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Conduites addictives et SIDA

31 janvier 2009

L infection par le VIH

ART averted 4.2 million deaths in past decade

Annual number of people dying from AIDS-related causes in low- and middle-income countries globally compared with a scenario of no antiretroviral therapy, 19962012

The data points for 2012 are projected based on the scaling up of programmes in 2009 2011 and do not represent official estimates of the number of annual AIDS-related deaths.

Modes de transmission

Voie Sexuelle

Voie Sanguine


Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV 2011

Eastern Europe Western & Central Europe & Central Asia North America [1.1 million 2.0 million] Middle East & North Africa Caribbean [200 000 250 000] Latin America [1.1 million 1.7 million] [250 000 360 000] Sub-Saharan Africa [22.1 million 24.8 million]

1.4 million

[1.1 million 1.8 million] [830 000 1.0 million] East Asia [590 000 1.2 million] South & South-East Asia [3.1 million 5.2 million] Oceania [47 000 60 000]

900 000

1.4 million

830 000

230 000

300 000

4.0 million

1.4 million

23.5 million

53 000

Total: 34.0 million [31.4 million 35.9 million]

Global summary of the AIDS epidemic 2011

34.0 million [31.4 million35.9 million] 30.7 million [28.2 million32.3 million] 16.7 million [15.4 million17.6 million] Total 3.3 million [3.1 million3.8 million] People newly Adults infected Children (<15 years) with HIV in 2011 2.5 million [2.2 million2.8 million] 2.2 million [1.9 million2.4 million] Total 330 000 [280 000390 000] AIDS deaths in 2011 Adults Children (<15 years) 1.7 million [1.5 million1.9 million] 1.5 million [1.3 million1.7 million] 230 000 [200 000270 000]

Number of people living with HIV

Total Adults Women Children (<15 years)

Transmission chez les usagers de drogues par voie injectable Partage dune seringue souille : 0,67 % Pratiques haut risque de contamination :
partage de la seringue et/ou de laiguille pour linjection partage pour la prparation

Pratiques risque intermdiaire

utilisation du reste du matriel dinjection dj utilis ( rcipient, cuillre, eau de rincage, eau de dilution, filtre)

Facteurs qui augmentent le risque

immdiatet du partage, nombre dinjections par jour, lieu du partage,lexclusion sociale,squats,labsence de recours mdical

Facteurs qui diminuent le risque : nettoyage de la seringue

HIV infections newly diagnosed in injecting drug users and men who have sex with men, by country, and year of report, 20022006

Men 2000 having sex with men

1000 0 2002 600 2003 2004 2005 2006

Canada France Germany Italy Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom

Sources: (1) Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV and AIDS in Canada. Selected Surveillance Tables to June 30, 2007. Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007. (2) Epidemiologisches Bulletin (5. Oktober 2007/Sonderausgabe B aktuelle daten und informationen zu infektionskrankheiten und public health). (3) The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance Testing Times. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United Kingdom: 2007. London: Health Protection Agency, Centre for Infections. November 2007. (4) EuroHIV. HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe. End-year report 2006. Saint-Maurice: Institut de veille sanitaire, 2007. No. 75. (5) EuroHIV. HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe. Mid-year report 2007. Saint-Maurice: Institut de Veille Sanitaire, 2007. No. 76.

Injecting drug users

400 200 0







The Global View of HIV, End 2006

Recent trends in HIV infection, 20032005
80% of all HIV positive IDUs are in developing countries

+ 55%

+ 17%

Eastern Europe faces the most growing epidemic + 6%

+ 21% + 21%
+ 5% + 11%

+ 34%

+ 23%
Source: UNAIDS/WHO July 2006

The Global View of HIV, End 2006

Recent trends in HIV infection, 20032005

Kenya: 22.9% to 50%

South Africa: 19.4%

Africa is facing a second epidemic of IDUs

Source: UNAIDS/WHO July 2006

Number of Countries with Harm Reduction Programs

Global Needle Syringe Programmes Global Substitution Treatment

39 to 67

43 to 53

Modes de contamination par le VIH au maroc 2010


Alcool et Sida

Alcool et Sida

Alcool et Sida

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