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Internal Energy (U)

1.Definition: Internal energy is all kinds of micro-energy in system. 2. Internal energy is property It include: a) Kinetic energy of molecule (translational kinetic, vibration, rotational energy) b) Potential energy c) Chemical energy d) Nuclear energy

E Ek Ep E

= = = =

Ek+Ep+U mv2/2 mgz Ek+Ep+U

The equation ( inlet energy of system) (outlet energy of system) = (the change of the total energy of the system) Ein-Eout=Esystem

FIGURE 5.7 Internal energy, a state function, depends only on the present state of the system and not on the path by which it arrived at that state. The internal energy of 50 g of water at 25C is the same whether the water is cooled from a higher temperature to 25C or is obtained by melting 50 g of ice and then warming to 25C.

FIGURE 5.8 When a battery is discharged in lighting a flashlight, all the energy of the battery appears as radiant energy and heat; no work is done. When the battery is used in the toy car, work is done in moving the car from place to place. Thus, the work done by the system (the battery) is not a state function because its magnitude depends on the particular path by which the system gets from its initial state to its final state.


1. The equation




Steady flow For steady flow, the following conditions are fulfilled: The matter of system is flowing steadily, so that the flow rate across any section of the flow has the same value; The state of the matter at any point remains constant; Q, W flow remains constant;

The first law in open system

Flow work


The first law in open system

5. Enthalpy for flow fluid energy:
U+pV +mcf2/2+mgz

H =U+pV

unit: J, kJ

2-5. The first law in open system

6. Energy equation for steady flow open system
,1mc U1+p H V1 f12/2, mgz1


U2+p H V2 f22/2, mgz2 ,2mc

The Nature of Energy

Systems and Surroundings System: part of the universe we are interested in. Surroundings: the rest of the universe.

Internal Energy

Internal Energy: total energy of a system. Cannot measure absolute internal energy. Change in internal energy, U(E) = U(E)final - U(E)initial

Changing the Internal Energy

U(=E) is a state function --- depends uniquely on the state of the system in terms of p, V, T etc. (e.g. For a classical ideal gas, E= U = NkT )
There are two ways to change the internal energy of a system: WORK done by the system on the environment

Wby = -Won
HEAT is the transfer of thermal energy into the system from the surroundings
Thermal reservoir

Work and Heat are process energies, not state functions.

1st Law of Thermodynamics

U Q W (teknik)
Energy In = Energy Out

positive Q : heat added to system positive W : w orkdone by system

statement of energy conservation for a thermodynamic system internal energy E (=U) is a state variable W, Q process dependent

The First Law of Thermodynamics (FLT)

-- Heat and work are forms of energy transfer and energy is conserved.

U = Q + Won (sains)
change in total internal energy
State Function or

heat added to system

work done on the system

Process Functions

U = Q - Wby

1st Law of Thermodynamics energy conservation
Q = U + W (sains) Work done by system Increase in internal energy of system Heat flow into system U depends only on T (U = 3nRT/2 = 3pV/2) point on p-V plot completely specifies state of system (pV = nRT) work done is area under curve for complete cycle U=0 Q=W

First Law of Thermodynamics Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy of (system + surroundings) is constant. Any energy transferred from a system must be transferred to the surroundings (and vice versa). From the first law of thermodynamics:
when a system undergoes a physical or chemical change, the change in internal energy is given by the heat added to or absorbed by the system plus the work done on or by the system:

U = q + w (Sains)

First Law of Thermodynamics Relating U (E) to Heat and Work (Sains)

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