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Field Study Super Markets and Kirana

Pravin; Prasanna; Abdul; Kannan CBS

T visit t!e kirana and super"arket T bserve and # think about the various aspects and t!e thought process t!at # es int selectin# and buyin# a pr duct

%ntr ducti n t retail sect r

&etail c ncept is not new to India %ndia is a c untry !avin# t!e "a'i"u" s! p density( )early 11 s! ps * r every 1+++ pers ns( The next being Singapore and USA %ndian als !as lar#e nu"ber * entrepreneurs All t!e kirana ,ners are all entrepreneurs T!ere are $ types * retail sect r

Organized retail Unorganized retail

T!e kirana-s * %ndia *all under t!e un. r#ani/ed sect r T!e super "arket *all under t!e r#ani/ed sect r

Present "arket scenari in %ndia

T!e un-organized sector in %ndia constitutes 95 entire retail "arket

o! the

T!is pens t!e d r t t!e super "arkets t t!e entire ran#e * t!e r#ani/ed retail pp rtunities 1ence t!e big corporates are now entering int t!is relatively ne, se#"ent !or their share o! the pie

&etail c ntributi ns t

ur ec n "y

T!e retail c ntributi ns in ter"s * 34P t #5 o! our $%&

ur ec n "y stands at

T!e nu"ber o! 'ob opportunities t!at are created is !u#e T!is s! ,s t!e scope and potential involved in t!is sect r

Super "arket visited

T!e super "arket t!at ,e visited are

Mariyappan super "arket6 Mannady6 Parrys Anac!i super "arket 6 7elac!ery 7enkates!,ara super "arket6velac!ery

Kirana st re visited

Saras,ati st re6parrys &avi st res6 7elac!ery S na6velac!ery

T!e di**erent t! u#!t pr cess in selectin# a pr duct


Pr ble" rec #niti n

:!at t buy :!ere t buy 1 , "uc! * eac! pr duct t buy T!e ab ve *act rs is ,!at ,e basically ask urselves eac! ti"e ,e # ut t purc!ase any ite"( T!is is als applicable even * r nline purc!ase T!ese pr ble"s are als called ur needs Als ne suc! need is t!e ;uantity and v lu"e * purc!ase ,!ic! deter"ines as t ,!ere ,e # and buy

= n :!ere t buy6 ,!at brand t buy %n* r"ati searc!

Basically t!e sec nd step * ur t! u#!t pr cess is t!e in* r"ati n * t!e pr duct t!at ,e are ab ut t buy %n* r"ati n suc! as
%s %s %s %n %n

t!ere an( new product o! the sa"e kind t!at is released in t!e "arket n , t!ere an i"proved version o! the product t!at t!e sa"e c "pany !as released t!ere an( o!!er or !ree gi!ts n t!e sa"e pr duct in t!e nei#!b rin# st res

case * eatables r * d related pr ducts6 is t!ere any bad ne,s ab ut t!e pr duct in t!e ne,s 6 like t!e c nta"inati n6 adulterati n etc( ter"s * c kin# il 6 t!e basic researc! ,ill include t!e *at and c! lester l c ntent in t!e il( Als in case * "edical c nditi ns6 t!e speci*ic il prescribed by t!e d ct r s! uld be used * c ntents like *at *ree6 su#ar *ree6 l , cal rie6 n trans *ats etc( are s "e * t!e d related researc! t!at usually # es t!r u#!


First i"pressi n n t!e st res visited

Parkin# *acility is t!e *irst i"pressi n t!at ,e #et ,!ile ,e visit since t!at is t!e *ist step in t!e entire pr cess( Super !as t!at *acility( Kirana did n t !ave t!at *acility T!e entire s! p l ked r#ani/ed( T!e ;uick t purc!ase ite" is kept in t!e *r nt like t!e ra/ r near t!e billin# c unter T!e te"perature c ntr lled at" sp!ere t!at is pr vided (%t ,as absent in kirana T!e pp rtunity t c "pare ne pr duct ,it! an t!er is t!ere in a Super( But ,e cant #et ur !and t any ite" in a kirana :e !ave t!e *reed " t c! se leisurely in a super( :!ere as in a kirana it ;uickly #ets cr ,ded and ,e !ave t!e pressure t leave *ast( %n t!er , rds ,e !ave t "ake ;uick purc!ases


Observati ns 4ata and *acts


T.&, O/ 0)A+%


SU&,) -A)*,T

Pe ple buy su#ar " stly *r " # vern"ent rati n s! ps6 i* it is ver t!ey # t nearby kirana r super"arket ,!ic! !as b t! branded and unbranded su#ar( PA&&>S S?3A&@ &AF%)A4B C ?)B&A)4A4 ?nbranded are ,rapped in paper PA&&>S S?3A&@ &AF%)A4B C ?)B&A)4A4 B t! are ,ell packed and displayed

