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• It is a process that concerns the interplay

between people and organizations.

• It is a six phased process beginning from

the inner state or need deficiency and
ending with need fulfillment.
We assume:

organizations exists to serve people.

Organization and people need each other.
When the needs of Organisation and people do
not match one or both will suffer.
A goal “fit” will benefit both.

Need is something which people have to have in

order to survive and develop.
The whole concept of motivation is driven
by the concept of human needs.

Unless we can understand staff needs or

our own needs , how can we satisfy them?
The concept of MOTIVATION:

Search and choice Goal directed

Need deficiency Of strategy. behavior

Rewards of
Re- evaluation
or Performance
Of Needs
Example as per the stages of MOTIVATION:

Every employee desires for promotion--- stage 1.

Employee searches for strategies to get promotion--- stage 2.

Assume that there are two ways to get promotion:
(1) putting in better performance.
(2) pleasing the boss.
The employee goes for way (1).----stage 3

His performance will be judged by the boss---stage 4

If performance is good he is promoted ,if bad he is punished—

stage 5
Definitions of MOTIVATION:

“ Motivation is the result of processes internal or

external to the individual , that arouse enthusiasm
and persistence to pursue a certain course of
Theories of Motivation:

Theories of motivation

Herzberg’s Process
Mc. Clelland’s
Content theory theory theory

Vroom’s Porter
Maslow’s Aldefer’s Equity
expectancy lawler
theory theory theory
Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory

From the point Self Achievement

of view of an Actual
individual -isation

Self- Status
Belongingness Love and care
Safety needs
Physiological needs Existence
(basic needs)
Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory

From the point Self Challenging jobs

of view of Actual
employee -isation
working in an
Organisation Job title (designation)
Belongingness Friends in work group
Safety needs
Pension plan
Physiological needs Base salary
Physiological needs

• The basic needs.

• Needs like food,drink,oxygen,sleep etc are included.
• Concerned with biological maintenance of an individual.
• Unless these needs are fulfilled the individual is not able to
think about something else. “ a hungry man cannot think of
composing music , he has to have something to eat then
only he will fulfill the need of composing the music”
• Powerful than all other needs. E.g. “ A Peruvian airplane
crashed deeply in jungles of South Africa due to dwindling
supply of food it was found that the survivors including a
Priest , resorted to eating the victims of the crash.”
• For an employee basic needs are salary and working
Safety needs

• The primary motivating force is to ensure a reasonable

degree of continuity, order, structure in one’s
• The preference for secured incomes, having
insurance, and owning one’s own house.
• Order--- religious practices makes a person secured
and same that he is not different from others who
belong to same religion.
• In an Organisation--- pension plan P.F., gratuity ,safe
working conditions.
Belongingness needs:

• Group membership becomes a dominant goal for the individual.

• Group at home--- family members, friends etc.
• Group at the office—peer people, superiors, subordinates.
• Being loved and accepted is instrumental to healthy feeling of
• Not being loved leads to feeling of futility, emptiness and
• In an Organisation the needs are compatible work groups,
friendly supervision.
• In many organizations managers do not like the informal groups
of the employees and try to break them , result being the
employee may become uncooperative , antagonistic with the
Self-Esteem needs:

• Self – Esteem has two sets

Self- Esteem
respect from others

Competence Prestige
Confidence Recognition
Personal strength Acceptance
independence status
Maslow emphasised that most healthy self esteem is
based on earned self respect from others rather than on
fame, status. Esteem is the result of efforts.
In an Organisation self esteem leads to job title,
supervisors recognition etc.
Self Actualisation
Self actualisation needs:

• As per Maslow it is the desire to become everything that

one is capable of becoming.
• The need for self-actualisation is distinctive. The more
apparent satisfaction of it a person obtains , the more
important the need for more seems to become.
• Less number of people are able to achieve self
actualisation the reasons are:
• # people are invariably blind to their own personalities.
• # the social environment stifles development towards
fulfillment .
• # strong negative influence exercised by safety needs.
(risk bearing)
Seek satisfaction for S.A.

Esteem needs satisfied? NO

Concentrate on fulfilling needs

Seek satisfaction of esteem needs

NO Concentrate on fulfilling these needs
Belongingness needs satisfied?

Seek satisfaction of belongingness

NO Concentrate on fulfilling them
Safety needs satisfied?

Seek satisfaction of safety needs

Physiological needs satisfied? No Concentrate on fulfilling them
Alderfer’s theory:

• He attempted to establish a conceptualization of

human needs that are relevant to the
organizational settings.
• Need category can be generalized as:

Existence Relatedness Growth

Existence: These are needs that relates to human existence.
Similar to physiological and safety needs of Maslow.

Relatedness: These are the needs that involve interpersonal

relationships in the work place. Relatedness needs are similar
to Maslow’s belongingness needs and safety needs.

