly (if possible) Nod and smile! (when appropriate)
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What you do to or for your customers is the difference between success and failure

Thomas Faranda

What could possibly go wrong?

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What could possibly go wrong?

Broken promises/failure to provide the service Unpleasant surprises Unrealistic customer expectations Delayed responses Ignoring/minimizing the customers problem or concerns Bad manners

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Broken Promises

You said you were going to save grandma!

I scheduled an inspection for this morning and you didnt show up!

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Unpleasant Surprises

Forcing entry on false alarms.

Tracking dirt into a home.

Dont create more damage than the Emergency!!!
Hippocrates said first, do no harm
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Prevent Harm Survive Be Nice

PFD - Mission Statement:

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Unrealistic Expectations

Why cant you save grandma? Get inside my burning house and save fluffy! Take time to educate the public Movies and television arent reality
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Delayed Response
I called you 20 minutes ago!

Perception of time slows down for people having emergencies

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Minimizing the Customer

This call is nothing, you should have seen what we had last shift

Its the third time weve been here this week our response gets complacent Dont disqualify the customer with your qualifications
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Bad Manners

Firehouse language has no place outside of the firehouse Making comments in poor taste can easily turn a good customer away
If you wouldnt say it in front of your mother, dont say to the general public
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Whats it mean for me ?

How does poor customer service affect us?
Political Issues Department Actions Legal Issues Makes the Call more Difficult
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Make a list

Political Issues

Angry customers tell people about their experience with you

Satisfied customers dont tell anyone Happy customers tell people about their experience, but less than angry customers
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The average customer tells 11 people about their unpleasant experience Those 11 each tell 5 moreand so on Thats 56 people negatively affected by one bad customer service experience

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Department Actions

Customers may complain to department/city administrators about your actions Poor customer service may result in disciplinary actions towards the personnel involved Good or bad service can create good or bad press the press never forgets
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Legal Issues

Good customer service can sometimes make up for undesirable outcomes Bad customer service can lead to legal consequences

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Whats in it for us?

How can Excellent Customer Service affect us?

Professionalism Turns negatives into positives! Recognition (political/media) Positive public image Community support Keeps the Chief off my ***!!!!
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Build Community Equity!

Whats it all mean????

Winning hearts and minds (and votes!)

Connecting with community partners

Marketing the mission (life safety programs) Building respect for your department
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Connecting with your Community

Get Involved!
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Public Education & Life Safety Programs

NFPA Risk Watch

NFPA - Learn Not to Burn Curriculum Massachusetts S.A.F.E. Program

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Station Visitors

First impressions Professional and courteous Any interactions with the public should be viewed as an educational opportunity!
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Public Information
Public Education Public Relations

USFA - Strategies for Marketing your Fire Dept. Today and Beyond
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Communication Skills
Each of us holds the key to good customer service:
Quality appearance Controlling emotions (ours and theirs) Controlling attempts at humor Appropriate language in the presence of others

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Controlling our Emotions

Maintain a level attitude Their worst day, is our everyday Dont escalate the situation Stay away from road rage Be nice!

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Arrival EMS incidents

Greet the customer in a friendly manner Perform your assessment in a friendly, professional way Use your listening skills Many customers are repeat business, they are comparing you to other responders actions

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Controlling their Emotions

Dont interrupt the customer Acknowledge their problems Confirm the details Outline steps to solve their problems Provide updates, both good and bad Get their input to solve the problem

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Attempts at humor can ruin good service

If you have to ask, then dont use it If you arent good with humor, dont try to use it

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Our words often say more than we mean

Dont talk down to the customer Use friendly tones - its not just what you say, its how you say it Be careful what you say
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Maintain eye contact Give customer exclusive attention Appropriate distance Be friendly Stay open and positive Nod and affirm what they say

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How you look often says more than what you say or do Take pride in your appearance First impressions are permanent if you dont look professional, you may be perceived not to be
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Organization Behavior

Fire departments must be consistently focused and centered on serving the customer

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Bringing it to the Field

Fire and EMS runs with the customer in mind

Taking the Call

Dispatchers must be courteous The only voice the public associates with the fire department If the dispatcher made the caller angry, you get to deal with the aftermath

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Answering the Phone

Fire Headquarters Name / Rank

How can I help you?

