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Presentation Skills

Central Training Day Poprad 20.11.2009

Objectives To know how to prepare good presentation

To know how to present yourself


Role Play

3 Ws
Need to know the audiance
Knowledge, backgrounds, interests Types, size

Why I am going to give this presentation?
To provide the information, to entertain, to introduce Keep asking why in other ways?

3 Ws
The message! After why questions- clarify key messages Vehicle:
The appearnce of the presentation Suitable words Outer form of the presentation

Structuring the presentation

Bang Introduction Key points Examples Recap Bang

Structuring the presentation

Bang: Always start with an attention-getting hook which suits your
personality and topic

The Classical Bang The Imagine Bang The Mystery Bang The Participation Bang The Dramatic Bang

Introduction: Outline the key points of your message (route map)

and introduce your vehicle

Tell them what youre going to tell them. Tell them and, then, tell them what youve told them!

Structuring the presentation

Key points: Present 1-5 key points (maximum) using your vehicle
Key point 1,.....n Vehicle

Examples: Give at least one example per key point to link to

participants experience and help them remember

Story/ phrase that demonstrates your key point

Recap: Go over the key points again and summarise take-aways

To sum up the presentation

Bang: Always finish with a closing 'hook' if possible linked to the

opening bang

Structuring the presentation

Try it (Cut it by 50 %)
Late start Over- run by previous speaker Participants questions


Structuring the presentation

Key words Timing A6 cards

Presenting the presentation

Projection Articulation Modulation Pronunciation Enunciation Repetition Speed

Presenting the presentation

Dress Eye contact (Lighthouse technique2-3 seconds) Gestures and Body language

Dealing with chalenging participants

Hard delegates:
Talker Negative person Whisperer Silenter

Dealing with chalenging participants

Dealings: 1. Ignoring the person 2. Stop talking and use silence 3. Create eye contact 4. Use your humor 5. Use non-verbal language 6. Use (gong)bang

7. Get closer to person 8. Get to comfort zone 9. Asking the group 10. Adress the person directly in front of the group 11. Talk within 4 eyes 12. Kick off person out of the session

Don't keep your eyes on your notes Never read anything except quotations If you're not nervous there's something wrong Exaggerate body movements and verbal emphasis Pause often Use humour Be enthusiastic KISS Keep It Simple, Short!

Your turn


Sum Up
3 Ws Structuring the presentation Presenting the presentation Hard Delegates Tips


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