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Line is life .. Line is the dot out for a walk

Line is punishment by forced writing of text Line a point with no dimensions set in motion, can have varying width and length in art and design.

Contour lines

Dividing Lines
Decorative Lines

Gesture Lines
Implied Line

Horizontal Lines

Horizontal Lines
Vertical Lines

Diagonal Lines
Curved Lines

Psychic Line


Contour lines

used to define edges Dividing Lines used for defining particular space Decorative Lines used to create emblish an object Gesture Lines used to capture form and movement Implied Line
A series of points or figures that the eye automatically connects and forms an imaginary line

Horizontal Lines

Lines that go from left to right, convey a feeling of stillness and lack of motion or rest. Curved Lines Vertical Lines Convey a sense of height and alertness, can be associated with a person standing up Diagonal Lines Associated with movement or lack of stability, can also indicate depth when using perspective.

Psychic Line An invisible line from one element to another followed by our eyes and created in our minds. Curved Lines Line which is used to show waves.

Why lines are important in design

Lines can be used to divide space and direct the

viewers eyes. Lines can be used to separate content. Lines direct the flow of content. Can be used to create emphasis on a specific area of your work. Can be used as an organizational guide, some examples are:

Wire-framing in web design Sketching in logo design Wire-framing in web design Sketching in logo design Properly aligning text and images in web design and graphic design The grid system Understanding lines can help you communicate a certain feeling or idea in your work and give you more control over the effect your work will have on yours or your clients target audience. Can help you send out a desired message more effectively through your work, that will be more appealing to your target audience.

Guidelines For Using Lines

Think about what kind of line you will use. Thick, thin, wavy, dotted, dashed, hand-drawn. Each type of line can convey a different feeling. Whats the purpose of the line? Is it to join related content or to separate unrelated content? Is it to add a border around an image? If youre using a grid, are your lines helping to reinforce the grid, or are they breaking out of the grid? Either can be good, as long as you know what the lines are supposed to be doing and youre making a conscious decision about it.

Think about multiple lines to create texture. A repeating thin hairline can be used as a background texture, as can an elaborate hand-drawn pattern of lines. Dont just put lines in for the sake of it. As with any design element, if you dont need it take it away.

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