+A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T %,TAI2S O+ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T

Dust t!e super"arket na"e ) details pr vided n and #eneral ,ei#!t details unbranded su#ar are #iven ) "aj r di**erence in FMC3( B t! sell at t!e sa"e M&P price


T.&, O/ 0)A+% +A-,S O/ 0)A+% 5 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T %,TAI2S O+ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T


SU&,) -A)*,T

P nni rice @?nbranded.ra, and b iledB and Branded b t! are available in kirana and super "arket( Bas"ati rice. 4?BA&6 M%)% 4?BA&6 %)4%A 3ATA all are available in b t! kirana and super"arket( ?nbranded rice is B t! branded and available ,it! ut any ?nbranded are available # d packin# ;uality ,it! # d packa#e( pe ple c "e t super Pe ple buy in less "arket t buy in ;uantity t!an ,! lesale( 1+k# and $5k# ,! lesale packet ba#s are available at c!eaper rate ran#es *r " 05. 8+rs Ek#( Prices ran#e *r " 05 t 1+k# ba# c nsists * 8+ Ek# rs(58+ and c!eaper t!an kirana


T.&, O/ 0)A+% +A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T %,TAI2S O+ T3, &)O%U4T

M stly de"anded are unbranded lentils ) brand Fentils are taken nly durin# needs *r " kirana6 s little ;uantity !as # d ;uality ) t "uc! details and displayed( :e need t ask t!e" and t!ey pr vide in packets sealed by t!e" Prices depends n t!e

SU&,) -A)*,T
B t! brand and unbranded available 6 M stly unbranded is de"anded( ?d!aya" and super"arket brand pe ple buy in lar#e ;uantity n a " nt!ly basis( T!ey pre*er # d ;uality and neatly packed lentils( Already sealed and see t!r u#! packets ( S lentils are visually seen and y u can *ind # d ;uality by just seein# it( &an#in# *r " 15rs .


T.&, O/ 0)A+% +A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T %,TAI2S O+ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T


SU&,) -A)*,T

Only branded available AS1%&7AA46A))APOO&)A C P%FSB?&> are branded atta( As!irvaad atta is ,idely de"anded( Guality is n t a "aj r *act r * r n t buyin# Atta( As!irvaad 6 pilsbury !as a brand value a" n# cust "er and pe ple buy it ,it! ut t!inkin# " re( Mainly "aj r brands are Super "arket "aj rly packed in s"all keeps pack * 5k# and ;uantity packa#e type( 1+k#( ) t "aj r di**erence in prices6 di**erence ,ill 0$5rs * r 1+k# and be nly in s"all $++rs( F r 5 k# ;uantity


4OO*I+$ OI2
T.&, O/ 0)A+% +A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T %,TAI2S O+ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T


SU&,) -A)*,T

M stly branded and less * unbranded C kin# il is available( Pe ple directly buy *r " Oil ,! lesalers as it is a rupee c!eaper( FO&T?)A6 3OF4 :%))A&6 FO&T?)A63OF4 )?T&AFA6 &OOB%)A :%))A&6)?T&AFA6etc @F cal brandB Guality and packa#e Sa"e as kirana( T!ey type is i"p rtant( Any even pr vide in cart ns leaka#e leads t return at a lesser price( * # ds M stly in 1 ltr packets F rtune.<<rsEltr6 3 ld ,inner.<9rsEltrs C nutrela. 1$9rsEltr( 1ltr packet and 5 ltrs jar ?nbranded is c!eaper at 95rsEltr


T.&, O/ 0)A+% +A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T %,TAI2S O+ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T


SU&,) -A)*,T

Only branded deter#ents are available( Pe ple d n t buy n n branded( &%)6 T%4A6 S?&F AHCAF6 A&%AF 6 etc( Guality isnIt t!e *act r as t!e brand is " re t!an en u#! * r cust "er t buy deter#ent packa#e is very # d( Available in sac!ets t Packed and placed ,ell in t!e super."arket

Sur* e'cel.1<5Ek#6 Tide. =$Ek#6 Ariel. $$+Ek#6 Aven s"all sac!et are available


0),A% 6 ,$$
T.&, O/ 0)A+% +A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T


SU&,) -A)*,T

Bread . Only branded and l aves available( A##. b t! ,!ite and br ,n are available Bread.B&%TTA)%A C MO4A&) C BAKA&> FOA7AS6 A33. )O brand Only t, days e'piry date( Packa#e is si"ilar in plastic * r breads( B&AA4S. B&%TTA)%A C MO4A&) is * r $=rs(Epkt6 BAKA&> FOA7AS are available * r 2+rsEl a* 6A33 :1%TA . 2rsEeac! and A33 B&O:) . 9 rsEeac!


