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Software Testing Concept and Methodologies

Rajesh Upadhyay MSc MCA

Fundamentals of Software Testing

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Is there any difference when you work for
same assignment ???

Software Testing Concepts

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Group of programs designed for end user using

operating system and system utilities.

A self contained program that performs welldefined set of tasks under user control.

Programs, procedures, rules, and any associated

documentation pertaining to the operation of a system.

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Evolution of software product

Survey is done by marketing people for various product and benchmark the products. Create MRS( Marketing Requirement survey)

Requirement analysis
Feasibility study (social, economical etc) investigate the need for possible software automation in the given system. Domain expert Create URS ( User Requirement specification)

software's overall structure is defined. Software architecture, interdependence of modules, interfaces, database etc is defined. System analyst Create SRS( High level design, Low level design etc)

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Evolution of software product( Cont.)

Code Generation
design must be translated into a machine-readable form taking input as SRS. Done by Team of developers. Reviews after every 500 lines of code
Code Inspection Code Walkthrough

New/patched build is tested by Test engineers for stability of the application.

Software is maintained due to changes ( unexpected values into the system)

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Software development life cycle

Ongoing Support

Requirement Analysis


Operational Testing

High level design

Integration Testing

Detailed Specifications

Unit Testing


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System An inter-related set of components, with identifiable boundaries, working together for some purpose.




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The process of identifying requirements,

current problems, constraints ,Opportunities for improvement , timelines and Resources costs .

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The business of finding a way to meet the functional

requirements within the specified constraints using the available technology

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Software Development life cycle

Phases or stages of a project from inception through completion and delivery of the final product and maintenance too!
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Software Development life cycle

Three Identifiable Phases:

1. Definition 2. Development

3. Maintenance

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Definition Phase

Focuses on WHAT
What information to be processed? What functions and performances are desired?

What interfaces are to be established?

What design constraints exists? What validation criteria are required to define a success system?

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Development Phase

Focuses on
How the database should be designed ? How the software architecture to be designed ?

How the design will be translated in to a code ?

How testing will be performed ?

Three specific steps in Development Phase

are: a. Design b. Coding c. Testing (ignored due to lack of time, due time to market, additional cost involved, lack of testing requirement understanding etc.) )

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Maintenance Phase Maintainability is defined as the ease with which software can be understood, corrected, adapted and enhanced Maintenance phase focuses on CHANGE that is
associated with

Error correction Adaptation required as the software

environment evolves

Enhancements brought about by changing

customer requirements improvements

Reengineering carried out for performance

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SDLC Phases

Identify Problems/Objectives


Determine information Requirements

Analyze System needs Design the recommended system Develop and Document software Testing the System Implementation and maintaining the system

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SDLC Phases : Requirement Identification & Analysis Phase Request for Proposal Proposal Negotiation Contract User Requirement Specification Software Requirement Specification

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Software Requirement Specifications IEEE 830 : Software Requirement Specification is a means of translating the ideas in the minds of the clients(the inputs) into a set of formal document (the output) of the requirement phase

The Role
Bridge the communication gap between the client the user and the developer

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SDLC Phases- Design High Level Design

HLD Document contains items in a macro level

List of modules and a brief description of each Brief functionality of each module Interface relationship among modules Dependencies between modules Database tables identified with key elements

Overall architecture diagrams along with technology details

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SDLC Phases- Design Low Level Design

Detailed functional logic of the module, in pseudo code

Database tables, with all elements, including their type and size
All interface details All dependency issues Error MSG listing Complete input and output format of a module

HLD and LLD phases put together called Design phase

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SDLC Phases

Code Generation
design must be translated into a machine-readable form taking input as SRS. Done by Team of developers. Reviews after every 500 lines of code
Code Inspection Code Walkthrough

New/patched build is tested by Test engineers for stability of the application.

Software is maintained due to changes ( unexpected values into the system)

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Get Started with Testing !!!!!!!

What is testing? We Test !! We Test !! Why?

Testing Defined
Is Product Successful

Product Success criteria


Test factors

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What is Testing?
process used to help identify the correctness, completeness
and quality of developed computer software.

Find out difference between actual and expected behavior.

The process of exercising software to verify that it satisfies

specified requirements of end user and to detect errors

The process of revealing that an artifact fails to satisfy a set

of requirements

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What is Testing ( Cont.) ?

Establishing confidence that a system does what it is

supposed to do

Confirming that a system performs its intended

functions correctly

Does not guarantee bug free product

No substitute for good programming

Cant prevent/debug bugs, only detect Offer advise on product quality and risks.

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We Test !! We Test !! Why

Detect programming errors - programmers, like anyone

else, can make mistakes.

To catch bugs/defect/errors. To check program against specifications Cost of debugging is higher after release

Client/end user should not find bugs

Some bugs are easier to find in testing Challenge to release a bug-free product.

Verifying Documentation.

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We Test !! We Test !! Why?

To get adequate trust and confidence on the product. To meet organizational goals
Like meeting requirements, satisfied customers, improved market share, Zero Defects etc

Since the software can perform 100000 correct operations

per second, it has the same ability to perform 100000 wrong operations per second, if not tested properly.

Ensuring that system is ready for use

Understanding limits of performance. Learning what a system is not able to do Evaluating capabilities of system
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Testing defined !!

Def-1 Process of establishing confidence that a program or system does what it is supposed to.

Def-2 Process of exercising or evaluating a system or system component by manual or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirement (IEEE 83a)


Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors (Myers)

Def-4 Testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results.

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Is Product successful ???

When Client/Customer perceives it as value-added to his business. Timeliness of delivery of the product within budget and scope.

The business perceives that the system satisfactorily addresses the true business goals.
End user feels that look, feel, and navigation are easy. Team is prepared to support and maintain the delivered product.

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Product Success Criteria

Functionality Usability



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Operability Controllability Observability

Suitability Stability Accessibility Navigability Editorial Continuity Scalability

Context Sensitivity
Structural Continuity

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Test Factors
Functionality (exterior quality) Correctness Engineering (interior Adaptability (future quality) quality) Efficiency Flexibility

Usability Integrity

Documentation Structure


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Software Testing Life Cycle

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Conventional Testing Process




Test & Fix

* Here testing was happening only towards the end of the life cycle
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Distribution of Defects in the life cycle

27% 27%

Requirements Design Code Other

56% 56%



10% 10% Source: IBM/TRW/Mitre

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Software development life cycle

Ongoing Support

Requirement Analysis


Operational Testing

High level design

Integration Testing

Detailed Specifications

Unit Testing


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STLC-V Model
Requirement Req. Review

Execute System Tests

Develop Acceptance Tests

Review Acceptance tests Design Design Review Develop integration Tests Review Integration Tests Code Code Review Develop Unit Test Review Unit Test
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Execute Integration tests

Execute Unit Test

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STLC:- Activities Scope/Requirement Plan Design

Base line inventory


Test Design

Acceptance criteria
Schedule Prioritization Test references Sign off req

Process and Tools Specifications Methodology Test Scenarios

Delivery Models Test Cases Test Data Tool Development

Risk Plan
Project Overflow Quality Objectives Configuration

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STLC:- Activities Execution Defect Analysis

Implement Stubs

Check Unexpected Behavior

Test Data Feeders

Batch Processes Execute Testing

Identify defective application


Identify erroneous test data Identify defect trends/patterns

Collate Test Data

Identify Bugs

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Test Approach Test Process :- The project under development or incorporation of

accepted changes in the project or project under maintenance which implemented changes, use the testing process. Based on the nature of the project, adequate testing shall be arrived at the project level.
The Test Approach sets the scope of system testing the overall strategy to be adopted the activities to be completed the general resources required the methods and processes to be used to test the release. details the activities, dependencies and effort required to conduct the System Test.

