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Opening Week Schedule

and Activities

Monday, August 31, 2009 – Friday,

September 4, 2009
For Your Attention & Review
 All of the detailed information is
provided to you in your packet and
summarized here for your review.
 Additionally, all information has been
automated on PowerPoint and is
available for your use.
Student Assembly Procedures &

 Goal and Rationale

 School assemblies are of utmost value and
importance to students. The Howard County
Public School System Policies and Procedures as
well as the Oakland Mills High School Code of
Student Conduct will be in effect during all
assemblies and related activities. Students are
expected to conduct themselves like mature
young adults and to facilitate the success of the
assembly by demonstrating good judgment and
courtesy. Students must model OM’s values of
P.R.I.D.E, especially Respect, Responsibility, and
Student Assembly Procedures &
 Goal & Rationale:
We use assemblies as a great way to
share important information with
students; recognize and provide
rewards and incentives to students
and; enable students to practice
important activities such as student
government and class elections, Pep
rally, and commencement. These
procedures and expectations have
been developed to ensure the success
of all assembly-style events.
Student Assembly Expectations
 1. All students will demonstrate the
values of Respect, Responsibility, and
Readiness during all events and
 2. When directed to do by their
teachers or the PA system, students are to
leave class promptly, arrive the assembly
on time and proceed directly to their
assigned or designated seats or sections.
Student Assembly Expectations
 3. Students are to be verbally
appropriate. Yelling, whistling,
catcalls, cursing, swearing, boos,
chants, foot stomps, throwing
objects, and put downs are not
allowed. Acceptable expressions of
appreciation include clapping and
cheering at appropriate times.
Student Assembly Expectations
 4. Students must remain quiet
throughout the assembly/activity except as
otherwise directed. Students may talk in
low tones to their neighbor while waiting
for the program to begin. When the
administrator, class sponsor, program
supervisor, or speaker takes to the podium
all students must stop talking and look at
the person addressing them.
Student Assembly Expectations
 5. Students are to remain seated
(with their teachers) in their assigned seats
or sections and may not change seats or
leave the assembly without permission.
 6. At all times, students are to keep
their hands and feet to themselves.
Running around, hitting, pushing, shoving,
horse playing or other behaviors that have
Student Assembly Expectations
 7. Students are to pay close
attention and listen actively.
 8. Students are to follow all staff
directions and instructions pertaining
to the conduct of the program the
first time such directions are given.
 9. Students will comply with all
posted rules and directives.
Student Assembly Expectations
 10. Student misbehavior will be
handled quickly to be sure that the
program is completed.
 11. Non-verbal cues or signals may be
given when a student is misbehaving.
Continuous inappropriate conduct during
the event/assembly could result in
disciplinary action including but not limited
to removal from the event/assembly,
parent contact, detention, and suspension.
Student Assembly Expectations
 12. Recognizing that it takes time,
proper planning, and organization to
put a successful assembly together,
students are to demonstrate
calmness, patience, and
understanding throughout the
Student Assembly Expectations
 13. At the conclusion of the assembly,
the administrator or assembly lead person
may dismiss students. Students may be
asked to stay longer if their conduct
interferes with the program.
 14. A student who wishes to ask a
question or has a comment must raise
his/her hand and wait to be acknowledged
before they speak.
Student Assembly Expectations
 Thank you for success at our assemblies!
 Student’s
 Signature
 Date________________________
 Teacher____________________________
Monday, 8/31/09-Thursday, 9/3/09
 Homeroom Bell Schedule.
Warning Bell: 7:20
1st Period 7:25-8:09 44 min
2nd Period 8:14-8:58 44 min
3rd Period 9:03-9:47 44 min
Homeroom 9:52-10:30 38 min
4th Period 10:30-12:30
Homeroom Bell Schedule
 A Lunch 10:30-11:00 Class 11:05-12:30
 B Lunch11:00-11:30 Class 10:35-11:00,
 C Lunch11:30-12:00 Class 10:35-11:30,
 D Lunch12:00-12:30 Class 10:35-12:00
 5th Period 12:35-1:20 45 min
 6th Period 1:25-2:10 45 min
Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2009
 Attendance
 Teachers must take attendance every class
period with class lists. Official attendance will
be taken during 2nd Period
 Absences should be recorded in your roll

book and on the attendance form.

