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Introduction to Statistics (Some basic Concepts)

Definition of Statistics
Derived from Latin word Status, meaning political state. The Science of counting. Knowledge of conversion of words into figure and vice versa. Numerical facts systematically arranged e.g. Sports Statistics, Statistics of Crimes, Statistics of educational institutes etc. (In plural sense)

Definition of Statistics (Continue.)

Collection of Data Organization of Data Summarization of Data Presentation of Data Analyzing of Data Comparing of Data Drawing Conclusion about data in Uncertainty

Types of Statistics?

Descriptive statistics:
It deals with concepts and methods concerned with summarization and description of the important aspects of numerical data. This area of study consist of condensation of data, their graphical display and computation of few numerical quantities that provide information about center of data, indicate the spread of data and relationship b/w variables

Inferential Statistics
It deals with procedure for making inferences about the characteristics of population on the basis of knowledge derived from the sample. This area further include estimation and testing of Hypothesis.

Classify each of the following as descriptive statistics or inferential statistics


The average points per game, percent of free throws made, average number of rebounds per game, and average number of fouls per game as well as several other measures for players in the NBA are computed. (b) Ten percent of the boxes of cereal sampled by a quality technician are found to be under the labeled weight. Based on this finding, the filling machine is adjusted to increase the amount of fill. (c) USA Today gives several pages of numerical quantities concerning stocks listed in AMEX, NASDAQ, and NY SE as well as mutual funds listed in MUTUALS. (d) Based on a study of 500 single parent households by a social researcher, a magazine reports that 25% of all single parent households are headed by a high school dropout.

Population Parameter
Variables in a population Measured characteristics of a population Greek lower-case letters as notation

Sample Statistics
Variables in a sample Measures computed from data English letters for notation

Making Data Usable

Frequency distributions Graphical Presenation Proportions Central tendency Measures of dispersion Correlation and Regression

Frequency Distribution of Deposits

Frequency (number of people making deposits in each range) 499 530 562 718 811 3,120 ( Percentage) Prob.


less than $3,000 $3,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 or more

16 17 18 23 26 100

.16 .17 .18 .23 .26 1.00

Graphical Presentation
Bar Chart

Pie Chart

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