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Test Approach( Cont.)

Test approach will be based on the objectives set for testing Test approach will detail the way the testing to be carried out Types of testing to be done viz Unit, Integration and system

the general resources required The method of testing viz Blackbox, White-box etc., Details of any automated testing to be done

Details the activities, dependencies and effort required to

conduct the System Test

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Software Testing Life Cycle- Phases 1. Requirement Analysis 2. Prepare Test Plan 3. Test Case Designing 4. Test Case Execution 5. Bug Reporting, Analysis and Regression testing 6. Inspection and release 7. Client acceptance and support during acceptance 8. Test Summary analysis

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Requirement Analysis

Objective The objective of Requirement Analysis is to ensure software quality by eradicating errors as earlier as possible in the developement process, as the errors noticed at the end of the software life cycle are more costly compared to that of early ones, and there by validating each of the Outputs. The objective can be acheived by three basic issues:
Correctness Completeness Consistency

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Type of Requirement

Functional Data Look and Feel Usability Performance Operational Maintainability Security Scalability Etc.

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Evaluating Requirements
What Constitutes a good Requirement?

Clear: Unambiguous terminology

Concise: no unnecessary narrative or non-relevant facts

requirements that are similar are stated in similar terms. Requirements do not conflict with each other.

all functionality needed to satisfy the goals of the system is specified to a level of detail sufficient for design to take place.

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Requirement Analysis

Difficulties in conducting requirement analysis

Analyst not prepared Customer has no time/interest Incorrect customer personnel involved Insufficient time allotted in project

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Prepare Test Plan- Activities

Scope Analysis of project Document product purpose/definition Prepare product requirement document Develop risk assessment criteria Identify acceptance criteria Document Testing Strategies. Define problem - reporting procedures Prepare Master Test Plan

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Setup test environment Design Test Cases: Requirements-based and Codebased Test Cases

Analyze if automation of any test cases is needed

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Execution- Activities

Initial Testing, Detect and log Bugs Retesting after bug fixes

Final Testing

Setup database to track components of the

automated testing system, i.e. reusable modules

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Bug Reporting, Analysis, and Regressing Testing Activities

Detect Bugs by executing test cases

Bug Reporting
Analyze the Error/Defect/Bug Debugging the system Regression testing

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Inspection and Release-Activities

Maintaining configuration of related work products Final Review of Testing

Metrics to measure improvement

Replication of Product Product Delivery Records

Evaluate Test Effectiveness

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Client Acceptance

Software Installation Provide Support during Acceptance Testing

Analyze and Address the Error/Defect/Bug

Track Changes and Maintenance Final Testing and Implementation

Submission, client Sign-off

Update respective Process

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Support during Acceptance-Activities

Pre-Acceptance Test Support Installing the software on the clients environment Providing training for using the software or
maintaining the software

Providing hot-fixes as and when required to make

testing activity to continue

Post Acceptance Test Support

Bug Fixing

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Test Summary Analysis- Requirement

Quantitative measurement and Analysis of Test


Evaluate Test Effectiveness Test Reporting

Report Faults (off-site testing) Report Faults (on-site/ field testing)

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Testing Life Cycle - Team Structure

An effective testing team includes a mixture of

members who has Testing expertise

Tools expertise
Database expertise Domain/Technology expertise

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Testing Life Cycle - Team Structure (Contd)

The testing team must be properly structured, with

defined roles and responsibilities that allow the testers to perform their functions with minimal overlap.

There should not be any uncertainty regarding which

team member should perform which duties.

The test manager will be facilitating any resources

required for the testing team.

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Testing Life Cycle - Roles & Responsibilities

Clear Communication protocol should be

defined with in the testing team to ensure proper understanding of roles and responsibilities.

The roles chart should contain both onsite and off-shore team members.

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Testing Life Cycle - Roles & Responsibilities

Test Manager
Single point contact between Wipro onsite and offshore team

Prepare the project plan

Test Management Test Planning Interact with Wipro onsite lead, Client QA manager Team management Work allocation to the team Test coverage analysis

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Testing Life Cycle - Roles & Responsibilities

Test Manager cont..

Co-ordination with onsite for issue resolution. Monitoring the deliverables Verify readiness of the product for release through release review Obtain customer acceptance on the deliverables

Performing risk analysis when required

Reviews and status reporting Authorize intermediate deliverables and patch releases to customer.

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Testing Life Cycle - Roles & Responsibilities

Test Lead
Resolves technical issues for the product group Provides direction to the team members Performs activities for the respective product group Review and Approve of Test Plan / Test cases Review Test Script / Code Approve completion of Integration testing Conduct System / Regression tests Ensure tests are conducted as per plan Reports status to the Offshore Test Manager

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Testing Life Cycle - Roles & Responsibilities

Test Engineer
Development of Test cases and Scripts

Test Execution
Result capturing and analysing Defect Reporting and Status reporting

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Software Testing Phases

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Software Testing Phases

Unit Testing Functional Testing

Integration Testing
System Testing Acceptance Testing

Interface Testing
Regression Testing Special Testing

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Unit Testing

Unit Testing is a

verification effort on the smallest unit of the software design the software component or module.

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Why Unit Testing?

Test early for each component and prevent

the defect from being carried forward to next stage.

To ensure that the design specifications have

been correctly implemented.

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Uses the component-level design description as a guide. errors within the boundary of the module.

Important control paths are tested to uncover Unit testing is white-box oriented, and this
can be conducted in parallel for multiple components.

the relative complexity of tests and

uncovered errors are limited by the constraints scope established for unit testing.

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Unit Testing

Interfaces (input/output)

Local Data structures Boundary Conditions

Module Independent Paths Error Handling Paths

Test Cases
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Unit testing to uncover errors like

Comparison of different data types Incorrect logical operators or precedence

Expectation of equality when precision errors makes equality unlikely.

Incorrect comparison of variables Improper or nonexistent loop termination Failure to exit when divergent iteration is encountered. Improperly modified loop variables, etc.

