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Stress Management Consequences Potential sources of stress


Stress is a general term applied to various mental and physiological pressures experienced by people feel in their lives.

Consequences of Stress

Physiological Symptoms
Stress Could Create Change Blood Pressure Metabolism Heart Attacks

Increase Heart and Breathing Rates


Greater relevance is fact that physiological symptoms have the least direct relevance to students of ob. Our concerns is with behaviours and attitudes.

Psychological symptoms
Stress can cause dissatisfaction. Job related stress can cause job related dissatisfaction.

Job dissatisfaction means the simplest and most obvious psychological effect of stress

Stress shows itself in other psychological states tension, anxiety,irritability,boredom.

When people are placed in jobs that make multiple and conflicting demands or in which there is a lack of clarity as to the incumbents duties, authority , responsibilities, both stress and dissatisfaction are increased. Similarly, the less control people have over the pace of their work, the greater the stress and dissatisfaction. The jobs provide low level of variety, significance, feedback, and identity to incumbents create stress and reduce satisfaction and involvement in the job.

Behavioural symptoms

Behaviourally related stress symptoms include changes in productivity , absence, turnover as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting and sleep disorders.

Organizational factors

Environme ntal factors

Individual factors

Potential sources of stress

Environmental factors
Just as environmental uncertainty influences the design of an organizations structure, it also influences stress levels among employee in that organization. Changes in business cycle create

Economic uncertainty People become increasingly anxious about their security

Technological uncertainty new innovations can make an employees skills and experience obsolete in a very short period of time,computers,robotics are a threat to many people and cause them stress

Political uncertainty Do not tend create a stress among north Americans as they do for employees in countries such as Iraq. French speaking country increase stress among Canadians with little or no skills in the French language

Task demands related to a persons job. They include working condition and physical work layout. Working in an over crowded room where interruptions are constant can increase anxiety and stress.

Organizational factors
Role overload is experienced when the employee is expected to do more than time permits.

Role demand related to pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role he or she plays in the organization. Role conflicts create expectations that may hard to satisfy.

Interpersonal demands are pressures created by other employees.

Organizational structure level of differentiation in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations where decisions are made

Organizational leadership managerial style of the organizations senior executives. Some chief executive officers create a culture characterized by tension and fear

Individual factors
Family and personal relationships Economic problems from exceeding earning capacity Personality problems arising for basic disposition

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