How To Proceed PCM: 8 Steps To Develop PDM

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How to Proceed PCM

8 Steps to develop PDM Participatory Planning

PCM workshop


District Executive Officer District Education Officer


Local NGO Resident of the community Parents / Student


Rules in PCM
Write down your own statement on a card. Write only one idea on a card. Make your statement specific and concise. Stick to the facts and avoid abstractions and generalizations. Write cards before beginning discussions. Do not remove a card from the board before a consensus is obtained. Do not ask who wrote a particular card.

8 Steps to Develop a PDM in PCM

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stakeholder Analysis SWOT Analysis Problem Analysis Objective Analysis Peoject Selection Project Design Matrix (Logframe) Workplan /Operation of Plan Monitoring and Evaluation

1. Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder is any individual, group or organization, community, with an interest in the outcome of a programme/project. Key Question Whose problems or opportunities are we analyzing? Who will benefit or loose-out, and how, from a potential project intervention?

1. Stakeholder Analysis
Purpose: To identify:

Needs and interest of stakeholders Organizations and groups that should be

encouraged to participate in different stages of the project

Potential risks that could put at risk programme Opportunities in implementing a programme

1. Stakeholder Analysis
Execise 1 Let us list up the stakeholders for primary education (more than 50) Exercise 2 Let us categorize them
beneficiaries/negatively affected groups/decision makers/funding agencies/community leaders/potential opponents/supporting/group

Exercise 3 Let us set the target group


2. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a tool for institutional appraisal and a brainstorming exercise in which the representatives of the organization participate fully.

2. SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for:

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats


2. SWOT Analysis
Strengths - the positive internal attributes of the organisation
Weaknesses - the negative internal attributes of the organisation


2. SWOT Analysis
Opportunities - external factors which could improve the organisations prospects

Threats - external factors which could undermine the organisations prospects


2. SWOT Analysis
Example: Vehicle Company M
Accumulated high technology Motivated young staff Global network to distribute Cost efficiency manufacture

Slow decision making Old fashioned style Weaker after-care Weaker brand images

Huge market in China/India More global cooperation

High oil price High material price Foreign exchange Other competitive companies Political interference


2. SWOT Analysis

Lets do SWOT analysis about the district education office

Strength Weakness




Rules in PCM
Write down your own statement on a card. Write only one idea on a card. Make your statement specific and concise. Stick to the facts and avoid abstractions and generalizations. Write cards before beginning discussions. Do not remove a card from the board before a consensus is obtained. Do not ask who wrote a particular card.

How to Write a Card (Sample)


Committed Teacher


3. Problem Analysis
Problems Analysis visually represents the causes and effects of existing problems in the project area, in the form of a Problem Tree. It clarifies the relationships among the identified problems.


3. Problem Analysis
Relationships of Problems?
Simply connect causes and effects by directly Because

I am not motivated to work

My salary is low I get poor respect from the boss My poor communi cation to boss We have different ways to think

I am not sure what to do in this work

I am lack of expertise/skills I am lack of training

My company is not getting profit

My post is not high yet


3. Problem Analysis
Let us see the cause and effect relations by making a Problem Tree!!
Lack of nutritious food Lack of medical facilities Lack of clean water and sanitation

Some home problems

Water facilitations was destroyed

Parents do not have income

Child is ill


Problem Tree


3. Problem Analysis
Steps in Undertaking Problem Tree
1. Identify problems that the project will address. State problems in negative manner. 2. Group problems by similarity of concerns. 3. Develop the problem tree:
a) Select a Core/Focal problem from the list and relate other problems to the core/focal problem. b) If the problem is a cause of the core problem the tree is placed below the core problem c) If the problem is an effect of the core problem is goes above

Rules for Writing Problems

1. Write in a Sentence. (Make Clear Subject and Object) 2. Avoid No money, No capacity, No,,,. 3. Avoid Generalization. Be Specific. 3. Dont Write a Cause and Effect in One Card. 4. Be Specific Whose problem.

How to Write a Card (Sample)


Parents have low income


Connecting problems (Sample)

Parents have low income
Because!! Because!!

