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Health is a state of physical

fitnes,mental and social well being. GOOD HEALTH It is a state of optimum physical fitness, mental maturity, $ alertness with freedom from anxity,social wellbeing with free from socialtension.

CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD HEALTH : A complete PHYSICAL FITNESS as per age ,heredity & sex that allows a person to remain active & work without getting easily fatigue. Freedom from infection Absence of diet insufficiency or imballance Proper mental maturity and alertness Freedom from addiction

Absence of anxiety Care of personal hygiene Clean surrounding Proper relaxation Regular exercise Caring and affectionate family Healthy social interaction

1.Efficiency 2.Productivity 3.Personality 4.Longivity 5.Initiative 6.Family life

It is a disorder or deranged fuctioning of the body that results from an infection,defective diet,heredity,environment and mental disturbance.

DISEASES CAN BE DUE TO FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Infections 2.Nutritional Disorders 3.Biochemical disorders 4.Exogenous chemical disorders 5.Life style disorders 6.Mechanical disorders 7.Degenerative disorders 8.Genetic disorders 9.Mental disorders

These are those diseases which a person has already contracted at birth. These diseases can be hereditary(sickle cell anaemia) , physiological and developmental defects and transplacental transmission(syphilis).

Those diseases which are contracted after birth due to various reasons like infection,diet, addiction etc. The acquired diseases are further grouped in to: 1.INFECTIOUS DISEASES; 2. NON INFECTIOUS DISEASES:

These diseases are produced due to pathogen and parasites. These diseases can spread from infected person to healthy person very easily . There fore such diseases are also called

Communicable diseases.

These diseases may be :----

Such diseases are transferred from infected person to healthy person through direct contact. Ex:-Ring worm,Conjunctivitis.

The infective agents spreadthrough a

vector. Ex:-Malaria, Dengu.

The diseases caused by agents other than pathogens. They cannot spread from one person to another. These diseases are also called Noncommunicable. Ex:-Cancers, Allergy, Injury.

PARASITES: Those organisms which derive their

nutrition from other living organisms (hosts) are called parasites. microorganisms are called Pathogens.

PATHOGENS:- Diseases causing

TYPHOID: Causal Organism:-Salmonella typhi It is gram(-), flagellate,Bacillus. Diseases spread through-contaminated

food,water,milk. INCUBATION PERIOD:- 1 to 3 weeks. HIGH FEVER102 to 104 degree F (3940) degree celcius.

Antibiotics Ampicillin ,Chloramphenicol

TYPHOID is diagnosed by WIDAL TEST.

Causal organism:-Diplococcus pneumoniae Diseases of lungs. INCUBATION PERIOD:- 1 to 3 Days CHARACTERISTICS:- Accumulation of fluid
in alveoli and bronchioles. Breathing becomes difficult.

SYMPTOMS: Headech Sudden chill Chest pain Cough and rusty mucoid sputum. Rise in temperature Rapid shallowing breathing

USEFUL DRUGS:- Erythromycin Tetracycline and Sulphonamide

If not treated properly leads to death.

Acute infectious diesases of children

characterised by development of a grey adherent false membrane over the respiratory tract or throat. PATHOGEN:-Corynebacterium diptheriae

Through droplet infection and droplet

nuclei from throat discharge of patients as well as carriers. INCUBATION PERIOD:- 12 hours to 5 days SYMPTOMS:-Epithelial necrosis.mild fever,mild headache.difficulty in breathing.

If properly dignosed in early

stage(within12-24 hours) can be cured by penicillin,erythromycin. Immediate surgery is restored when membrane formation begins in the throat.

It is a viral disease caused by viruses

DEN-1, DEN-2,DEN-3,DEN-4. Spread byfemale tiger mosquito Ades agepti. Type of dengu :- 1.Classical dengu fever:-(Break bone fever) 2.Dengu haemorrhagic fever

Starting with mild conjunctivitis Within hours high fever Retro-orbital pain Severe spltting headache Backache Joint pains Muscle pain etc.

SYMPTOMS; Starts with high fever(101-105)d F Nausea,Headache,Vomitting Abdominal pain Internal bleeding leading to blood in
stool,urine and vomitting. Blood platelates no. falls below 70,000/mm3.

TREATMENT:- Paracetamol With replacement of blood platelates may

be helpful. ASPIRIN AND DISPRIN ARE HARMFUL Vaccine has been developed in Thiland against this disease.

Malaria is a communicable protozan

disease. Spread by female Anopheles mosquito. SYMPTOMS: Sudden chill Shivering and Rapid rise of body temperature


They are:-

P.vivax :-Benign tertian fever,that

recurs every 48 hours.

P.malariae:-Quatran fever that

appears after 72 hours.

P.falciparum:-Fever irregular, daily or

tertian,malignant, may cause cerebral malaria. P.ovale:-benign tertian fever.


MAN):-1.Inoculation 2.Pre-erythrocytic Schizogony 3.Exo-Erythrocytic Schizogony 4.Erythrocytic schizogony 5.Post Erythrocytic Schizogony 6.Formation of gametocytes.

LIFE CYCLE IN FEMALE ANOPHELES: 1.Gamogony 2.Fertilization 3.Ookinete 4.Sporogony

It is a disease caused by helminth parasite,roundworm comes to infest human intestine. Common Ascariasis is caused by Ascaris lumbricoides . Sexes are separated ,female is longer than male. The posterior end of male worm is curved.

Disease generally spread through improper disposal of humanstool containing roundworm eggs. Dirty hands may spread the disease directly . Human excreta passing on to soil contaminate vegetables growing on it. Children may be infected by contaminated soil .


Nausea and cough Anaemia Weakness Intestinal pain Diarrhoea Worms may block the intestine. Brain and liver may be damaged by juvenile worms.

Infection can be prevented by proper disposal of human excreta Edible fruits and vegetables should be properly washed before eating. DRUGS like piperazine ,hetrazan,chenopodium oil,tetrachloroethylene,hexylresorcinol.

Filara(elephantisis) is a helminthic disease Parasite lives inside lymph vessels ,connective tissue(often causing obstructiom) PATHOGEN A nematode wuchereria bancrofti .


Pathogen spread from infected person to healthy person through mosquitoes like culex and to a less extent by anopheles and aedes INCUBATION PERIOD- 5 to 8 months Parasite is thread like and shows sexual dimorphism. Anterior end of the parasite is swollen. NEXT

Microfilariae enter the blood vessels and reach the skin area during night(8p.m to 4a.m for being picked by female mosquito for completion of life historyand changing into infective stage . Infective parasite deposited near the site of mosquito bite They pass through the punctured skin and reach the lymphatic system

In the first stage the patient shows increased eosinophils,enlarged lymphnodes and positive intradermal parasite test Second stage is symptom less but night blood examination can reveal the parasite Third stage Filarial fever, inflammation of lymph nodes, and lymph vessels. 4th stage menifested by lymphoedema,thickening of subcutaneous tissue and skin.

DRUGS- hetrazan,DEC(diethyl carbamazine) Reconstruction of affected body parts through surgery Prevented by taking precautions against mosquito bite Advisable to take prophylactic drugs in filaria prone area.

RINGWORM type of superficial fungal infections of skin . CAUSED BY- species of Trichophyton,Microsporum and Epidermophyton. SYMPTOMS Dry scaly lesions on skin, nails and scalp,cause intense itching.

Heat and moisture promote growth of these fungi specially in skin folds Common source of infectins are soil and towels,clothes,combs etc of infected persons. Trichophytom rubrumdermatophytoses of foot(athletes foot) T.mentagrophytes ringworm of body,beard T.tonsurans- ringworm of scalp

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