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Some of the Computational Errors uncovered while Unit Testing

Misunderstood or incorrect arithmetic precedence Mixed mode operations Incorrect initialization Precision inaccuracy

Incorrect symbolic representation of an expression

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Potential errors while error handling is evaluated

Error description is unintelligible Error notes does not correspond to error encountered Error condition causes system intervention prior to error handling Exception- condition processing is incorrect Error description does not provide enough information to assist in the location of the cause of error.

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Unit Testing Procedure

Unit testing is normally considered as an adjunct

to the coding step.

Unit test case design begins ,once the component

level design has been developed, reviewed and verified.

A review of design information provides guidance

for establishing test cases that are likely to uncover errors.

Each test case should be coupled with a set of

expected results.

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Unit Test Steps

The Unit test criteria, the Unit test plan, and the test case specifications are defined. A code walkthrough for all new or changed programs or modules is conducted. Unit Test data is created, program or module testing is performed, and a Unit test report is written. Sign-offs to integration testing must be obtained, Sign-off can be provided by the lead programmer, project coordinator, or project administrator.

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Functional Testing

Functional Testing is a kind of black box testing

because a programs internal structure is not considered.

Give the inputs, check the outputs without

concentrating on how the operations are performed by the system.

When black box testing is conducted , the SRS

plays a major role and the functionality is given the utmost importance.

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Functional Testing

Focus on system functions

developed from the requirements Behavior testing

know expected results test both valid and invalid input

Unit test cases can be reused New end user oriented test cases have
to be developed as well.

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User Interface

This stage will also include Validation Testing which is intensive testing of the new Front end fields and screens. Windows GUI Standards; valid, invalid and limit data input; screen & field look and appearance, and overall consistency

with the rest of the application.

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Vertical First Testing: - When the complete set of

functionality is taken for one module and tested it is called Vertical First testing. Horizontal First Testing : - If a similar function is taken across all the modules and it is tested, it is called horizontalfirst testing. Vertical


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Integration testing

testing with the components put together.

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Why integration Testing ?

Data can be lost across an interface. One module can have an inadvertent, adverse
effect on another.

Sub-functions, when combined, may not

produce the desired major function.

Individually acceptable imprecision may be

magnified to unacceptable levels.

Global data structures can create problems,

and so on

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Types of approaches- Top-Down

A 1 2

Top-Down is an incremental approach to testing of the program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module, this could be done as depthfirst or breadth-first manner.
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Type of Approaches- Bottom-Up

A 1 2

as the name implies, begins construction and testing with atomic modules i.e., from the components at the lowest levels in the program structure

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Integration testing- Example E.g.: and

Login class calls the ConnectionPool object , Integration testing identifies errors not observed while code Debugging or Reviews.

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System Testing

Test the entire system as a whole

Unit Testing Functional Testing Integration Testing

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Verification of the system Software Requirements Business Workflow perspective Final verification of requirements and design External Interfaces Performance tests Affected documentation Non-testable requirements

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Interface Testing

Interfaces with the system

Unit, functional and integration testing All Critical Errors

Interfaces with External Systems Planning and Co-ordination meetings with the external organizations in preparation for testing. Who will be the primary contacts? When is testing scheduled? If there is no test environment available testing may have to occur on weekends or during non-production hours.

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Interface Testing: Expectations (Contd.)

Expectations (Contd.)
What types of test cases will be run, how many and what are they testing?
Provide copies of test cases and procedures to the participants
If the external organization has specific cases they would like to test, have them provide copies

Who will supply the data and what will it contain? What format will it be in (paper, electronic, just notes for someone else to construct the data, etc.)? Who is responsible for reviewing the results and verifying they are as expected? How often will the group meet to discuss problems and testing status?

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Interface Testing: Expectations (Contd.)



Both normal cases and exceptions should be tested on both sides of the interface (if both sides exchange data). The interface should be tested for handling the normal amount and flow of data as well as peak processing volumes and traffic. If appropriate, the batch processing or file transmission window should be tested to ensure that both systems complete their processing within the allocated amount of time. If fixes or changes need to be made to either side of the interface, the decisions, deadlines and re-test procedures should be documented and distributed to all the appropriate organizations.

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Performance Testing

The purpose is to verify the system meets the performance requirements.

System testing successful. Ensure no unexpected performance. Prior to Acceptance Testing. Tests should use business cases, including normal, error and unlikely cases.

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Performance Testing (Contd)

Performance tests
Load Test Stress Test Volume Test Test data Response time End-to-end tests and workflows should be performed Tracking tool for comparison

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Regression Testing

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Regression Testing Approach

Definition and Purpose Types of regression testing Regression test problems Regression testing tools

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Regression Testing

Selective retesting to detect faults introduced during modification of a system or system component, to verify that modifications have not caused unintended adverse effects, or to verify that a modified system or system component still meets its specified requirements. ...a testing process which is applied after a program is modified.

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Regression Testing

Purpose of Regression testing

Locate errors Increase confidence in correctness Preserve quality Ensure continued operations Check correctness of new logic Ensure continuous working of unmodified portions

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Regression testing types

Corrective Maintenance

Adaptive Maintenance

Perfective Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Corrective - fixing bugs, Design Errors, coding errors Adaptive - no change to functionality, but now works under
new conditions, i.e., modifications in the environment.

Perfective - adds something new; makes the system better ,

Eg: adding new modules.

Preventive prevent malfunctions or improve maintainability

of the software. Eg: code restructuring, optimization, document updating etc

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Regression Testing

Example 1 - Y2K
During Y2K code changing, regression testing was the essence of the transition phase. What was typically done, was that code was changed at multiple places (it did not turn the original logic upside down, but made subtle changes). Now Regression testing was very important for the fact that even one small piece of code lying untested could lead to huge ramifications in the large amounts of data that is typically handled by these mainframe computers / programs.

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Regression Testing

Example 2 General
Regression testing might even be required when one of the business associates changes his systems (might be new hardware). Since our system is hooked on to this transition system, our test engineers are also required to do regression testing on our system which has NOT been changed. This example brings to light another fact with Regression testing, i.e., sometimes, even an unchanged system needs to be tested!

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Regression testing methods

Regression testing can be done either manually or

by automated testing tools.
Manual testing: Can be done for small systems, where investing in automated tools might not be feasible enough. Automated testing: One class of these tools is called as Capture-playback tool. This is very helpful in situations where the system undergoes lots of version changes.
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Acceptance Testing

The purpose of acceptance testing is to verify system from user perspective

Completed system and regression testing Configuration Manager Test data Final versions of all documents ready Overview to the testing procedures Exit decision Specific procedures Acceptance Criteria MUST be documented
Acceptance Testing Project stakeholders

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Acceptance Testing

Verification from the users perspective Performance testing should be conducted again

Extra time
User manual to the testers Non-testable requirements Review with the Sponsor and User Plans for the Implementation

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Field Testing

The purpose of field testing is to verify that the systems work in actual user environment.

System and/or acceptance testing successful.

Verification of the system works in the actual user environment.

Pilot test with the final product.

Pilot system should work during a problem.

