Quasi Experiments Non-Experimental Research: Research Methods & Statistics Fall 2011

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Quasi Experiments Non-Experimental Research

Research Methods & Statistics Fall 2011

Quasi Experiments
Research procedure in which the scientist must select subjects for different conditions from preexisting groups
Research Methods, McBurney & White

An empirical study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its target population. Quasiexperimental research designs share many similarities with the traditional experimental design or randomized controlled trial, but they specifically lack the element of random assignment to treatment or control. Instead, quasiexperimental designs typically allow the researcher to control the assignment to the treatment condition, but using some criterion other than random assignment.
Wikipedia, Nov. 17, 2011

Its a matter of control

True Experiment Random assignment of subjects to condition Manipulate the IV Quasi Experiment Selection of subjects for the conditions Observe categories of subjects
If the subject variable is the IV, its a quasi experiment

Control allows ruling out of alternative hypotheses

Dont know whether differences are caused by the IV or differences in the subjects

Other features
In some instances cannot completely control the what, when, where, and how
Need to collect data at a certain time or not at all Practical limitations to data collection, experimental protocol

Internal validity is reduced due to the presence of controlled/confounded variables
But not necessarily invalid

Its important for the researcher to evaluate the likelihood that there are alternative hypotheses for observed differences
Need to convince self and audience of the validity

External validity
If the experimental setting more closely replicates the setting of interest, external validity can be higher than a true experiment run in a controlled lab setting Often comes down to what is most important for the research question
Control or ecological validity?

Nonequivalent Control Group Designs

2 groups, non-random allocation of subjects and groups, pre-test, treatment (Y/N), post-test Desired pattern:
Dependent variables have equal pre-test values, difference seen between experimental and control groups on post-test (Pre: LL, Post: HL) Want to show that any differences that exist did not impact the value of the variable of interest

Interpret the following graphs (experimental, control):
Pre: (L, H) Post: (M, H) Pre: (L, M) Post: (H, ML) Pre: (L, M) Post: (H, M)

Mixed Factorial Design with One Nonmanipulated Variable

Example: experiment on pain perception (effect of caffeine, expected differences between men and women) Protocol:
25 men/25 women, each takes part in two sessions, one week apart One session: drink coffee (decaf) and put hand in ice-water until feel pain Other session: drink coffee (caffeinated) and put hand in ice-water until feel pain

Between subjects variable (male/female) Within subjects variable (caffeine intake)

Non-Experimental Research
Read and understand: Gabriella Belli - Nonexperimental Quantitative Resarch Any quantitative study without manipulation of treatments or random assignment is a nonexperimental study Experimental research shows cause and effect Non-experimental research studies variables as they exist

primary focus for the research is to describe some phenomenon or to document its characteristics.

primary focus for the research is to predict some variable of interest (criterion) using information from other variables (predictors).

Explanatory :
the primary focus for the research is to explain how some phenomenon works or why it operates.

Time Frame
data are collected at one point in time, often in order to make comparisons across different types of respondents or participants.

Prospective (longitudinal):
data are collected on multiple occasions starting with the present and going into the future for comparisons across time.

look back in time using existing or available data to explain or explore an existing occurrence.



http://interactionarchitect.com/knowledge/article19991212shd.htm http://www.edu.plymouth.ac.uk/resined/observation/obshome.htm

Unobtrusive methods:

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