Parents cant sell agriculture products


Parents cant work hard due to sickness


Market is too far


3. Problem Analysis
Exercise (40 minutes) Let us make the problem tree around education in your province/district


4. Objective Analysis
Objective Analysis clarifies the meansends relationship between the desirable situation that would be attained and the solution for attaining it. This stage also requires an Objective Tree.


4. Objective Analysis
How to Make the Objective Tree
Step 1: Reformulate all negative situation of the problem tree into positive situations that are : Desirable Realistically achievable Step 2: Make sure that there is a means ends (results) relationship (if this is implemented then this will be achieved) The causes become the starting point for the objectives. The effects become the results of the objectives. Step 3: IF necessary: Revise statements Add new objectives if these seem to be relevant and necessary to achieve the objective at the next higher level Delete objectives which do not see suitable or necessary

4. Objective Analysis
Reformulating of Problems?
I enjoy I am working not motivated and am so to work motivated
Know what to do Not sure what to well do in this work

Salary Salaryis isincreased low

Respected andfrom Poor respect encouraged the boss by boss Better Poor communic communi ation to cation to boss Understandi Different ng of to ways his/her think perspective

Adequate Lack of skills/expertise expertise/skills Get trained Lack of training

My My company company is is getting not profits

Get Not high promoted post yet

getting profit




4. Objective Analysis
Exercise (20 minutes) Let us make the objective tree from the problem tree you created


5. Project Selection
Project Selection is a process in which specific project strategies are selected from among the objectives and means raised in Objectives Analysis, based upon selection criteria.


5. Project Selection
How to select the project 1. Divide the objective tree into different clusters of objectives 2. Name all clusters 3. Remove impossible one to achieve 4. Set criteria to make the final selection
Needs, Priority, Gender, Environment, Difficulty, Budget, Risks, etc,,,,

5. Project Selection
Example of the Problem Tree ( case of bus traffic accidents) to the Objective Tree Incidence of bus accidents is high

Drivers do not follow rules

Many technical problems of buses

Road condition is too bad

Drivers are not trained

Many old buses

Bus is maintained poorly

New buses has not been purchased

Regular tech. is not done

Mechanics tech. is inadequate

Insufficient equipment at workshop


5. Project Selection
Example of the Problem Tree ( case of bus traffic accidents) to the Objective Tree

Incidence of bus accidents is lowered Incidence of bus accidents is high

Fewertechnical Many technical problems of buses troubles

Driver follows Drivers do not follow rules rules

Better Road condition road is too bad infrastructure

Bus drivers Drivers are not trained trained

Fewerold Many old buses buses

Bus is Bus ismaintained maintainedpoorly adequately

New buses buses purchased has not been purchased

Regular Regular tech. is not tech. done check done

Mechanics Mechanics tech. is tech. is inadequate improved

Sufficient Insufficient equipment equipmen at t provided workshop


5. Project Selection
Example of the Objective Tree ( case of bus traffic accidents) How could we divide?
Incidence of bus accidents is lowered Road Improvement Approach

Driver follows rules

Fewer technical troubles

Better road infrastructure

Bus drivers trained

Fewer old buses

Bus is maintained adequately

Driver Training Approach

New buses purchased

Regular tech. check done

Mechanics tech. is improved

Bus Maintenance Approach

Sufficient equipment provided


6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

The Project Design Matrix (PDM) is formed through elaborating the major project components and plans based on the approach selected. The format of PDM is similar to that of the Logical Framework, and therefore can be commonly used worldwide.


6. Project Design Matrix (PDM) The main production of PCM is the PDM PDM is used to present information about project
objectives, outputs and activities in a systematic and logical way.

It explains

Why a project is carried out
What the projejct is expected to achieve How the project is going to achieve it Which external factors are crucial for its success Where to find the information to assess the success of the project Which means are required How much the project will cost

6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Narrative Summary Overall Goal Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification Important Assumptions

Project Purpose Outputs


Inputs Pre-conditions

6 Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Let us fill in PDM with using the case below !
Incidence of bus accidents is lowered
Road Improvement Approach

Driver follows rules

Fewer technical troubles

Better road infrastructure

Bus drivers trained

Driver Training Approach

Fewer old buses

Bus is maintained adequately

New buses purchased

Regular tech. check done

Mechanics tech. is improved Bus Maintenance Approach

Sufficient equipment provided

Bus Safety Operation Approach


6 Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Where are the project purpose, outputs and activities? Incidence of bus accidents in lowered

Drivers follow rules

Fewer technical troubles

Bus drivers trained

Fewer old buses

Bus is maintained adequately

New buses purchased

Regular tech. check done

Mechanics tech. is improved

Sufficient equipment provided


Narrative Summary

O.V. Indicator

Means V.