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Software Testing Strategies

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Testing Information Flow

Software Configuration Test Results



Error Data Rate

Reliability Model

Test Configuration


Expected Results

Predicted Reliability

NOTES Software Configuration includes a Software Requirements Specification, a Design Specification and source code. A test configuration includes a Test Plan and Procedures, test cases and testing tools. It is difficult to predict the time to debug the code, hence it is difficult to schedule.

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Software Testing Strategies and Techniques

Concise Statement of how to meet the objectives of

software testing

To Clarify expectations with the user, sponsor and


To Describe the details of how the testing team will

evaluate the work products, systems and testing activities and results

To describe the approach to all testing types and

phases and the activities for which they are responsible

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Test Strategy for Maintenance

Includes a greater focus on regression testing, on keeping

the users informed of specific fixes or changes that were requested.

Test process should be described in terms of the periodic

release cycles that are part of the change control process.

Also describe a set of minimum tests to be performed

when emergency fixes are needed (for instance, due to failed hardware or recovering from a database crash).

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Test Strategy: Inputs & Deliverables

Time Required for Testing

Priority & Criticality


No. & Levels of Resources Rounds of Testing Exit Criteria Test Suspension Criteria Resumption Criteria

Types of Applications

Test Strategy

Project Success Criteria

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Typical Test Issues

Test Participation Performances and Capacity Requirement/Testing

Test Environments

Approach to Testing External Interfaces Approach to Testing COTS products Scope of Acceptance Testing

Test Issues

Pilot of Field Testing

Criteria for Acceptance of the System

Verification of Un-testable Requirements

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Common Test Related Risks and Considerations

Poor Requirements Stakeholder Participation Requirement Testability Schedule Compression

Test Staffing

Test Related & Risks & Considerations

Testing of COTS

Performance and Stress Testing

External Interfaces


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Test Exit Criteria

Executed at least once? Requirements been tested or verified? Test Documentation Documents updated and submitted

Configuration Manager
Test Incidents

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Software Test Plan

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How to achieve good testing

Start planning early in the project. Prepare a Test Plan.

Identify the objectives.

Document objectives in Test Plan.

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Test Plan

A test plan prescribes the scope,

approach, resources, and

schedule of testing activities. It identifies

the items to be

tested, the features to be tested, the

testing tasks to be

performed, the personnel responsible for

each task, and the

risks associated with the plan.

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Why Plan Test?

Repeatable To Control Adequate Coverage

Test planning process is a critical step in the testing process. Without a documented test plan, the test itself cannot be verified, coverage cannot be analyzed and the test is not repeatable

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Test plan To support testing, a plan should be there, which specifies

What to do?
How to do? When to do?

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Test Plan

Test plans need to identify

The materials needed for testing What tests will be run What order the tests will be run

Test plans also need to:

Name each test Predict how long the test should take Scripts and test cases will be needed for most tests

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Structure 1. Test plan identifier 2. Introduction

3. Test items / integration components

4. Features to be tested

5. Features not to be tested

6. Test Approach 7. Item pass/fail criteria 8. Suspension criteria and resumption requirements
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* As defined by the IEEE 829 Test documentation Std

11 114 4

9. Test deliverables (PPlan)
10. Environmental needs (H/w & S/w) 11. Responsibilities (PPlan) 12. Staffing and Training needs (PPlan) 13. Schedule (PPlan) 14. Risks and Contingencies (PPlan) 15. Approvals Ref : Test Plan Template

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Testing Process
Software Development / Implementation Process Requirements Definition Specification Definition Code Creation Testing

Software Testing & Validation Process

Test Planning 1.0

Test Case Development 2.0

Test Environment Preparation 3.0

Test Execution 4.0

Test Results Analysis 5.0

Management Reporting 6.0

Software Testing Concepts

Release Date

Testing Techniques

Code Based Test Case Design Requirements Based Test Case Design

11 117 7

Testing Techniques

Specification Based (Black Box/Functional Testing)

Equivalence Partitioning Cause Effect Graphing

Boundary Value Analysis

Category Partition Formal Specification Based Control Flow Based Criteria Data Flow based criteria

Fault Based
Error Guessing Mutation Fault Seeding
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Testing Techniques (Contd)

Usage Based
Statistical testing (Musas)SRET

Specific Technique
Object Oriented Testing Component Based Testing

Code Based (White Box/Structural testing)

Statement Coverage Edge Coverage Condition Coverage Path Coverage Cyclomatic Complexity

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Test Data Adequacy Criteria

Test Data Adequacy Criteria

Code Based Testing

Requirement Based Testing

Have I
Tested Exercised Forced

Have I Thought Applied all inputs Completely explored Run all the Scenarios


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Test Preparation Checklist

Test Id Version Users A/c Input DB Training Release to System Reset System Test Environment Stake Holders Schedule

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Test Design Specifications

Code Based Test Case Design Requirements Based Test Case Design

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Purpose of Test Design Specification

Requirements of Test Approach Identify the features to be tested Arrive at High Level

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Contents of Test Design Specification

Identification and Purpose Features to be tested Approach Refinements Test Identification

Pass/Fail Criteria

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Study Business Requirements Arrive at Environmental Requirements

Identify test related Risks

Decide Automation Requirements Prepare Test Documents

Plan for Test Completion

Analyze Track changes Review Test design effectiveness

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Test Cases

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12 126 6

Test Case Sheet To Capture Details:

1.Testcase ID (should be unique, e.g.: c_01.1, c_01.1a, c_01.2,) 2.Feature functionality to be tested (each Requirement/feature could be from Usecase/COMP) 3.Test Description/ test input details (test input, test data, action to be performed to test the feature, complex test cases be split to more than one) 4.Expected behavior ( in messages, screens, data, to be with correct details) 5.Actual and Status

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12 127 7

Test case development process

Identify all potential Test Cases needed to fully test the business and technical requirements Document Test Procedures Document Test Data requirements Prioritize test cases Identify Test Automation Candidates Automate designated test cases
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12 128 8

Type of test cases

1.Requirement Based 2.Design based 3.Code based 4.Extracted 5.Extreme
Software Testing Concepts

Specifications Logical system Code Existing files or test cases Limits and boundary conditions

12 129

Requirement based test cases

Steps for selecting test cases:

1. Identify the basic cases that indicate program functionality. 2. Create a minimal set of tests to cover all inputs and outputs. 3. Breakdown complex cases into single cases. 4. Remove unnecessary or duplicate cases. 5. Review systematically and thoroughly. 6. Design based test cases supplement requirements based test cases.

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Code based test cases

Goals for complete code based coverage:

Every statement exercised at least once. Every decision exercised over all outcomes.

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Extreme cases

Looks for exceptional conditions, extremes, boundaries, and abnormalities.

Need: Requires experience, creativity of the Test Engineer

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Extracted and randomized cases

Extracted cases involved extracting samples of real data for the testing process. Randomized cases involved using tools to generate potential data for the testing process.