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Customers can hear you dispatch Many customers have scanners, they hear everything you say Stay professional on the radio
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Drive courteously! The public knows who to complain to about your driving Road rage and 20-ton vehicles dont mix. Set a good example Wear Seatbelts!
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Treatment EMS incidents

Introduce yourself
Explain what you are planning to do Dont condescend Dont argue with your partner Clean up after yourself, particularly after nasty calls
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Transport EMS incidents

Make the patient comfortable Humor usually isnt appropriate At the hospital, hand off your patient in a respectful manner Keep from disparaging remarks Visit the patient just before you return to quarters leave on a good note

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Arrival Fire Incidents

Park for safety, but do not block traffic unnecessarily If possible, leave a driver with the apparatus to move if blocking parking spaces Be respectful of property when laying hose lines or setting up equipment

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At work Fire incidents

Try before you pry!

Do not break things because we can

Perform salvage work with a serious intent

Show compassion towards those whove had a fire
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After the Fire

Try to leave the building in a good condition. Salvage work continues after the fire is out. Assist the occupants in working with their insurance company. For businesses, do what we can to help restart them at a temporary location.

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After the Fire! Returning to Normal

Free from U.S. Fire Administration

Booklet or Downloadable PDF File

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Applying Customer Service to Real-Life Calls

Scenario 1
You respond with your company and a private ambulance to a 58 year old female not breathing. Your company arrives in less than 3 minutes. Upon arrival, you find the patient in cardiac arrest, with four family members there. You recognize the patients husband as a town selectman. Firefighters and paramedics use an AED to quickly manage to restore the patients heart rhythm on scene, another comforts the family. She survives the incident.
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Scenario 1 - Discussion

What is the customers perception of the call? What things went right?

What things went wrong?

What outcome can be expected from the call?
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Scenario 2
Your engine company responds on a first alarm assignment to a room and contents fire in a dwelling. After a quick knockdown and overhaul, firefighters are seen giving each other high-fives on the lawn in front of the family.

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Scenario 2 - Discussion

What is the customers perception of the call?

What things went right? What things did go wrong? What outcome can be expected from the call?
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Scenario 3
You respond to a residential fire alarm activation. Your crew parks on the lawn, forces entry through a front door, and destroys several expensive vases in the homeowners collection. When confronted about the damage, the company officer swears at the homeowner, shouting dont tell me how to do my (insert colorful exploitive) job.
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Scenario 3 - Discussion

What is the customers perception of the call?

What things went right? What things did go wrong? What results can be expected from the call?
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Improving Your Own Department

Remember, improvement starts with the individual Enhance your departments image Changing / Implementing SOPs Awareness training for line personnel Fire OfficersLead by Example

Improvement is a Continual Process!!!

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The highest form of wisdom is kindness

The Talmud
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Understand the concept of customer service Define who our customers are Avoid the common pitfalls Explain the ways customer service can affect us Improve communication skills Provide a higher level of customer service

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The Internal Customer

Dont forget your brother and sister firefighters are customers too! Essentials of Fire Department Customer Service Section 2 Always be nice treat everyone with respect, kindness, patience, and consideration. (including Us!)
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Fortune Cookie

Customer Service is like taking a bath; you have to keep doing it

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Have a Nice Day

Special Thanks - Chief (Ret.) Alan V. Brunacini Phoenix Fire Department Stephan Sanders Sanders Communication Massachusetts Firefighting Academy Anna Maria College, Paxton MA


Essentials of Fire Department Customer Service Alan V. Brunacini - Fire Protection Publications Chief Fire Officer IFSTA, Second Ed. Fire Officer Principles and Practice Jones and Bartlett

Uncommon Sense, Leadership Principles to Grow Your Business Profitability Thomas Faranda
Business @ the Speed of Thought Bill Gates USFA Strategies for Marketing your Fire Department Today and Beyond Delivering Unforgettable Customer Service Stephan Sanders Sanders Communications, Inc.

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Thank You!

Captain Jim Vuona

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