Important Assumption

Overall Goal Number of casualties is reduced Traffic jams in the city are decreased Project Purpose Incidence of bus accidents is lowered Outputs 1. Drivers follow the driving rules 2. Sufficient equipment is provided 3. Mechanics tech. is improved 4. Buses are maintained adequately 5. Percentage of the old bus is reduced Activities 1-1. Clarify the driving rules and manners 1-2. Designing a training programme 1-3. Write up technical materials 1-4. Implement training course for instructors 1-5. Implement drivers training 1-6. Monitor drivers manners periodically 2-1.,,, 2-2, Inputs



6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Exercise (20 minutes) Let us fill in the blank PDM with information on your Objective Tree.


6 Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Important Assumption?
Assumptions are external factors that have the potential to influence (or even determine) the success of a project, but lie outside the direct control of project managers Key points in setting Assumption
Should be relevant and probable If an assumption is not important or almost certain: Do not include

If an assumption is unlikely to occur: Killer assumption abandon project


6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Activities to Impact through Assumption
Impact Outcome







6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Example of Assumptions (in our case)
Activity level
Trained bus drivers continue working for the company Trained mechanics continue working for the company Custom clearance and transportation procedure do not delay significantly Output level Road situation of the city do not worsen drastically Project Purpose level Total number of vehicles in the city does not increase significantly Overall Goal level The public transportation policy remained unchanged.

6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI) Indicators ?

OVI measure to verify to what extant the results are achieved. Specify how the achievement of an objective can be verified or demonstrated Provide a basis for Monitoring and Evaluation 3 Dimensions of Indicators Quantity Quality Time

6 Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI) with SMART

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound


6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Example of Indicators (in our case)
Output level Over 60% of drivers follow 70% of the key driving rules by 2010 80% of the maintenance equipment in operation by 2008 60% of mechanics complete the training programme by 2008 ,, ,,, Project Purpose level The number of bus accidents is reduced by 50% by 2008 Overall Goal level Annual casualty is reduced by 60% by the year 2010 Time required to cross the city is shorted by 10% by 2010


6. Project Design Matrix (PDM)

Means of Verification (MV)
Tools or means to obtain the information required by the indicators Include:
project documents field verification ad-hoc studies


7. Workplan / Plan of Operations

The Plan of Operation is prepared by the project implementers, based on the PDM and other information. It is an effective tool for project implementation and management, and provides important data for monitoring and evaluation of the project.


7. Workplan / Plan of Operations

Example: Format of Plan of Operation
Activities Schedule Person in Charge Impleme nter Materials and Equipment Cost Remark

1-1 1-2 1-3

2-1 2-2


8.Monitoring and Evaluation


Strengthens accountability and transparency Provides information for effective management Helps determine what works well and what requires improvement Builds knowledge

8.Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation ? What is the difference?

Monitoring: Examine the degree of project progress and to modify the project contents as necessary
Evaluation: Review the project with the 5 criteria at the near completion of the project or several years later.
Recommendation and lessons learnt would be made for improving the quality of the future projects or other on-going projects

8.Monitoring and Evaluation

5 Main Criteria for Evaluation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Efficiency Effectiveness Impact Relevance Sustainability


8.Monitoring and Evaluation

Efficiency: The productivity in project implementation. The degree to which Inputs have been converted into Outputs.

Effectiveness: The degree to which the Project Purpose has been achieved by the project Outputs.
Impact: Positive and negative changes produced, directly or indirectly, as a result of the Implementation of the project. Relevance: The validity of the Overall Goal and Project Purpose at the evaluation stage. Sustainability: The durability of the benefits an and development effects produced by the project after its completion.


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