Growth: Needs associated with development of the human

potential. Similar to Self – esteem and self- actualisation needs
of Maslow.
Herzberg’s Motivator- HYGINE THEORY.
• `
Motivational Factors
Achievement work itself
Responsibility Advancement


Hygiene Factors
Supervision Interpersonal

Job security
Company policies

Pay working condition

This model is also known as 2 factor theory.
The first part represents a formally stated theory of work
Consists of MOTIVATION.
Second aspect consists of behavioral consequences of job
enrichment and job satisfaction programmes.
Intrinsic factors like achievement, recognition, the work itself,
responsibility, advancement, and growth seem to be related to
job satisfaction. These factors are mainly known as motivators,
satisfiers ,and job content factors.

Extrinsic factors are company policy and administration ,

supervision, work condition, salary, security. These factors are
also known as dissatisfiers.
50% 40% 30% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Factors on job that led Factors on the job that

to Extreme led to extreme
dissatisfaction. satisfaction.
Work itself
Company policy
and admin.

Work condition

As per Mr. Herzberg, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not opposites of one
another they are two separate dimensions
Affected by
Satisfaction motivators

Affected by
Dissatisfaction Hygiene factors

Managers should be realistic not to expect motivation by only improving the

“hygienic” work environment.
Hygiene factors

No dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction


satisfaction No satisfaction
Mc. Clelland’s Learned Needs Theory:

• He believed that individual acquires certain needs from the culture of a

society by learning from the events that they experience, particularly in early
life. .The needs that people may learn are:

• need for achievement (n Ach): Can be defined as “ behaviour towards

competition with a standard of excellence”. Four characteristics of
individuals with a high need for achievement.
• (1) A strong desire to assume personal responsibility for finding solutions to
problems or performing a task.
• (2) A tendency to set moderately difficult achievement goals and to take
calculate risks.
• A strong desire for concrete performance feedback on tasks.
• A single- minded with task accomplishment.
Need for Power (nPow) : it can be defined as the need to control the
environment, to influence the behaviour of others , and to be responsible
for them.
This need is characterized by:
(1) A desire to direct control and someone else.
(2) A concern for maintaining leader-follower relations.

People having high n Pow tend to be superior performers, to be in

supervisory positions ,have above average attendance record.
Need for Affiliation (n Aff): The need for affiliation is defined as
an “attraction to another individual in order to feel reassured from
the other that the self is acceptable”

1. A strong desire for approval and reassurance from others.
2. A tendency to conform to the wishes and norms of others when
pressured by people whose leadership they follow.
3. A sincere interest in the feeling of others.

• Equity Theory: Based on the fact that people want to

be treated fairly.
• Adam describes the equity comparison process in terms
of input / output ratios.
• Input indicates individual’s contribution: Education,
Experience, Effort and Loyalty.
• Outcomes are what he or she receives in return such
as pay , recognition, social relationship.
Motivation to
Maintain current

Comparison of self
With others
Motivation to maintain
inequity Current situation:
Change input
Change outcomes
After perception of self
Or others.
Outcomes (self)/ Inputs (self) Leave situation.
Compared to
Outcomes (other)/ Inputs (others)
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory:

• this theory attempts to identify relationship among variables

in dynamic state as they affect individual behaviour.
• It states that motivation depends on the strength of an expectation
that the act will be followed by an a given outcome and on the
preference of an individual for that outcome.

• 3 terminologies used here are:

• VALENCE: Degree of desirability of outcomes as seen by the

individual. Includes: value, incentive, attitude and expected
Instrumentality: Refers to belief that first level outcome will
lead to the second level outcome. The superior performances
seen as being instrumental in obtaining promotion.

Expectancy: Refers to the belief that an effort will lead to

completion of A person selling “India Today”
magazine door to door may know from experience that volume
of sales is directly related to number of sales calls made.
expectancy is the probability of connection between effort and
performance. If the an employee sees no chance that effort will
lead to desired performance , the expectancy is zero.
Porter and Lawler's theory:
They came out with a comprehensive theory of motivation. They insisted
that motivation, performance and satisfaction are all separate variables
and relate in ways different from what was traditionally assumed.

Porter and Lawler point out that effort does not directly led to
performance. It is mediated by abilities , traits, and role perceptions.

Most important in P & L model is what happens after performance. The

Rewards that follow & how they are perceived will determine satisfaction.
Guid el ine s to moti vate peopl e a s per P & L
mode l:

Place the right person on the right job.

( match the ability and traits).

Carefully explain the employees what their roles are

and make sure that they understand their roles.

Prescribe in concrete terms the actual performance

levels expected of the individuals.

Make sure that the rewards dispensed are valued by the

• Prakash is an engineer in a large design engine office. he
belongs to a poor but disciplined family. The family had rural
background. For Prakash it was “earn while you learn”
althrough till he graduated with architecture as major.
• Prakash is intelligent, capable and hard working but hesitate to
take RISKS. He hesitate to take decisions by himself and often
bring the petty issues and problems to his boss or to the peers.
Whenever he does a design job , he brings it in rough draft to
his boss for approval before finalising it.
• Since Prakash is a capable person his boss wants to motivate
him to be more independent in his work. The boss believed that
this approach will improve Prakash’s performance , relieve the
boss from extra routine and give Prakash more self confidence.
However the boss is not sure about how to motivate Prakash .
• In the role of a boss , plan how you will motivate Prakash..

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