T.&, O/ 0)A+%


SU&,) -A)*,T

SOAPS and B%SC?%TS are " stly pre*erred as branded( F r biscuits6 Only butter biscuits are available as n n branded in kirana S aps and Biscuits are c "" n in brand *act r( T!ey !ave plenty * brands and variety * pr ducts under eac! brand cate# ry( Packa#e and display * biscuits and S aps are precise( :e !ave plenty * variety in c! sin# t!e type * brand ,e need( Prices vary in kirana as Prices are c!eaper nly in t!ey di**er in a rupee * r buyin# bulk ;uantity * r biscuits and s aps biscuits and s aps

+A-,S O/ 0)A+% 1UA2IT. O/ T3, &)O%U4T &)I4,S O/ T3, &)O%U4T

Fay ut s! p *l
Super "arket

r desi#n


&ro!essionall( planned

&lanned !or eas( retrieval o! the products Ade7uate space !or walkwa( is given !or two persons to go past with their trolle(

Since t!e *l r space is less n t "uc! * desi#n is d ne re#ardin# t!e *l r T!e desi#n is "ainly d ne * r t!e s!elves t keep t!e ite"s T!e retrieval * t!e pr ducts by t!e assistants is t!e "ain *act r !ere

+on slipper( !loors ,nough lighting Air conditioned

$ood exhaust s(ste"s

The height o! the racks are also care!ull( designedaverage height person can reach the ite"

An u#! li#!tin#

) t air c nditi ned

) t e;uipped ,it! e'!aust syste"s

Aase * l catin# t!e pr duct cate# ry

%n a super t!e pr duct cate# ry is se#re#ated( Packa#ed * ds6lentils6spices6bat! r " pr ducts6 pers nal pr ducts6 c s"etics6 c!illed pr ducts6 snacks6 ;uick buy pr ducts etc( %n kirana since t!e s! p keeper takes care * *etc!in# y u t!e re;uired ite" t!e ,e need n t , rry ab ut t!is pr cess Als in kirana ,e " stly # ,it! t!e preset "ind * ,!at ,e are # in# t buy( Alse t!e s! p keeper ,ill pr vide t!e necessary in* r"ati n

Or#ani/ati n * s!el*Erack . 4isplay * pr ducts

T!e rack in t!e super is care*ully desi#ned s t!at ,e can reac! * r t!e pr duct despite its !ei#!t T!ere are als n s!arp ed#es ar und t!e c rners t!at "i#!t !urt us ,!en ,e carry s! ppin# buckets Alt! u#! t!is d es n t play a si#ni*icant r le t!e p pular pr ducts are kept in vicinity in t!e kirana s t!at t!e cust "er can easily identi*y t!e" * r" t!e c unter

Ti"e spent n eac! pr duct. Avaluati n alternative


Supers pr vide en u#! *l r space t us t c "pare t!e pr ducts * r ;uite s "e ti"e( T!e pressure t leave t!e s! p ;uickly is very less( 1ence ,e spend ;uality ti"e n eac! * t!e pr duct "ainly c "parin# t!e ;uality6packa#in#6brand and price T!is lacks in a kirana ,!ere ,e spend less ti"e n a pr duct 1ence t!e in* r"ati n t!at ,e #et *r " a super is " re t!at a kirana ,!ic! "akes us evaluatin# t!e pr duct better


Assistance *r " t!e s! p

Assistance in l catin# and carryin# !eavy ite"s Ex:25 Kg bag of rice6 till billin# c unter and till t!e car park is available in a super( T!e s! p assistance als ask y u J:!atK- i* t!ey sense t!at y u are t!inkin# ab ut ,!at t buy( T!is "akes ur purc!ase e**icient and ;uick( %n a kirana t t!is *acility is available T!is "akes us *eel t!at ,e #et individuali/e pre*erence and t!e sense * i"p rtance b t! in t!e super as ,ell as in t!e kirana

Guality * t!e pr ducts 4OM and e'piry date

T!is is t!e "ain c ncern * r all * us and ,e particularly ,e are interested in t!e 4ate * "anu*acture and e'piry(in a super even t! u#! t!ere are unbranded ite"s@A'L t!ey put t!eir ,n s! p brandB t!ey "enti n t!ese $ i"p rtant details 1ence ,e *eel t!at ,e are n t c!eated in t!e $ pri"arily i"p rtant aspects( But in a kirana 6 due t t!e lack * suc! packa#in# *acility t!e l sely s ld ite"s d n-t pr vide us t!is in* r"ati n( T!is is a "aj r disadvanta#e and ,e !ave t # by t!e *ace value * t!e s! p keeper in t!is re#ard(