 The attendance form and any absence or

late notes from students must go in the

assigned attendance folder.
 The full name of the student must be on absence or
late notes.
 The attendance folder will be picked up before the
period ends.
Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2009
 You do not have to sign attendance source documents to
satisfy MSDE requirements
 All source documents must include:
 Teacher’s name
 School Name
 School Year
 Students’ names in consecutive and chronological order
with a clear indication of whether the student was
present, absent, or tardy each day
 Legend to explain the indicators used for present,
absent, or tardy
 A source document is defined as the ACTUAL document on
which a teacher records attendance.
 The full signature signing of the daily bulletin has been
Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 2009
 1st Period teachers
 Locker Distribution:
 Lockers will be assigned only to

students who have completed and

returned the Emergency Procedures
 Students do not get a locker until these
requirements are met.
 Lockers will be issued to students only through
September 11.
 Students still in need of lockers should report
to the front office after September 11.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers:
Items for Distribution & Review
Hand out the Smoking, Drug, Alcohol, and
Weapons Policy Statement and have students
sign document. Point out that students are
responsible for reading and understanding it.
Collect only the signed signature sheet
from each student by Thursday, 9/3/09.
All signature pages should be returned to
the registrar by Friday, 9/4/09.
Prior to submitting the signature pages to the
registrar, teachers are to place them
in a folder and print their names on their folders.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers:
Items for Distribution & Review
 Distribute Student Folders
 Distribute Student Planners
 Remind students to use planners as
hall passes and to carry planners
each day.
 Distribute School Calendars ONLY to
those students with a personalized
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Review the regular bell schedule, the Two-
Hour Delay and the Three-Hour Early
Dismissal Schedules in the Oakland Mills
Student Planner, pages 7-8.
 Review the lunch shift assignments
 Remind students that lunch is different for A
and B Days and that today is an A Day.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Review of Goal 1 and Goal 2
 - Focusing on Academics
 - Focus on Safety
 - In the Howard County Public School
System (HCPSS), success is
measured one child at a time.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Goal 1 of HCPSS: Each child, regardless of
race, ethnicity, gender, disability, or
socioeconomic status, will meet the
rigorous performance standards that have
been established. All diploma-bound
students will perform on or above grade
level in all measured content areas
 Goal 2 of HCPSS: Each school will provide
a safe and nurturing school environment
that values our diversity and commonality
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Early Dismissal
 Review the OMHS Student Planner as
 Message from Staff and Administration,
page 1
 Administrative Disciplinary Assignments,
page 1
 Guidance Counselor Assignments, page 1
 The Oakland Mills Motto, Vision and
Mission Statements and Values, page 2
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Electronic Equipment and Other Devices, page 5.

 During the school day, radios, walkmans, I-

Pods, etc., may not be seen or used between
the hours of 7:20a.m. to 2:10 p.m. Cell Phones
that are turned off may be worn on belt clips or
put away in backpacks or lockers.
 Beepers, pagers, and laser pointers are not to
be brought to school at all.
 Violation of these expectations will result in an
intervention, SIR, or referral depending on the
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Also Point the following OMHS Policies and
Procedures in the Student Planner below
and Mention that there are minor changes
(pages 6-7):
 Class Cutting, page 6
 Lateness to Class, page 7

 Lateness to School, page 7

 Standards of Dress, page 6.

Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Late Policy Clarification:
 Late Policy—If a student is late to class,
he/she will receive a warning the first time,
an SIR the second and third time, and a
referral on the next offense.
 Class Cut clarification:
 Class Cut Policy—If a student cuts a class,
he/she will be referred to administration on
the first offense.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Regular Bell Schedule and Two-Hour late
Opening and Three-Hour
 Early Dismissal Schedules, page 5
 Computing Your Final Grade, page 10
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Use the Howard County Secondary Student
Handbook to review:
 VI. ACADEMICS: Attendance, pages 4-8.
 Tardiness
 Unlawful Absences
 Lawful Absences
 Academic Information, pages 9-20.
 Homework Guidelines, pages 9-11.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Point Out Grading and Reporting, page 14
 Cover Make-Up Work, page 15
 Calculating Final Grades & Credit, pages 16-18
 Promotions, page 18
 G.P.A. & Class Rank, pages 18-19
 Grade Change, page 19
 Graduation Requirements, pages 20 & 22.
 Cover High School Assessments and Student
Service Learning Requirement, pages 21-22
 Cover Expectations for Career Preparation, page
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Earning Academic
Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities, page
 Cover Section 1
 Cover Summer School, page 23
 Cover Students’ Rights & Responsibilities,
esp. Due process, page 26
 Cover Non-discriminatory Practices, page 27
 Search and Seizure , page 28
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Student Code of Conduct, pages 37-66.
 Go over expected student behaviors, page 37.
 Point out the need to have a safe and orderly school and
student responsibility to not bring lethal or dangerous
substances to school
 Searches can be done based on reasonable suspicion
 Cover Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or
 Go Over Definitions, 1-6, page 55
 Cover Student Violations, pages 56-57
 Student Use and Possession of Tobacco, Products,
pages 58-59
 Cover 1: Definitions: 1-7, page 58.
 Cover First offense, Second Offense, Third Offense and
Fourth Offense and Subsequent Offenses, pages 58-59
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Students Charged with Community
Offenses, pages 59-61
 Point out that community offenses may
be reported to school and students held
 Weapons, pages 61-62.
 Cover definitions 1 & 2.
 Student Assault and Battery on
School Staff, pages 62-63.
 Stress that any assault and/or battery on
staff is strictly forbidden.
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Health and Safety, pages 64-65.
 Point out that Emergency Procedure Cards

are required of all students.

 Student Property Brought to School, pages
 Lay emphasis on the fact that items of

significant sentimental and/or monetary value

are strongly discouraged.
 Point out that students should review additional
school policies and expectations in the Oakland
Mills Student Folder
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Alcohol, Other Drugs, Prescription
Medication and Other Over-the-Counter
Products (Policy #9230)
 Point out that ALL students must sign and
submit these policies to their first period
teachers no later than 9/3/09
 Point out that refusal to sign off on the
policy would constitute insubordination and
be referred to the administration
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 PTSA Back-To-School Night is Wednesday, September 9,
2009 at 7:00 p.m.
 The homecoming dance is on Saturday, September 26 from
 Tickets must be bought at lunch and will NOT be sold at the door.
 The doors will close at 9:00 p.m.; students must enter by then.
 Appropriate dress is expected. Students may be asked to change if
they are in violation of the dress code or dance expectations
 Once students leave the dance, they must leave the school
property and cannot return.
 Outside guests are allowed at this dance with permission from an
 Homecoming is on September 26, 2007. The football game
starts at 2:00 p.m.
 Tutoring is available through the NHS and After-School
Aug. 31, 2009-Sept. 3, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review
 Honor Roll Certificates are awarded to
deserving students at the end of each
 Excellent Attendance Recognitions are
also awarded
 Honor Roll Assemblies
 Academic Letters
 Any student who achieves Silver Honor Roll or
above for 4 consecutive quarters in a single
school year will be eligible to receive an
academic letter (first year) or pin (successive
years) at the end of that school year
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Homeroom Teachers –
Announce & Review

 Students report to homerooms

 Students are dismissed to grade level
 Assembly organizers/class sponsors
offer announcements, etc. and
conduct student government and
class elections

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