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Characteristics of good test case Specific Non-redundant Reasonable probability of catching an error Medium complexity Repeatable Always list expected results

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Test case guidelines Developed to verify that specific requirements or design are satisfied Each component must be tested with at least two test cases: Positive and Negative Real data should be used to reality test the modules after successful test data is used

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The Testing process

Test Cases

Test Data

Test Results

Test Reports

Design Test Cases

Prepare test data

Run Prg with Test data

Compare results

Software Testing Concepts

Code Base Test Case Design

Statement Coverage Edge Coverage Condition Coverage Path Coverage Cyclomatic Complexity

13 137 7


Understand the Objective Effective conversion of specifications Checking Programming Style with coding standards Check Logic Errors Incorrect Assumptions Typographical Errors

Software Testing Concepts

13 138 8

Code Based Testing - White Box Testing

Coding Standards Logic Programming Style Complexity of Code

Structural Testing
Ensure Reduced Rework Quicker Stability

Smooth Acceptance
Structure of the Software itself Valuable Source Selecting test cases

Software Testing Concepts

13 139 9

Code Based Testing or White Box Testing

Testing control structures of a procedural


Can derive test cases to ensure:

All independent paths are exercised at least once. All logical decisions are exercised for both true and false paths.

All loops are executed at their boundaries and within operational bounds.
All internal data structures are exercised to ensure validity.

Software Testing Concepts


14 140 0

Code Based Testing or White Box Testing (Contd..)

Why do white box testing when black box testing is used to test conformance to requirements?
Logic errors and incorrect assumptions most likely to be made when coding for "special cases". Need to ensure these execution paths are tested.

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Code Based Testing or White Box Testing (Contd..)

May find assumptions about execution paths incorrect and so make design errors. White box testing can find these errors. Typographical errors are random. Just as likely to be on an obscure logical path as on a mainstream path.
"Bugs lurk in corners and congregate at boundaries"

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14 142 2

Types of Code Based Testing & Adequacy Criteria Involve Control Flow Testing
Statement Coverage
Is every statement executed at least once?

Edge Coverage
Is every edge in the control flow graph executed?

Condition Coverage
Is edge + every Boolean (sub) expression in the control flow graph executed?

Path Coverage
Is every path in the control flow graph executed?

Cyclomatic Complexity
Is the logical structure of the program appropriate?

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14 143 3

Test Cases

Derive Test Cases

Independent Path

Logical Decisions


Data Structures

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14 144 4

Types of Code Based Testing (1) - Statement Coverage

Control Flow elements to be exercised in statements. Statements coverage criterion requires elementary statement, where program is executed at least once.

Number of Executed Statements (P) Statement coverage (C) = Total Number of Statements (T)

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Types of Code Based Testing (2) - Edge Coverage (Branch Coverage)

Focus is on identifying test cases executing each branch at least once.

Number of Executed Branches (P) Edge Covers (C) = Total Number of Branches (T)

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14 146 6

Types of Code Based Testing(3) - Conditions Coverage

Combination of Edge Coverage and more detailed conditions. Examples: True & False, Elementary Conditions, Comparisons, Boolean Expressions.

Number of Executed Conditions (P)

Basic Conditions Coverage (C) =

Total Number of Conditions (T)

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14 147 7

Types of Code Based Testing(3) - Conditions Coverage (Contd.)

Condition testing aims to exercise all logical

conditions in a program module. It is defined as:

Relational expression: (E1 op E2), where E1 and E2 are arithmetic expressions.

Simple condition: Boolean variable or relational

expression, possibly preceded by a NOT operator.

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Types of Code Based Testing(3) - Conditions Coverage (Contd.)

Compound condition: Composed of two or more simple conditions, boolean operators and parentheses. Boolean expression: Condition without relational expressions.

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Types of Code Based Testing(3) - Conditions Coverage (Contd.)

Errors in expressions can be due to:

Boolean operator error Boolean variable error

Boolean parenthesis error

Relational operator error Arithmetic expression error

Condition testing methods focus on testing each condition in the program.

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Types of Code Based Testing(3) - Conditions Coverage (Contd.)

Strategies proposed include:

Branch testing - execute every branch at least once. Domain Testing - uses three or four tests for every relational operator. Branch and relational operator testing - uses condition constraints.

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15 151 1

Types of Code Based Testing(3) - Conditions Coverage (Contd.)

Example 1: C1 = B1 & B2 where B1, B2 are boolean conditions. Condition constraint of form (D1,D2) where D1 and D2 can be true (t) or false(f). The branch and relational operator test requires the constraint set {(t,t),(f,t),(t,f)} to be covered by the execution of C1.

Coverage of the constraint set guarantees detection of relational

operator errors

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15 152 2

Types of Code Based Testing(4) - Path Coverage : Data Flow Testing

Path Coverage executed at least once.

Selects test paths according to the location of definitions and use of variables.

Test for Loops (iterations)

Loop Testing. Loops fundamental to many algorithms. Can define loops as simple, concatenated, nested and unstructured.

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Types of Code Based Testing(4) - Path Coverage: Loop Testing: Examples





Software Testing Concepts

15 154 4

Types of Code Based Testing(4) - Path Coverage: Simple Loops

Simple Loops of
size n:
Skip loop entirely

Only one pass through loop

Two passes through loop m passes through loop where, m<n. (n-1), n and (n+1) passes through the loop.

Simple Software Testing Concepts

15 155 5

Types of Code Based Testing(4) - Path Coverage: Nested Testing Nested Loops
Start with inner loop. Set all other loops to minimum values.

Conduct simple loop testing on inner loop.

Work outwards. Continue until all loops are tested.


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Types of Code Based Testing(4) - Path Coverage: Concatenated Loop

Concatenated Loops test

If independent loops, use simple loop testing. If dependent, treat as nested loops.


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Types of Code Based Testing(4) - Path Coverage: Unstructured Loops

Unstructured loops
Don't test - redesign.

Unstructured Software Testing Concepts

15 158 8

Types of Code Based Testing(5) - Cyclomatic Complexity

Measures the amount of decision logic in a single

software module.

The Cyclomatic complexity gives a quantitative measure

of the logical complexity.

This value gives the number of independent paths in the

basis set and an upper bound for the number of tests to ensure that each statement is executed at least once.

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Cyclomatic Complexity

An independent path is any path through a program that introduces at least one new set of processing statements or a new condition (i.e., a new edge).

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Relationship with Programming Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity calculations help the developer/tester to decide whether the module under test is overly complex or well written. Recommended limit value of Cyclomatic Complexity is 10. >10
Structure of the module is overly complex.

>5 and <10

Structure of the module is complex indicating that the logic is difficult to test.

structure of the module is simple and logic is easy to test.

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Flow Graphic Notation






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16 162 2

Flow Graphic Notation

On a flow graph:
Arrows called edges represent flow of control.

Circles called nodes represent one or more actions.

Areas bounded by edges and nodes are called regions. A predicate node is a node containing a condition.

