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Characteristics of an Effective Leader

Nurul Azrianti Bt Abd Aziz A134065

Effective Meeting
The meeting leader truly sets the tone of the meeting. Great leaders develop great teams.

The leaders professional behaviour, and their ability to facilitate and motivate, determines whether or not the meeting will be productive. To hold productive meetings, effective leaders must follow the seven basic steps

7 basic steps
1. Invite the right attendees. As a great leader recruits an army of experts, meetings should also have the right people in attendance. Having the right people in attendance helps to avoid the question, why wasnt I told about this? Organizational leaders understand the interrelatedness of departments and therefore know who needs to be kept informed of issues pertaining to the meeting.

As a resource for succession planning and employee mentoring, the meeting should also include a few invitations to entry-level staff to provide a learning or training opportunity


Set an agenda

Presenteing the agenda to meeting attendees in advance, can help build momentum and enthusiasm. Agendas serve as a roadmap for reaching an overarching project goal. When guests know in advance what will be discussed, they can consider ways they will individually contribute and how they or their department might be affected. It also provides the opportunity for those attending to gather supportive material. Along with the agenda, inform guests they should be prepared to make a contribution to the meeting.

3. Manage the meeting mood and discussion. At the start of the meeting, the leader should begin with a brief statement to set the professional and formal tone of the meeting. Inform guests of the overall goal and request that everyone stay focused, so they are prepared to make a contribution.

Make it a requirement that when offering criticism, to also be prepared to offer a resolution.

4. Encourage your team Sometimes people are scared to try something and this is where the leader comes in. You have to encourage your team mates and show them that the task is possible, even if difficult, and try to make it fun for them. Show them the positive results of their work.

5. Take in others' suggestions and Listen to them. When someone gives you an idea, work on it. A good leader is one that listens and not just talks. Show the team you are flexible to consider their thoughts. Even though you are the team leader and you make the decisions, you should always ask people what their opinion is. Try to incorporate them whenever it's feasible. You aren't a dictator.

6. Require the team to disconnect. In todays hi-tech environment, its easy to believe we cant take time away from our smart phones and email. To be truly connected while meeting, you have to be able to disconnect from other obligations. Disconnecting is a behavior that should be modeled by team leaders. One effective strategy is to offer breaks at set intervals to allow the team to check emails and refresh.

7. Change the scenery. Consider escaping the monotony of the board room and changing your meeting location to a nearby park, company picnic area or even on a rooftop.

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