1 Organizational Behabiour.

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What Is an Organization?
A consciously coordinated social unit:
composed of a group of people. (two or more), functioning on a relatively continuous basis, to achieve a common goal or set of goals.

What is Organization Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour
A field of study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behaviour within organizations; the aim is to apply such knowledge toward improving organizational effectiveness.

Studying Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of human behavior, attitudes, and performance within an organizational setting; drawing on theory, methods, and principles from such disciplines as psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology to learn about individual, groups structure, and processes.

Managers & Managerial Functions

Manager is an individual who achieve goals through other people. Functions of Manager :
Planning. Organizing Leading Controlling

Selected Functions of Management

First-Line Management

Responsible for basic work of the organization supervisors, office managers

Middle Management
Plan, organize, lead and control work of other managers A.k.a - departmental manager, plant manager, Top Management director Responsible for the entire organization

A.k.a. - CEO, president,vice president

Organizational Behavior Is:

A Way of Thinking


Humanistic orientation

A Scientific Method


Interpersonal Roles.
Figurehead Leader Liaison

Informational Roles.
Monitor Disseminator


Decisional Roles.


Handler Resource Allocator Negotiator

Management Skills
Technical Skills.
Specialized knowledge & expertise.

Human Skills.
Ability to work with people, understand, motivate them as individual & group.

Conceptual Skills.
Mental ability to analyze & diagnose complex problems.

Selected Functions of Management


or proficiency in performing particular tasks Learned and developed Vary by level in the organization

Technical Skills Analytical Skills Decision-making Skills Computer Skills Human Relations Skills Communication Skills Conceptual Skills

The Building Blocks of OB

Psychology Sociology Social Psychology Anthropology (study of human culture) Political Science

Exhibit 1-1 Toward an OB Discipline

Replacing Intuition with Systematic Study

Instead of commonsense / gut feeling based opinions about others a systematic approach will help more accurate prediction of behaviours. Systematic study focuses on relationship attempting to attribute causes and effects.

Absolutes in OB
Human Beings are complex. They are not alike. it is difficult to make accurate and sweeping generalization about behaviours. Same persons behaviour changes in different situations. Therefore, OB concepts must reflect situational or contingency conditions.

Challenges & Opportunities for OB

Responding to globalization. Managing workforce Diversity. Improving quality & productivity. Responding to Labour Shortages. Improving customer services. Improving people skills. Empowering people. Stimulating innovation & change. Coping with temporariness. Working in networked organizations. Helping employees balance work / life conflicts. Improving ethical behaviour.

Developing an OB Model
Three levels of analysis in OB :
Individual level. Group level . Organization systems level.

Basic OB Model

Organization systems level Group level

Individual level

The independent variables in OB

Individual level variables are the presumed cause of some change in the dependant variables.
Group level variables. Organization systems level variables.

The Primary dependant variables in OB

A response that is affected by an independent variable.
Productivity. Absenteeism. Turnover. Job satisfaction. Organizational citizenship.

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