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Hunter x Hunter

Perseus was born in the Trozene Kingdom to Aethra and Aegeus. The latter left Theseus when Theseus was only a boy, leaving Aethra to take care of Theseus as a single mother. As a result, Theseus did not now that Aegeus was his father.

At the age of twenty, Ging Freecss returned home to Whale Island for the first time in eight years carrying his infant son, Gon. When questioned about the child's mother, Ging simply mentions that the pair had separated. While Ging tries to leave Gon in his grandmother's care for a little while, Ging's cousin Mito is infuriated at Ging's parenting and gets custody through the courts. Ging leaves Whale Island, never to return. Since his early youth, due to his father's absence and Mito's dislike of Ging, Gon had been told that his parents died in an accident when he was a baby.

placed a hollow sword and a pair of shoes underneath a large stone. Aegeus told his wife that when Theseus grows older and Theseus is able to lift the stone and retrieve the items, he may go to Athens and claim him as his father.

At the age of nine, Gon is rescued from an angry mother foxbear by a man named Kite, a professional Hunter and a student of Gon's long lost father. After hitting Gon in the face, Kite attempts to kill the foxbear's cub but Gon protects it. Kite is looking for Ging as a final test before his master will consider him to be a true Hunter. Kite's admiration of Ging awakens in Gon a lifetime goal of meeting his father. In order to find and meet Ging, Gon is driven from that moment to obtain a Hunter's License. He sights a desire to know what would cause Ging to choose his profession as a Hunter over being a parent as his motivation for becoming a Hunter.

Theseus must lift a heavy rock to be able to get the sword and shoes his father left underneath.
Later, when Theseus meets his father, Aegeus refuses for his son to be the offering for the Minotaur.

* Gons aunt and his fathers cousin, Mito
Freecss, was against Gon becoming a Hunter from the start. She only lied about his parents to keep him from following his father's path and leaving her behind. Eventually, she makes the promise that should Gon catch the giant fish known as the Master of the Swamp, she will sign Gon's application to take the Hunter Exam.

* However, she only made this promise

because she believed the task was impossible, even giving Gon his father's fishing rod for the job. Despite the difficulty, Gon's strength and patience allow him to succeed, and Mito signs the application.

* Aethra told Theseus about his father. * Ariadne Gave Theseus tools to help him be able to kill the

* Connidas

Tutored Theseus so he would be able to lift the giant rock.

* To be strong enough to capable of finding his father, Gon has to learn Nen (,

Mind Force) It is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy (known as aura). Learning Nen is the final step in becoming a professional Hunter because most contracted jobs require the use of it as the minimum requirement. The technique has the ability to enhance the strength of physical attacks or objects depending on the quantity of aura employed and an individual's aura type, as well as allows for para-psychological abilities to exist in reality. * Gon learned the basics of Nen from Wing (pctured on the left), and developed it further from his master, Biscuit Kreuger (pictured on the right).

As shown earlier, Theseus finding out about his father and his eventual lifting the stone and being able to get the sword and the shoes was the start of his journey to find him.

In Gons case, finding out about Ging, and his aunt Mitos eventual agreeing to Gon becoming a Hunter was the start of his quest to find his father.

Theseus offered himself to slay the Minotaur by entering the labyrinth in order to stop its horrors.

Gon entered the Hunter Exam in order to become a Hunter; an elite member of humanity. These exams consisted of several tests and stages. Passing the exam meant that he was one step closer to finding his father, Ging.

In his journey from Trozene to Athens, Theseus encountered several enemies. Including Periphetes, Sinis, the Crommyonian Sow, Sciron, Cercyon, Procrustes , the Pallantidae, the Marathonian Bull, and the Minotaur, among others.


Miss, look what part of his body is shining...

Phantom Troupe (Genei Ryodan)


Chimera Ant King Meruem


Chimera Ants



* These were the enemies that Gon and his
friends who accompanied him on his journey to find his father.

* The first enemy, Hisoka, has taken a liking to

Gon, as a fruit who has yet to ripen. brought Gon to the verge of death.

* The Chimera Ants were so strong it almost

Theseus experiences this at two separate occasions. The first instance was by finding out everything about his father and actually meeting. The second instance was finding and killing the Minotaur.

Gons fight with Neferpitou was his last fight before meeting his father. However, this fight was not connected in any way to meeting him, so this is taken literally. Literally Gons last fight, because this would leave him on the verge of death. And the next time he wakes up, he reunites with Ging.

* After Theseus reunites with his father, he goes
to live in Athens, assisting him in ruling the land. Later, he takes his place as King.

After the fight with the Chimera Ants, Gon is lying in a hospital and is severely injured. His best friend, Killua Zoldyck goes back home to seek help from his younger brother Alluka.

Alluka Zoldyck (Yes, he is male)

* After killing the Minotaur, Athens is freed from
the obligation to the send tributes to King Minos. a personal basis for Theseus, he meets his father who he has never seen.

* On

* After Alluka heals Gon, he finally

meets his father, who was a candidate for the next Chairman of the Hunter Association, who is responsible for the testing and licensing of "Hunters, after the previous Chairman, Isaac Netero killed himself in an attempt to kill the Chimera Ant King, Meruem.

* Note: Hunter x Hunter is still ongoing, so the story does not end
with Gon meeting Ging.

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