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16 163 3

Flow Graphic Notation

Any procedural design can be translated into a flow graph. Note that compound Boolean expressions at tests generate at
least two predicate node and additional arcs.

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16 164 4

Flow Graphic Notation

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Deriving Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity equals number of independent

paths through standard control flow graph model.

Steps to arrive at Cyclomatic Complexity

Draw a corresponding flow graph. Determine Cyclomatic Complexity.

Determine independent paths.

Prepare tests cases.

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16 166 6

Cyclomatic Complexity: Example PROCEDURE SORT

1. Do while records remain read record 2. If record field 1=0 3. Then process record; store in buffer, increment counter, 4. Elseif record field 2=0 5. Then reset record; 6. Else process record; store in file, 7a Endif

1 2 4 6
7a 7b

3 5

7b.Enddo 8. End Software Testing Concepts


16 167 7

Reporting Cyclomatic Complexity

The McCabe Cyclomatic complexity V(G) of a control flow graph measures the maximum number of linearly independent paths through it. The complexity typically increases because of branch points.

Definitions: Cyclomatic Complexity V(G) = e n + 2

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Reporting Cyclomatic Complexity

To compute the Cyclomatic complexity: V(G) where v refers to the Cyclomatic number in graph theory and G indicates that the complexity is a function of the graph.
If e is the number of arcs,

n is the number of nodes and p is the number of connected components or predicates or modules, then Linearly independent paths,
V(G) = e - n + 2 * p

Software Testing Concepts

16 169 9

Software Testing Technique Example

Independent Paths: 1, 1, 8 1, 2, 3, 7b, 1, 8 1, 2, 4, 5, 7a, 7b, 1, 8 1, 2, 4, 6, 7a, 7b, 1, 8 Cyclomatic complexity provides upper bound for number of tests required to guarantee coverage of all program statements.

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Summary: Cyclomatic Complexity

The number of tests to test all control statements +

one virtual path equals the Cyclomatic complexity.

Cyclomatic complexity equals number of conditions

in a program.

Useful if used with care. Does not imply adequacy.

Does not take into account data-driven programs.

Software Testing Concepts

17 171 1

Deriving Test Cases

Using the design or code, draw the corresponding flow graph. Determine the Cyclomatic complexity of the flow graph. Determine a basis set of independent paths. Prepare test cases that will force execution of each path in the basis set.

Note: some paths may only be able to be executed as part of another test.

Software Testing Concepts

17 172 2

Graph Matrices

Can automate derivation of flow graph and

determination of a set of basis paths.

Software tools to do this can use a graph matrix.

Graph matrix:
Is square with # of sides equal to # of nodes. Rows and columns correspond to the nodes. Entries correspond to the edges.

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17 173 3

Graph Matrices

Can associate a number with each edge entry. Use a value of 1 to calculate the Cyclomatic complexity
For each row, sum column values and subtract 1.
Sum these totals and add 1.

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17 174 4

Some other interesting link weights

Probability that a link (edge) will be executed. Processing time for traversal of a link. Memory required during traversal of a link.

Resources required during traversal of a link.

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Graph Matrices 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 5 1 6 1 7a 1 7b 1 8

4 6
7a 7b 8

3 5

Software Testing Concepts

Introduction to Static Testing

17 177 7

Static Testing

Static testing is the process of evaluating

a system or component based on its form, structure, content or documentation (without computer program execution).

Reviews form an important activity in static testing.

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Reviews are "filters" applied to uncover error from products at the

end of each phase.

A review process can be defined as a critical evaluation of an object.

Involve a group meeting to assess a work product. In certain
phases, such as the Requirements phase, Prototyping phase and the final delivery phase.

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Benefits of Reviews

Identification of the anomalies at the earlier stage of the life cycle Identifying needed improvements Certifying correctness

Encouraging uniformity
Enforcing subjective rules

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Types of Reviews

Inspections Walkthroughs Technical Reviews Audits

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Work-products that undergo reviews Software Requirement Specification

Software design description Source Code Software test documentation Software user documentation System Build Release Notes Let us discuss Inspections, Walkthroughs and Technical Reviews
with respect to Code.

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Code Inspection

Code inspection is a visual examination of a software product to detect and identify software anomalies including errors and deviations from standards and specifications.

Inspections are conducted by peers led by impartial facilitators.

Inspectors are trained in Inspection techniques.

Determination of remedial or investigative action for an anomaly is mandatory element of software inspection

Attempt to discover the solution for the fault is not part of the inspection meeting.

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Objectives of code Inspection

Cost of detecting and fixing defects is less during early stages.

Gives management an insight into the development process through metrics.

Inspectors learn from the inspection process.

Allows easy transfer of ownership, should staff leave or change responsibility.

Build team strength at emotional level.

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Composition of Code Inspection Team

Author Reader

Inspector Recorder

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Rules for Code Inspection

Inspection team can have only 3 to 6 participants


Author shall not act as Inspection leader, reader or


Management member shall not participate in the


Reader responsible for leading the inspection team

through the program written interpreting sections of work line by line.

Relating the code back to higher level work products like

Design, Requirements.

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Inspection Process

Overview Preparation

Rework Follow up

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Classification of anomaly

Missing Superfluous (additional) Ambiguous Inconsistent Improvement desirable Non-conformance to standards Risk-prone (safer alternative methods are available) Factually incorrect Non-implementable (due to system or time constraints)

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Severity of anomaly

Major Minor

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Benefits of Code Inspection

Synergy 3-6 active people work together,

focused on a common goal.

Work product is detached from the individual. Identification of the anomalies at the earlier
stage of the life cycle.

Uniformity is maintained.

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Guidelines for Code Inspection

Adequate preparation time must be provided to participants. The inspection time must be limited to 2-hours sessions, with a
maximum of 2 sessions a day.

The inspection meeting must be focused only on identifying

anomalies, not on the resolution of the anomalies.

The author must be dissociated from his work.

The management must not participate in the inspections.

Selecting the right participants for the inspection.

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Output of Code Inspection

Inspection team members Software program examined Code inspection objectives and whether they were met. Recommendations regarding each anomaly. List of actions, due dates and responsible people.

Recommendations, if any, to the QA group to improve

the process

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19 192 2

Code Walkthrough

Walkthrough is a static analysis technique in which

a designer or programmer leads members of the development team and other interested parties through a software program.

Participants ask questions on the program and

make comments about possible errors, violation of standards, guidelines etc.

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Objectives of Code Walkthrough

To evaluate a software program, check conformance to standards, guidelines and specifications Educating / Training participants

Find anomalies
Improve software program Consider alternative implementation if required (not done in inspections)

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Difference between Inspections and Walkthroughs

A group of relevant persons from different departments participate in the inspection. Usually team members of the same project take participation in the walkthrough. Author himself acts the walkthrough leader.

Checklist is used to find faults

No checklist used in walkthroughs

Inspection process includes Overview, preparation, inspection, rework and follow up.

Walkthrough process includes Overview, little or no preparation, examination (actual walkthrough meeting), rework and follow up.

