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Chapter 15

Listening Improvement

Listening Improvement
Active Listening requires analysis before, during, and after we listen.

I. Before We Listen
Look at each component of the listening model
A. Senderget information from those who know the sender and from the sender himself or herself, if possible

Demographic information
1. The senders occupation or profession 2. The cultural, social, and educational background of the sender

3. The political orientation of the sendermay not always be necessary 4. The age and gender of the sender 5. The approximate economic level of the sender

6. Know the reasons for the listening interaction to prepare for your listening role: comprehensive, therapeutic, critical, consumer, or appreciative

B. Listener 1. Before we listen to others, we must listen to ourselves (intrapersonal listening) 2. What is our level of self-esteem?

3. Try to focus on the listening situation 4. Think of positive outcomes for the listening situation 5. Visualize the listening situation and yourself in it

6. How does my personality type interfere interfere with my listening?

C. Message
1. Determine the type of listening: comprehensive, critical, therapeutic, appreciative 2. Plan ahead to receive the message

D. Culture 1. Find out about the setting of the listening situation; ask about it or visit it ahead of time, visit websites

2. What are the values of the speaker, what shall I wear?

3. Be observant. What are others doing? 4. Listen carefully, so you understand the sender and can make appropriate responses. 5. How formal is the situation? What are the time constraints? Will we be interrupted?

E. Climate 1. More difficult than culture to determine since it can change in a short time 2. Be alert to changes in the climate and be able to adjust

3. Changes may affect your listening role.
4. Listen to both verbal and nonverbal messages.

F. Movement 1. Prepare for the type of speech movement that will accompany the communication situation. 2. Adjust your speech movement to any changes from the sender, listener, culture, or climate that may occur.

3. It is best to respond to push moves with place moves

While We Listen
A. Sender 1. Use holistic listeningwith all of your sensesto validate the message that we hear with your ears.

2. Listen to the language with your left brain and to nonverbal signs with your right brain.

a. Women tend to be better listeners than men because they use both sides of their brains not only the left side.

b. Listening with the right side includes listening to vocalicspitch, rate, the pauses in the message and vocalizations (sighs, groans, and uhs).

c. Listen with your senses Touch: handshake, courteous touches Smell: alcohol on speakers breath, food being prepared

d. Notice the space the sender is using and make adjustments for comfort (proxemics). e. Notice the body language or kinesics of the sendereye contact, posture, muscle tension, and facial expressions.

f. Pay attention to time. (chronemics) g. Notice immediacyattraction or avoidance.

h. Notice responsivenessalertness or attention to what is being said.

i. Notice powerwho is controlling the conversation? j. Is feedback appropriate to what is being said? k. What persuasive techniques are being used?

Responsiveness is the most important variable in a speaking situation. Is the listener attentive? If not, why?

B. The message the sender gives you determines which listening role you will assume 1. The role may change within a listening situationexample: attending an informative session about studying abroad and the speaker asks you to fill out a form if you want more information

2. Remember the goals of each listening role a. Comprehensiveto gain understanding

b. Therapeuticto allow the speaker to unburden

c. Critical and consumerto evaluate and make a decision d. Appreciativeto enjoy, dont become too critical

While We Listen
C. Guidelines to help us fulfill each role more effectively 1. For comprehensive listening:

a. We can take good notes

b. We can try to remember information in sequence. First, second c. We can ask relevant questions

While We Listen
As active listeners, we should ask questions when we have them, if possible, so that we understand the message correctly.

While We Listen
2. For therapeutic listening: a. Provide an appropriate setting away from distractions and interruptions b. Develop active, attending behaviors

Therapeutic Listening
c. Establish a supportive and comfortable communication climate

d. Offer supportive verbal responses not advice

e. Remember your key role is to listen

While We Listen
3. For critical and consumer listening: a. Determine whether the sender can be trusted and has your best interests in mind.

b. Is the message structured in a logical way?

c. Is the data valid?

While We Listen
d. Does it appeal too much to my emotions?
e. What needs does the message appeal to?

While We Listen
Culture 1. Does the message agree with my previous impressions of the culture? 2. Take differences into consideration and make adjustments.

While We Listen
Climate 1. If the climate changes, try to regain the atmosphere before the distraction. 2. Or make an appointment to come back at another time.

While We Listen
Movement 1. Movement may make us uncomfortable. 2. We can send feedback to sender that we are uncomfortable.

I feel unappreciated when you talk to me like that.

While We Listen
3. If someone is continually pushing, counter with a place moveI feel frustrated because you do not recognize the contributions I have made to this company. I feel as if you would rather focus only on my mistakes.

After Listening
You should also analyze your listening situations after they occur.
1. What have I learned from this experience about listening? 2. In what ways was I a good listener? 3. What will I do differently next time I am in a similar situation? Use the check list on page 274 or develop your own.

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