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Hardware and Software

Candidates should be able to: (a) define hardware, giving examples (b) define software, giving examples (c) describe the difference between hardware and software (d) identify the main components of a general-purpose computer: central processing unit, main/internal memory (including ROM and RAM), input devices, output devices and secondary/backing storage (e) identify operating systems, including those which contain a graphical user interface, a command line interface (f) identify different types of computer including Personal Computer or desktop, mainframe, laptop, palmtop and Personal Digital Assistant (g) describe recent developments in ICT

Hardware the physical components that make up the computer system e.g. Hard Drive, Graphics card, Sound card, Speakers, Mouse Software a program made from a sequence of code that is designed to perform a specific task. e.g. system software (O.S.) and application software (Word Processor, Database)

Input device a device (electronic equipment) that sends data to the CPU. e.g. mouse, keyboard, sensor Storage device a device(electronic equipment) that stores data primary storage e.g. Cache, RAM secondary storage. e.g. Hard disk, USB pen drive, floppy Output device a device (electronic equipment) that sends data from the CPU to another device. E.g. Printer, VDU

What is this component?

Open up Microsoft Word and write a definition for the following (save the file as revision notes):

Hardware Software CPU Graphics Card Sound Card Motherboard RAM ROM Cache Hard Drive DVD Drive Modem

Create a leaflet showing a motherboard and using arrows indicate where the following components connection: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Graphics card Sound card RAM CPU Hard Drive Mouse VDU

You have 1000 to spend on a new PC that will allow you to play games and complete and print off your ICT homework. Write a list components that you need? Create a document in Microsoft Word outlining each individual piece of hardware and software needed to build your PC. Use websites such as to find a component and its price

Extension activity You want to video chat with your family overseas. What additional components would be required and how much would they cost

a suite of programs that: controls the hardware; responds to requests; controls input and output acts as an interface between the user and the hardware a platform on which to install application software Examples include: Windows, Linux, Mac OS Leopard

Generic/common applications software a program that is designed to perform a specific task (e.g. Database is used to storage data and then manipulate that data) an activity something that would have needed to be done even if a computer did not exist e.g. Store clients details would be done using a filing cabinet instead of a database

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