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Difference between Inspections and Walkthroughs Contd.

Formalized procedure in each step. No formalized procedure in the steps.

Inspection takes longer time as the list of items in the checklist is tracked to completion.

Shorter time is spent on walkthroughs as there is not formal checklist used to evaluate the program.

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Code Walkthrough Team

Author Walkthrough Leader

Team member

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Code Walkthrough Process

Overview Preparation Examination Rework / Follow-up

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Outputs of Code Walkthrough

Walkthrough team members Software program examined

Walkthrough objectives and whether they were


Recommendations regarding each anomaly.

List of actions, due dates and responsible


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Technical Review of Code

A technical review is a formal team evaluation of a product. It identifies any discrepancies from specifications and standards
or provides recommendations after the examination of alternatives or both.

The technical review is less formal than the formal inspection.

The technical review participants include the author and
participants knowledgeable of the technical content of the product being reviewed.

Software Testing Concepts

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Technical review process

Step 1: Planning the Technical Review Meeting Step 2: Reviewing the Product Step 3: Conducting the Technical Review Step 4: Resolving Defects Step 5: Reworking the Product

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Outputs of Technical review

Same as Inspections.

Software Testing Concepts

Requirement Bases Test DesignBlack Box Technique

Low Level Testing High Level Testing

20 203 3


Is to find
Functional validity of the system

Tolerance Operability

Interface errors
Errors in database structures Performance errors Initialization and termination errors
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Positive Testing Negative Testing

Use case Testing

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Categories of Requirements

Absolutely necessary for functioning of system

Restriction or constraints on system services

Describes the input/output behaviour of the system

Shalls of the software Must be testable

Define the attributes of the system as it performs its job

Subjective in nature and not conclusively testable

In real-systems, these are more important than functional requirements!

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Validating Functional Requirements

Black Box Testing

Low Level Testing High Level Testing

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Validating Non-functional Requirements

Software Quality Factors

factor criteria metric

Test cases generated to validate

the metrics
Criteria is met Factor is met

Prioritization of factors Important

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20 208 8

Requirements Based Test Design - Black Box Techniques

Low Level Techniques
Equivalence partitioning Boundary value analysis Input domain & Output domain Special Value Error based Cause-effect Graph Comparison Testing

High Level Techniques

Specification-based testing

Express requirements in simple

formal notations like
State machine Decision table Use cases Flowchart Boolean logic Regular expressions

The notation allows generation of


Different test cases for every


Good side effects!

Software Testing Concepts

Makes requirements verifiable, finds

flaws in requirements.

Requirement Base Test Design- Black Box Technique

High Level Techniques

21 210 0


State Machine Decision Table

Use Cases

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State Machine

State Diagram

State based business logic Covering all paths generate test cases Diagram may be complicated For every event generate test cases using BVA, EP

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Decision Table
Value 1 Login Password Successful Login Unsuccessful Login Warning Message X X (W) Value 2 X NA Value 3 X X X (W) ACTION


Explores combinations of input conditions Consists of 2 parts: Condition section and Action section
Condition Section - Lists conditions and their combinations Action Section - Lists responses to be produced

Exposes errors in specification Columns in decision table are converted to test cases Similar to Condition Coverage used in White Box Testing

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Flow based business logic Generate test cases covering all paths Simple to use For every condition generate test cases using BVA, EP

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Use Cases :

Simple and Effective method to find errors in

Object Oriented applications during Analysis phase.

Good start for User Acceptance Testing and


Accurately reflects business requirements.

Software Testing Concepts

Requirement Base Test Design- Black Box Technique

Low Level Techniques

21 216 6


Equivalence partitioning Boundary value analysis Input domain & Output domain Special Value Error based

Cause-effect Graph
Comparison Testing

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Low Level Techniques (1) - Equivalence Partitioning

Divides the input domain into classes

of data for which test cases can be generated.

Attempts to uncover classes of errors. Divides the input domain of a program

into classes of data.

Invalid Inputs

Valid Inputs

Derives test cases based on these


An equivalence class is a set of valid

or invalid states of input.


Test case design is based on

equivalence classes for an input domain. Output

Software Testing Concepts

21 218 8

Low Level Techniques (1) - Equivalence Partitioning (Contd..)


Valid Range



Less than 6

Between 6 and 15

More than 15

Input Range (6,15)

Test Values (4,9,17)

Useful in reducing the number of Test Cases required. It is very useful when the input/output domain is amenable to

Software Testing Concepts

Low Level Techniques (1) - Equivalence Partitioning (Contd..)

21 219 9

Here test cases are written to uncover classes of errors for every
input condition.

Equivalence classes are:Range Upper bound + 1 Lower bound 1 Within bound Value Maximum length + 1 Minimum length 1 Valid value and Valid length Invalid value Set In-set Out-of-set Boolean True False

Software Testing Concepts

Low Level Techniques (1) - Equivalence Partitioning (Contd..)

22 220 0

Equivalence Partitioning partitions the data to partition of a set. Partition refers to collection of mutually disjoint subsets whose union
is the entire set.

Choose one data element from each partitioned set. The KEY is the choice of equivalence relation! EC based testing allows
To have a sense of complete testing. Helps avoid redundancy.

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Low Level Techniques (2) - Boundary Value Analysis

5 6 7

16 15

Less than 6

Between 6 and 15

More than 15

Input Range (6,15)

A Black Box Testing Method

Test Values (5,6,7,15,16)

Complements to Equivalence partition BVA leads to a selection of test cases that exercise bounding values Design test cases test
Min values of an input Max values of an input Just above and below input range

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Low Level Techniques (2) - Boundary Value Analysis

Helps to write test cases that exercise bounding values. Complements Equivalence Partitioning. Guidelines are similar to Equivalence Partitioning. Two types of BVA:

Above and below Range

Above and below min and max number

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Low Level Techniques (2) - Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary Value Analysis

Large number of errors tend to occur at boundaries of the input domain. BVA leads to selection of test cases that exercise boundary values. BVA complements Equivalence Partitioning. Rather than select any element in an equivalence class, select those at the edge of the class.

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Low Level Techniques (2) - Boundary Value Analysis

For a range of values bounded by a and b, test (a-1), a, (a+1), (b-1), b, (b+1).

If input conditions specify a number of values n, test with (n-1), n and (n+1) input values.
Apply 1 and 2 to output conditions (e.g., generate table of minimum and maximum size). If internal program data structures have boundaries (e.g., buffer size, table limits), use input data to exercise structures on boundaries.

Software Testing Concepts

22 225 5

Low Level Techniques (2) - Boundary Value Analysis

For Two Variables

a < = x1 < = b c < = x2 < = d

For each variable

Minimum -1 Minimum

Minimum +1
Nominal/mid Maximum -1 Maximum Maximum +1

Take Cartesian product of these


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Low Level Techniques (3) - Input/Output Domain Testing

Inputs Outputs

From input side generate inputs to map to outputs. Ensure that you have generated all possible inputs by looking from the output side.

