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AVPN Webinar 11 December 2013 Myanmar series #2 - International foundations in Myanmar

Partnership for Change

An international NGO in Myanmar

AVPN Webinar 11 December 2013

Lessons learned

Being an international NGO in Myanmar Prioritizing projects Running projects

Being an international NGO in Myanmar

International philanthropy presence in Myanmar
INGOs Since early 1990s rapidly growing Private donors International government aid

Networks of interest
The PartnershipGrouponAid Effectiveness PGAE Local Resource Center

Prioritizing projects
Defining potential Identifying our role Establishing presence

Myanmars potential for development

More than 10 million jobs can be created

Identifying our role

Inle Speaks CEC ESL Yankin Vocational School Culture & Arts Program House of Literature MWEP FPP Program Nyaung Shwe Middle School

Early Stage

Growth Mezzanine

Long-Term and Large Scale Impact

Inle Heritage Vocational Training Center - Scaling to Mrauk O

* HBS, NS-313-111, Venture Philanthropy: Its Evolution and its Future

Establishing presence in Myanmar

Challenges Bureaucracy Lack of consistency between national and regional government Varying level of competence and understanding
Yes a lot of changes are coming in. All the right terminology, development jargon, the government has started using (those), but on the ground the mindset remains the same. Policymakers use the right words, but this has not trickled down to the bureaucracy.
Prof Thein Shwe Chiang Mai university


The people Eagerness to change Cultural heritage Returning refugees Breathtaking beauty Natural resources Geographical position


Operating in unknown landscape

Defining competitive advantages Going for the obvious Building on existing research McKinsey Various government studies Too much Too Soon? Various NGOS Performing Due Diligence where historic numbers are non existing Special focus on management Entreprepreneurial skills Management skills Ethical fiber Understanding of social goals Ability and willingness to cooperate and receive support


PfC Social Innovation Fund/ ASSK WFF

Focusing on empowering youth and women and saving the environment Approach
Defining competitive advantage Identifying marketable solutions Finding entrepreneurs with track record Supporting strategically, operationally and financially Education and job creation Environmental sustainability and improved agricultural efficiency Cultural heritage and awareness Decrease in ethnical conflicts Financial sustainability

Return on investment

We need young people, we need new people, we need people with new ideas, we need people with the strength and the vigour to see these new ideas through. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi


Initially concentrating on two areas:

Shan State


Inthar Vocational training centre Inle Speaks community centre Nyaung Shwe Middle School Small holder farms Yankin Vocational School Culture and arts program House of Litterature Former Political Prisoners Women entrepreneurship program


Inthar Vocational Training Center

Inle Lake, Shan State Hospitality training program
40 students, 7 teachers, 10 months Empowerment of local community to take advantage of economic opportunities while preserving the Inle Lake area A 6 week intensive English course Providing language skills for community members working in the tourist industry

English immersion program

Loans and grants program for hospitality students

Mix of financial aid packages for 60 students annually Provide careers in sustainable tourism for deprived youth


Inthar Vocational Training Center - School scenes

Inle Speaks Community Center

Training of local citizens
Computer literacy Business entrepreneurship Environmental awareness Cultural awareness Health issues Dialogue and democracy building Exhibitions Concerts Art workshops Caf Handcrafts

Cultural events

Income generating activities

Pilot to be scaled to other areas, starting with Chin State

Nyaung Shwe Midle school


Yankin Vocational School

Educate to employment Fields of education
Technical education and vocation training Entrepreneurial training Management training Close cooperation with local authorities, ORT and Open Society Foundations Land for the building made available by the authorities


School building will be finished April 2014, hosting 1000 students Hub & Spoke


Culture&Arts program

Culture center and museum of traditional peoples Music conservatory Philharmonic orchestra Local cultural schools Traditional music ensembles Theater for gender equality


House of Literature
Preserving the literary and drama heritage of Myanmar writers and speakers Stimluating the development of local literature Stimulating on-going intellectual and philosophical dialogue within the community Hostinging dialogue groups and plenary literary performances


Former Political Prisoners Rehabilitation Program

Expanded advocacy and rule of law program Expanded family education support Expanded rehabilitation services, including medical, mental, academic, vocational and job training New political leadership development programs for prisoners continuing their interrupted political careers


Women Entrepreneurship Program

For women entrepreneurs
Computer, English , Marketing training General business development courses Entrepreneurial training Financing facilities to grow business Business operation and strategy consulting from experienced businesswomen Basic training in the above subjects Internship with existing entrepreneurial companies Support from vocational school students Financing facilities to start up business Mentoring from experienced entrepreneurs Basic business finances

For potential women entrepreneurs


Thank you
Ingrid Stange
Founder & Chair


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