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Build Literacy Success

with Technology
TIES 2013 Tuesday, December 17, 2013 12:15pm - 1:05pm

Contact Jen Legatt

Technology Continuous Improvement Coach and District Media Specialist @jenlegatt


does not need to take a back seat once technology is introduced to the classroom. Strong literacy skills still foster success in all areas of academics. Come learn some ways iPads and other digital tools can be used hand-in-hand with literacy instruction.

Challenges and Benefits

What are the challenges and benefits of the technology tools enter our classrooms today?

Technology on its own does not create a literate child.

Apptivity Seat iPotty

These are different students. We need to think differently.




How can technology and literacy work hand-in-hand? 97/mobile3.jpg

The Digital Learner

Educational Leadership November 2013 Issue

Article: Research Says / The Reading Skills Digital Brains Need All of this suggests that heavy exposure to digital technology may be altering how learners think and read. As University of CaliforniaLos Angeles developmental psychologist Patricia Greenfield (2009) writes, Every medium develops some cognitive skills at the expense of others (p. 71).

Plato Said
Two thousand years ago, Plato asked the same question about the new technology of his day: literacy. Reading and writing, he opined, weakened the mind and destroyed memory. In some ways, he was right. + Psychologists and anthropologists have since determined that literacy fundamentally rewires our brains. It makes us more analytical, introspective, and abstract thinkers, yet less adept at other things, such as reciting epic poems from memory.

Studies have also found that the mere presence of hyperlinks in text reduces reading comprehension, likely because it breaks up reading flow and leaves readers feeling disoriented or lost in hyperspace.

Even if we ignore the hyperlinks, our brains must work overtime to determine whether or not to follow them.

Google Brain
Daily Mail Article from January 25, 2012 Are our brains being boggled by Google?

Google Brain

Daily Mail Article from January 25, 2012 Are our brains being boggled by Google?

Digital_Nation Digital Native Map

Frontline: 2010

F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content

What does this mean for our students?

Engaging + Reading Experiences

Google Lit Trips
Even on tablets like iPad in the Google Earth App

Author Connections

Kate Messners Authors Who Skype with Classes Skype an Author Network Scholastic Invite an Author

o o o

Grades K-4 Grades 5-8 Grades 9-12 Spanish

Tool-based Strategies

Accessibility: Speak Selection

Accessibility: Speak Selection

On the iPad

Settings General

Speak Selection ON

Accessibility: Built-in Dictionaries

+ Remove Distractions: Reader in Safari

+ Remove Distractions: Reader in Safari

What difference can text make?


Institute of Health: Effect of print side on reading speed in dyslexia Education: How Font Size Affects Reading Hard to read fonts can boost pupil results More Research Says Bigger Fonts Help Ability


Telegraph: EduKindle:

Kids Read

What difference can text size make?


More Research Says Bigger Fonts Help

Kids Read

there are fewer words and those words are easier to decode, struggling readers make substantial progress with comprehension, tracking, and fluency, all while making fewer decoding mistakes. Additionally, research shows that fewer words on the page lower anxiety levels in struggling readers.

Accessibility with Audiobooks

Support reading with Audiobooks University of South Florida: Lit2Go Bookshare for students with text disabilities

Other helpful tools

Dragon Dictation text to speech

Google Translate

Speak Text - Speak and translate text documents and web pages

Chrome Speak VoiceNote

Reading Strategies

What literacy strategies do you use with your students?

Comprehension Strategies
Comprehension monitoring instruction teaches students to: Be aware of what they do understand Identify what they do not understand Use appropriate strategies to resolve problems in comprehension
From Reading Rockets Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension

Use the Tools in iBooks


Strategies: Highlight, Underline, Gloss

Use the Tools in iBooks


Strategies: Highlight, Underline, Gloss

Oral Fluency
From Scholastic: 5 Surefire Strategies for Developing Reading Fluency Audio Recording Tools Audioboo web and app based recorder Recordium highlight and make notes web based download / URL

Model Fluent Reading 2. Do Repeated Readings in Class 3. Promote Phrased Reading in Class 4. Enlist Tutors to Help Out 5. Try a Reader's Theater in Class

Audioboo Fluency Practice




Close Reading
Closing in on Close Reading


analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately.

Close Reading
The Case for Reader-Friendly Articles


the text is shorter and appears more accessible, students, especially reluctant or struggling readers, may more readily take on the challenge and gain the confidence to tackle longer texts.

ReadWorks Finding Passages for Literacy Practice

ReadWorks provides research-based units, lessons, and authentic, leveled non-fiction and literary passages directly to educators online, for free, to be shared broadly.

News ELA
Newsela is an innovative way for students to build reading comprehension with nonfiction that's always relevant: daily news.

Close Reading Resources

ELM4You - Britannica
Britannica Databases Search Results by Level

Close Reading Resources

ELM4You - Infotrac
Infotrac Databases Results with Word Count

Graphic Organizers

Keys to Literacy worksheets

Read Write Think mobile apps Notabilitys Papers

Eduplaces Graphic Organizers

Scholastics Graphic Organizers

Writing on the iPad

Paperport Notes
PaperPort Notes is a digital note taking tool for the iPad that is transforming the way people create and share information. Now you can combine documents, web content, audio, typed text as well as hand written notes into a single document that you can easily organize and share with anyone

Penultimate gives you the natural experience of writing on paper, with the added power and availability of Evernote. Take notes, keep sketches, or share your next breakthrough idea -- in the office, on the go, or at home on the sofa

Two Column Notes

Notability is the best-selling notetaking app on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Notability is so powerful that it will transform how you work: sketch ideas, annotate documents, sign contracts, complete worksheets, keep a journal, jot travel notes, teach a class, make a presentation and much more.

Summarizing Visually

text by using writing activities builds on prior knowledge, helps improve writing, and strengthens vocabulary skills
1. 2.


What are the main ideas? What are the crucial details necessary for supporting the ideas? What information is irrelevant or unnecessary?

ThingLink App

From, all about Adolescent Literacy

Summarizing Visually
ThingLink App

Writing to Learn

How has technology changed writing today?

What is a keyboard?

Learning to Write and Writing to Learn

By Joan Sedita

to learn means using writing as a tool to promote content learning; when students write they think on paper. Content teachers assign writing activities to help students learn subject matter, clarify and organize their thoughts, and improve their retention of content.


+ Brainstorming with iBrainstorm

Help students develop and improve fluency with thinking Allow students to discover new ideas and relationships between concepts Get the mind going to generate and organize thought processes, new ideas and information -From Inspirations Teaching and Learning with Brainstorming Webs

Collect Student Writing Simply with Google Forms

Google Forms

Publishing from an iPad


Create an electronic storybook


Book Builder Build an ePub book simply


Spoken story app

Publishing from the Web

Google Sites Smore

Living Writing: Blogging

students write entries and comment on the entries of their peers, blogs become an integral part of a lively literacy community.
can post on such topics as journal/diary entries, reflections on their writing process, details on their research projects, commentary on recent events or readings, and drafts for other writing they are doing.

ReadWriteThinks Teaching with Blogs




Technology Can Enhance Literacy

Contact Jen Legatt

Technology Continuous Improvement Coach and District Media Specialist @jenlegatt

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