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Low Level Techniques (4) - Special Value Testing

Select test data on the basis of features of a function

to be computed.

Tester uses her / his domain knowledge, experience

with similar programs.

Ad-hoc / seat-of-pants / skirt testing. No guidelines, use best engineering judgment. Special test cases / Error guessing. Is useful dont discount effectiveness!

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Low Level Techniques (5) - Error based Testing

Generate test cases based on

Programmer histories Program complexity Knowledge of error-prone syntactic constructs

Guess errors based on data type

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Low Level Techniques (6) - Cause Effect Graphing Techniques

Cause Effect Graphing Techniques

Translation of natural language descriptions of procedures to software based algorithms is error prone.

Uncovers errors by representing algorithm as a cause-effect

graph representing logical combinations and corresponding actions.

Software Testing Concepts


Low Level Techniques (6) - Cause Effect Graphing Techniques

23 230 0

Cause Effect Graphing Techniques

How do you test code which attempts to implement this? Cause-effect graphing attempts to provide a concise representation of logical combinations and corresponding actions. Causes (input conditions) and effects (actions) are listed for a module and an identifier is assigned to each.

A cause-effect graph developed. Graph converted to a decision table. Decision table rules are converted to test cases.

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23 231 1

Low Level Techniques (7) - Comparison Testing

Helps to check performance of the software under

different hardware and software configurations.

Two variants of Comparison testing are:

Develop the software.

Run the software in parallel and compare the results.

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Low Level Techniques (7)- Comparison Testing

Comparison Testing
In some applications, reliability is critical. Redundant hardware and software may be used.

For redundant s/w, use separate teams to test the software.

Test with same test data to ensure all provide identical output. Run the software in parallel with a real-time comparison of results. Method does not catch errors in the specification.

Software Testing Concepts

GUI Testing

23 234 4

Windows Compliance Standards

Windows resize options Maximize, minimize and close options should be available. Using TAB

Should move the focus (cursor) from left to right and top to bottom in the window.

Using SHIFT+TAB Should move the focus (cursor) from right to left and bottom to top.

Should be left-justified.

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Windows Compliance Standards (Contd..)

Edit Box U should be able to enter data. Try to overflow the text, text should be stopped after the specified length of characters. Try entering invalid characters - should not allow.

Radio Buttons Left and right arrows should move ON selection. So should UP and DOWN.

Select with the mouse by clicking.

Check Boxes Clicking with the mouse on the box or on the text should SET/UNSET the box.

Space should do the same.

Software Testing Concepts

23 236 6

Windows Compliance Standards (Contd..)

Command Buttons Should have shortcut keys (except OK and Cancel buttons). Click each button with the mouse - should activate. TAB to each button & press Space/Enter - should activate.

Drop Down List Pressing the arrow should give list of options. Pressing a letter should bring you to the first item in the list with that start letter. Pressing Ctrl+F4 should open/drop down the list box.

Software Testing Concepts

23 237 7

Windows Compliance Standards (Contd..)

Combo Boxes Should allow text to be entered. Clicking the arrow should allow user to choose from the list

List Boxes Should allow a single selection to be chosen by clicking with the mouse or using the Up and Down arrows. Pressing a letter should bring you to the first item in the list with that start letter.

Software Testing Concepts

23 238 8

Screen Validation Standards

Aesthetic Conditions
The general screen background should be of correct colour (company standards,.). The field prompts and backgrounds should be of correct colour. The text in all the fields should be of the same font. All the field prompts, group boxes and edit boxes should be aligned perfectly.

Microhelp should be available and spelt correctly.

All dialog boxes and windows should have a consistent look and feel.

Software Testing Concepts

23 239 9

Screen Validation Standards (Contd..) Validation Conditions

Failure of validation on every field should cause a user error message. If any fields are having multile validation rules, all should be applied. If the user enters an invalid value and clicks on the OK button, the invalid entry should be identified and highlighted. In the numeric fields, negative numbers should be allowed to enter. Should allow the minimum, maximum and mid range values in numeric fields. All mandatory fields should require user input.

Software Testing Concepts

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Screen Validation Standards (Contd..)

Navigation Conditions
The screen should be accessible correctly from the menu and toolbar. All screens accessible through buttons on this screen should be accessed correctly. The user should not be prevented from accessing other functions when this screen is active. Should not allow to open number of instances of the same screen at the same time.

Software Testing Concepts

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Screen Validation Standards (Contd..) Usability Conditions

All the dropdowns should be sorted alphabetically (unless specified). All pushbuttons should have appropriate shortcut keys and should work properly.

All read-only and disabled fields should be avoided in the TAB sequence.
Should not allow to edit microhelp text. The cursor should be positioned in the first input field or control when opened. When an error message occurs, the focus should return to the field in error after cancelling it. Alt+Tab should not have any impact on the screen upon return.

Software Testing Concepts

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Screen Validation Standards (Contd..)

Data Integrity Conditions

The data should be saved when the window is closed by double clicking on the close box. There characters should not be truncated. Maximum and minimum field values for numeric fields should be verified. Negative values should be stored and accessed from the database correctly.

Software Testing Concepts

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Screen Validation Standards (Contd..)

Modes (Editable, Read-only) conditions

The screen and field colours should be adjusted correctly for read-only mode. Is the read only field necessary for this screen? All fields and controls should be disabled in read-only mode. No validation is performed in read-only mode.

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Screen Validation Standards (Contd..)

General Conditions
Help menu should exist. All buttons on all tool bars should have corresponding key commands. Abbreviations should not be used in drop down lists. Duplicate hot keys/shortcut keys should not exist. Escape key and cancel button should cancel (close) the application. OK and Cancel buttons should be grouped separately. Command button names should not be abbreviations.

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Screen Validation Standards (Contd..) General Conditions (Contd..)

Field labels/names should not be technical labels, they should be meaningful to system users. All command buttons should be of similar size, shape, font and font size. Option boxes, option buttons and command buttons should be logically grouped. Mouse action should be consistent through out the screen.

Red colour should not be used to highlight active objects (many individuals are red-green colour blind).
Screen/Window should not have cluttered appearance. Alt+F4 should close the window/application.

Software Testing Concepts

Bug Life Cycle

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What is a Bug?

A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner or deviation from the requirement specification or the design specification is referred as a bug.

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What is a Bug Life Cycle?


Deferred Terminated In-Work

Solved Yes Validated


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Classification of Bugs
Two attributes are used whenever a Bug/Defect is detected

Severity (Severity is Technical) Critical


Priority (Priority is Business) High Medium Low

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Reporting/Logging a Bug/Defect

A Bug/Defect is reported with the following details

Summary Description

How to reproduce
Version Module Phase Browser Environment Modified Date

Software Testing Concepts

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Reporting/Logging a Bug/Defect (Contd..)

A Bug/Defect is reported with the following details
Job assigned to Severity

Testers name Status Database

Type of defect
Reproducible Attachments

Software Testing Concepts

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