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Diana Glover 10/02/2013 EDRL 442 Fall 13

Homeschooling Hot topics

Can homeschoolers participate in Public School Programs?

Is the parent qualified to teach their child?


Can homeschoolers participate in Public School Programs?

1. Depends.

2. The reason the answer is vague is because there is no fundamental right for any child to have access to the public schools in the U.S.
3. In ten states, homeschoolers can participate in public school programs, since the state has enacted a specific law giving them a statutory right to do so. These states are Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

4. In Nevada: The board of trustees of the school district must allow homeschooled students to participate in classes, extracurricular and interscholastic activities, and sports in the district in which the student resides, subject to statutory requirements.

Is the parent qualified to teach their child?

1. How much education should a homeschooling parent be required to have? A GED, high school diploma, college degree or a teaching certificate?

2. Forty-one states do not require homeschool parents to meet any specific teacher qualifications, and nine states which require only a high school diploma or a GED.
3. It is enough?

1. Homeschooled students VS. Public school students. 2. People for some reason define socialization for kids as interacting only with kids, but if socialization means only interacting with kids that are exactly the same age as you, then that seems pretty narrow, says Fridkis, K. 3. In fact, the only "socialization" or aspect of the "real world" which they miss out on by not attending the public school is unhealthy peer pressure, crime, and immorality. 4. Public school children have, as their main role models, peers, while homeschool students have as their role models, adults, says Ray, B. 5. Some homeschool students possess a maturity that their peers lack, while others can be sheltered.

hslda. (n.d.). Summary_of_Laws. Retrieved from

J. Michael Smith, Esq. Michael P. Farris, Esq. (2013). Public School Access for HomeschoolersA Legal Summary. Retrieved from HSLDA:
Klicka, C. (2007, March). Socialization: Homeschoolers Are in the Real World. Retrieved from HSLDA: Klicka, C. P. (1993-2013). Can Homeschoolers Participate In Public School Programs. Retrieved from Homeschool World.: Laura Brodie, P. (2010, July 21). Should Homeschooling Parents Have College Degrees? Retrieved from Psychology Today: Sizer, B. B. (2011). Socialization: Tackling Homeschoolings S Word. Retrieved from PBS Parents; Education:


About homeschooled students having equal access to public school programs? About a parents qualification? About socialization of homeschooled students VS. public school students?


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