Cleanliness * t!e st re


An t!er t! u#!t in t!is e'ercise t!at ca"e t ur n tice is t!e cleanliness and ! usekeepin# * t!e st re( T!e super "arkets are kept neat and clean v id * t!e dust and * ul s"ell t!at "i#!t c "e * r" a leakin# il pack r any t!er pr duct %n a kirana alt! u#! kept clean t!e space re;uired * r t!e "aintenance * t!e s! p is less and !ence t!e r utine "aintenance ,!ere t!e pr ducts are kept at !i#! places near t!e ceilin# is less( S "et!in# ,e n ticed and very *ten *ind( T!e ability t reac! s "e places is li"ited in a kirana( T!is is als ,!y t!ey are al,ays cr ,ded since t!ey !ave t "a'i"i/e t!e use * space

Cleanliness * t!e pr ducts in display

One "ain t!in# t!at ca"e t ur "ind is t!e cleanliness * t!e uter packa#in# * t!e pr ducts in display( T!is is als a clear indicati n t!at t!e ite"s in display are t!e recently available ite"s( %n Kirana t! u#! ,e did n t n tice t!is 6! ,ever in t!e past ,e !ave suc! e'periences t!at t!e uter packa#in# are c vered ,it! a layer * dirt


Services like ! "e delivery

Super "arkets usually d n-t !ave t!is pti n( On t!e t!er !ad kirana !ave t!is *acility is available even t day as !e is "ainly * cused n servicin# pe ple in !is i""ediate nei#!b r! d( T!is anyti"e service *le'ibility is a s,eet aspect in a kirana ,!ic! ,e as cust "ers appreciate

Billin# c unters and e**iciency in ;uick billin#. Purc!ase


T!e supers s "eti"es #et cr ,ded in t!e billin# p!ase * ur purc!ase( T!is is unc "* rtable Kiranas d n-t usually !ave t!is pr ble" at t!e ti"e * billin# but t!ey d *ace t!is !urdle durin# t!e purc!ase * ite"s( T!is is "aj rly due t t!e c unter sales c ncept and *l r sales(


Pay"ent pti ns
Supers #ive pay"ent pti ns like credit card6 debit card6 cas!6sude' c up ns 6#i*t v uc!ers and like Kirana are " stly cas! and carry

O**ers and t!er bene*its like *ree disc unts6 re,ard p ints card

Super t!at ,e ,ent did n t **ered buy ne #et ne *ree * r &A4 B?FF @ * r instanceB but it ,as a c "pany **er and n t a super "arket **er Ot!er bene*its like *ree #i*ts 6disc unts ,ere available &e,ard p ints are present * r cards like PA>BACK and M%)T Cards( Kirana als did n t !ave any **ers r *ree #i*ts e'cept * r a s"all disc unt *r " t!en M&P( T!e re,ard p int syste" is al" st n n e'istent in a kirana


Car parkin#
Supers usually !ave t!is *acility Kirana usually lack t!is *acility t a lar#er e'tent(

P st purc!ase t! u#!t pr cess

A*ter buyin# t!e pr duct ,e act as t!e brand a"bassad r * r t!e pr duct and rec ""end t t!ers as ,ell( A # d s! ppin# e'perience ,ill "ake us rec ""end t!e s! p(

As c nsu"ers ,!at are ur insi#!ts

:e # t super"arkets * r c "* rt6 leisure s! ppin# and variety * c! ices :e # t super"arkets t buy pr ducts * r ne " nt! as a ,! le( :!ereas ,e # t kiranas6 durin# e"er#ency situati ns6 but t!ere are certain e'cepti ns(


T tal ti"e spent

Super "arket L As "enti ned be* re6 t!ey are pre*erred durin# leisure ti"es C bulk purc!ases( Kirana L T!ey are " stly pre*erred durin# vee ! urs and ,!en nly ite"s are re;uired a la carte(


Future * retail in %ndia

T!e retail "arket in %ndia c nsiderably s! ,s t!at t!e super"arkets # * r a certain sta#nati n level a*ter a particular sta#e ,it! t!e current F4% rule( Since "aj r retail st res can be setup in cities ,!ere t!e p pulati n " re t!an 1+ lak!s6 t!e retail st res are restricted t nly 55 cities all ver %ndia(


C nclusi n
T!ere are debates all ver t!e c untry n t!is issues * r t!e past 5 years6 but t!ere are t!er res urces t!at pr vides statistics t!at kirana !as n t "uc! t d ,it! t!e venture * super"arkets( But at t!e sa"e i* a super"arket and a kirana are pened cl se by6 t!en t!is !as s "e drastic e**ect n t!e kirana6 ,!ic! s! uld t!en be taken under c nsiderati n(

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